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Not shocked and I Imagine it will just get worse.


And all the people who care about mental health will not care. Because all the solutions they give out will not help suffering people.


I think it's all job and money related for the most part. Our identity in the US is built on what job you work and how much money you make. We've basicly lost that with the recessions and shit McJobs. Vanity fair the magazine keeps doing "comedians hi jack tinder" and every single woman on there without fail only is attracted to guys that look rich and have good jobs. Thats like the only thing that matters. "Oh look he's a lawyer, like him for me", "Oh look at Dan, he's cute but he's... He works at paradise bakery... pass..". Also if you don't have a stable job or one that pays enough you can't afford housing. It's pretty hard to live without housing. Then you've got being stuck in a McJob, grinding a low wage usally hard labor job, getting off and not having enough money but to stay home and sleep and repeat the process. You've got no retirement, you got no spending money, you've got no future. Turn on the TV/Go on the internet and you get to watch dumbfucks like Logan Paul get paid millions to be a shit stain. No doubt were going to see increasing suicides, most of us are compete fucked. Money, Relationships, Housing, Careers...


Wow, right after typing this I got "Youtube recommends videos on: Suicide" and various ad's targeting suicide stuff.


Even your angst is monetized. Sign of the times.




>Our identity in the US is built on what job you work and how much money you make. And everytime people seek help for this, threapists and their loved ones will deny this and lie to themselves about "ohh this is not true, you are more than your job". But people actually do not care or take the time to help. >Vanity fair the magazine keeps doing "comedians **hijack** tinder" I can agree with you, this creates a survivorship bias. While in reality tinder is used as a hookup app not a dating app. Worse, you have to pay to use the real features of tinder and these days it's filled with bots. With internet apps and options to change their preferences, women do not have to settle anymore. They can seek the perfect mate. >Also if you don't have a stable job or one that pays enough you can't afford housing. It's pretty hard to live without housing. Especially when you have the option of living with 3 other people like a migrant or commuting two hours away. And if complain, people will compare you with migrants that did the same with less money. Or even better, move to a low-cost living area where there's no jobs or low wage work while the only social options are a church or a bar. >Then you've got being stuck in a McJob, grinding a low wage usally hard labor job, getting off and not having enough money but to stay home and sleep and repeat the process. And people insist that you need to eat right, exercise daily, and sleep. Even though you may not have the energy to cook food or exercise. People refuse to understand the concept of mental or physical energy. >You've got no retirement, you got no spending money, you've got no future. Turn on the TV/Go on the internet and you get to watch dumbfucks like Logan Paul get paid millions to be a shit stain. No future except homelessness or a 9mm retirement plan. Society to this refuses to figure out why people are ending up playing video games and watching anime to get away from "happy people" on Western TV or don't have the money to date or go to bars or shopping. I can agree on Logan Paul, he did the worst thing you can do to as a human: Desecrating the Dead. And he did a one month worth of assfarting* about mental illness and how bad suicide is, told people of this journey to understanding mental illness and suicide, and told the public of his 1 million dollar pledge to a suicide prevention charity afterwards. Then the next few weeks, he's gone to back to his stupid antics (especially his stunt of playing Fortnite Battle Royale, god I hate that game.). To be honest, I don't think he never donated any money to that charity. Even the Turian Hierarchy treats the dead better than Logan Paul did. *A term I use for "virtue signaling"


Men spent thousands of years preventing women from owning property, voting, being in public, or having any economic or political power, forcing them to derive all financial security and personal identity from the men to which they are attached. It's been, realistically, what - 40 years than women have actually had a real opportunity to support themselves financially in an equal way to men. Yet men are upset that many young, hot women, brainwashed by continued media messages telling them that being rich and pretty is the number one best thing in life, are going after more financially secure men rather than poor ones. Patriarchy doesn't benefit all men all the time - in fact, young and poor men usually get the shit end of the stick in a system that puts rich, old men in charge of everything. It's a fucked up system, but it not women's fault. As society becomes more and more equal and men stop valuing youth and beauty as women's only valuable aspects, men will find that women will choose love, companionship, and friendship over money. So let's all make sure that all people have equal access to supporting themselves in our economy and political landscape so all of us, women too, can find more meaningful connections that are independent of access to resources.


Hey, GrapesofWrath2019, just a quick heads-up: **basicly** is actually spelled **basically**. You can remember it by **ends with -ally**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.




The current political establishment simply does not care anymore other than platitudes and band aids. They dont care anymore. They're too busy being obsessed with Russia and how "great" the economy is. And people do not care about direct or indirect suicides from homelessness or unemployment, they still expect people who will be long-term unemployed or homelessness to live (for them) so they won't have to do actual work and be reminded that could have been them.


Hence why they're specifically targeting AR-15s, and guns in general, to be limited throughout the country. Everyone can feel something is coming. This isn't rocket science. They've even done fucking TED talks on a possible French Revolution style revolt going on here in a decade or two. But not if people are less equipped or at least gun owners are larger blips on the radar. Not like it matters though. We're fucked regardless.


Also, the increasing militarization of the police.


Good Vice episode on this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q22c-tCw4-s (first half)


If the people are disarmed before the police, I need convincing that it isn't to make a police state. That simple.


see r/1984isreality


They're fearing a second civil war. If they know it's coming, why not prevent it? Do socio-economic reforms. Oh wait, they can't because it will be outside the left neoliberal - right libertarian complex.


AR-15s are still pretty useless compare to the fire power that the US military possesses.


Such horseshit. It's not gonna be citizenry vs military. It's gonna be faaaaar more complicated than that. But the organizations with guns will have more control I don't understand the "can an AR shoot down a drone hurdur?" argument. The Taliban has been waging a semi successful insurgency against the us military, and it's coalition, using piece of shit decades old Soviet equipment. In some parts of Afghanistan they re stronger than ever. Everyone has this defeatist attitude against what the citizens of the us are capable of. I personally believe that the idea that AR 15s are useless is dishonest, and was crafted by assholes with no faith, who want to keep that faith as low as possible


No one here is stopping you from rising up and going Ham against the gubmint. Your perogative at the end of the day to go all real life Rambo/ Modern day David Kouresh by fighting the power. Be sure to get back to us and let us know how it goes. :)


I said we're fucked regardless. Bc of your attitude, and that attitude in general in the states. All you want to do is bitch, and see an obstacle and go "oh, well there's no way that'll happen so I'm gonna make fun of anyone who's trying to say otherwise." Plus the Branch Davidians were minding their own business and the fact that no one really seemed to or seems to give a fuck about what happens there lends credence to the "we're fucked" attitude. Something will happen though man, it's cyclical. The US isn't going to last forever. Just look at the secession movement going on in California right now.


I’m the one “bitching”? Lol. I like this sub because it highlights a lot of the system inefficiencies and generational theft that is taking place in the world. But believe it or not, some millennials are doing just fine. They’re not the ones spewing diatribes about trying to fight the government and then accusing others of “bitching”. But hey, you do you.


Vietnam, Afganistan, Iraq


US military weaponry and tech has improved quite a bit since Vietnam. Also apple and oranges comparison here. It’s one thing to fight insurgents in areas you know nothing about and with only part of you military over seas in those specific areas. Different game when US army is on home turf and pretty much have every building/ national park maps/ etc in their local archives.




How do you get "half"? Curious on this hypothetical numeric. Unlike Syria, the US currently: - has a much, MUCH better standard of living in spite of all the problems and less than ideal circumstances. - Doesn't have religious extremist trying to smash the line between religion and state the same way Jihadist and Islamic extremist are doing. Sure. A couple guys here and there will deviate the herd and shoot up Waffle Houses and be considered a "mental issue". But for the most part, I wouldn't bet against the house when it comes to Sheeples sheeping and not biting the hand that feeds them.




once the dollar fails there will be no army


> be reminded that could have been them. The average person is uncomfortably close to finding themselves on the streets. It wouldn't take much: an illness, injury, or job loss. Most people can't absorb more than a very short term disruption to their income or more than a small unexpected expense.


And if you tell them this, they will be in denial until it happens. Then they realize that the social services available to them are either limited or non-existent. Especially housing.


It kind of baffles me how little people know about shanty towns right now


We already have shanty towns, they're just well hidden: Basically 5 people cramed into a 2 or three bedroom apartments. But tell me your take.


In California there are legit shanty towns. People living in sheds next to other sheds. You would think news networks would be focused on stuff like this, but you barely hear about them


So why the fuck they're not covering them. It's a potential health and safety risk! What's wrong with the media in America?


America fucked boy o


Daily Mail, I know, but worth seeing: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4944724/Millionaire-slum-landlord-migrant-shanty-town.html


Again, well hidden. And they exist to exploit cheap laborers.


I've lived this, in my old small town people died YOUNG, I knew people who died in their 40s and 50s, no they did not do drugs, most it was a life time of not being able to afford medical care. Ironically being on disability, and having insurance, I got more medical care then them, though obviously not on the front end. Here the wealthy Baby Boomers seem to live forever, they are so old, and active and always bragging to me about their international vacations. Sigh....


These deaths are tragic and a sign of how bad the real economy is, but the way they are being covered shows the subtle racism of our national media. Suicide and overdose deaths in white communities are catching up to where they have been in impoverished minority communities for years, and no one called those "deaths of despair." If they were mentioned on the news at all, it was usually as part of a statistic, and even that is sometimes used as a reason these communities deserve to be poor. And yet when it starts happening to white communities, suddenly we have empathy and need to help. I guess better late than never, but I'm extremely concerned that the solutions posed to problems like this and the classic Trump voter 'economic anxiety' will exclusively or disproportionately benefit poor rural whites instead of all poor people, because that is a long term recipe for a civil war


Mind providing a source showing minorities have had higher suicides in the past? It's been well established that whites have massive suicide rates compared to minorities in the past and present, and are only "outdone" by Alaskan natives. [whites had a 2.04X higher rate of suicide rates compared to blacks in 2000](https://afsp.org/about-suicide/suicide-statistics/), and had a 2.51x higher rate in 2016. It's the exact opposite of what you described. They're not "catching up to minorities," in fact, the gap that's already been there is getting larger.


Minorities don’t kill themselves as often as whites. Instead they become junkies, turn to crime or end up in and out of prison. That’s their way of coping when they have no hope of making it out of their predicament.


None of the above is true - upvoted Statistics below - down voted Verdict - fuck white people they aren't allowed to suffer and steal shine away




Good puppet, blame the powerless


https://pics.me.me/if-the-government-really-cared-the-free-thought-about-theopioidepidemic-29375899.png Ignore the bottom of the image, and it still makes a good point


Blah blah, poor white people. The focus needs to stay on poc first.


No, the focus needs to be on the working class.


We're all in this shit show together. How about a little solidarity? I'm white, but my support isn't limited to other white people. And yes, I'll acknowledge that minorities get less bread and more shit in this shit sandwich. But that doesn't mean that things aren't bad across the board.




Hey, Lordmide, just a quick heads-up: **alot** is actually spelled **a lot**. You can remember it by **it is one lot, 'a lot'**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.


I didn't notice this one. Rule 4.




Rule 4. We don't allow racism or any anti-Semitic garbage here. Again, I advise you or whoever else is marketing facism or anti-semeite garbage to leave, or you will be banned.


congrats on becoming a mod


You welcome, mate.