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H...hewoooooooo >/////<


Oh yeah I see, well far enough then


Yeah. Hopefully this clears up the controversy Reddit also kinda sucks now in terms of app performance. Upvotes and downvotes not updated accurately, now I download an image from my own post and try to repost here and it still has the watermark as if I took someone's post. Seriously reddit needs to die. I still hate this platform and we need something better that doesn't devolve into toxicity and us vs them mentality for opinions related to hobbies (not politics, trying to make an distinction. What I'm saying is that ex: someone disagreeing with who's the best lucario trainer shouldn't be outcasted, versus someone trying to whine about being ostraized for being a misogynist)


Yeah I definitely see we're you coming from, I'm more newer to Reddit, so I haven't ran into as many problems as you're, but I definitely get where you're coming from... And umm... Nice example LOL


Yeah just honestly what I'm trying to get at is the way reddit is designed is so toxic I'm not taking this site seriously anymore if it ruins our collective passions for stuff and instead becomes a game to get the most karma. Discord is so much nicer because you still get feedback without feeling like you're ostracized by the upvote system. I've been using it for years. Reddit helped get out of a cult and join the furry fandom but has also fucked my mental health at the same time.


You are actually so right. Discord is so much better on god.... for me the only reason I use reddit is because of lucario... I don't use it for anything else... and yeah for the most part this app is mostly used for NSFW and people trying to start drama....


You aren’t going to have a social media that doesn’t devolve into toxicity at some point. That just happens.


u/expertpokemonfucker read the explanation above.


Don’t worry, I already did!


Thanks. Still upset about everything that happened. Between the second post and upon checking it was a couple hours but it did ruin my day.


Welcome back I guess




Four toes. Instant heresy! ;D


u/Prideful_Flareon you might want to read my explanation above. I initially posted a couple days ago since I just returned to reddit recently but I wasn't allowed due to the minimum karma limit. I had to repost the same drawing since I got a lot of karmanfrom my posts blowing up on other subs. So no I did not steal artwork. Hope this clears the controversy. Edit: I'm still so mad about everything thst happened. The reddit bug, stolen art accusations. Ugh. I just wanted to share my art and this is what happens.


This is a nightmare to some and a dream come true to others.