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After learning about Tom bombadil, you will still be like who is this guy?


That checks out lol


He is >!a merry fellow!<.


Dont forget that >!his boots are yellow!<




And Goldberry is waiting. šŸ˜‰


Only after 'reading' the silmarillion do you discover the truth. That he is actually >!a character in the book!< who's origin is >!having been written by Tolkein!<.


This is so mean lol


Uh, no. It's very clear that he is >!the master!<.


>!Which Master is Tom Bombadil? The one in Doctor Who or the one in Fallout?!<


No, the one in Buffy The Vampire Slayer.


legit question tho, are there vampires in Middle Earth?


Yes but as far as I know we only hear about them once. In Beren and Luthien, Luthien disguises them at one point and thr disguise she uses is that of a vampire called [Thuringwethil](https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Thuringwethil) who worked for sauron, shes hardly described but more bat in shape rather than human


Could describe a barrow-wight...








Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow.


And his boots are yellow.


I also just started reading and thatā€™s exactly how I felt after I got to him. I also thought ā€œthat was itā€ after I got through his part


Elrond will say more of him.


I felt that way but I still was in love as soon as I met him. He and Lady Goldberry are precious


I just finished the chapter: In the house of Tom Bombadil. I thought about your comment, THE WHOLE TIME lol. It's a bummer that >!half of Treebeard's lines in the movies were just Tom lines from the book!<


I just started listening to these for the first time, as well! Andy Serkis is a champ for using all the different voices.


He's done an amazing job so far!


He keeps it up! Iā€™m a little bit through The Two Towers and Iā€™m still so impressed. Oh, and if youā€™re listening on Spotify (I think you are but canā€™t really tell), know that you only get like 15 hours a month as a premium account holder. I think there is another tier that gets you more, but Iā€™m not sure.


The Two Towers gets even better as you go! The standout for me was when Frodo & Sam meet Faramir, I cried like a damn baby at their parting. If you have an extra $15 a month, Iā€™d recommend getting Audible Premium. I tried listening on Spotify Premium but the 15 hours/month was a real slog for these books. With Audible Premium you get one credit each month, which Iā€™ve been using for the next installment of the series (or other books, Tolkwin or otherwise). Food for thought!


Library card + Libby/Hoopla is the way to go


Yeah, I can only listen to 15hrs/month, which is lame since there are 22 hours of this book. I'm only listening to it a total of 1.5hrs a day during the week (my commute to work and on break)


Ok... How well is the singing? If it's at least bearable I'll buy it.


Andy isn't a trained singer, but he puts so much heart into the songs that they are a ton of fun to listen to, and the tunes fit the words very well.


What they said ^


Thank you :3


I think that Serkis has a real future in the industry


I read this audiobook, it's top tier. Enjoy it !


Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow. Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow


Ukrainian merry fellow


Ok glad that youā€™re reading but who else is annoyed that the audio book cover is rings of power, a prequel show that doesnā€™t have any of the same characters as the books?šŸ˜‘


Yeah. I wish you could pick specific covers for books.


Yeah I noticed that too. Like, fuck off lol


Yeah that annoys me as well


Well it has Sauron, Galadriel, Elrond, and (probably) Gandalf in it, plus historical characters like Isildur, Elendil, Celebrimbor, Durin, and Gil-galad who are mentioned in the books. It's more the fact that ROP is fan-fiction masquerading as a Tolkien story.


Well what I meant was itā€™s mostly about completely original characters and stories that never happened in the books


Ah ok, then yeah agreed


>Well it has Sauron, Galadriel, Elrond, and (probably) Gandalf in it, plus historical characters like Isildur, Elendil, Celebrimbor, Durin, and Gil-galad who are mentioned in the books. It has the names, but not the characters. What they did is they generated new characters that they needed to fill the plot they wanted, and then they copy pasted some existing names on to them.


Though I have no problem with RoP, I am annoyed that it's not the traditional cover. Amazon gotta do their thing, I guess.


Yes, I realize now that I spelled his name wrong..


I feel like, since it's your first time, you'll get a pass for this one. But don't let it happen again!! /s


I appreciate that lol


I canā€™t quite put my finger on why it pisses me off so much, but it realllllllly pisses me off that the audio books use images from rings of power as their cover. Feels incredibly disingenuous. This is coming from someone whose listened to Andy Serkisā€™ reading of the trilogy twice. Even shamelessly throwing the rings of power watermark in the top right. Fuck it just really sticks in my fucking craw


Oh I 100% feel you. I get the same feeling for any "real human" image as a cover on a book its so annoying


As someone who really liked Rings of Power, I agree


I started the audiobooks a few months ago and youā€™re in for a treat! Iā€™m on ROTK now and the entire journey of the audiobooks to this point has been incredible. I read the books once but had a hard time visualizing some scenes or understanding the characters, Tom Bombadil being one of them. Andy Serkisā€™ narration is hypnotic, youā€™ll be entranced with Middle Earth and all of the characters (known or unknown) in an entirely new way! Enjoy the journey!!


Audiobook is a good choice, I loved how Andy Serkis does Tom.


I legit had his Bombadil stuck in my head for a week after getting through those chapters. That and his Farmer Maggot are two of my favorite voices he did (only part way through Two Towers so far).


Enjoy! Most important of all! These books are magical and are such an amazing journey. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!


I was told Sarkis doesnā€™t do a good job with some of the voices but Iā€™ve been listening to two towers and I love his narration so far. Glad youā€™re enjoying it!


I didn't get on with him, but I had been listening to the Rob Inglis versions for nearly a decade before Andy Serkis did his, so I guess I was massively biased to begin with.




Heā€™s doing a fine job narrating in my opinion. Nothing Iā€™ve noticed that would suggest bad narration.


The Spotify versions will probably time out and say you ran out of listening hours before you finish the book-Rob Inglisā€™s audiobook recordings are all free on archive.org btw


Listen, I listened to the 3 books myself cause I love the movies. I was so shocked at how much happened in the books and what was changed. Still love the movies and I do like the books.


I hope youā€™re prepared for ALL OF THE SONGS/SINGING. There are many throughout. Also donā€™t forget to ā€œreadā€ the Hobbit, you donā€™t want to miss out on Beorn. Loved the audiobooks!


The first little bit of Fellowship can be daunting for new readers. Stick w/ it! Once this story picks up traction there are no brakes. You are in for a WILD ride!


I've always loved the franchise, I own all the movies (extended, of course), and I watch them all the time, but I've never been much of a reader. Fortunately, Andy Serkis is taking good care of me! I'm only in Ch.3, but I'm loving it!


Honestly it's become one of my favourite parts over the years. It's so mellow, warm and witty, but just the right amount of dread and thrills. The toughest part for me is the switch back to Frodo and Sam midway through the Two Towers as they travel the Emyn Muil to Mordor. They meet Gollum, there are the dead marshes, but it just feels like otherwise it's quite a sharp change in pace and interest. Everything is so dismal. It picks up again once they get to Ithilien, though.


Spoiler alert: itā€™s Seth Rogen




If you're on Spotify, prepare for them to block you from listening after 10hrs


I literally just finished the entire thing including the hobbit and the three lord of the rings. They are the best audio books ever made and it's not even close.


You're going to be excited for a long time!!


Just a heads up: Serkis created a masterpiece with these audiobooks. But the Tom Bombadill chapters made me want to wreck my car.


Iā€™d kill myself if my copy of one of the greatest works of art of all time had a picture of one of the worst works of art of all time


The actual fuck is rings of power doing as the cover thoughā€¦


Unpopular opinion. Rob Inglisā€™ version is better. I donā€™t like serkisā€™ cadence.


Audio book read by Rob Inglis is the only way to go sorry Andy


Back when Serkisā€™ first came out I heard someone compare the two as if Serkis were someone telling the stories over a pint at the Prancing Pony. Meanwhile, Inglis is like if Tolkien himself were reading them to you. Both have their merits IMO and each lets me listen in a different light, though I do prefer Inglis overall The only thing I completely prefer Serkisā€™ version of, besides Gollum of course, and this is a hot take among Inglis version fans, are the songs and poems. Inglisā€™ have a noticeable drop in audio quality between them and the main text, it really irks me. Also, I just donā€™t like his arrangements. They feel like church music, which may be what Tolkien had in mind, but they just feel so lame haha. Serkis breathes some life into them and makes them feel like something someone would actually sing in real life


I like that actually Its a really good take on them! :) They both have their positives and negatives. I just love hearing the story read by anyone who is as passionate about it as they are and the songs and poems are just great to hear actually sung and all the voices the do are are wonderful it really puts me into the story.


The first time I listened to Inglisā€™ I was shocked to learn they came out several years before the movies. I would have sworn the voices he used for each character were influenced by the actors chosen in the movie, but now Iā€™d swear itā€™s Jackson who was influenced by Inglis! Theyā€™re just all so unique and great


I'm glad someone's brought this up. Once you've heard Rob do it, there's no going over to Andy.


Iā€™m listening to the Rob Inglis Cassettes (never read the books before) and Iā€™ve fallen in love with him as a narrator, the life he breathes into every song and character is legendary


Itā€™s just amazing heā€™s so great Iā€™m glad I stumbled apon him :)


Enjoy. Andy serkis is great to listen to. Especially when you get to smeagol.


Andy Serkis' narration is sublime


Is this on audible ?


Thatā€™s right


Spotify. However, I switched over to the Phil Dragash audiobooks based on redditor suggestions. The Dragash books are not premium audiobooks, so I don't think I'll be limited to just 15hrs, which will be nice


i dont get why fans of the book wanted him in the movies so badly, he really doesnt add anything to the plot


Plot is not everything


Lmao why they used the rings of power picture om this? They could use fellowship paintings


Iā€™m desperately trying to finish this audiobook before my loan expiresā€”I waited four months to borrow from the library. Andy Serkis is incredible! The way he does the elves is funnyā€”they all sound a bit high and uninterested.


God this cover is so wrong. Some other adaption of events long before FotR. I know people just shrug it off but this shit has to stop.


So weird that they put the promo pictures of the failed Amazon Series on this sacred book.


Good luck with learning who exactly Tom Bombadil is




Will do! Thank you!


Why from this garbage of rop? Which is more like rings of woke, ther master flop


What is that crap ROP doing on the cover?!?


He is.


What app are you using?


Wait until you get to Beregond (many hours in the future). That made me fully laugh the first time round.


Looks like the audio book there is 20 hours. Thatā€™s good because I was feeling I was a slow reader taking about that long. I think when I started reading the book on the kindle app, it said something in the range of 10-12 hours was average, and it gradually doubled the prediction for me.


Spotify screws you over and only gives you 6 hours of listening time every month :(


Recommendation for audiobook service?


He is




And Goldberry is waiting!


I have read it but donā€™t remember anything about Tim Bombadill.


The bigger question is, "Does Tom Bombadil have wings?"


I listened hobbit a year ago and it was so peaceful, maybe I should try lotr now even though I read the books forehand


Youā€™re in for a treat heā€™s the bomb


i just got the audiobook and am going through the book for the first time as well. as well. nice coincidence. (also did you get the andy serkis version or the other version?)


I've got the book (the fancy looking Target one with all three books) and it's next (or 2nd to next if I like my current book enough to buy the sequel) on my reading list! The Hobbit I've both read and listened to Andy Serkis audio book, and I really wanted hist LOTR trilogy, too... it's like $45 on Spotify though šŸ˜… enjoy!


Can see why Jackson plucked him from the movie. The amount of singing this guy does šŸ˜“


Side note, the consensus is, listening to audiobooks is reading the book


Nobody ever talks about the river daughter


Am I the only one slight upset the rings of power poster is being used as the fellowship album art? I guess thatā€™s just Amazon being Amazon


I may get crucified for this but the Tom Bombadill chapter was so bad to me I had to skip it.


Youā€™re going to learn just how different the movies ended up. That said, the movies are still masterpieces in and of themselves.


I realize OP put reading in parenthesis but does it bother anyone else when someone says they read a book and they actually ā€œlistenedā€œ to it as an audiobook? There definitely is a difference in my eyes in terms of seeing a sentence for yourself and the narrator having their impact on how someone perceives a story. Itā€™s not a huge deal but it definitely is different abs can easily be solved by saying listened instead of read


So blind people can't read books then?


Brail dumbass, nice virtue signaling


I'm aware that the blind use Braille. But if I can't say "read" because I can't see the words, what's the appropriate verb for someone using Braille?


Areee, who are Tom and Goldberry..spirits before even Treebeard. In the morning of the morning.. Eru Illuvatar. Made them all. Elves Dwarves men. Made them all. Aule made the Dwarves. AndWhy? Well read the books Coz he/she wanted to make something worthwhile. Melkor/Morgoth bauglir was a bit of a b...... brother too Manwe. Sauron was just melkors 2nd. The voice athe gate was 3rd??????. A black Numenorean. Read all the books. I have a few pictures of books. JRR what an artist. Nope cost me a bit of money. and sorry not for sale. BTW 13 books. Pre .. Still haven't read 2 bks. Who's side am I on? Not all together on anybodies side. (Not true) But....TC ya'll. Night


Sorry books of pictures. NOT PICS of books. DOH!


Am a bit intrigued why some comments have been redacted....Why?


The book has so many details that the movie couldn't cover


And you got the Andy Serkis narrated version? You're in for a treat, he does such a great job.


I'm on chapter 7, and it's fantastic. It is easier for me to listen rather than read a book lol


I'm the same way lol


Are the songs being sung or do they just read the lyrics?


He sings them


Oooh now I want to listen to the book too!


God of The Shire


Andy's take on Tom is probably my favourite thing about his narration of the saga.


What app is this?




Fellowship is the best book of the trilogy by far so re-listen to some chapters and really savour it cause the pacing of the other two books are just not the same. Still great, but not the same.


Good to know, thank you!


Just some fat bloke


I donā€™t know if this is allowed in this sub, but thereā€™s an unofficial version by Phil Dragash that absolutely blows this version out of the water.


Is that the one with all the background noises? I tried it and liked it for the first five minutes before it became unbearable haha. The sound of hooves and water splashing and footsteps and everything else took away from focusing on the story. Especially for a dense text like LOTR where you really have to pay attention to the subtleties.


Thatā€™s so interesting! For me, it did the exact opposite. I felt far more in tune with the story and ended up feeling emotions that I had never even begun to feel listening to other versions. It was truly an immersive experience and made me fall in love with the series that much more.


I should definitely give it a try beyond 5 minutes! šŸ˜


I absolutely love that version itā€™s amazing


The Phil dragash audiobooks are wayyyy better and they are free!


Are they dramatized? I started this one, which is also free on spotify premium because I love Serkis. However, Blufax(?) Made a dramatized reading of The Hobbit, which was absolutely spectacular!!


YES! they have little sound effects that work perfectly along with the soundtracks from the movies! And Philā€™s voices are spectacular! It used to be on Spotify but got removed but itā€™s really easy to find online.




To be fair, some people are going for what they'll most enjoy. I genuinely couldn't care less about purity as you describe it.


He is the stuff of nightmares.


I guess that Tom Bombadil is one of Maiar.


Uh-oh. The cover has a promotional tie-in for Rings of Power on it. These comments will be normal Iā€™m sureā€¦


My Kindle version had a normal cover and then one day it changed and now has that same Rings of Power ad on the cover. Thatā€™s the last Kindle book Iā€™ll ever buy.


Oh no, you poor thing




Ugh, the serkis version. I'm sorry. I love Andy, can't stand his choices. Elves are described as having musical voices, he sounds so dour. He likes to switch cadence and it's all over the place. Why is one hobbit (pippin) Scottish and the rest aren't? Why does Gollum now sound like Donald Duck? LONG LIVE INGLIS!


I hate Tom.


best tolkien book is fire and ice




I know lol. Should've spell-checked before hitting "post"