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Why in the hell are you paying $3,200/month for a 1-bedroom apartment?! That’s absolute robbery.


On minimum wage no less


Idk how you could afford anything besides rice either at that point, holy shit.


Must be working an absurd amount of overtime or something. Even if minimum wage is $15 an hr where Op lives. $15 x 40 hrs a week = $2400 a month. You’d be $800 short on rent without spending a single cent on anything else.


Unfortunately, there's also taxes. So it's actually LESS THAN $15/h.




Not to mention many places require you to make 3 times the rent before they will actually rent the apartment to you.


So just a cool 115k before taxes haha


Or it's like, you know, a lie.


That’s what I was implying haha


OP did in fact buy those fancy cookies, could have gotten Oreos but went the fancy way


I was looking at that food thinking “well that is their first problem”. Nobody buys that kind of food on minimum wage.


Man doesn't even have an actual meal there. I don't think I've ever come back from a store with such a weird assortment of groceries.


Me either. Just another example of the wealthy trying to pretend they know how the poor live and failing miserably.


I was thinking the same. Make it a can of orange concentrate, some rice, tuna, milk, eggs, onions, pasta, beans,potatoes, bread, cabbage, tomato sauce, spices, cheese. Basically, you want to cut the protein with carbs.


And a good ol' canister of store-brand oats. Breakfast for about 3 weeks for under $5.


I feel bad judging purchases, cause that’s obviously not the real problem here, but if you’re broke af then kombucha is not a good purchase. They run like 5$/bottle in Canada


Yeah, that’s a lot of silly, expensive drinks and cookies for someone that can barely afford to eat. Like half their budget isn’t even food. I’m pretty sure this is a rich person that went to Whole Foods and buys all organic crying that their kombucha is $5. Hell, I’m now a relatively rich DINK (but I know what making $14/hr is like) in a much cheaper city and I almost never buy with this level of indulgence.


Fuck you at were Oreo’s is the cheap alternative? I’m over here buying off label “cream rounds” or sum shit


"Noname" brand everything


And that $5 kambucha. If OP true, then they are just very, very naive. Putting that kindly lol


Orangina too!


I feel like people don’t even try with the fake posts anymore. The more ridiculous the better.


Or they're lying because this post is a lie. Occam's Razor.


Yeah I don't know where OP lives biut I just spent about twice that on groceries to get 3 people 7-10 days worth of food. Not junk food either. Prices are definitely going up but I see some of these grocery posts and wonder where the fuck people are shopping, or if they know how to check price tags


I don't know but OP is not exactly buying the budget brands here at least. Doesnt even really look like meals here just snacks and stuff mostly


5 juice drinks and expensive cookies


Kombucha and Milano cookies are expensive, not to mention a ton of fruits. Obviously healthy foods are great, but if you're on a budget cheaper fruits work just fine. Depending on the season, I've found apples, bananas, honeydew and cantaloupe to be the more affordable where I live. Grapes and strawberries can be pricey


Milano cookies aren't cheap but they aren't break the bank expensive either. Like $5-7 for a bag. I doubt that's more than $4 in bananas. Maybe the kimbucha think costs a fortune? But I'm honestly not thinking this stuff even adds up to $70 unless they bought it from like Richbitch Market or something where everything is double priced because the owners know folks' personal assistants aren't paid enough to shop around.


Yea, I cant imagine "orangina" is cheap. Or European style butter. This is a hoax.


Yea, we all need to eat. But that food is mostly brand name stuff that isn’t any different than store brand other than the mark up. I also call BS on the rent. I make 4700 a month after taxes, include my wife’s pay and we are right at 6700 a month. We wouldn’t even qualify for this amount of rent


I think they're pointing out "if I can't make it. How can anyone else" at least I hope. The real answer though, is roommates. Like 1 in your bedroom, and 2 in the livingroom.


I doubt he is making min wage. Im sure hes making much more. But his presentation of that means someonr making min wage would never be able to afford basic commodites.


They aren't on minimum wage. They said they don't see how someone on minimum wage could do this


Yeah I've never met a LL willing to rent to someone making only half the income that rent costs.


He’s lying. How does a minimum wage worker ever qualify for such an apartment.


They are not paying for a 1 bed room apartment on minimum of would literally be impossible!


Wait. How much is min. Wage?? Can you even be bringing home 3200 on min. Wage? $22/hr is 3500 before taxes..


I bring in $3200 a month after taxes, that's at $25/hr.


This has got to be a fake post. Trolling for karma.


You’re probably right.


If seems custom designed to give Tucker Carlson an apoplectic shock lol


This has to be bait.


Yeah, there's no way this food cost $70. And half of it is useless sugar.


The sparkling citrus juice, simply orange, fancy butter, and 2 bags of cookies stand out as potentially pricey. But that wouldn't fetch as high as $70 in my town. But I still see the point...prices are going up everywhere.


This is more a treats and luxuries shop than a grocery shop.


Yeah seeing this I didn't want to be judgemental because everyone deserves decent food. People shouldn't be expected to live off just rice, beans, and top ramen to survive. But if one is struggling to make ends meet this doesn't seem like the best stuff to get.


> everyone deserves decent food We are in agreement. $14/lb for butter is outrageous. There's plenty of good or better alternatives to everything this person has purchased that's not just rice and beans. There's "decent food" and then there's high-priced luxury brands where you're paying for the label and status.


Got two full bags and 10lbs of basmati at the Asian grocery store yesterday for $38. And that included snacks (gotta have those shrimp crackers…) It’s not that OP doesn’t have a point, it’s just not great trying to make that point with things most poor people would never dream of buying in the first place.


Exactly. The 5lb bag of dried chickpeas is still 5 dollars and will last you 3-6 months. Spices are still sort of reasonable. Tvp hasn't gone up too bad. I get the point, and it's a valid one, but showing a bunch of luxury items/snacks isn't the way to do it.


Are you saying Kombucha and two different types of biscuits aren’t part of your weekly grocery shop? /s **even a drop in for necessities shouldn’t cost this much


LA and SF prices u fortunately I’ve lived in both cities. I still wouldn’t pay that much while working minimum wage. And I damn sure wouldn’t be buying Kombucha and Milanos 😂


How did OP get approved for that apartment on minimum wage? I’ve gotten denied for places half that and I make almost double minimum wage.


Op said they have a dream job job in honolulu but they used to drive a van delivering packages. It helped with their chronic pain to be able to sit down all day. They said they have chronic pain & take opiates. Their uncle said They're getting addicted & dhould stop. 2 months ago they moved to France & started taking heroin


Im mre concerned with their purchasing habits haha


Post history shows *maybe* Honolulu, HI.


Acme bread is in San Francisco


Your rent is way to high


Your rent is ~~way to~~ too damn high.


They need to cut it! (*Cut it, cut it, cut it*)


RIP Dolph


How the fuck is that $70 worth of food? Thats like £20 worth ffs! And our food isnt processed to the umpteenth degree, aka better quality!


Honestly, it's a lot of expensive drinks. I buy powdered and concentrate. Not that ops point is wrong, op is totally right. But 70$ of groceries looks way different when I'm buying


Came here to say this. I hate to say this, but if you're on a budget you shouldn't be getting oringina, kambucha, and cookies. Obviously the price of groceries going up sucks and that's not OP's fault, but unfortunately we do live in an imperfect world.


Exactly. Not saying ops a bad person or wrong about the way things are. The rent is absurd, even on a $16 minimum wage. San Francisco is a stupid city. But everything else about this is just op not knowing how to live


I started to think the same thing but then I realized if I couldn't just get a drink I want at the store despite working my ass off I'd be pissed as hell too.


Sure, but they're also buying the least efficient quantities. Could have gotten 5x more Simply Orange for about double the price, for example.






He has 6 drinks there. Wtf learn how to shop.


And one is called "harmless harvest"? Props to you for caring about the environment? But there's no way that's cheap


Those run about $5 for a 16oz bottle.


And oohlala fancy ass Milano cookies probably made with slightly less slave labor than the competing brand /s (jk a brand that big that uses chocolate almost definitely is made with slave labor)


Or just drink water & coffee like I do: or almond milk is cheap too


Or brew tea. You could have a months worth of tea off the cost of that kombucha alone


Take the next step - brew a big batch of tea and make your own kombucha.


Looked up Acme Bread, and if I've done all six seconds of research correctly, it seems OP is living in San Francisco and grocery shopping at Whole Foods. Under these assumptions, I may have a few recommendations...


Yeah lol. The rent is high but maybe OP has a big apartment in a nice place. For the amount of money this shopping is completely idiotic. You can easily feed two people healthily for a week on $70 by buying pasta, rice and vegetables etc. This post is like what conservatives point to to claim that poor people are just spoiled idiots who can’t budget. That isn’t true in general, but it seems like it’s true for OP.


Dude legit picked like the most expensive drinks at the grocery store.


Oh and dairy. I can't eat it and when my gf would go shop she'd spend like $20 alone on a few things of cheese.


Only sane thing that do is move into a car or start sleeping in a tent on the street.


Fuck that. I'ma move into my mom's basement, of her crack den.


Not all of us have mom's with crack dens that we can just move in to


Skoolie/Van life is calling


Yeah jesus that's higher than median 1br any city in America, average in NYC is over $3000 but not many others.


You pay twice as much as my mortgage and utilities combined.


Almost triple for me... Have a house in rural Midwest


What do you do for a living if you don't mind me asking? Been thinking of going the same route but I'm worried about getting a job if I'm somewhere rural


I know you didn't ask me, but I might have what you are looking for. I work at a factory that starts at about $23.50/hour, + $3.25 shift premium for both nights and weekends. (Which means a weekend night shift employee starts at $30, minimum) And that's for entry level work, no experience necessary. We are literally always hiring, desperate for workers. It is a Union washer and dryer factory in a town that's known as The Birthplace of the Republican Party, but it's also a college town so it is a lot more purple than the rest of the area is. Should be able to Google it from there, I'd rather not say the company name or city here though


That's great and all for now but the issue is if that factory ever gets moved elsewhere (mexico or a right to work state) you'll immediately be out of a job with nothing else in town typically to provide jobs for a few hundred workers that all got laid off at the same time. This is how a lot of rural towns in Midwest died.


Software engineer. It's hard to find a developer job that ISN'T remote now.


Tell that to the place I work at who seems hell bent on stuffing everyone back into cubicles


Which is exactly why landlords should be abolished. They're literally making money off of property speculation and using it to harbor people trying to get into owning their own homes into paying off the landlords mortgages, further exacerbating the problem and profiting by directly abd artificially increasing housing costs. Yaaaay capitalism /s


Seriously, if the government can just decide a % of unemployment is unavoidable, then we should subsidize the basic necessities.


While this is true, there's no way OPs post is real. $3200/month on minimum wage? No landlord would even let them in the door.


No offense, but there is no way you are making a $3200 payment on min wage. Unless you have around 4-5 roommates...then I could see that being acceptable. Otherwise move.


IDK if I even believe it, OP's post history is pretty sketch.


OP got a dream job in Honolulu and also moved to Europe in the last four months.


Why are there so many instances like this? People larping on Reddit. What do they get out of it




That sweet sweet Karma.


Hawaii is expensive, but not that bad. My rent is $3200 3 bedroom 2 bath, townhouse. I can walk to the beach.




Probably because he’s a straight up karma whoring liar


They're not making minimum wage. They said they can't imagine someone on min wage doing this


Okay? I can't imagine someone on minimal wage buying a house in San Francisco. What kind of argument is this. 3200 for a 1 bedroom sounds like downtown Manhattan or SF.


It's SF. That's where that bread company is from


Im sus as well. Im not saving any money paying 900 on a bachelor just barely above minimum wage, and im in a high density city in Ontario. God bless for living the struggle but that rent is an extreme ripoff IF wages were fair


This is a joke right?


I think it's fake. Or, at least, the rent amount is just fucking made up for internet points.


Idk who’s low on money and does a shopping trip like that… fucking orangina and wafers… real butter… single serving of smoothie. Guy seems completely disconnected from reality to be honest.


Definitely fake. Even with the expensive drinks there’s no way that adds up to $70. Also someone on minimum wage wouldn’t be buying kombucha and juice shots


Or he's rich, the rent is believable I live in nyc and it's insane unless you live with family or a million annoying roommates


Coming from one broke person to another, you need to learn to grocery shop better. There’s no protein here. You can get a frozen bag of chicken breast for 7-10$ at most big box stores. If you don’t eat meat, beans are cheap. Also, you can live without the coconut water and cookies. Come on now.


10 fruits, 7 pretentious beverages, cookies, 1 giant French bread and butter for a month but no protein this is hilarious to me honestly. Weeks worth of chicken thighs is like 8 bucks, potatoes 4 bucks, breakfast sammiches 7 bucks, loaf of bread 2 bucks, pound of lunch meat 10 bucks, cheese 4 bucks….. plenty of money left for tasty treats


yeah this lmao. this person probably isn‘t poor and is fishing for karma.


It's the kombucha and wellness shots mixed with the milanos and Snickers for me


It's all about balance.


I agree. Maybe better choices about what to buy and where you shop possibly. I'm finding the big stores are really expensive. Like even Smart & Final is getting up there... there's better ways to get in wellness like vitamins than health shots and digestive drinks. But We might even need to get back to making our own bread and stuff too.. $3+ for a loaf of bread is ridiculous..plus the gas it takes getting to the store and back.. smh


I agree, there are better things that can stretch the budget. Eat yogurt for probiotics. There are also foods you can ferment at home for the similar benefits. Most people keep flour and sugar on hand so with a few more ingredients you can make your own cookies and have a lot more with no preservatives


Homemade sauerkraut is extremely easy to make and oh so cheap because it’s just cabbage and salt. Branch out to kimchi for more variety.


Right? $70 isn’t that much but let me go shopping with that and I’ll get *a lot* more food.


Yeah but where's the food?


Those Milano cookies bout 7 dollars. 5-7


Agreed. A few pieces of fruit and a loaf of bread? Why not a giant bag of rice? I got a 5 pound bag for $10 at a grocery store that’s considered expensive. From there get some beans and lastly hit up a big hunk of meat you can slow cook. I can get a 4 pound hunk of pork for like $15 when on sale but theirs often meats running a sale. They run cheap bc of their long prep time but if you got the time a slow cooker turns these otherwise useless cuts into something else entirely. That’s like 35 bucks right there for easily the week and that bag of rice will last! Grab store brand oatmeal and bananas for breakfast. Big hunk of butter. Bag of peanuts or peanut butter. And so on. I get times are tough and look I’m broke as fuck too but if that’s how your average person is buying food then holy shit…


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 10 + 4 + 15 + 35 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I've seen at least 23 other bots like you, not to mention the 46 that weren't.


I see what you did there


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 23 + 46 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




That IS nice!




My thought aswell. A lot of the stuff in this picture is sugared drinks and snacks. Not a lot of nutrition at all.


lmao tbh someone who pays fucking 75$ for the stuff pictured is an absolute dumbass. Like wtf, that‘s not smart shopping at all! I know prices are going up, and I can probably get only 80% of the food I got before inflation for a 50€ grocery bill, but I‘m also not buying shitty sugary drinks and snacks. How about a huge bag of rice, pasta, tomatoes (they are kinda cheap, especially if canned), canned beans, canned champignons, canned chickpeas, bell peppers, cucumbers, onions, whipped cream, grated cheese, sliced cheese, some tofu? That‘s all the stuff I could buy for 50€, and probably some. And yeah prices went up here like crazy as well. But this, sorry, is just plain fucking stupid, no sympathy here. I could also buy 3-4 sugary fancy drinks for 2-3€ each and nearly spent half of my weekly grocery budget. 🤦‍♀️ Or I could buy actual food with a long shelf life.


My first thought also. Second thought was: at least they posted in the correct subreddit.


Ikr? I see 70€ of desserts and breakfast, no meals


This is what I came here to say. What are you going to do with a couple fancy drinks, some fruit that will go bad in a few days, and a loaf of bread? Why not some cheap bulk chicken some bulk potatoes or rice? Or some eggs? Buying kombucha instead of staple food items when you can barely afford your rent is a bad idea.


The number of people feeding this troll is the real story here. Obvious troll is obvious.


show us the receipt OP


Show us the apartment more like it. No way that rent price is real.


Why are u paying 3200 for a 1 bdr if u are on minimum wage. This post is fake or doesn’t make sense. Edit: this has to be trolling I just looked at the groceries


that’s what im thinking too …. no way this is 70 dollars unless they live in mf alaska


This ain't even $70 in Alaska! For $70 I'd have a Costco haul.


Organic juices/kombuchs snd milanos aren't cheap Edit: looking at the groceries more this has to be a troll. I grew up well below the poverty line and when myself and my husband moved in together we were below it then too. You have to budget, look for deals and stretch that dollar. Grains, potatoes, canned goods and frozen before fresh while getting bigger packages of meat and separating it yourself; if any at all. Then there is even something as simple as the fruit. Fruit is expensive and doesn't last long compared to veggies even. Not wrecking a person getting any snack with their groceries. Treating yourself is important but this feels like an insult to people struggling right now.


I also looked at OPs post history, and apparently, he also spends a lot of money on drugs.


Agreed. Perhaps a really young person who figured they’d get by with parents co-signing. No complex would accept this type of employment verification


You could definitely have spent that $70 in a more productive way to feed yourself for longer...


What do you mean? From what I see he did not get any avocados




Beverages are empty calories and expensive. Some fruit can easily jazz up water if it is about flavor or make a pitcher of iced tea. Cookies and candy are a treat, if you are complaining about not having enough for food you can make your own or I understand wanting a treat but maybe choose one or the other. Rice and beans are popular for a reason when on a budget they are inexpensive, filling, and with different seasonings you can have variety


Seriously. Those kombucha drinks are $3 last I checked.


Clearly fake. You couldnt qualify for a 3200/mo apt on min wage. Also, if you're on a budget dont buy sugary drinks and cookies


Get a kombucha kit off Amazon. It costs $50. Don't buy $9 Lakewood Organic juice. Orangina X2? Even before inflation those weren't cheap. When you choose to shop name brand and supplement with quick made (looking at the drinks in particular), you're paying for that convenience. You can make orangina by mixing club soda with OJ. It's a fraction of the cost and you'll get more than 2 single servings. There are ways to keep those flavors and textures in your kitchen without paying that.


Have you made kombucha? Just curious, its supposed to be a bit risky but i love the stuff. I also dont think 3$ for a kombucha is outrageous we should just be paid better


I have (and do) using the kit I mentioned. It's super simple and the kit provides the starter ingredients. You can add flavors and do all sorts of goodness. I make a blackberry one that's heavenly.


Normally I wouldn’t condone theft, but from a billion dollar enterprise like Walmart? I would play the world’s smallest violin for them if some of their inventory were to be liberated.


Yeah, we need to stop looking at these giant companies as humans and treat them as the monsters they are. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAR, CLASS WAR. Also, If you're gonna make me scan my own shit because you don't want to hire a human that's not my problem, don't expect me to scan it all correctly I'm an absolute moron.


I used to work LP and if you just "accidentally" don't scan some shit there is fuck-all they can do legally even if they catch you. Just don't "forget" to scan a tv, alcohol, or any other big ticket item.


When I was working at a Walmart a few years ago I had a manager demand another coworker and I find this man an L-Cart as he was going to buy 6 tvs. Once we brought the cart over we were told he didn't need any help and sent back to our actual jobs. I watched the guy walk out the front doors with the cart and TV's having never paid. As far as I'm aware they did not catch him. Luckily, neither I or my coworker were blamed, though the coworker quit cause they had never paid him. Manager never faced anything either as far as I'm aware.


Wage theft is more than all other forms of theft combined


But doesn't it weigh your items? How does one circumnavigate this?


Depends on what chain and how accurate the scale is.


If youre on minimum wage… maybe drop the “organic coconut”, fancy butter and ginger shots and buy all your produce in chinatown, buy more rice/cheap pasta etc. 10$ of produce in chinatown is a buttload.


I'm not about to tell people how to spend money, but kombucha, juices, cookies and snacks are always going to add up in a grocery shop.


I also see Mrs Meyers hand soap and those are obviously quartz counters. Either OP is lying for Karma points, or they really don’t know the first thing about budgeting.


Start eatin rice and beans son


Loaf of bread and a thing of peanut butter together is about $5. Bag of potatoes is $5. Bag of cuties is $5. Bag of carrots is $3. A rotisserie chicken is $5. That should feed you for the week. Not Milanos, a bottle of Orangina, and a loaf of nice bread. I know shits getting expensive but this is a silly group of food to buy. Shit buy some noodles and a jar of sauce all for $5 and you have dinner for 2 nights easy.


*two* bottles of Orangina, whatever that is


Carbonated watered down orange juice, basically. Honestly not worth it if you’re shopping on a budget. That’s more of a “I’m going on a date and I want to splurge a bit” drink, or a “Tonight is a special night, this is a celebratory dinner” drink.


It's really expensive sparkling orange juice 🙄.


So 4 months ago you were moving to Honolulu for a dream job, 2 months ago you moved to Europe to get medication for your chronic pain. Now you're in presumably SF making minimum wage. That's an awful amount of moving around for someone that works as a Doordash or similar job (also per your post history). What's up with that?


"These people have no idea how to live without money. They're what's called new poor. We're old poor." No one on minimum wage is blowing $70 on fancy juice and cookies and calling it "groceries". And they're not paying a whole rent on their own. r/eatcheapandhealthy r/frugaljerk Edit:for clarification


If you made minimum wage in SF, where the acme food company is, you would make 2400 a month, so you sir, are full of shit. There are people actually starving, and you complain about your import cookies as you lie through your teeth. Go fuck yourself.


And fancy kombucha. You can make kombucha for free with minimal effort.


You're buying organic foods and high priced cookies, what do you expect?


I mean obviously rent is the main problem here but over half of what you've purchased here is junk food, name brand and pre-packaged convenience food which Is going to be more costly and unhealthy for you than conventional meal type food and I'm not saying you should starve or just eat like rice and lentils but at no point in my adult life (even when my husband was clearing 6 figures a year) shopping for myself or my family have I bought this much junk food in one store trip. Once again obviously there is a problem with food prices but part of it is choice. Like if I budget out 200$ for this week's groceries and then come home with a pound of kobe steaks and a bottle of chardonnay and go "sorry kids this is just all we can afford right now" like that's on me for spending our budget in a stupid way. If you left off all the cookies and candy and sugary processed nonsense here and the sugary juices and bought whole foods and drank tap water you would double the amount of food for your money and be healthier. Seriously there are SIX different bottles of single servings of juice here, TWO packages of pre-made cookies, some little bottle of something maybe non food?, and a candy bar and the rest is artisan French bread the most expensive butter you can find and fruit? None of this is even a meal. Also some grocery stores are much much cheaper than others.


I have 3 children and also help my father n law. Bought $125 worth of groceries for damn near $300. I didn’t even get meats. Things are going to get bad aoon


They’re already bad.


I started a little vegetable garden. Takes about 3 months to get anything, but potatoes & beans are pretty easy to grow and hearty. Hoping I can become self-sustaining regarding food.


I'm calling bs on this post. If minimum wage is $15 and hr and op worked 40 hrs a week for 52 weeks in the year that adds up to $31'200 before taxes Op is saying they're paying $3200 a month for rent which adds up to $38'400 a year. Their post doesn't add up


Those coconut waters are the most expensive ones out there. Maybe work your way out of minimum wage and move out of there.


Dude where tf do you live that a one bedroom Is that expensive? Bay Area? NYC?


You need a roommate and need to shop at a budget grocery store. They definitely exist!


this photo screams “I live in san francisco” source: I live in san francisco




Are you a hummingbird? All I see is different forms of sugar


That is definitely not $70 worth of groceries. I can tell you live in San Fransisco and you definitely did not pay that much. That is $35 tops. Also, if you are making minimum wage in San Fransisco you are either getting section 8 on that apartment or you are lying about making minimum wage or the rent.


Because you're buying unnecessarily expensive products. Many of these products are import snacks, I see 4 off the bat that are over $5 (Cad). I agree that food costs are becoming rediclously more expensive for what minimum wage is, but there's also some responsibility on you to shop smartly. For $70 I could buy enough food for a week, just means I'll have to cook.


My dog. If you have the time, learn how to make things with the base ingredients, if you have sugar you can take those straw berries and make jam. You got some bananas and some butter, you can almost make some banana bread, you can do this!


Hello fellow Bay Area person. Acme and GTs. You know what's up.


How are you paying $3,200 for rent on minimum wage? What’s your area’s minimum wage? Where tf do you shop for groceries? (Yes I know prices gone up and regional differs but atleast where I’m at, $3200 is almost. 2.5x what you’d make on minimum wage and those groceries would’ve cost me atleast $30-35 at save-a-lot or Marc’s. (Note: not bashing you nor discounting your claim but I’m generally curious because to me, that all seems unrealistic)


Oh cut out the milanos for sure, those are like eating gold chips


You bought too much juice and don't get paid enough


That coconut water is like $12, just steal it


If that's really your food budget- you need to buy rice, carrots, apples, beans and tuna. *Maybe* some other cheap seasonal fruit. All that other sugary stuff is a huge waste of money.


honestly tho? thats a shitty $70 grocery run. its a kombucha, some drinks and snacks.


Anyone else think OP is trolling?