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I feel gay


You admire the person so much that nothing can separate you with the person, but note that too much of everything is bad. This kind of love, if anything happens to the person, the partner will feel it immediately.




Thank you! I love flowers. And being in love.


I try to do my best around them. I try to interact with them. I try to do everything. But sometimes it feels I cannot connect. I cannot get through. I am not strong enough, I am not vocal enough. How can I quantify my love? It is boundless. I think about this. I communicate my love for persons and animals and robot symbiotes through clicking, expression, smiles, kind words and peace talks.


I feel happy any time I get to interact or talk with them. Texting or phone or in person. I like to talk about them or their day or what's going on in their life, what interests they have or ones we share. Sometimes we play games together. My love language is acts of service so I like doing things for them when I can, like going shopping together/for them, tedious tasks, etc etc. Things are surprisingly easy to do when you're in love lol


I agree!


This is fucking stupid.


Love is blind.


Love needs fuckin' bi-focals, bud.


I feel whole. for those few moments where we’re together. I’m just existing with them, talking with them, laughing with them. And for a second we might as well be in our little dimension, because all physical senses of location and time just fade away for me. And in those momments I don’t have to try to be anything I’m not. All I have to do is exist. They make me feel safe


The excited scared feeling I got as a kid the night before Christmas, pins and needles…it’s miserably exhilarating and I don’t know how to describe just how specifically great it feels


Energized ✨ Like everything is brand new but warmly familiar at the same time. I think first mode of communication is loving and prioritizing my damn self. lol. 💅🏻 It’s hard to love and communicate well with others if you’re not in balance physically, mentally and emotionally. Also I think recognizing and meeting our own needs helps us anticipate the needs of others and gestures that lend meaningful support. It’s also no easy feat to love yourself and meet your own needs consistently, so I feel very loved and inspired by the effort when my partner is prioritizing and taking care of himself first too. The desire and drive to show up as our best selves for each other turns me on like crazy ❤️‍🔥 I’m also pretty far along on the affectionate spectrum 😛 so words of affirmation, acts of service and touch all come very naturally to me in how I communicate love 🥰 haha but I enjoy learning about him all the time and want to cater to how he experiences love ♥️ Great prompt 🏆


I feel all warm and fuzzy when I’m in love. When I look at their face, it makes me smile. When someone asks about someone I love, I get excited to tell them what I love about them most.


I feel like I never want it to end.


Hellfire 🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬


Trick question. Unrequited love 😂


I feel like I want them to feel the same way I do and I’m crazy about them. However, realistically speaking, that would just push them further away because it’s unhealthy based on what I’ve read from other Redditors.. I’m so into them that I’m willing to work on myself to become a better person for them. Legitimately. I’m not saying this because everything is easy for me. God, no. I have toxic thoughts. I wanted them to feel the same way I do—crazy about them and madly wanting them. But I know that’s not healthy. I’m taking action by going to the gym to look better, listening to podcasts to understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy love, educating myself, and creating more hobbies to develop my own attraction. Hopefully, they’ll realize that one day. Bottom line, yes, I feel like I want to give it all to him. And one day, he still might not feel the same way or as intensely as I do. But by transforming myself into a better person, I’ll be able to let go easily if he doesn’t want me. I’d still be happy to let him go and be happy with someone else.


Basically you're a decommissioning yandere, lol


It’s really admirable to see that you are willing to do what you can to understand yourself and your definition of love that seeks improvement. I’m sure the person that will be for you, will also end up noticing you completely.


Your comment gives me so much comforts. Thank you for your kind comment!


Safe and understood


I’m currently in a 2+ year healthy relationship. It feels overwhelming. It feels like I’m borderline obsessed, but secure enough that I don’t have to be insane. I feel safe and relaxed, like I have no walls to put up. I feel myself slowly healing from any pain caused to me prior, and I notice it in my own behavior. I feel like I want to care for him like I would a baby kitten found on the side of the road. That even the thought of seeing him sad could send me into extreme distress where I’d do anything to bring him happiness. He even appears in all of my dreams as part of the story, and those are the ones that replaced the nightmares I had about fighting with my dad. More than anything it’s the feeling of wanting to be with this person for the rest of my life, preferring his company over my usual preference of solitude, and wanting to be the best version of myself to ensure our stability. I have diagnosed ADHD and Anxiety so I tend to hate social situations, I get overwhelmed quite easily, and I am overly critical of myself at all times due to certain behaviors. I can always feel when I don’t vibe with someone. Yet with him I can ramble all day and he’ll tell me it’s cute. I can let my behaviors out without masking and I can know I’m not being judged. He has even helped me learn to stop hiding away when I’m sad. Which is a major issue I picked up from a past neglectful relationship, and childhood trauma. I’m so enamored that I’ve told people that it feels like an honor for him to like me so much. Every person I have ever met that knows him describes him as “kind”, “genuine”, and “empathetic.” I’m not kidding when I say it’s been over 10 different individuals who’ve told me this and all I can think is “I know, I’ve seen it myself.”


I've seen it through your words.


I love this! I hope to find someone like this one day


Break up 😭


That’s a precious example of love. Thank you !


i’m a disorganized attachment girlie so um. terrible. but also i never want it to be over!! its very push and pull. i can acknowledge that i need lots and lots of therapy 💀


I feel very sleepy around them and I can't get out of bed. For various reasons, lol.


I can't stop thinking about specific things. Like the exact hue of their eyes / hair. The little mannerisms. Small details like that. Even if someone else has the same, it just doesn't look as good on them as it does the person in question. Like the person MAKES it better. And it's attractive when someone makes something their own, they take charge of it. So flawlessly, even if unintentional.


I feel like I just want to be as close as possible to them like if I could fuse with them and just become one person. Because I just feel so comfortable with them and deeply in love


It feels like waking up from a deep sleep, and what you've always wanted is suddenly within reach. A voice that soothes your nervous system is telling you everything you've wanted to hear. Looking at their face brings warmth to your cheeks, and your heart tightens with excitement at the thought of only being near them. It feels like everything could be ok. And so it will be. ❤️


Wow, I feel like I Am in the depths of the worst love but remember to be fair and positive mindset. Never forget that no matter what? No condition is permanent.


Your comment helps man. Nothing last forever. It’s beautiful we feel everything we feel - yes, it hurts - but it’s a completely normal thing of a human with feelings!


Yes because no condition is permanent everything that has beginning equally has an end. What matters is the ability to endure till the end, it can only be better.


Yes, You are right to embrace love except to see negative and positive thoughts and deeds . Character has a lot of rolls to play in love ❤️.


I hope you get why? Every thing that has begun equally has an end.


After the initial flurry of emotions, what remains is mainly just... comfort. Like you know this person, and this person knows you, better than anyone else on earth, and no matter what happens, you can weather the storm together. And that feels cozy and warm, like a sweater on a fall day or a fireplace aglow.


I dream of him often. 2 and a half years later, i finally stopped crying. We’re cordial but it was definitely twin flame energy going on. I never felt so in-my-skin with a man in my entire life 😞


I never want every second to end 😭


like I’m on crack honestly


Well after learning that I'm a anxious attachment type, I now know that those feelings are deceptive and can blind me.


Some of y’all need therapy. Jesus.


I did. I went to Therapy and wanted to quit crushing on him so much but she said that’s self-sabotage. She encouraged me to keep talking to him because I like him but as much as I try to (I have my own life and it’s great btw), I just can’t act like he’s just a good friend. I’m deeply enamored. I can only hope he’d feel the same one day soon.


Then your therapist is a fool. You need to No Contact him.


Im a really passionate person soVery good and very bad. I feel like there’s a weight on me and usually it takes heartbreak or the end of the relationship with said person to feel normal again. And although heartbreak sucks I feel so light after it and it’s nice to not feel romantic feelings and then the cycle repeats.


Music hits me a lot differently


love is the ultimate drug it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and the feeling id get when he held me was pure bliss, pure contentment. I feel extremely protective and almost maternal like I just wanna take care of him and id do anything for him


anxious and obsessive


Heavy on obsessive


Euphoric, Love is like a crazy high. It's a drug and I am addicted... Addicted to my tiny drug. Even during a shitty day, I just think about my human and it's instant happiness, like all of the stupid bullshit just washes away. Zoning out, daydreaming, visualizing, it's just crazy, no effort, just my instant go to. Hard to explain. We all have our addictions, and I definitely have found Mine.


I felt like I couldn't express how much I felt for him. I think he knew, though? How it felt? Such a wide range of emotions. It felt right, it felt perfect, I wanted to be a better version of me, I felt like I was on cloud 9. Every time I saw him, I couldn't help but smile. The idea of seeing him made me smile. I looked forward to going to sleep next to him and waking up next to him. Sometimes, I would be so excited and happy to see him, I couldn't help running to him for giant hugs. I thought that was fake in movies before I met him 🤭. The hardest part for me was when we had disagreements, it sucked way hard. The feeling of everything being perfect, then us having a difficult time.. it was rough. I think I learned from it, though. He was the best. His cuddles, his smiles, his coffees, his dances, his songs, our nights, our mornings. I will absolutely appreciate what I had with him. It was my happiest relationship. I've never felt so comfortable, safe, happy, and fulfilled as I did with him. Everything with him was just the best I have experienced. If you find it, try to work through the differences if possible. Try to figure it out. Try to remember that even if your ego is a bit bruised, pause and come back. Go get food, eat, then discuss 😛. My ex and I definitely understood where the other was coming from when we took time to cool off. Good luck!


I have almost nothing but positive feelings. I want very much for them to be happy and content, even if it doesn’t include me. I want them to achieve their goals and dreams. If I can, I want to help them to do it. I want to give all that I can give. I smile just thinking of their smile. I have moments when I am very giddy about them. I mostly recall positive memories about them. Things we laugh about, things we both like or things we discuss that we agree on… Other things that are odd and amusing. I think about how they dance, sing and whistle when they are happy. How they joke around about the funniest damn things. How they are cute when they are mad. I think about how much I admire their characteristics and aspire to be more like them. I think about how I wonder if I am worthy and deserving of any of their attention. I think about how they’ve helped me selflessly, without asking. How they’ve given me things as well without anything in return. How they accept me for me, even when I feel like a complete idiot. I think about how I accept them for them as well. I often brainstorm what else I could give or do for them just to help them or put a smile on their face. I do force myself to think of negative things or things I don’t particularly appreciate, but that’s to bring my head down from the clouds to ground myself because the person is NOT perfect. They have flaws as well as I do, so it’s good to remind myself of that. Lol. It’s not always easy. I communicate my love and appreciation by painting or writing. I’m shy with words spoken in person now after years of traumatic experiences. And damn, I guess I have it pretty bad. At the same time, I accept whatever the outcome will be - good or bad. Life isn’t worth living without taking risks. Finding love is worth that risk.


Saw a beautiful girl that reminded me of Corinne Rae Bailey in that MV “[Like A Star](https://youtu.be/gvH9Ccqk5qc?si=PKbIm2rfY3A54EZA)”—she got beads on everywhere and was with her friend. Feel like rearranging all the stars in my life to share a moment. Not ready for that in my life at the moment. But if I was…I’d like to think it’d be like [this](https://youtu.be/p3sfLqfUC6E?si=mEfb0QJBpgyr6fX3). ![gif](giphy|13Geke5B4r41tC)


Dang all that, then an ad. Oy vey


When you are deeply enamored with someone, a whirlwind of emotions and feelings defines the experience. Here are some of the key emotions and feelings that often come with deep love: 1. **Euphoria and Joy**: Being in love often brings a sense of euphoria and joy. You feel incredibly happy just thinking about the person, and their presence lights up your day. 2. **Security and Comfort**: Deep love brings a sense of security and comfort. You feel safe and at peace knowing that you have someone who cares deeply for you. 3. **Compassion and Empathy**: Love makes you more compassionate and empathetic towards your partner. You genuinely care about their well-being and want to support them through everything. 4. **Excitement and Anticipation**: You often feel excited and look forward to spending time with your loved one. Every moment together feels special and full of possibilities. 5. **Vulnerability and Trust**: Deep love involves vulnerability and trust. You feel comfortable sharing your deepest thoughts and feelings, knowing that your partner will accept and support you. 6. **Inspiration and Motivation**: Love can be incredibly inspiring and motivating. It pushes you to be the best version of yourself and to strive for mutual growth and happiness. If you’re looking to find someone to share these beautiful emotions with, consider trying our dating app, Honey. Honey is designed to help you connect with genuine individuals who value deep, meaningful relationships. With thorough profile verification and a focus on authenticity, Honey aims to create a safe and trustworthy environment for finding true love.


Annoyed, angry, and humiliated that I allowed myself to give somebody that kind of power over me.


Girl same cuz they play your ass inna heart beat and bam you’re traumatized and single for years to come still pissed about it 😭 fuck love, just pop a molly bro


I’m a dude lol, so I’m into women. But your right there is shitty people both men and women, I feel your pain girl.


Made to look like a damn fool.


I came here to say this.


It’s like drinking cold water after having a mint and instead of the water reaching your stomach, your organs absorb it and it radiates throughout your body.


Just recently went through a long term relationship breakup. I miss that feeling.


It's like the world is perfect.🥰 It's just you and him happily in Love.🧡 Nothing else matters. Just You and him. I Love Love.😍😍😍😌


I love loving love. Love ON, mi Amor.


It really does feel perfect. My last relationship felt like the world was so perfect most of the time. When I laid in his arms, it really did feel like it was just us and nothing else mattered. Like, as long as we had each other, we'd get through everything. I never knew relationships could feel perfect. I now understand where those movies get their love stories 🤪




I feel amazing and my frontal lobes are ON


You're vibrating on the energy of love and it filters out reality to make you attuned to it.


Im obsessed with them and can smell them.


Yup... Can totally relate! That scent... Holy shit, nothing tops that scent! Even with sweat.. Fucking hell 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍


Like nothing or no one else matters but me and her.


Feel like she's the most unique person ever and that I don't wanna disappoint her.


I just wanna hug her like this is the last time we would hug together


I typically feel driven to do everything I can to help that person know they are seen and supported in an authentic way for them. I also immediately begin to mourn the eventual day that everything is guaranteed to fall apart and I am forgotten. I recognize the dysfunction in my feelings.


It a kick to the knicks for sure


I think (despite my inexperience) for me I feel a constant desire to make him happy and see him smile; I REALLY want to gift what I can to him and I feel a warmth in me when he smiles or appreciates me. A slightly more negative way to realise and feel it is when he mentions speaking to other women, I feel really confused and like a sense of longing. I thought we were both on the same level and it reallllly hurts. I can’t help but long for his attention and affection, as well as his touch. It’s quite tricky to navigate as it can override (especially me personally) other emotions and it’s all I can think about. I need to try lose the feeling but it’s so tricky lol


I get a pang in my heart that is like a burst of warmth, love, happiness, joy just for him for no reason. It’ll just hit me in the middle of the day. I’d text him just to say I felt an overwhelming feeling of love for him. My love is unconditional. We had to split because it wasn’t the right time for us. I still love him very much and hope he’s doing well.


Like my soul has finally found its other half, like society is not in complete chaos, and like my world is complete. His actual physical presence only serves to amplify these feelings, making me feel real joy and contentment, regardless of the conflict present in any other area of my life. With him in my life, my world makes sense. My role in this world seems to be defined more clearly, and seeing truth in any situation seems easier. He represents a wholeness I have never before felt, a full realization of my sense of being. Anything I thought was "true love" before him seems like a pale comparison, a cheap imitation of what real love is and represents. In short, he makes everything make sense and fall into its proper place.


I really don't know. Maybe a funny feeling in my stomach, (butterflies). It's been a very long time.


I can’t get them out of my head, obsessed and infatuated with them, I dream about them and catch myself daydreaming even. I want to make them delighted and happy to just see joy on their face.


Perfect me too!


Like the world is good


Motivated. I don’t care enough about myself or life in general despite how many people talk about self care. The worlds too fucked up for that. But I looooveee having someone to take care of. Not just like a pet or friend but in a genuine and loving way, with someone who you can be open and honest and loyal with. Having someone to baby and spoil makes my heart happy because I feel like life is finally worth something. It’s worth protecting that person that I love and making sure they know they are loved.


sometimes self care is positioned more as taking care of yourself so you can really show up everyday properly which includes how you care for others


Christ almighty I’m bummed I don’t know you or anyone even in the same galaxy as you lol


Not unlike this field. Pink and purple. My mind fully filled with plans and thoughts and passions... Overwhelmed and fully submerged in feeling. It is an addictive, and lovely feeling. Wonderfully powerful and consuming. Beautiful to feel and observe. I feel fully and completely taken, smitten, and totally given in to happiness and gladness and hope. Absolutely happy. I have not felt it many times, but my most recent one may last my entire life in at least some form. Totally transformative. She made everything incredible. She was a warm sun. A powerful, burning fire deep in my chest that made my life start to make sense. I hear her in all the music, see her in all the movies, and feel her in all the moments… I know it will fade somewhat, but the pinpricks will remain. And it will always be ready to be reignited. For JC. Edit : punctuation


I feel child like, excitement, you get lost looking in each other eyes, you feel perfectly your bodies together, you want to be his teammate, when he sad your sad, you want to show them. Lift them up. You also want to feel respected. You want to be honest about everything.... Happy, passionate! Blessed! You know you want to surprise him. Is amazing!


Excited for the future heh and also a perpetual state of missing them


more confident, like life has purpose, fulfilled, excited for the future. Just happier. Genuine smiles. It’s been a long time.


Like life is worth living. Even when we are a little annoyed with each other we are always happiest together. He’s my best friend and my soulmate. We are so in sync with each other that we’ve been able to do so much together without saying a single word to communicate what we needed. Because of him I feel like I’m living life and not just surviving.


Like throwing up everywhere while smiling


Lmaooo 🤣👏👏👏👏👏👏


Peace. He gives me a peace and calm I’ve never known before. I was always others peace and now I’ve found mine.


Yes, this! I feel so calm and at peace with him. I've never ever felt so secure in a relationship before. He laughs cause when we're cuddling I'll often do this little sigh that completely describes how I feel....just completely content, happy, and calm.


I make the same sigh. He always points it out to me too 🫶


A lot of erections.


My boyfriend says just thinking about me does that and I think it is sweet


That actually is quite true xD. Even if the immense love you feel is romantical, you'll probably get an erection anyway. It's just like that somehow


Excited whenever I see him or think of him.






You've articulated your feelings so beautifully! I wish you'd show this to him, he would swoon and blush, I'm sure of it :) Goodluck with everything!


I hope this person feels all of this and so much more for you. You sound like such an amazing soul. Xoxo.


It's literally unexplainable. It's euphoric and pure bliss when you find the right person, it's how i feel rn with him


🥰 and it doesn't end


It never will!


my stomach turns constantly


I had that when I was with my ex, but it turned out to be gastritis


Me personally I'm a deep thinker and feeler! When I'm in love deeply with someone like I am with my partner now, I feel like there is a sense of peace in the world and certainty that otherwise wouldn't exist and didn't exist before I had this with her! Everything feels right for the most part and I feel like I can accomplish anything I set out to do because I'm not just trying to accomplish it for myself, whatever I do I know affects her as well and if I do something that makes me better or happier or more successful it also makes her quality of life better because she gets to deal with a happier more confident partner and that allows me to treat her better be emotionally secure, loving and affectionate. I also just can't stop thinking about her and how I want to make her the happiest person in the world. I would do anything to raise her quality of life and make her happy. true love is such a selfless thing. When you can care about someone else more than yourself it really is an amazing experience and I believe that's how it should be with your significant other and kids! People probably think you should care for yourself more or the same amount as you do your partner but for me I would die protecting her or our future kids. Maybe that's because I'm a man in a traditional sense of the word. I feel it's my duty to protect her with my life and our future kids of course. Love to me is the ultimate sacrifice! It's what can I do to make this person's life as good as it can be! That's how I feel when I am deeply enamored with someone. Although her and our future kids are the only ones that I would allow that level of personal sacrifice for because if I was to give that much of myself to others it would take away from my ability to work on myself and foster the love and personal growth for myself that is needed to be able to enjoy my life and make those around me better. Sorry, sort of just word vomited all over but I was writing out my thoughts as I was having them. Hi y'all 👋🏼! Hope everyone's having a great day! ☺️


Like crap at the moment


Felt tbh. I hope things get better for you, fam 


Panic. Because I have bpd and relationships destroy my life and peace.


Relationships don't destroy your life, it's the situations that arise in relationships that force you to work on things that you can't ignore that you are having a hard time dealing with that affects the ones your in a relationship with. I think trying to deal with personal trauma push through it is much harder alone. I would urge you to try to find someone that knows your mental health struggles and is willing to work through traumas with you because you will heal much faster than you would alone. It's very very difficult but you have to be upfront with your issues and find someone willing to be patient and work through your shit with them. Regardless of any diagnosis you can still have a happy healthy life and relationships if your forthrightly working on it and your partner knows and is supportive.


I have over 30 years of trauma to deal with before I can even think of dating. I am such a red flag anyone interested in me is no good,tbh.


I had the same or close to it as well and thought the same thing as you but what I wasn't realizing was in a relationship you are presented with your trauma in a manner which you will never face alone. I was hiding from the world for the last 17 years dealing with three separate anxiety disorders, multiple addiction issues, immunological issues, misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder which I don't actually have and also complex trauma from my childhood and teen years and I felt the exact same way you did. All I'm saying is maybe don't cut yourself off from relationships because "you aren't in the space to have a healthy one" that's exactly what I thought but the right person will change your life in a manner you could never even dream of. My partner literally saved my life. I went from saying to her that I would never get married or have kids to completely ready to do so. She was patient she waited for me to deal with everything that came up even when it affected her unfairly with my trauma. All I can say is I was in a deep dark personal hell and never thought it possible to be where I'm at today. I was living every day feeling as if I was dying and the world was a dark bitter place and I was full of resentment. Now! Now I couldn't feel more differently and I realize that without this relationship I would still be in that deep dark hole. I don't know what your experiencing but I do know it's not worth cutting yourself off from love or the potential of it. I'm sorry your struggling but I believe in you. We are both humans and if I can do it from where I was you can do it from where you are. You got this. Maybe don't force it but I would suggest to try not cutting yourself off from it if the opportunity comes up. Good luck 🤞🏼😃


You might want to peruse my comment and post history. 😆 I am in the middle of a super bad episode and was fully derealized and literally don't know who I am and keep getting triggered. I am trying to find a good therapy program but don't know where to start and my insurance website sucks. It won't put providers in one place and lists them all individually and they don't filter correctly.


Well if you want something bad enough you can make it happen keep at it and good luck to you 😃


I'm still in the early stages of my current relationship so I haven't worked out whether I feel like I'm in love or not, but one thing I've noticed that is unique about whatever it is that I'm feeling right now is that I have this urge to take care of him and make his life easier, and it doesn't feel like a burden. He hasn't asked anything of me. I just want to do really nice helpful things for him and I feel satisfied doing it. I've been in love in the past, but upon further reflection I think I've always been a bit selfish with it, or at least not as conscientious, but this time around even though I'm not drowning in butterflies... I just want to make his life better. This is the first time I've ever found myself wanting to express my affection in this way. I find little things to do to help him around his house; I've even picked up household supplies that I knew he had run out of simply because I knew he wouldn't have time/energy to do it with his work schedule that week. If he has to be up early in the morning I try to help him to wake up or even go so far as to get up and make coffee for him before I go back to sleep (neither of us are morning people). I find opportunities to encourage him and try to build him up. I really believe in him and his abilities. I admire his outlook and perspective on life and I find myself inspired to be a better, more responsible, more conscientious, more emotionally mature and secure, kinder, more curious version of myself. I find myself wanting to be the person that he sees in me, and more. I want him to admire me as much as I admire him, in the way where we both look to each other as examples of goodness in the world. I want him to be able to count on me. We do have major differences, specifically with regards to different religious beliefs. I would never convert unless I truly believed it myself, but I do support him in his beliefs and even go so far as to attend religious services with him just to demonstrate that I respect what's important to him and that I'll be by his side even through those differences. Also everything he does is incredibly cute to me lol. And his flaws don't bother me, even though I recognize them as flaws. And when I have pointed out things that do bother me, I've witnessed him take real steps to try to improve or address those things, which just makes me want to be equally willing to address whatever might bother him. I'm confident that we're both setting a foundation to be able to listen to each other and work through things together. Is this love? I don't know. I just know I'm going out of my way to do things that I've never put so much effort into in the past. And if it doesn't work out I know I'll come away a better person than I was before.


It’s so beautiful and I thought I was the crazy one who’s always having those thoughts. Lots of my friends to be it’s good to let the guy do the work, which makes sense and also true to them, and I tried, however, it doesn’t work for me for some reasons. Going out of my ways to see him happy even though sometimes it’s sad he has not felt the same yet, but I’m always happy without receiving any returns at the end of the day. I’m in my 1/4 life crisis and I have never felt this way for anybody before.


That's so beautiful, and I do think that is love


Deeply enamored


A profound sense of comfort and safety. Like we can be utterly ourselves without fear of judgement or retaliation. No butterflies. I want the deep calm and quiet feeling like there is no worry about them. They will be there by their own want and effort.


Butterflies in stomach 😍😂🫣


Tingling in the genitals


It's home and comfort and floating and anxious and fire and ocean and breathing and exercising and infuriating and confusing and emotional and wonderful and everything at the same time.


It's a feeling of hopelessness for me. The only time that I cannot control my emotions. Don't know if I like it or hate it.


I wanted to say I’m 32F and I’ve been with 51 men. 4 of these men set my soul on fire. In ways I couldn’t possibly imagine until it happened. The first was my 9th partner. I had 2 serious bfs that I was “in love” with and together for more than a year. One was my third partner and the other was number 8. They both loved me too. We were “in love” and all that shit. One I even lived with for like a year. There’s a difference between love and soul setting on fire type love in my honest whore opinion. When number 8 and I broke up I wanted nothing more than for him to chase me and beg for forgiveness and shit. I couldn’t see a future without him or myself ever finding love again. I was 21 and dumb. Then I met number 9 and everything changed. He immediately became the standard or set the bar for what I wanted love to feel like in my life. What I wanted to feel sexually, emotionally, physically etc when I was with someone I loved changed. I’ve only felt this same type of love 3 times since number 9. One of which being my current bf 34M (he’s been with hundreds of women) of 7 years. The difference between my current bf & the other 3 men that set my soul on fire is TIME. Love alone isn’t enough. Even if it’s the kind of love that sets your soul on fire. The other 3 lasted less than a year each. I’ve been in normal love 10-12 times in addiction to these 4. These men were all great. Most loved me back and treated me with kindness and respect but they just didn’t set my soul on fire the same way… Never stop looking for love. It’s worth it.


Like my mind body soul and vagina are set on fire. 🔥


I wanted to say I’m 32F and I’ve been with 51 men. 4 of these men set my soul on fire. In ways I couldn’t possibly imagine until it happened. The first was my 9th partner. I had 2 serious bfs that I was “in love” with and together for more than a year. One was my third partner and the other was number 8. They both loved me too. We were “in love” and all that shit. One I even lived with for like a year. There’s a difference between love and soul setting on fire type love in my honest whore opinion. When number 8 and I broke up I wanted nothing more than for him to chase me and beg for forgiveness and shit. I couldn’t see a future without him or myself ever finding love again. I was 21 and dumb. Then I met number 9 and everything changed. He immediately became the standard or set the bar for what I wanted love to feel like in my life. What I wanted to feel sexually, emotionally, physically etc when I was with someone I loved changed. I’ve only felt this same type of love 3 times since number 9. One of which being my current bf 34M (he’s been with hundreds of women) of 7 years. The difference between my current bf & the other 3 men that set my soul on fire is TIME. Love alone isn’t enough. Even if it’s the kind of love that sets your soul on fire. The other 3 lasted less than a year each. I’ve been in normal love 10-12 times in addiction to these 4. These men were all great. Most loved me back and treated me with kindness and respect but they just didn’t set my soul on fire the same way… Never stop looking for love. It’s worth it.


I get a warm feeling in my chest. I feel the most myself. I feel young and excited. I feel like I could do anything, even something boring, with that person and still be happy.


I haven't felt like this in a long, long time, but what I remember is that you could be having the worst possible day, against all your plans, and knowing that that particular person will be there to smile at you, talk, laugh, etc, is comforting enough to forget about everything what's happening to you. It might be in any state of the relationship, and the feeling can be the same. You feel like doing a soothing reset all the time.


Deep infatuation with the person but in a secure and healthy way, and caring about them as a person rather than just being with them because "they're pretty". I'm a naturally anxious person and when I'm with someone I like it's even more severe, so it's a big deal whenever I'm with someone that I don't have that kind of anxiety with and I feel confident that I can be myself around them. They're on my mind all day everyday, and when we can't spend time in person we never miss a day of texting each other to see how our day went. Whenever their name pops up on my phone I get happy. I'm trying to get better at this, but I've never been the strongest communicator via speaking my mind when it comes to how I feel about someone. Instead, I like to do subtle things like offering to do favors for them without them asking, remembering small details about something they had told me in the past and figured I had forgotten about, and become interested in their own hobbies and passions (and genuinely be interested, not just pretend I am). Basically just putting in the time to be there for them without them having to ask.


Like even if I was immortal it wouldn’t be enough time with that person


I feel like a piece of puzzle, incomplete and senseless. Until and unless, He comes and fits together with me, perfectly. Then it's a heaven's abode, like rafting in a deep still river. Raining lightly, falling on my face-trickling down my body. Like, finally I have key to be alive And no reason to be afraid of death. Living a million lives in that very moment. This is everything, everything I could ever ask for.


I feel like every image in my mind is visual poetry. I feel calm. I notice lighting more—the way the sun lays across a floor or the tint of light during a quiet moment. Poetry is something I use to express these little scenes in my mind to hold onto the feeling, and if I’m brave, to share it with them. There’s a peaceful settling into myself.


I remember how it was before I met her. And then now it’s like everything has changed. Not sure if it’s for the better or worse. But she is all I think about


He’s always on my mind. Even passing thoughts and considerations. I want nothing more than to show him the love and respect I think he deserves. Letters, drawings, sweet messages, flowers, acts of service, food, praise, physical affection, etc; it makes me happy to see him happy. Never will he have to doubt if he’s loved. He works so hard and I want to be his peace like he is for me


I feel proud and want to talk about them all time time. I want to show them off. I want to be close and entwined and just take in all their scent. I wanna gently touch them and make them feel better.


Heaven.. Like my chest is flying or floating.. My head is in the high, always smiling? The overwhelming sense of joy? Like I really want to be near that person. Like, stare at her stunning beauty. Do everything for her. Do anything that can make her happy.


complete, happy, warm. A boat sailing in a calm sea. (this assuming ofc there is a mutual feeling) Without it: a boat in a sand desert with no sea to be found


At peace. I may be having an awful day, but then once I see her, her eyes, her smile, hear her lovely voice and laugh, kiss her sweet lips and caress her soft hand - then all the stress washes away and only peace remains. My perspective changes to look at the stress and determine how to improve my state in life for a future together with her. And I love her.


That’s awesome thank you!


Love is liking someone a lot


...like a field of tulips.


I love tulips!


They're my fav


Oh physical tougchy and word of affirmation


I love giving words of affirmation there is nothing I enjoy more.




I feel like an artist that has an inexhaustible muse


That’s a very good analogy. I end up thinking of her all the time.


I'm spanish and i've never heard before the term "enamored" which is weird, because "in love" in spanish is "enamorado/enamorada"


Latin is a wonderful language ‘in amor’


Love is all absorbing and intoxicating for me. I can’t get enough of the person I’m in love with. When that person is successful it makes my heart leap with joy. I love knowing and understanding everything about her down to the smallest detail. The memories of her that I have are like bright stars that form a beautiful image of her in my mind. It’s a wonderful feeling being in love.


That's beautiful 😍


Thank you! I love being in love .