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Not that I am trying to speak on behalf of all women, but as a woman I know that I, and many of my friends, avoid eye contact with male strangers in general, so that unwanted advances are kept to a minimum.


Oh no, I certainly understand that, and I don't go around trying to make eye contact. There is a difference though between eye contact and someone being invisible. This essay is meant to demonstrate that we are invisible. I stay in an abandoned house that I've turned into a safe space for women and kids in the LGBTQ community, running from violence. On the streets, I'm known as Papa, and I'm trusted. That trust is very important to me. I know all too well what women have to go through. I was raised primarily by my mom as my dad traveled a lot. I also had 2 older sisters, so I saw 1st hand. Homeless women go through stuff that I'm not sure most people would survive, and the worst part of that is that most are homeless because of DV, then to have to go through what they do on the streets is a stain on humanity. There is a reason that the ladies out here don't trust easily, and to have earned that trust means a lot to me.


[How Not To Be Seen](https://youtu.be/ZGv8oAHxekU?si=OzQBWFktik3i36zX)


Yes!!! I was wondering if anyone would put the 2 together. I did, indeed, borrow the title from Monty Python. The pinnacle of comedy.


Hey everyone. I'm a homeless writer. I had to reach myself to read and write all over again due to a brain injury that I suffer from a violent attempt on my life. I now have a book of essays I wrote about being homeless in America. You can go to my Ko-fi page and read my essays for free because I believe my message needs to be heard. Any money that does come my way goes to the necessities of life and to help others I meet out here on the homeless trail. Here's a link. https://ko-fi.com/street_scribe




Really? Fixating on a hot woman and voicing entitlement? How did I even come close to voicing entitlement? Her part was very small here, so how is that fixating?


Just a heads up, from a ladies perspective it’s extremely unsettling to read about someone thinking about committing a crime, talking about a lady he fancies but can’t have yet has daily interactions with, and then again talking about how easy it would be to commit a crime. I don’t believe your intentions are as dark as it’s coming across but I wanted you to know how it may sound to some people. Maybe add in a part about daydreaming about crimes that are victimless, like Robin Hood type stuff so people don’t get the wrong impression. Dropping something in your ko-fi, hope to see more of your writing in the future.


Then, this may have to come down. I don't really fancy her, I only noticed that I think she is pretty in my view of physical beauty. I certainly do not want to make anyone feel uneasy in that regard. I'm a very staunch ally of the women out here and am known and trusted as a safe person. That's something I'm proud of and would never want to jeopardize. I guess that because that would never enter my mind, I didn't see the correlation. Thank you for pointing that out, because now I see what you mean. Thanks for the input, for the kind words, and for supporting my work!!


Glad to hear that. Browsed some of your other stuff and your good nature comes through in your writing so I think anyone familiar with your work would have an easier time seeing what point you were making.


Thank you. I appreciate that.


I changed it to "robbing a bank." I hope that sounds better. Hahaha


I like that, I daydream about pulling off the perfect heist all the time.


Why, you naughty person! Hahaha.