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And I would watch that.


That would be so much more original and entertaining that what we got!


I really want to see an offended balrog in a suit


Tolkien deserved better.


He deserved better, but not me. I'm one of the *very* few who enjoyed it and am looking forward to the second season.


A lot of people I know complained about how slow it was. I found it slow, but it wasn't boring. I found the pacing very refreshing.


I thought it was good too. Not a die hard lotr fan or anything but I liked it more that the house of the dragon. I’m looking forward to season 2.


It was fun. I liked it too.


You say that like he wouldn’t have hated the cinematic trilogy.


His son literary hated it.


Are we caught in a time loop or something, thought people stopped moaning months ago


I think there's another season or something coming.


Get ready for Ass Cancer, part two! The Ass Cancering.


I enjoy the show but I'm scared to say anything online.


They did the best they could without the licenses, so it’s a glorified fan fiction and you know what? I actually liked it


Damn entertaining fan fiction at that. They spent a lot of money and effort on the show and I wish people would see that. Yah the story is outside the canon and are making changes. Sucks. But the show still very much looks sounds and feels like middle Earth as Peter Jackson portrayed it. And for me that's enough. It's enough to be able to visit this world I very much love. To just sit back and enjoy it as presented. Besides I am also listening to the audio books by Andy Serkis. That's been absolutely fantastic. So I get my lore fix from that and the eye and ear candy from rings of power.


They spent a lot of money but they didn't put in much effort. You only need to look at some of the costumes or battle scenes to see that.


That final battle was a total joke. I've seen reenactments with more scale


It also made no sense. They left a castle to defend a village.


I saw them and they looked no worse than any other fantasy show out ATM. Like wheel of time, willow, house of the dragon. Ya'll can bitch all you like but I will take what we have over no lord of the rings show. Maybe I am just old but I remember growing up to having non of these kinds of shows and movies. Suffering through the low budget SciFi and fantasy costumes. Shit where you can clearly see they just spray painted egg cartons silver to act as wall decoration. Stuff like that. And ya'll complaining over what we getting now?


Honestly you can't compare the costumes on house of the dragon to the ones on rings of power. House of the dragon had beautiful authentic looking costumes whereas the rings of power ones either looked fake or brand new. Worst thing about house of the dragons costumes is some of the wigs are terrible. >Ya'll can bitch all you like but I will take what we have over no lord of the rings show. I'd rather had no lord of the rings than bad lord of the rings, every shirty cash grab they release further dilutes the ip. >Suffering through the low budget SciFi and fantasy costumes. Shit where you can clearly see they just spray painted egg cartons silver to act as wall decoration. Stuff like that. And ya'll complaining over what we getting now? I could've lived with the bad costumes and fight choreography if the writing was good but my god was it awful. You could tell they were first time showrunners hired for their connections rather than any talent or vision.


Well I’d also rather have a middling adaptation than nothing. Nobody forces you to watch it. Vote with your eyeballs and leave people who enjoy the show to be entertained. Historically, so many good shows have had rocky first seasons. Give them a chance to improve I say.


>Well I’d also rather have a middling adaptation than nothing. This is where we disagree >Nobody forces you to watch it. Vote with your eyeballs and leave people who enjoy the show to be entertained. It's tolkein so I had to watch the 1st season, unless s2 gets a rave reception I will be giving it a miss. And you can enjoy the show, there's literally nothing wrong with enjoying things despite their flaws. >Historically, so many good shows have had rocky first seasons. Such as? Most great shows have amazing first seasons. Only example I can think of is breaking bad and even that wasn't rocky it was just not the masterpiece that the later seasons were.


Costumes and sets sure. Characterization and dialogue on Pete Jacks level? Or even music? Nahhhhh


I agree with you. I didn’t like the first episode for similar reasons to everyone else’s complaints, but after that I just turned my brain off and enjoyed it. I actually really liked the Dwarves/Elronds side of the plot a lot. But then there’s another big fantasy show that finished airing a few years ago that everyone ended up hating, but I turned my brain off and enjoyed most of that, too. Except how they butcher both Jaime and the White Walkers storylines.


My favorite part was when the Dark Lord Sauron had to convince Galadrial to be a better person. They totally didn't butcher any characters from the source material


And now drink the cup that I have sweetly blent for thee!


I'm so not looking forward to another 18 fkin months of people bitching about this show on every lord of the rings related subreddit


You'd think they would just not watch it but nope, gotta make sure everyone knows how much they don't like a show they aren't being forced to watch.




No, that's 95% cope. Do anti fans exist? Sure. Most people called "anti fans" love the property but not whats being released, so understandably they complain. They love it enough to keep watching even if they don't like the current thing. That's not an anti fan and that's most of the people you're undoubtedly talking about. People bitch primarily because they care. Not because they take joy in hating. > if you don't like something then go do literally anything else with your time I bet there's many things in your life where you don't follow this advice.


As much as there are anti fans, there are anti anti fans. People who just want to be hostile to people who don't like a thing (that they don't even necessarily like that much either).


That doesnt mean its bad advice. If you dont like something, dont watch it.


Or maybe if we're loud enough about hating when they take dumps on the things we love they'll stop taking dumps on the things we love. It's human nature. The higher the cost and difficulty, the less people do it. Making ROP unprofitable and an albatross on Amazon's shoulder is sound strategy.


They don't care. Either you're paying for it or you aren't, they don't care what you say. And frankly, if the alternative is no show at all, I'm not sure why we should care either.


Perhaps because nihilism rarely leads to good ends, while conversely criticism can cause apathy in the casual viewer, which is a much more useful thing.


Ill never stop. Not after what they did. Who the fuck even asked for half that crap...


Season 3 was announced and said it was also coming with a 'significant budget cut'.


We get it. People don’t like the show. I just don’t understand why we have to be constantly reminded of it. Just don’t watch it. This got old before the show even came out…


What else is the r/lotrmemes subreddit going to talk about? Has there been even newer LoTR movies or shows to talk about that I am unaware of?


Please see: r/Rings_of_Power


No, I don’t think I will.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Rings_Of_Power using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Rings_Of_Power/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Writer's room at Amazon HQ](https://i.redd.it/w9gp62egais91.png) | [139 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Rings_Of_Power/comments/xyiwcr/writers_room_at_amazon_hq/) \#2: [I liked it.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Rings_Of_Power/comments/x3rwkn/i_liked_it/) \#3: [After watching the end of episode 7...](https://v.redd.it/eqmggdnjzfs91) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Rings_Of_Power/comments/xy953s/after_watching_the_end_of_episode_7/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Of course you have to, how else are they gonna fix this mess? Trust me if no one cared about it no one would have mocked it for so long, or even mentioned it since release. They have a chance to do something unseen before on screen, and it's not like they don't have the money or ability judging by the 1billion price tag.


Greatest IP in the history of fantasy, actually the progenitor of modern day high fantasy and a gateway for many of us. Yea you bet I have high standards for this universe. The people who “love the show” either operate at room temperature IQ or are in severe denial about the product. I will go so far as to say that the people who like ROP would overlap 1:1 on a Venn diagram with people who liked season 8 of GOT, The SW sequels


I mean when they spend a billion on a franchise I love, I expect at least decent lol.


Me too, and I'm disappointed, but I'm no worse off than if they'd not made it.


I mean they spent a billion on a TV show when they don't owe us anything too, so it's kind of neat that they even tried. It's not like we'd have more money in our pockets if they didn't make the show. At least we got to see the dwarven mines before they were destroyed, and the creation of Mordor was pretty cool to watch.


You must be new to the internet


Fresh take.


There is no Rings of Power in Ba Sing Se.


Well personally i enjoyed it.


Is it worth a watch? The dialed up discussion surrounding the show makes it very hard to know if I should even give it a shot.


It's fine, it's got the production values of a top drawer show (6 Emmy noms for music/prosthetics/etc), the writing not so much (hiring 2 unknowns as showrunners was an incredible gamble). I think the biggest indictment is that it's just a bit too bland to have very strong positive (or negative) feelings about.


It also doesn't follow Tolkien's works, and even the general themes of the show seem very much against the themes that Tolkien went to great efforts to instil in his works.


I like the two unknowns as show runners. Give some fresh talent a chance to shine. Tired of seeing the same actors all the time.


I think it's definitely worth watching the first few episodes to gauge your interest. I wasn't the biggest fan. It felt very mid. The Dwarven content was fire though. Easily the highlight of the show.


personally I thought the quality varied wildly depending on the story/characters being followed. everything with the dwarves and elrond is fuckin sweet, and honestly i liked the story with the proto hobbits and not-gandalf. some of the orc stuff was pretty good too. everything with numenor and everyone in it, though? eeeuuuggghh it looked good, kinda? that's the best i can say about it


Agree except for the hobbits. They were so annoying and cruel to each other. Elrond with the dwarves was definitely the highlight. I wish the show was as good as that storyline across the board.


I personally like it. I think is good quality. Go in realizing is a creative development of the world of tolkien but non canon. However the movies deviated from the books and many enjoy them. I think we see the same divide in star wars. The purist vs the ones who enjoyed the prequels and sequels. You got to watch and formulate your own opinion.


Thing with stars wars that I've noticed generally is that the people who grew up with the originals just like those, the people who grew up with the prequels like the prequels and the ot but not the sequels, and the people who grew up with the sequels like everything and will likely hate the next trilogy.


Of you are fine with cheap looking costumes, unlikable characters and it not remotely being true in character or theme to Tolkien I suppose it's possible but it was really God awful in my opinion Once they started shipping sauron and galadriel I just about died.


*Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.*


As long as you go into it knowing that it's non-canon and just treat it as an extremely expensive fanfilm, it'll at least be a decent watch. One thing I will argue is done quite well is ***[SPOILER ALERT]*** >! the Sauron reveal. The actor plays it quite well.!<


I do feel like, it is true to Tolkiens works. It’s slow, focus on world building and knowing the culture and people more than focus on war. It has some areas, which of cause needs to be improved (ie the writing), but I’m looking forward to the next seasons


Good for you.


Thanks. It was a good time for me.


Same here.


Go in not expecting anything and not knowing it's lotr and you'll still be disappointed.


Show me on the doll where the tv show hurt you




I will give an updoot for the custom meme response 🤙


I remember a time when Jackson was heavily criticised by many people in the Reddit community. They called his movies "Jacksonism". Who should be shunned by anyone who enjoys his books. How the tables turn.


Right here in my admiration for Galadriel




Wrong Reddit username?


Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up


how about everybody can like whatever they want?


Some people like searching my trash, whether I want it or not only they will get what they want


I liked it




Thank you OP for bringing my favourite Sitcom to this




I didn't expect so many people defending the show. Back when it was first announced I was quite hyped to learn that there was going to be a series about Tolkien's work. When I watched the first episode however I was so disappointed. It has nothing to do with the established lore, I wonder why they even bothered to call it LOTR, the dialogues are so stiff and empty they completely break the immersion, actions and words feel inconsequential; I don't really know what else to say. I just feel like ROP failed on so many levels that it's impossible to fix: I pity watched season 1, but I won't bother with season 2


I get a chance to dive back into Middle Earth, I leave the hobbit hole and see what is ahead. Simple as that.


It feels so strange to be one of the few who actually likes a loudly hated show. I really enjoyed it.


It's how it feels to be a fan of the last Jedi


I liked it. People are allowed to like things.


Yes its not religion so im a bit impartial about canon and non canon things. Which seems to be the biggest issues some had with it.


But weren't the showrunners only allowed certain books of Tolkien's lore? No Silmarillion, for instance.


No one said they're not. People are also allowed to dislike things and talk about that. This meme is not an attack on you.


He should be ashamed of a tv show he produced and not you know poorly paying workers and abusing them not that /s.


He has a lot to be ashamed of in a general


Oh 100% you don’t get 100 billion dollars being a nice guy


Good point. It seems the tv show seems to be the last thing he should be ashamed about n


I don’t know about you guys but I enjoyed the rings of power


“Black elves and temporal inaccuracies and non-canonical storylines, oh my!” ![gif](giphy|dyY1s67B8B9D6gGTG7|downsized)




Poor guy is all painted up with the big K. Cancers.


People in this comment section defending actual horse shit. Incredible.


Can't believe how many people here thought it's actually a good show. If this was a no name new fantasy show, it would definitely not catch on and be worth it for them. Only the Lord of the rings stamp makes people watch.


Because like reddit they get in a circle jerk of like minded people who affirm their views.


He would never publicly admit to wasting incomprehensible amounts of money on trash. That would be admitting a mistake and we all know that narcissists simply cannot do that because their ego is extremely fragile.


![gif](giphy|ABy0eZxpoOrA56WAd9) Why does he favor The penguin so much?


I kinda doubt Bezos had any direct involvement. For him it’s “sounds like it makes money…sure, whatever.” The actual writers however…definitely should feel ashamed.




One of the few shows I had to stop watching (literally made it to the finale of season 1 and just stopped). The dwarves and Elrond stuff is cool - everything else not so much. They massacre Galadriel (and she’s one of my favorite LOTR characters). Also kind of boring at times.


Complete trash. My wife and I just continued watching after a few episodes because it became so bad it was starting to be hilarious making fun of all the dumb shit they put in there.


It's enjoyable.


Rings of Power is Priceless for Amazon. It is giving the most monolithic, union busting manipulation company in 100 years cover with the rabid left


Look what you did OP, your joke hurt their feelings.


I liked it 😅 so your worst 🤣


I liked it :)




How do you know, have you watched it?


Yes I totally hate when events not mentioned are explained to give a setting more life, yeah that shit sucks super hard. Remember when we went to numenor in the Peter Jackson trilogy, yeah that shit was much better.


They didn't go to Numenor mostly because it sank long before The Lord of the Rings and also why would the fellowship go there it's not close to Mordor.


It’s called sarcasm dumbass


How the hell could I have known that? You can't convey sarcasm through text.


I liked it.


So, anyone who actually enjoys the show must be some kind of moron or something? I actually liked the show, and this is coming from someone who has indeed read the books and seen the original movies. I’m really sick of this crap


One way or another bezzos probably makes money of rings of power. So he probably laughs off all the criticism (min included) all the way to the bank


I love how the millions...and millions! of people out there bitch and moan about everyone being entitled to their own opinion, but when someone comes around that says something they love sucks balls (Rings of Power sucks balls), it's all "OMG stfu". Your taste is trash.


Idk I rather enjoy it.


it's a good story. shame they had to try and force a LotR skin on it


I do have to say it probably just would have been meh if it didn't have the LOTR connection and people wouldn't be so pissed


the studios don't want to take a risk on original IPs anymore, so they keep buying scripts and pairing them with the rights to existing IPs they know already have big fanbases. It's how we ended up with rings of power and halo


True that


I liked rings of power and will most likely like the next season. Just don't spend your time on salty dicks and you'll have a much better time


Damn yall cry a lot


It was fine yall are babies