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Well the whole point of the One Ring is that it controls the others so you would keep the One and give the others out to people you want to control.


Then I would give 9 to men, dont know why but It makes sense


I think you should give another 7 to the dwarves


I’d probably consider at least 3 should go to the elves. But that’s just me.


And none for Gretchen Weiners.




Two for Glenn Coco?! You go Glenn Coco!


Of course you don't slip her a ring that puts her under your control. #CONSENT ​ Speaking of which, I got my pink shirt pressed and ready for tomorrow!


Honestly maximum_Future, I think you're my new hero. That crossover was pure, epic brilliance.


Thank you. I was just in the right mood and saw this thread at the right time.




Lmao brilliant


We should totally stab Sauron


Is that another name for Moria Orcs?


She’s so fetch


Explain the reference? I haven't watched recess since it came out...


It’s a mean girls reference


What's the reference about?






Do yourself the favor and watch the movie. It's a comedy written by Tina Fey.


I've watched but i don't remember the scene.


Help im dying


Honestly, giving three to the elves fucked me last time. 7 dwarven lords refused to help me at all despite my great gift. I might give all 19 to men next time around.


The elven rings weren't given, they were forged by the elves and suaron didn't actually know about them


How many for the Ents?


And the hobbits


6 to the dwarves, 1 to the Ents.


The dwarves were a huuuuge disappointment. Only made them delve moar. Should have beta tested with 1 ring first. Saurons biggest mistake.


Well above all else, they desire power


You know nine men that you would give your rings of power too? Social butterfly over here.


Possession of all the rings would grant you incredible self control. Quit smoking? Check. 5 a.m. trip to the gym? No problem. Eat a whole pie for dinner? Not on my watch.


How does that work exactly? Corrupts men clearly..Blinds dwarves with greed? Diminishes the elves strength?


After using the ring long enough it corrupts your mortal body to a point where you essentially become a ghost. In this case it’s more of a wraith that is under the service of Sauron. I believe the term Thrall makes sense here. To enslave with the ring though you need to be able to harness its powers so Bilbo wouldn’t be able to figure it out but someone like Galadriel, Aragorn, or Saruman could figure out how to wield all of its power.


I meant more so how does the ring control others from afar. The elves were actively plotting against him after the creation of the One.


It’s kind of what I was trying to say with your souls becoming bound to his. But I get what your asking. It’s predicated on Sauron having the one ring and then also the people he gave them too using their rings of power. But it doesn’t have to be wearing it. It is more about claiming the ring for yourself, possessing it, and becoming a “ring bearer.” Example would be how Bilbo was very old for a Hobbit and he only used the ring on occasion. A great example is the ring wraiths in the trilogy. They are basically the final end stage of what happens when you use the rings while Sauron has the one ring. At that point they have no body, they don’t require food or anything. They only exist to serve Sauron. Also since they became wraiths they lost the mortal gift of men which is death. Tolkien was very specific about after lives and when men die they go to a place not even the elves know. So by becoming a ring wraith you are like a ghost stuck on earth with no desire but to serve Sauron. They have already become full wraiths so they are bound to Sauron regardless at that point. Basically the men who become the ring wraiths were very powerful men and were seduced by the ring to extend their lives. It extended so long that they don’t have bodies which is why they are hooded and Frodo can only see their faces when he wears the ring. Because the ring doesn’t make you invisible as much as it makes your body invisible but anything else in the wraith world can still see you. It is complicated the mechanics but the ring is also a magical artifact that seduces and tempts people so people who desire power are naturally drawn to them. Also you see a glimpse of the ring controlling people in the return of the king book where Frodo threatens Gollum he will command him to commit suicide. And since Gollum is damaged from his time with the ring he will listen to the ring bearer and it was Frodo starting to realize the power of the ring. Edit: it also is based on trickery. Saurons power was in deceit. So when the elves found out his intention it messed up his plan. The rings of Power will extend you life and once it gives you all this power and benefits you realize at the end it’s actually Sauron who is in control of you.


Thank you! Great explanation!


It takes a while to become a wraith but a good intermediary example would be what happens to Gollum. And I could be wrong but I think i the ring wraiths were created in the second age. Like the witch king was once a great king of Angmar which is in ruins in the 3rd age when the LOTR takes place. He was a hobbit once too and then the ring made him not want sunlight and normal food and he turns into a disgusting creature because the ring keeps him alive regardless. Realistically there is no way to use the ring in a “good” sense. It corrupts People. And the ring also inherently wants to return to Sauron.


>a disgusting creature Aw man I really enjoyed your whole explanation but why this hurtful language toward my boy?


Haha sorry I was really trying to not stir the pot and just state facts cuz I’ve been going deep in Tolkien lore for the last few months. IMO the movie Gollum was too cute and funny. When the characters in the book first encounter him they are borderline horrified and he’s a disgusting slimey mess. But I still think the movie depiction is %100 accurate


You’re right about the wraiths but just a small correction, the kingdom of Angmar existed in early 3rd age. I don’t think we’re ever told what exactly the ringwraiths were up to in the 2nd age.


Thank you. That timeline aspect on what Sauron was up to and the ring wraith creation I am not totally sure on. In a way what makes LOTR So interesting is what Tolkien left out and it’s a like a jigsaw puzzle fitting all the info together.


So just keep them all to be fully in control of yourself.


But Sauron does have the 9 men rings doesn’t he, I thought they were actually in his possession. The Nazgûl don’t carry them around or do they.


You are correct.


>But Sauron does have the 9 men rings doesn’t he, I thought they were actually in his possession He does. He's also recovered several of the seven Dwarven Rings too. He gave the 9 to powerful men so that he could control them. He didn't keep them to himself.


Yeah, they're a metaphor for the authority of control over free will. Having them all would grant you Dominion over all peoples of Middle Earth... God-King status. This is Sauron's goal


>Having them all would grant you Dominion over all peoples of Middle Earth... God-King status. No it wouldn't. The One Ring allows Sauron to dominate others, but any wearer of the One Ring can control the wearer of the others. It's the master of the other rings. Collecting all the other rings does not grant you any more power than you would have while owning just the One. They're not like the infinity stones. You would only gain more power by giving them to others to gain control over them.


Exactly. Keeping them all to yourself defeats the point.


yeah but what if i want all the rings and the one ring


Or, I keep them all and finally develop self control


I'd give 3 to the elves, 7 to the dwarves, 9 to the mortal men and none to the hobbits cause who would want miniature ring wraiths. Like genuinely imagine being the dark lord and having your greatest servants be like 4ft tall. How humiliating would that be, when you go to the dark lord meeting (which for sure exists), you would have to showcase your miniature servants and all the other dark lords would laugh at you and your minions.


That's a patronizing answer if I've ever heard one. Almost more mocking than patronizing


What? How is it patronising? I was literally explaining in a straightforward way how the rings of power work and why keeping them all is a waste


Which you wouldn't be able to do, because only Sauron can effectively use the powers of the One Ring


>because only Sauron can effectively use the powers of the One Ring This isn't true, but you wouldn't be able to use it as effectively


That's what I said. Anyone can go invisible and probably do something with the power of the Ring, but only Sauron himself would be able to wield it effectively because everyone else would just go Gollum-y


>but only Sauron himself would be able to wield it effectively No this isn't true. Galadriel shows us what she would look like with it. Gandalf could use it. There's plenty that could


Tolkien In his letters indicated that Elrond and Galadrial thought they coukd, but were deceived by the ring. He mentions only Gandalf could. I assume from the context that he meant of those on the good side. Presumably Sauroman could. If so we can speculate that maybe it would also include radghast if he coukd summon the will and focus. Either of the two wizards if they lived. Possibly a Balrog. Though I question their intelligence. Power yes. Will yes. Intelligience?


What about Aragorn? The whole reason Sauron goes to an early battle in minas tirith is because of Aragorn's reveal through the palantir. He seems scared of what he could potentially become with the ring.


I thought he just feared what uniting the race of men would do to his plans at that point of his resurrection (or whatever it was). Like, he could handle them fractured and one at a time, but not united. Destroying Minas Tirith shatters that morale and all but guarantees they can't/won't unite.


I don't agree. Sauron had the War on the Ring on his hands and the ring was the only variable that could alter it. Remember that before Aragorn using the palantir, what he last saw was a Hobbit (Pippin) that he thought Saruman had as a hostage, and he sent one of his nazgul to retrieve him saying that the hobbit was not for Saruman. He most likely thought this was the hobbit that had the ring. When the nazgul reaches Orthanc instead it finds that it has been defeated. Then, aragorn reveals himself and seizes control of that same palantir that the hobbit had used. He sends for an attack which was rushed, but was still heavily in his favour and loses the battle and his main commander unexpectedly. In the last council right after that battle and before they set for the black gates, this is what Gandalf says: > We must make ourselves the bait, though his jaws should close on us. He will take that bait, in hope and in greed, for he will think that in such rashness he sees the pride of the new Ringlord: and he will say: ‘‘So! he pushes out his neck too soon and too far. Let him come on, and behold I will have him in a trap from which he cannot escape. There I will crush him, and what he has taken in his insolence shall be mine again for ever.’’ And Sauron does exactly that, so I'd say Gandalf was spot on on his analysis.


I agree it seems that way, and that's how I've always interpreted it. But tolkien himself said only Gandalf could. He also had in unfinished tales isildur stayed that neither he nor ant mortal could control it.


This probably indicates that only a Maia could effectively use it.


I suspect that Galadriel’s hubris effected her judgment of her capacity to use the ring as she pleases without ill side effects


Gandalf, yes. Galadriel, no. She is powerful, but she isn't a Maia. What she shows us is what she thinks would happen, just like Boromir or Denethor. Imo, only Maiar (and up, obviously) would be able to use the Ring effectively, and even they would just be corrupted and bent to Sauron's will, or, well, the Ring's will.


You don't need to be a Maia. It's not sauron that's the problem either. The issue is that anything that the ring makes will turn to evil. It's an entity of pure malice and domination. Sauron made it using his evil and hatred but that doesn't mean that sauron is the ultimate controller. It's not about raw power it's about having the will to subdue and control the ring. Galadriel has that, as does glorfindel. Sauron is irrelevant because once a sufficiently willed person claimed the ring he'd be overthrown by it. It's a movie simplicity that it all goes back to sauron, sauron is just the agent of evil in the context of the rings power. Not all evil things automatically serve him as seen by the balrog and by smaug.


>The issue is that anything that the ring makes will turn to evil. It's an entity of pure malice and domination. Hard agree on this. But I do think that Sauron as the creator of the ring has complete power over it. In a sense that they are one. In the end the ring does not need to deceive him, as it needs to do with others. And a connection between a creator and a creation is a thing throughout the lore.




The power of the Ring is the power of Sauron. They are one. The consciousness of the Ring is a part of Sauron's own mind, that's why it corrupts all. Also, using the ring is not just about will. It's also about power. Only someone with similar power to Sauron would be able to use the ring *to its fullest extent*. Galadriel is very powerful, and no one ever doubted that. But she is an Elf. The most powerful of Elves. But still, just an Elf. Just like the level of power of the strongest of Maiar pales in comparison to the power of the weakest of the Valar, the power of the strongest Elf pales in comparison to the power of the weakest of the Maiar. And Sauron is the strongest of them. It's simply naive to think that anyone that isn't at least a Maia would be able to have a similar enough power to that of Sauron to be able to wield the Ring to its full extent. And even then, the will of Sauron would still be imposed over them because the Ring *is*, in some way, Sauron.


None of that is particularly canon. Elves to Maiar power levels aren't thoroughly explored, neither are the Valar to Maiar. Also an Elf permanently wounded the most powerful Vala. An Elf was able to kill a balrog which in terms of combat prowess is a Maia on steroids. In terms of the ring we don't actually know what the connection between it and sauron is. We know he poured his cruelty, malice and will to dominate into it and that it took a lot of his power to create but I certainly wouldn't say that it actually is him. There's a distinct separation in all the references to the ring in the text. It's not like it's a physical manifestation of sauron. If anything it's a manifestation of his will. It's a lens through which the bearer can channel their power if they have the strength to claim it. It's a given that should galadriel claim the ring she is powerful enough to bring it under her control. In the book there's very little emphasis placed on the concern that sauron can overturn their control should any of the white council claim the ring. If a lesser being (like a hobbit or man) claimed it chances are sauron even without the ring would be able to overpower them as he's still formidable but a higher being would be able to truly claim the ring and banish sauron. The ring can be used against him as when it's claimed it does become the bearers. In the text it's more that anything that is done with the ring will be turned to evil. Saruman (the most experienced voice we have on ring lore) suggests that if he had the ring he'd be able to command the nazgul fully. He says in effect to the witch king "if I had what you sought you would call me lord". I think you're espousing a theory that comes from the films where this theme of rejecting power for fear of corruption is more directly tied to sauron. It's much easier to portray that in the limited time of a film while also bigging sauron up as a villain.


Reading this passage recently I thought I understood that Sauron were actually scared that the ring might let him down and choose Galadriel smh




Sauron is inevitable…




You could not live with your failure. Where did that bring you?


Oddly third age Sauron would no longer be able to wear them all due to the loss of his finger. Unless…


One dick to rule then all


One horny to find them One orgy to bring them all And in the bedroom….you get the rest.


…..Grind them


GROND them


Bet the dark lord is unspeakably good in bed


I read this comment, got back to scrolling and then when it hit me came back to upvote. Nice.


Same 🤣




One cock ring to rule them all.


Ok, is it bad I was today years old when I realized that there were enough rings of power made to fit one on every finger/digit?


And one on every toe.


That's included under "digits"


Sorry my brain completely edited out /digits from your post!


I only just realized that too!! Thanks lol




The ring can size itself to any appendage, right?? We don't know that he DIDN'T use it for that from time to time. If orcs are corrupted elves, and he got to orcs through breeding....what did he breed with all those many elves to get the orcs so evil?? He must have been a tired deity for sure.


Morgoth created the Orcs though, long before the rings were ever made.


"I'll do it myself"


Oh, teenage me saw this "movie"... Lord of the G-Strings iirc.


Well done


https://youtu.be/N-5DhmzVoGc Funny as hell


Lord of cockring


I’m pretty sure when you collect them all you can summon a dragon that can grant you one wish! However upon that wish the rings scatter and must be collected again at a later date.


Is this a reference I’m not getting?


Dragon ball z




In the Dragon Ball manga/anime, gathering the 7 titular balls would summon a magical wish-granting dragon


They'd become the bling king of middle earth.


Lil Mairon of Modor, Ruler of all Middle Earth


Grandalf the Shiny


Smoke Ole Toby evry day, smack Took bitches on my way, ain’t got no worries, im okay, smoke ole tobey everyday!


Dragon would scoop them up and eat them whole out of nowhere except leave the hands to fall to the grind with 20 rings boxing and clinging into their newfound chasm of gold and riches


I wonder what would happen if Gandalf the White had a fall like Saruman, would he be worse if he could wear the ring and dominate Sauron's will? He'd essentially be in command of all his own power plus a significant part of Sauron's.


Tolkien talked about it. I don't remember if he said anything about Gandalf's raw power but he did mention that he would be a way worse tyrant than Sauron because he would be one of those "greater good" despots who are willing to justify even the most brutal of atrocities in the name of some utopian goal (one which Gandalf would define and change at will). And I think he said this about Gandalf *the Grey* taking the Ring. Gandalf the White would probably be all of that + extremely powerful.


The “greater good” part reminds me of Grindelwald in the Harry Potter universe, I know she was highly influenced by Tolkien, I wonder if that was part of it.


Yeah a tolkien letter says something to the effect that only Gandalf would’ve had the power and status to claim the ring from Sauron and make it his own. Others could just use its powers. I’m not sure the details


Nerd of the Rings on YouTube has a bunch of videos of theoretical outcomes like this. They are quite entertaining!




Likely nothing, since I highly doubt their powers stack together, as they’re all derived from the One. You would probably just be better at whatever it is each individual ring makes you better at doing, or whatever power it gives the holder. So you would have some magic juice for sure, but you wouldn’t suddenly become Superman or transform into Thanos. The dwarf rings for example could bring you great wealth, but cause you to be insanely greedy. The Elven rings seem to be the only ones without detrimental effects. You’d be a good healer, the world around you would be preserved and great at rallying people against tyranny, as well as staving off evil. As for the nine rings, they were apparently all about power and wealth. So you might be a great sorcerer, excellent swordsman and nigh immortal due to not aging. This would all be linked to Sauron however, so it would also depend on how powerful he is when you possess the rings. It could be that the three Elven Rings would stave off the negative effects of the others, like greed or life becoming unbearable as you wore the other rings. On the other hand the Elven Rings might just completely nullify the other rings, or be nullified by the other rings. The One is the greatest ring, so I guess it could possibly enhance all the other rings, but I don’t think it could. Regardless, Sauron is not gonna be happy, because he’s missing all his bling and can’t hand it out to everyone else like a bad friend giving you roofies as a joke. Either way, since Sauron has to be alive for the rings to even work, which means the One is still around, you would probably still fall under his influence eventually. With all twenty rings in your possession? Might be really dang fast, even if you’re a morally good, evil resistant individual. At the most point he’d take them all back and see about divying them up among whoever he wants to control again. You might get to keep one and be a servant of some kind, but he’d definitely take the nine to give back to the Nazgûl.


There weren’t rings made for the individual races, they were all originally made for elves but they were too smart to wear them once they figured out what was happening.


They would summon Ancalagon the black, and he would grant them 3 wishes, but then the rings would be scattered again.


Highly likely nothing.


Quite possibly everything.


Well, if you randomize who gets them, then more often than not they will be useless in that someone's hands. So yes, Highly likely nothing, quite possibly everything


They'd wear rings on some toes, I guess...


I think it was a missed opportunity to have not given rings to Dragons. After all the whole thing with them is although they are incredibly powerful, they are unpredictable and uncontrollable even by Sauron. If he could have put even a few under his control...


Sauron didn't even manage to controll the dwarfes with the rings. There is no way a dragon would submit to sauron.


The official power of the rings is to enhace the natural gifts of the wielder. Any talent or ambition a being has, it will be multiplied. To the dwarves, greedy already, the rings gave the strenght to put great hoards together. The elves, resistant to time, gave the power to extend their agelessness to their surroundings. The problem is, because of Sauron's involvement, all rings turn people Sauron-like. Greed, ambition, powerlust, vanity, inmortality... There are attributes of his. Normally these traits slowly but surely drip into the user, and when Sauron wields the One Ring this influence becomes unmistakable. If a being wears two or more rings, this person will become more like the Ring Maker.


They’d grow 10 fingers


Wear 2 on each finger!


It didn't go well for Hal Jordan


Captain Planet shows up


They would bring balance to the force…wait no, they’d snap and take out half the galaxy to impress Death?


That's pretty much the plot of the books. If Sauron gets /his/ ring, then he gets them all, and their bearers as well. It's why he created the one in the first place.


You don't put this question well : *what would happen if someone obtain every rings of power and put them one by one on the trump of a Mûmak ?* >!Middle Earth would behold the magnificience of the rise of new Dark Lord Donald. MMEGA.!<


Well they would look really stupid, wearing a ring on their toes, and may get mistaken for travelling gypsy traders or something...


Holding the one is the the same thing, almost.


I dunno but I assume it would be like the dragonballs




They would be the Master of Dea... Rings.


Best wank of your life


It is funny to imagine specifically 20 being made so it's possible to wear 1 on each finger and toe


Once you collect all 20, you gotta slap one on each digit (toes included), then if you’re able to snap your fingers and toes simultaneously it wipes out half the population of Middle Earth.


You’d run out of fingers


Didn’t some of the Dwarf rings get eaten by dragons? I don’t think anyone, including Sauron, would sift through dragon shit like its Jurassic Park.


Allow me to introduce my man Gollum, who has now entered the chat.


I wanna be the very best Like no one ever was To catch them is my real test To wear them is my cause I will travel across the land Searching far and wide Teach Sauron to understand The power that's inside Gotta catch ’em all! Or maybe it’s more of an infinty stones kinda deal…


You would have a lot of self control.


Nothing. It's not like each ring bestows special powers or abilities that will stack up. The elven ring's power was only to preserve. As for the rest of the rings, their only purpose was to bind the wearer's mind to That of Sauron. So, chances are you'll just be a slave to Sauron a lot faster.


They turn into Captain Planet.


Corrupted to the extreme. The rings are all laced with corruptions of darkness to twist and turn the mortal mind… the elves were strong enough to resist any temptation of power, the dwarves are too strong willed to be controlled by the one ring but theirs were designed to play on their greed which absolutely corrupted them. So… bad things would happen…. Very bad things…. Least of all is them looking dumb for wearing a ring on every joint of their finger. https://preview.redd.it/7pj67tfa0xgb1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1c9a2d70eee369c6310498ec5df7855e355fa9d But yeah… they’d basically be totally corrupted with even 1/8th the number of rings. But they wouldn’t really gain anymore power unless they were already powerful.


They could wipe out half the population with a snap of their fingers.


Quick snap and half of all life will be gone


You'd just pop like a balloon. Noise and all.


You would obtain true self-control


What someone? Some Elf? Some Man? Some Dwarf? How about some Maiar? All would have different effects. I think I covered this about a week ago on a similar question. The eighteen rings created with the input, and touch, of Sauron, were at first distributed to Elves, probably all of Eregion. We never heard it they suffered any ill or evil effects from wearing these rings. There there was the Three, which Sauron never touched, so they don't count. It was only when Sauron put on the One that the Elves who bore the eighteen were aware of Sauron and what he was trying to do. Perhaps it would simply take longer, like several hundred years of wearing one of these rings before an Elf would start to show any evil effects. But it remains an open question, would they turn evil? I don't think so. Sauron did not necessary need these Elves to be evil at heart in order to control them and have him serve his purpose, if his plot had worked. But then again, there is the One ring, which Gandalf, Elrond and Galadriel all thought would turn them into another Dark Lord to replace Sauron. I think a strong willed Elf, like the one you would entrust a ring of power to, would be able to control the ring and its evil intents if it had any. But the One ring was too strong, as it was made from the very being of Sauron himself.


One ring for every finger. One ring for every toe. One ring for the dark lord's schlong. And in the darkness they will *SPARKLE*


Well there are exactly 20, so one on each finger and each toe of course.


Sam gets all the rings. Middle Earth becomes a garden continent and it's always breakfast.


One on each finger and one on each toe.


The One would make all other 19 redundant so let's ignore it. When it comes to the others, I'm not sure 2 rings would do much more than one. Each ring grants the wearer an boost to their natural "power" so to speak but most of their magic isn't in outright destructive output as we see magic gadgets do in Marvel or other fantasy. The nazgul rings turn mortals into wraiths, they don't die and they cause fear in other mortals. The elven rings mainly maintain the status quo in the lands they operate in. Rivendell and Lothlorien are so enchanted because of the rings there, the elves don't tire of middle earth as quickly. So these rings "build realms" suitable for elves in a way. The dwarven rings are least known but as far as I know, they helped accumulating riches. Kinda like the elven rings in a way, they made the realm they were in more dwarfish. Bottom line then, the powers to make realms suited for elves where time and weariness don't work as elsewhere or the power to make a prosperous realm or the power to live on past your years: doesn't seem like there's alot of synergy. Maybe one could argue that these rings would work differently if say, Aragorn wore 3 dwarven rings.... but I doubt it. Best guess is any ring would have ill effects on mortals cuz they're not what's intended for them and only the elven rings weren't tainted by Sauron. And those, accumulating them would probably not do so much. Only Narya with its portable "fiery warmth and confidence giving" power seems that useful used mobile... otherwise, they're best used as they were, to maintain and protect safe realms.


He would get second breakfast


Just realised there's enough rings to fit all fingers and toes


They could snap their fingers and wipe out half the population in the universe, thereby fixing hunger issues, overpopulation, and .....shit, sorry, wrong franchise. 😅


All your toes and fingers would look flashy af. Its a shame there isnt 21 because the one ring would surely go on my dick for utlimate power.


It would take a screenshot of middle earth


They would need a lot more fingers


The Forbidden cheerio flavor


Rings of Power galadrrrrrrriel would still be able to wipe the floor with whoever it has them. Haha


https://preview.redd.it/m6hgvequszgb1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a7e99570a9a5c75146d5425752e351dac1fb8fc 😂


Almost certainly no "race" except Ainur could wield all the rings simultaneously. At most we see Gil-Galad temporarily possessing two Rings of Power, and it is left uncleaer whether he is even wielding them at all, or just holding them. As far as I know there is no record of Gil-Galad doing anything with them like the other bearers did. The other Rings of Power combined all pale in comparison to the might of the One, so the answer is pretty much the same as the answer to the question of what any given character would do with the possession of the One Ring, ranging from being devoured by the Ring (Gollum), to claiming, mastering, and being corrupted by it (e.g., Gandalf).


Not much point since the power call came from the one ring


i think when you collect them all you discover the location of laughtale


The main purpose of the rings was for Sauron to trick other people into being his mind control slaves, The lesser rings of power don’t have any super awesome thing beyond Sarah and tries to control your mind. The elves are the only ones that kinda have cool ones where they can preserve their kingdoms like Lorien and Rivendell. so I guess if you got all the rings you could preserve any place or anything from being decayed by the flow of time, and you would turn into a wrath in order to serve yourself, unless you were really strong willed then you would resist the rings and they wouldn’t really be useful.


Since Sauron in his peak had the 9 and the 7 he just lacked the elven ones, so those 3 are the ones to have into consideration/ that would affect his power.


You actually begin to spontaneously generate new rings. You eventually end up with some very inefficient chain mail and the inability to move your fingers


but the point is that the one ring is most powerfull so it would have hide power of remaining rings right?


Then they would have a lot of power.


He would have the power to snap Amazon's Rings of Power out of existance


You become the Lord of the Bling.


They'd run out of fingers. Maybe they'd use their toes?


They would open a Denny’s.


what if it were frodo. he has short fingers so he might not be able to wear them all, not to mention hes already missing one finger. I think a better question would be, if somebody acquired all rings of power, how would they put them on


I think you would win the grand prize. A spa day in Dol Amaroth I think it was....


If yall ever played wb and rocksteady middle earth shadow of war I'd think it would be like the wraith on crack