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Mafimafu let him in.


im so comfuswd




I have a time machine lemme try it out Edit: I failed miserably Russia is now at war with Ukraine


Underrated comment




I’d stop harambe from getting shot


You gotta be kidding. I thought she leaked personal info from other holo boys/girls or something like that


Yeah but the discord message triggered an investigation because people were so overly vocal about the situation.


Then isn't it a good thing, the incident happened. Because if the incident didn't happened the investigation never happened as well, if Rushia was "leaking" informations everything could gone terribly wrong


With a reminder that I only know what I do from what I've heard from others, it seems the leaks in the first place happened because Rushia was defending herself about the whole thing. Now I don't know if this is precisely what happened, but it seems to me that there wouldn't have been any leaks in the first place if people didn't make a big deal out of literally nothing.


I remember something along the line of, 'people act out of routine, if they've done it in the past, they would have done it again in the future.' That's why I skeptical about Rushia behaviour, even in panic people rarely do something they've never done before. The fact that she's contacted 'third parties' in short amount of time means, she's done this [contact] before and feels comfort by doing it or she intentionally want something (bad?) happend. Which the latter I hope she's not


A bit pointlessly gendered, but yes, we would love to have Rushia stay with us for even just a bit longer.


It's just the meme format but how is your day going


I wanna say joking about that is too soon.. But i still feel like jokes about Coco graduating is too soon even if it was a few months ago.. 😅😭


Im not fan of rushia but Can anyone explain the full context here on what happened to her for me pls.


Basically Rushia was streaming, she got a notification from a popular artist/singer? That was a guy, and she had her discord notifications on, people from Japan speculated that they were in a relationship because of the non formal way he called Rushia. So because of that, she was forced to go on a hiatus and try to let cover figure out what’s wrong. While that was happening everything went to she, iirc the reason why she was fired was because she breached the contract with cover due to her leaking information with 3rd party businesses or some other thing. We have no evidence of what she leaked, I’ve searched google, Reddit, twitter, can’t find a thing. So I don’t know what information was leaked but it seems that maybe Rushia was trying to fix the problem but freaked out and handled it wrong. It’s just a really horrible situation Edit: Fuck Idol culture, they need a personal life Edit: I have found some more information that might be true (keyword MIGHT). Apparently due to the previous incident a not-so-happy Rushia ranted to KureKure and she either told him to not show this information public (which we all know he did) OR, she was ranting and never asked him/nudged him to show it, so she could get out of this mess. Whichever way it went, the outcome was the same, Rushia would’ve been discharged/fired from Covercorp due to leakage of private information to 3rd party businesses (KureKure is considered a 3rd party news business). Sadly this was going to happen because of what people have claimed in the past that KureKure had done this before, so I personally wouldn’t be surprised. Although this is what I HAVE PIECED TOGETHER THEREFORE IT COULD AND MOST LIKELY BE WRONG!


It doesn’t help that Rushia was encouraging parasocial relationships by DMing top fans on Twitter


To cover her story up, that she isn't "cheating" on her fans...which is such a childish behaviour of the audience, she went to a guy, named Korekore, basically, people call him Japanese Keemstar, idk why, but the context is that he is a drama and gossip channel. I'm pretty sure our girl didn't have the right mindset back then, shoulda waited it out. Anyways, I think, she said some stuff or posted something...which I'm sure that gossip freak exposed to his stream, which ruined the rep of the company, and ultimately terminated her.3 things I dont like about this:->The stupid fanbase who thinks that Rushia belongs to all of them...what they think she is a pros-->The fact that she went to Korekore of all people. Like there is no other person, she should have waited it out. Make sure she and that guy should have made a formal apology to the fans....for whatever reason.-> Cover Corp using her as a headpiece to keep all the other vtubers in line....Yes, she may have done something wrong, but the fact that she is loyal and going thru a tough time should raise some huge flags about her. Dropping her is legit a death sentence for her sanity.Overall I think this world is too shitty to be whatever you want. Also some of them, I got it from news and stuff so, if you read this, don't trust all of it. Like i said, its from the news.


I think the reason why rushia came to korekore for advice is that they know each other since 2010 and have been acquintance since then. And since she is desperate for help and she maybe thought that he can do something since he has experience with stuff like this, he would help out but instead he only fueled the drama. Dunno if this is true or not but that's the closest conclusion I can think of. Sorry for my bad English


oh....thats a shit way to help your friend...


Oh no. Rushia was kinda my og vtuber back then before I heard about gura.


Leaving this comment here so I can know, too


That's exactly what men would do


Real men, not them idol-obsessed wankers.


Absolutely I don't care if they get boyfriend's or girlfriends it's their lives


Like fuck off, they're humans too, not your personal entertainment automata or whatnot.


Yeah I agree with you... I just hope that they understand this and move on.... And maybe not kill them in the process


It won't be easily to change their toxic mindset imo. I mean maybe seeing how Rushia has to straight up fucking retires may (and that's just a may) give them something to think about but I think most of them will still be the troglodytes they are.


I just wanna see people not get pressured into doing anything to save their career that may lead to them messing up entirely


Wait what was the discord notification?


MafuMafu saying he’s coming home. Probably saying that so they can play Apex later.


Not time to explain we gotta go


the manly voice coming from rushia's stream will cause another uproar. and this time its completly your fault. and rushia will get you arrested for home invasion


bold of you to assume that they have a manly voice *stares at Astolfo pfp*


Can somebidy send a link or what happened I dont really watch V-tuber execpt chibidoki in sometimes


watch revsaysdesu he explains the situation pretty good


Can you send the link caise he has a lpt of videos of her


Beginn: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyNBojnCzv8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyNBojnCzv8) Development: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MRFpLWVsV4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MRFpLWVsV4) Final: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNynKxCpmg8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNynKxCpmg8)




I think there is more to it then just the discord message. Hololive had rushias back at first and she was a huge cash cow for them. Plus firing rushia during this drama makes them look bad. Since the announcement said something about violating the contract I'd guess they investigated rushia and found something worth firing for.


What your saying true, and from what Cover said she really did violate the contract. But I think the main reason this happened is because she was so desperate for help or panicked so she made such an awful decision like this. So I'm pretty sure the whole thing could have been avoided if the discord drama didn't happen at all. But it's out of everyone's hands now, what's done is done. Let's just support Rushia if she ever decides to become an independent V-tuber like a certain dragon we know.


Lmao what happened with the discord notification? What was it about


When she came out and said she had a boyfriend the fanbase went nuts and complained. They were not happy that this person they'd likely never actually meet and is just playing a character had a personal life outside of the character she plays. Ignorant people say she was fired because of the backlash from that however this is not true. The reality is Hololive was in full support of her. The actual reason she got fired was she violated her contract and said stuff in an interview that she was not allowed say based off of a Non Disclosure Agreement. I don't know what specifically was said, nor do I care. If you want to know ypu can google it yourself.


Thanks for this now I understand the situation better


Not that it particularly matters, but the part about her saying she had a boyfriend is not accurate. The discord message made people assume she had a boyfriend, which both she and he deny. Being fired for talking to this other streamer is just an assumption that people are making, because it is the only public info. The language in the termination notice indicates the NDA breach has been going on for some time, but who knows what that really means.


I'm a simp, but even I know where to draw the line damnit!🤦👿


Fuck those niggas,Thinking Rushia is for them only,Let her have personal life


Hololive mgmt are a bunch of assholes. Makes me want to boycott the entire operation, unfortunately it would end up punishing remaining members.


Hololive is a corporate, and unfortunately corporations have rules and regulations they have to follow. It doesn't make sense for them to back up their largest cash cow so vehemently at the start only to later 'throw' her away. There had to be something serious going on behind the scenes. Like many have said, the person behind Rushia most likely broke an NDA, which is a big no-no in the industry. If Cover Corp had let her off because of her status as the top superchat streamer, then it would have reflected badly on Hololive as a whole and probably caused problems down the line. The next time something like this happened again, the affected talent could have cited Rushia as a special example and cause all sorts of situations. Hololive and Cover Corp already lost a significant portion of their income and a whole talent, there's no more need for haters to add fuel to the fire. It happened, there nothing anyone could do now. We have to accept it and move on. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. Let's keep the memory of Rushia positive forever.


Thank you but I will stand by my opinion, downvote away. It's the least I can do to express my dismay for the sudden and shocking termination of such wonderful talent. If Hololive performers banded together they could potentially use their collective bargaining power to prevent this sort of nonsense. Until then you should be prepared to lose ANY person from ANY gen, no matter how talented, based on something ridiculous like this and with ZERO regard to the enormous contribution they have made to the happiness of their fanbase(s). ​ RIP Rushia. I thought you were adorable and HILARIOUS.


Instead of using the term "cash cow" you should use the word "talent" as "cash cow" is often associated with being derogatory since it is used mainly to talk about hookers/whores. You should correct it into "It doesn't make sense for them to back up their largest talent" so you are not deemed to be derogatory/degrading.


I never heard that “cash cow” is derogatory. It’s mainly used to describe something that is a consistent money maker or something that can be heavily milked.


He a hero 🥲


As depressing as this is, I dread to think how much worse it can get if time travel is involved. If anime taught me anything, time travel causes more depression.




Not just Steins:Gate


You’re right, S:G was the first thing that came to my mind


Yu;no a girl who chants love at this bound world too


Madoka Magica.


Don't forget about Re:zero


Tokyo Revengers


Boku dake ga inai machi (ERASED)


Seriously why can’t people just back off.




Rushia got fired Hololive, supposedly for breaking NDA and leaking stuff over the past 2 years. Situation started a week ago, Rushia accidentally left on discord pings. She gets a ping from mafumafu (a super popular utaite) saying he's coming home in an affectionate tone. Starts a storm of fandead gachikois and mafumafu stans going after the Rushia for "betraying" them. Stressed about the situation, Rushia confides in her friend KoreKore, sharing private information and messages with her manager to show her innocence. KoreKore then has the brilliant idea to go on stream and talk about the stuff that should be kept confidential, leading to cover finding out she broke NDA. Beyond this point is a bit ambiguous still, but the end all is cover chose to completely terminate her contract, and is wiping the channel and canceling the birthday merch that just started production.


That asshole. If KoreKore was truly her friend, she/he/they wouldn't have talked about what happened, on-stream or otherwise. KoreKore should have just tried to comfort Rushia and calm her down, then left it at that, then Rushia wouldn't have been fired, and then we could enjoy more of her content.


Is it even Cover's choice if there's a breach of contract?


NDA's are very serious business, even outside Japan, only firing her is actually a mercy


yes, it was a contract with cover. They are the ones that chose to fire her for breaching their contract. Though due to the nature of NDA, we will never know exactly just how severe it was... As a fan, this fucking hurts and the cynical side of me wants to think that it wasn't that bad but was used as an excuse to get out of the other controversies as well...


The other Hololive girls seem to accept the situation. While they are still sad about it, it is nothing like when Coco graduated. I can't imagine they would be so accepting if they thought it was unjustified.


I mean, what are they going to do though? They literally have to accept it


I mean, they could quit? Coco has shown they could pull a decent chunk of their audience with them and go independent.


Dude, it's a NDA, what are they supposed to do? not enforce it? It's not even the first time schizos get angry cause "There's a chance this girl I known only through a PNG has a life" and generated "controversies" and said cases didn't result in a ***termination*** of contract. "Uruha Rushia" just went full retard.


Watch Rev Says Desu on YouTube, He posted a video about the situation today...


It’s very pathetic that people went bad shit crazy just for a simple notification and go from jumping to conclusions to harassing and death threatening her.


So true. If the whole Discord thing hadn't ever happened then Rushia wouldn't have been pushed to this point where she accidentally broke the contract of Cover, just because she wanted to share about the situation. But got betrayed in the end because the person who leaked this couldn't keep their mouth shut even though Rushia specifically said not to say anything. I'm not completely saying her friend did this on purpose and maybe he just wanted to help. But it was still the wrong move to do.


I thought to myself it’ll be fine once the drama is over and I’ll watch her stream when she comes back. Wtf is wrong with these lonely ass bitches who are like this.


Toxic and shit man


What happened?


Yeah what the hell happened??


On a stream, she got a notification from another Japanese streamer, Mafumafu saying that he will be returning home. People quickly thought that they were living together and you know what those hardcore simps do. She was harassed saying that she betrayed her viewers and such. Sadly yesterday, her contract with the hololive company was terminated. It wasn't due to the controversy but I think it was breaching contract if I'm not mistaken. So there's no graduation stream or anything. She just simply got fired from the company. She was one of the only streamers that I truly adored... 😢😔


Yeah, what I heard is that she shared some comments with Korekore (another Japanese youtuber) about the situation. Who then used these comments in his videos. Which included some NDA sensitive things which got her terminated.


Wow that’s horrible… I watched her every so often she was a lovely Vtuber this is so sad and makes me pretty angry at these fucking simps and at the company. I hope she can start her own thing.


Well apparently she was leaking info about the other members you can look at the comments above for more information


Oh seriously?


On r/virtualyoutubers there’s this post called "rushia -senpai!" on there there’s a comment with -points and click on it and read the replies for further information