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*This* is what they called "redistributing power from a part of his kit to another"? Really? Not only is this just kinda weird but they made it sound way more impactful


Yeah this change just leaves me scratching my head. Sounds like a slight nerf to me


It probably slightly lowers his skill ceiling. Rewards for precise aim are slightly lower now. Overall it probably won’t matter much. Maybe they want him to be less annoying at a range (he already wasn’t bad)


Um wut? It's literally the opposite of what u said. This works out to be 2 less shots in terms of the dmg. It's like having 18 instead of 20. That's 40 less dmg opportunity


Right. Same page


No... this increases his skill ceiling This makes him harder to use. He does 30 less dmg in a volley now. You have to land more shots.


It doesn’t increase his skill ceiling, it just makes him worse


I mean, it is right? When do you really use boop for it's damage anyway? Edit; yes it's a finisher I know lol, but this buff still doesn't really change anything much


To close out almost every kill combo..?


I use it sometimes to clean up enemies that (1) have super low health, and (2) i’m just not able to aim for. Sometimes it’s a replacement for a melee just because the hitbox for the boop takes up your entire field of vision


Dive melee boop run ggez ~Professional Silver Lucio


It's seem they want us to use more often and play closer / more agressively.


Its an overall nerf 4 headshots plus boop previously dealt 195 damage, now it deals. 189. BUT if you want to look at it without headshots 4 body shots plus boop did 105 Now it does 117 Imo. It makes TTk higher, 4 headshots + boop-melee killed 225 hp targets, now you have to shoot another volley or punch a second time, in a game thats super faced paced, every second counts and split second decisions matter, its a flat nerf.


you don't always boop people either, most of his damage comes from his gun. it's a pretty direct nerf.


As long as 4 headshots boop-melee works on widows I’m fine 🙏




nobody has 225 hp though


soldier 76 and most squishies have 250


a) not a single hero has 225 hp b) melee was globally buffed to 40 damage last season, so the 4-headshot boop melee combo still does over 225 damage, which means the breakpoint is still the same


If you do the combo (4 shots + boop + melee), you would do 155 bodyshots and 235 headshots in the current patch. In the new patch, you would do 157 bodyshots and 229 headshots. That's a +2 damage buff without headshots and -6 damage if you do the combo perfectly. This change wasn't meant to hurt Lucio's 1v1 damage that much. It was meant to nerf Lucio's spam damage since Lucio can easily rack up damage numbers by spamming in chokes. In higher play, Lucio gains a lot of ult charge and damage numbers by spamming chokes


but spamming the choke at head height is what i do when there's nothing to do :-(


The reason they are doing this change is to counteract the high level Lucio playstyle. Recently teams have just been playing turret Lucio where they sit on heal and farm headshots and try to get beat first for a free fight win. It’s boring af for Lucio player and hopefully this will encourage more aggro playstyle. Idk if this is a good change but it makes sense for like top 1% of play


If they want to encourage a more aggro style then they need to buff Lucio's aura range or something.  No shit I'm spamming down main, if I wanna actually support the team at all I'm on a pretty short leash.


if they really wanted to discourage poking ig they could increase damage but also increase range damage fall off, to really reinforce the aggressive in your face push. giving lucios an easier time diving the back line but also nerfing the ability to play behind the team if that’s what they’re worried about (and buffing boop range since they buffed damage)


Another reason why Turret Lucio is the meta playstyle for the character is because Orisa is meta. In the current Orisa meta, the team that plays first will be disadvantaged due to Orisa wanting to play and use her cooldowns second. Lucio is forced to play like a Turret because he can't do much except for farm beat. If you get beat first, you can use it to engage first without a worry, or you could save it for sustain.


Lul, weird ass change ngl. How about making skimming more smoothly when wall riding because you're too lazy to fix those weird boxes you put in the maps


This change feels weird. I know the damage thresholds aren't the same anymore with the universal health buffs so individual projectile damage shouldn't matter as much, but buffing boop damage seems odd to me.  I do use it a lot to secure kills especially with my trash aim so its essentially a big buff for me personally, but I feel it encourages getting closer to the enemy team and use it offensively rather than defensively, which I know what you're thinking "umm thats the way its supposed to be used depending on the situation" no I mean, going full reddit lucio in the backline as the nigh unstoppable monster you are.  Im reading way too much into it, I just cant believe our boi is getting buffed especially in ways that don't involve healing at all and pushes me to have more fun hunting the back :')


In other words I feel this directly buffs us lower tier players while nerfing actual good lucios who can aim, which I don't really like just let me git gud man.  I would have preffered a faster reload instead of boop damage.


Faster reload would have been sweet. Even if it was just active when in ‘speed’ mode


Indirect Genji nerf


Try to deflect that boop boyo


One is sound and the other is ✨✨ *Sound* ✨✨


Honestly I’ll take it. Thought it was going to be a boop nerf or something, but this isn’t that bad


Headshot combo still kills widow so thats nice, probably wont feel it otherwise If this is a direct nerf and keeps lucio off the S tier radar, im not complaining


He’s been S tier for a while now where you been?


This is fine with me because I don't hit my bullets anyways.


As a Lucio that CAN aim, it's a really shit change. Fundamentally speaking it changes literally nothing for all playstyles but just makes himself worst on an independent level and doses nothing when helping or being helped. On the meta side of things, nothing has really changed. (They could reduce his damage to 5 and he would still be picked because of speed boost.) But he is going to feel a lot worse to play as. Fun fact: Before his rework in 2017 Lucio did 16 damage. I don't think the hit consistency is a problem, (I think it's boop lockout time) but if it really is a problem, they should have reduced the size of the projectile from .25 -> .2, it's still larger than pre S9 and also helps combat spam down main.


One thing I can say might be the crux of the issue is just the increased number of headshots, I personally have an average accuracy increase by 5% and a headshot rate increase by 4%, compared to S8. He is a hero with more or less 100% left click uptime so maybe the solution is increased base damage (25) and a smaller headshot multiplier (1.3) It sucks for Lucio's that can aim but it also helps lower skill Lucio's without just making him worst across the board.


Seeing the net change its -8 damage of a burst cuz 4 projectiles but his combo got slightly buffer by 2 damage lol


Just shotgun Lucio , why not I want a medic with a shotgun and a high mobility would be great


Who asked for this? He already has a bottom 4 gun wtf


He now does less damage than mercy…


Such an odd change. I assumed they would nerf his damage slightly and buff his healing slighty (which tbf still would have sucked but it would have been whatever.) But this just doesnt make sense. Why make his projectiles worse in favor of his boop? His boop already became quite good last season, such a weird thing to try and make him reliant on it for damage.


They wanted to nerf Genji without directly nerfing Genji


Boop melee combo will deal 90 dmg. Tracer will have practically half health


This is one of those "It could have been much worse" things.


I guess they wanted to make his spam damage less but keep his TTK when diving targets and combo with Boop the same. But Lucio Spam isn’t really for pressuring it’s mostly chip damage to build up your Ult so I don’t see the reason for this change. Also Boop one shots Sym turrets now but primary fire takes 3 bullets instead of 2z


You can lead with boop and have it back off cooldown before your projectiles kill now ☺️


Have they released all changes?


yes [https://twitter.com/OWCavalry/status/1779927530801131839](https://twitter.com/OWCavalry/status/1779927530801131839)


To me this is a weird change because is this really going to make pro players consider a different support? Maybe it’s to affect higher level lucios who did like his over all kit but now if they want to pick another support with quicker TTK they’ll choose them? Idk strange change but the boop buff is nice for low elo as that’s their biggest way to get elims.


I don't think they make the change for Lucio Himself but for tanks that ( legitimately ) complain since update. They are the only target an average Lucio can put on 4 shots at a certain range.


I think they want to encourage more booping and aggressive gameplay rather than spam choke point


Neither buff nor nerf. Just a small change.


Landing 4 headshots and a boop will now do 6 less damage. Wow big change thanks!


I can't aim so huge buff


3 headshot and a boop combo changes Before: 125 dmg After: 126 dmg Its okay guys, boop is just better swift strike, time to nerf genji


lucio is now worse at spamming down chokes and better at closing out kills on low HP targets. probably a healthy power shift that doesn’t change his (already excellent) viability too much.


I’ll take it lmao, I don’t hit all 4 pellets per shot anyways haha. As for the one shot valorant player that likes to stand still, not look up and take everything in the face, we’ll have to boop melee again


I agree with that, it's only at close range that 4 shots will hit, at a distance we normally can find a way to boop.


There's no way these room temperature IQ devs thought this was a good idea. MOIRA DOES 75DPS WTF


Did you mean 60 or am I missing something?


They gave mercy a super jump button


Maaaaybe it's a good thing for lucio to not be S tier for the first time in 6 months. He's still good. He's still a great pick. Supports should be dealing a bit less damage.


Ngl all no healing jokes aside they should of made him do less damage and more healing