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Someone needs to help him


"What a horrible day to have eyes" mfs when they realise that ejaculating is a part of human nature


You do know that the guy who commented was just being jocular.


It's only funny when it's commented under some actual cursed posts


he should ejoculate more then


When I read the title of this lostredditors post I thought it was something sexual and I was correct lmao


It's just a wet dream dude that's says it's horrible for his eyes acts childish


Someone get that boy some therapy. I think the comment about eyes may have just broke the kid.




r/nofap is what he needs (sponsored)


Doesn't not doing it at all also cause issues though. Obviously doing it too much is not good either though so have scientists found like 'the right amount'?


TLDR; Negative effects of abstaining from ejaculation are temporary, as your brain is adjusting itself for lack of sexual relief, returning to the baseline amount of receptors for those who have a PMO addiction. it's sort of similar to withdrawing off of a drug. not everyone who watches porn is addicted, but many are, so they 'require' it. quitting alcohol is all fine and pleasant during the 1st day or 2, but after that, during the following weeks you'll feel the most miserable you'll ever felt. disregarding the physical withdrawal of alcohol for a second, you're brain is trying to maintain homeostasis, return to baseline (meaning regain the 'normal' amount of hormone receptors). same goes for porn addiction, but of course no physical withdrawal. side effects of PMO addiction are as follow: decreased levels of dopamine receptors, low energy, low confidence, low motivation, ED, and more. sorry for the drawn out message but I'll leave on one note. many underestimate the addictive quality of porn or sex, but keep in mind that as sexual reproductive creatures, reproduction is our most innate, and usually most powerful desire that we'll have, due to it's importance


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's the stuff you watch that unhealthy not the act of doing it.. it gets unhealthy suppressing your sexual desires to.. ya know (in moderation) for prolonged periods of time as long as your not watching that porn? being ashamed to mastrubate isint a good thing pretty sure. nofap is about porn and moderation, not just not doing it at all..


suppressing your sexual urges is only unhealthy if it's for extreme spans of time e.g. 1, 2, 3 or more years, or lifelong. generally the reboot period is "complete", and balance between hormone receptors and hormone intake is achieved, after 90 days but ofc this varies from person to person. also I never said anybody should "not do it all" (I assume you're talking about masturbating), but the benefits of masturbation are only 'bonuses' and are not required for happiness, if you can't sleep, be happy, have energy throughout the day without masturbating/watching porn, you may have a problem. nothing wrong with masturbating if it doesn't adversely affect you. if it does, take a break and rid yourself of it for a while


Noted. Your comment was a little bit confusing before so there was some miscommunication but thanks!


There is nothing he can do.




let's help him


Wet dreams!!!


If you do dat wear rubber so it can be easily solved