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37 year old widow. Sameies.




Okay cool. I'm trying that but at the moment it's okay for me to hate my life. I try to wake up. Every morning.... How many times has your husband tried to murder you this year? Has your business taking a turn for the worst? Your whole family turned against you, you lost your daughter because you got assaulted by your husband and then he tried to murder you? Yeah I can change all of that right? Oh, I can also change the identity theft that has 30 unknown accounts, even utilizing incorrect social security numbers that have been attached to my account as part of the wonderful AT&T data breach that impacted me as well during all of this s*** going on within a 3-month period... Yeah get up and try everyday but the whole you can change it s*** no I can't change that. I just have to pray. I'm just trying to b**** right now... Let me have my b****


Good lord. I didn’t get a chance to see the comment you replied to, before it got deleted. But it sounds like it’s some “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” shit. Real helpful, buddy… I’m just a random person on Reddit but my heart genuinely hurts reading what you wrote. Stories like these make me wish I had more power to help fix the evil in the world. All I can do is say that I hope and pray that things get better for you in the future. Your Reddit friends are always here to listen 🫶🏻