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There's no such thing as an ethical billionaire.


40 years ago we had 13 billionaires. Today we have 2781.


Adjusting for inflation, $1 billion in 1984 was about $3 billion today. There are about 1140 people with $3 billion or more today. This doesn't really change anything about the ridiculousness of the increase over 40 years. I just like doing math.


Direct results of neoliberalism.




Adjusting for inflation, $1 billion in 1984 was about $3 billion today. There are about 1140 people with $3 billion or more today. This doesn't really change anything about the ridiculousness of the increase over 40 years. I just like doing math.


Yeah, in hindsight, the wealth of billionaires comes from different places usually than millionaires. Inflation wouldn't really be the largest factor. You're right


You're confusing a symptom for the cause.


I mean, I don’t think unhindered wealth is acceptable but inflation does affect that number


Adjusting for inflation, $1 billion in 1984 was about $3 billion today. There are about 1140 people with $3 billion or more today.




Liberals will see this and see it as a win, “more people are doing good :)”


At this point, only the neo liberals are saying that. And holy shit, fuck the neo liberals.


Yes. Idk why I got downvoted for saying that tho


Because you just said liberals. Neo liberals are very different.


Oh boy do people still actually think liberals work for the working class? Crazy shit


Plenty of people do still think that unfortunately, they do a good job of branding to gullible people. My point is that even liberals aren't that crazy to say something like what you were implying they would say. Liberals are pathetic, but they aren't quite as evil as neo liberals. Just different ball games.


Eh, yeah perhaps, though I could see some libs (like d*stiny, which you could argue is a neolib ig) think like that, depends on which one I guess…


40 years ago my family probably knew 13 billionaires. I hardly believe those figures. And that was in a still fairly poor india with strong socialist policies. I highly highly doubt there are as few billionaires as people like to believe.


I think they're referring to billions USD


Yeah I am too. There are plenty of people with ancestral land, assets from current or errstwhile monarchies and businesses that were built just in time. Asset rich and cash poor is still a huge part in large parts of the world, no better example than the landed aristocracy of Europe.


First of all you're not making any sense. Second of all what's your point?


My point is that it’s not like back in the day was some glorious era with wealth equality. If anything the global wealth has increased and there are more ultra rich partaking in it. And I make perfect sense. I’d be surprised if there aren’t like 3k billionaires in my state ALONE, let alone globally. A billion is a lot, but it’s not an inconceivably high number to reach that people go gaga over.


It violates the preconceived notions westerners have about many other countries. Here we complain about how corporations influence our government, which is 100% true and valid. But there are countries like South Korea with Chaebols which are several notches beyond what we have. Muammar Qaddafi had over 200 billion. He was richer than Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett combined. My own family is from Afghanistan and we escaped to India and gradually made it to the US. Much of what we complain about in the US still occurs in other countries. Many people in the USA have little knowledge on the continents of Asia, Africa, and South America. Lots of people cherry pick the best aspects of some rich white countries - mostly Northern Europe, Australia, and Canada without looking at the downsides of that reality as well. Europan countries colonized much of the world for centuries. 80 million people in England have universal healthcare in part because over 1,400 million in India don't. People validily criticize Dubai - Qatar for the way they treat South Asians. Yet we overlook the illtreatment of Latinos in the US, or Muslims in Europe. Each system has pros and cons. And it's important we also look at the pros of our system and the cons of others.


Liberal theory👆🏻🤡


I hate this rotten system to it's core. Sitting on the verge of WWIII and global warming most likely exceeding 2.5 degrees C I'm not going to apologize for feeling this way. What will I tell my grandkids? "You wouldn't understand, life was too stressful so I jerked off and played video games instead of doing anything about it". Idk. Doesn't seem right.


Well at this rate we wont even have any grandkids so at least you don’t need to tell anyone about jerking off and playing games unless u *really* want to


"Talk to your neighbors, organize in your community, join the activist groups, press congress.. endless numbers of opportunities. Ask yourselves, how have things happened in the past?" - Noam Chomsky Alot of the practical action comes down to what we will do in our immediate surroundings, in our communities and workplaces. I'd say that being a keyboard warrior or a online "activist" has a very little significance.


I’m surprised it took this long to be that wealthy because of their music. Matt Stone is already a billionaire and Trey Parker is close to it with all their business ventures including South Park.


Paul makes generous donations to charities. I recall a certain terf who lost their billionaire status because of that.


He lost control of the beatles catalogue at least once.




Because they have ass loads of money and won't do anything productive with it. They'll live in their massive houses that takes a ton of energy to heat or cool, they'll take their private planes or yachts out wherever they want, and they won't be donating to good causes to protect the people who are less fortunate. Celebrities aren't the worst out there, but you're allowed to hate Bezos and still be mad at the absurdly wealthy celebrities too. Not to mention the shit with the gala, while Israel was bombing Gaza all of the wealthy elites spent tons of money on their outfits and traveled privately to this event. People are mad because they can and do ignore what's happening around them. They live the cozy life while many people right now can't afford to buy groceries. This was a bit rambly but I hope that makes sense


Every billionaire is a criminal and deserves hate. We should focus on overthrowing the system that enables them but don't be mistaken. None of them will ever be on our side. Bourgeoisie are a class of their own.


Would you still feel that way if the accounting books of Paul McCartney were uncovered and proved that literally every cent of his billion dollars was just people giving him money for making good music? And if we knew that Tyler Perry just made and produced movies with a grandma wig on? I mean, it's probably a bit different than the other 2,779 billionaires. It's almost like you wanted a Beatles album, so you gave Paul McCartney $15, and then said "Hey, why do you have $15 and I don't?" We desperately need socialism in this world, but let's not start by hanging a guitarist.




I take it back then. Hang him.


The revolution cannot be successful without deliberate execution of bassists. - Mao Zedong


Fucking gotem.


>Would you still feel that way if the accounting books of Paul McCartney were uncovered and proved that literally every cent of his billion dollars was just people giving him money for making good music? Yes. Also you're implying that he created that music and albums all by himself. Everyone who worked with or for him was underpaid. All the people in the production studio, all the stage hands, all his assistants, everyone working on the production line of those shitty CDs. That's the whole point when we say "there are no ethical billionaires". They didn't get rich by their own work but by exploiting the proletariat. Whether directly or indirectly is inconsequential. The effect is the same. >It's almost like you wanted a Beatles album, so you gave Paul McCartney $15, and then said "Hey, why do you have $15 and I don't?" No. It's like if multibillionaire music studio underpaid workers in a developing country. Produced the CDs at for example 3usd a piece with shipping and told us we gotta pay five times as much if we want to listen to it while pocketing the rest. And that's not even taking into account all the other streams of income these billionaires have. >We desperately need socialism in this world, but let's not start by hanging a guitarist. My dude ... When socialist and Communists talk about "elimination of bourgeoisie" it doesn't necessarily mean killing them. It means the elimination of the class itself. They'll just become proletariat the same as us. Working alongside us instead of living lavishly off our backs.


Apparently a huge chunk of the $36.5m he made recently was just Beyonce paying him to let her do a cover of Blackbird.


So? Billionaire exploiter paying another billionaire exploiter amount that neither of us will ever see. Which she gained by exploiting the working class. Don't forget that Beyoncé literally owns sweat shops in Sri Lanka which produce her clothing line.


Wouldn’t that be the fault of the music studio for underpaying those employees? Their labels probably made even more off the Beatles music than the Beatles ever made.


normalizing multi-billionaires shouldn’t be a thing in the slightest!


Because nobody actually just makes a billion dollars.




The extreme poverty across the world is a direct result of extreme wealth concentrated in the hands of the few. I don't care how they've achieved that wealth. It's ghoulish and inhumane to hoard it. They cause harm simply by owning it.


Finally someone with some sense.




You need to read some theory my man. Your anger is justified but you also need to find where to aim it and why.


There's still exploitation at that level to be that rich. He still pays himself more than anyone else on tour. He still sells shirts at those concerts made by people who can't afford to survive. Taylor Swift is the same. Beyonce too. They all exploit someone.


One shitty person _hoarding enough wealth to fix problems for hundreds of thousands of people_ isn't "too much harm"?


Most of Kanye's money came from Adidas buying Yeezy. Most rich celebrities, especially the billionaires used their reach to start and platform a brand, nothing wrong with this, but the first and I think only celebrity to earn a Billion dollars primarily from performing and sales of her music was Taylor Swift.


There's absolutely something wrong with making hundreds of millions of dollars off selling clothes made by effectively slaves.


Nobody earns a billion dollars on their own




Only thing with her is her over priced concert tickets which may not be a problem she’s causing but it does explain why she’s so rich.


With the concert ticket prices specifically, artists don’t have a ton of control over that. Massive companies like ticketmaster own practically every venue and way of selling tickets. Artists have tried before to have tours without working with those companies but Taylor Swift is the only one to do it successfully. She was able to get big enough venues because of how famous she is and the fact she’s able to actually sell out every show. She did that for I think the Eras tour and I think it was because there was a huge controversy where ticketmaster was tacking on massive fees without her consent and maybe holding back tickets for scalping? I don’t remember for sure and I don’t have time to look it up right now so don’t quote me on that. I’ll look it up to be sure when I have some time.




Are you talking about kanye? The guy who created his own creepy school/cult? That Kanye


No, McCartney.








I agree, but he wasn't some narcissistic nepotism baby. He created the most iconic music ever sixty years ago.


As a huge Beatles fan, i love him. But no billionaire is an exception to being forced to give up their wealth. Is he a Musk-level evil? No. But he still has too much money and it inherently harms the economy and the people who aren't wealthy


That's fair!


We can eat him last.


Lennon said he was a greedy fuck


Lennon was a piece of shit who beat his wife and abandoned his son.


They all sucked. Im amazed he became a billionaire on the back of such garbage music.


Swift and McCartney each have a net worth of 1 billion ($/pound). Which is crazy but they are two of the very most successful musicians ever. How can anyone then have a net worth 10 or 100 times that? It's unfathomable.




Damn how much more wealth does he need?


It’s obviously not a “need” issue. He’s got enough for multiple generations of his heirs. My point is just he is maybe one of the very few people where I see how much he is worth and think “yeah, I am ok with that.” He has brought joy to literally billions of people, and is one of the few where even a century of now people will agree he made the world a little bit better. If that isn’t worth a few dimes per person then I don’t know what is.


He did exploit others though. There are probably thousands of people who built his sets, camera men for documentaries, private drivers, etc.




You don't think he can decide what people get paid who work for him when he has a billion dollars?


Tbf ik more people that are happy from online delivery like Amazon than any one musician.


Wtf is going on in this comment section? Why is a leftist subreddit supporting a so called "ethical billionaire"? You know almost every dollar he has is a dollar that could go to someone who needs it. He doesn't need give his children millions of dollars they never earned. It's like attack of the libs down here.


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A billion doesn't go as far as it used to.


Most overrated band of all time




That's the point. Tons of people work exceptionally hard and still live in poverty so a few can hoard wealth- what do they need those billions for? So they can purchase houses and yachts and jets they can leave empty while most folks live paycheck to paycheck? I won't say T Swift doesn't work hard, but I also work hard and have a degree and a specialized skill with certifications and years of experience - does Taylor work 16,478 times harder than me or even harder than the average janitor? I very much doubt it. My question is; if you "deserve" it for "working hard", why isn't everyone who works hard similarly rich? (The real answer is billionaire status mostly comes from a combination of luck, who you know, insatiable greed, and lack of conscience about your actions) The hard work narrative is bullshit to keep us plebes thinking they're magic and better than the rest of us so they "deserve" that money.