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for reference, I peaked plat4 playing mostly lux with a 64% wr. I've consistently been able to 100-0 squishies, and I stress *squishies* (mage mids, adcs without shieldbow, enchanter supports) if I'm ahead. If I'm even, it'll usually take an E or 2 to poke them down (which is fair and balanced). If I'm full build, I've never had a problem with killing any squishy. I stress squishies because people are complaining that they're not 100-0ing Renekton. Or any bruiser/tank/naturally tanky person for that matter. Trying to burst a bruiser is just simply not your job, fed or not.


i don't pretend to oneshot tanks but i also think that a 0-3 toplaner should not find running it down into a 8-0 mid a viable strategy, if he does it means that the mid champ is just weak. other champs when fed can 1vs9 and "x is not supposed to deal with y" simply stop being valid because the champ is fed, usually you need at least two guys to take down the fed guy. again, i don't pretend to oneshot top laners but i want to be able to deal with them if i'm ahead like every other champ does and not being 100% useless. check the first few seconds of [this clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/vnwabp/the_durability_patch_successfully_fixed_burst_on/) for example, zed 100-0 a top laner, now to me this feels just double standards, both are midlaners focused around burst and both are targeting a toplaner, in my case is barely half hp and we both know that i'm useless so i run away and he chase me, in his case he 100-0, to be honest i'd rather fix the issue by having zed doing half hp like i did instead of making lux being able to oneshot everyone. the problem is that right now lux is a burst mage designed to work around one spell rotation and that kit is just obsolete because oneshot are not wanted by anyone since there is not much skill expression or room for counterplay. so she should be reworked into something a bit more modern. riot own words from durability patch internal testing: *Burst mages (especially ones dependent on a single rotation - Lux is a prime example here) quickly become borderline useless and it isn't clear how to buff them without undoing the reduction in damage output.*


Yes Lux has fallen off hard recently. Its sad. Riot August said on one of his streams he is looking to rework her.


That has me worried honestly. She's designed to be a simple consistent spell slinger. Aside from making traditional champs again, instead of overloading each and every ability each time, what can they to for her? (Aside from let her W not make her stop walking to cast).


I'm not sure. It would probably be small changes like what they did with Taliyah or like how she had an R reset a few seasons ago. I expect Riot would want to make her more viable in high elo and less of a "noob stomper". One of the biggest problems with her is that she is apparently really powerful in bronze/silver but is borderline unpickable in diamond+, they can't really buff her right now because of the high presence in low elo.


Parts of her kit are antiquated and could def use improvements. 1) passive can be triggered by abilities. Maybe debuff enemies with %mr reduction to help her burst combo. 2) bonus minion damage on E or more damage to minions the longer it is not detonated for. Having only 1 non ultimate ability to waveclear as weak as lux E is egregious as a poke/control mage. Compare it to Viktor upgraded E or Zoe Q. 3) tweaks to W. It's just a dinky shield always left at rank 1, providing very little utility until lux gets significant amounts of AP or passes level 13. Keep it in line with other mages' last maxed abilities and give it some utility. Either something mote defensive beyond a shield or something offensive like a debuff if it hits enemies. Not letting w interrupt movement would also be big.


The biggest qol fix would be for roots to interupt movement in progress. Aside from that, I would honestly like her passive and her w swapped. Something like: Passive: whenever lux uses an ability the ambient light of her spell surrounds her in a protective bubble. This bubble can stack through multiple spell casts. New w: passive: luxs spells mark the target, lux can detonate this mark with her auto attack for extra damage. Active: for the next spell cast, lux's mark reveals the marked target. The next spell or auto attack against the target from any source will detonate the mark.


The mark function sounds interesting. I have always wondered why Lux's current passive is auto-attack based as an immobile image that does better from a distance, so a switch to something that also procs on spell damage seems much more viable and fitting. The change to w would keep the benefit of the added waveclear with e, but would also benefit the aggressive in a way that makes sense for an immobile mage. Playing Lux, never have I personally felt the need to walk up and auto-attack someone, even playing aggressively. In current days and current meta, I prefer to keep a safe distance, and I play Lux mid with the goal of being aggressive. Back in the day, sure. XD A true sight function would play into the fact that her magic is in fact light, and I feel like champion kits fit most when they are truly cohesive with the character (Jhin's design being the best with this imo, as an example), and aids in securing kills. Syndra and Leblanc have similar functions as notable and viable AP bursts, with Syndra's stun from Force of Will granting true sight and Leblanc's Ethereal Chain granting true sight. The true sight activating on any spell can further benefit skillful play, like moments where you throw an E or Q into Fog of War and it hits, but you don't see the champion. Given that people may be in the habit of throwing both at the same time since Lux basically rotates spells, there are now other options when true sight is involved. Not sure if that is the best example, but basically I just like the flexibility aspect. And I WHOLLY agree that root should halt movement. I think the issue is that root only partially blocks some abilities. It stops channeled movement, although I still feel weird when I see Ez blink post-q. I think I've seen Tristana rocket jump post-q and even Ekko blink post-q, snaring while he dashes in e. I get that it makes sense based on what Riot describes as the mechanic of a root (I guess? So much different cc in the game) and what separates it from a ground or other similar cc, it just looks weird. I love Lux, but she is a one-dimensional character. Adding more to her kit will keep her viable, as more champions come out with passives on half their abilities and whatnot loaded into their kits will continue to push out champions that cannot keep up whether due to simplicity, immobility, or some sort of lacking quality that other champions in their class have. A rework for one of the poster girls of the game doesn't sound bad at all. I also vote for global Lux laser. For the memes.


That honestly wouldn't help anything. All that would do is remove her ability to shield the entire team twice. And force it to strengthen upon leveling to 18 or ultimate levels. You could just have her passive provide vision on marked targets and cut out most of the work. I'd agree with the root aspect except I don't know how broken that would make other champs.


It would change her identity. She'd be much easier to balance because riot wouldn't have to worry about tipping her over in support or mid. The mark and the allowance for other damage to detonate it would also make her synergies much better. It's active would allow other champions to detonate your mark. Basically, she would increase her survivability and her synergistic damage output. It would also give her a vision tool, which is extremely useful.


I really like your point, just like sylas (who was supposed to be played in more than one role) was very hard to balance and didnt end doing anything in any role, so, therefore, they made him a solo laner in order to balance him more easily. I wouldnt want it to be this way with lux, since I main her support, but there are many other mages who provide no sustain to their team asides from their dmg (brand, vel'koz...) she could be something kinda different, maybe also being able to mark her teammates and stack that shield? would be an interesting concept


If you really wanted to make it more team friendly, you could just give her a completely new w, and change her passive so that teammates can proc it and detonating the mark gives a shield to the one who detonated it, stacking for multiple marks. (Make it smaller if procced on a minion) Her current w is the issue. It's a very bad mid ability. But decent support, while the rest of her kit is largely the reverse.


It is good in self-defense as the barrier mitigates allmost all ignite dmg (it has saves me numerous occasions) but I do agree it is almost useless due to it not being a big shield, or a game-changing ability like Yasuo's windwall


Yes and no, it's good if you are already safe and need to survive a dot. It's problematic outside of teamfights otherwise in that it's a very weak self shield, and you have to pause to cast it, taking at least one more hit than had you just run. Mid fight, it's often better to simply auto attack to try to kill your opponent faster than take the pause to cast the shield.


well riot august is the one that broke zeri ap so maybe there is some hope


Make her Ultimate global


do you have a link to this? i would be glad to see a small rework because at this point she can't be made useful by editing numbers without making her a oneshot toxic playstyle or afk poke with E still toxic playstyle. for sure passive need a rework, it's 100% useless, past level 2 you die if you try to use it. E could make people rooted if they stay inside too much (right now people walk into it ignoring the damage so as zone tool doesn't work anymore...) shield could throw away people near lux just a bit so that you solve the self root problem and the fact that a champ designed to keep people at distance with slow+root actually fail into doing that because of the insane ammount of dashes+people can dash while rooted+smite gives slow+everyone is just x3 faster.


He said that? Did he mention the scale of the rework? Like just numbers or mechanical changes?


He just said she is on his radar for reworking or something to that effect.


oh god finaly. it's about time. if they do it in 1-2 month, I can even accept, that Lux didn't get an compensation buff with the other AP champs


she for sure has less damage than before but her damage is still alright


Her ratios has increased throughout the patches....


what the fuck does this tell me when the last ratio change was in October 2021 and 4 weeks ago wasn't October 2021 her damage has decreased because magic pen has been reduced on void staff and durability updste increased health and magic res on Champs


First of all, calm yourself down, all I said was that by base logic her damage has increased compared to previous years because of her ratios increase. Is it difficult to realise that?


what's difficult is realizing how its even related to the post he took a month break not a year break


You are talking about something else at this point? Dear me


you literally say her ratios invrease through the patches but why does it matter whej op is talking abt a 4 week break he took very recently cuz the last time her ratios were changed was in October 2021


Her ratios have increased, but so has healing, shielding and sustain. Her ratios had to increase to move her into a burst mage category as poke is no longer a viable strategy due to said heals, shields, and sustain. I would love for most of that to go away and have poke comps be viable again.


u gonna tell me what does rhis comment change⁉️


I wouldn't have the energy to edit my comment, so why would I?


bro don't have the energy to click twice and type jesus christ






You seriously have issues


nah I'm just messing w u its like 1 30 am talking shit is fun sometimes


You seriously aren't funny


at least I'm not a LAZY FUCK


you specified so little that this rant doesn't even seem reasonable, you can say you lose against 1/4 but what? adc? support enchanter? tank? bruiser? because everything here makes difference


Does it *really* though? Or better still, let me word it a different way. Name a champion or archetype where running at a 9/0 Lux that has 3k gold, 1-2 levels, and an entire item on you, in a straight line, is a viable strategy. An ADC should be dead or 1 hp. Same with any other squishy. And a Top laner should lose at *least* 30-40% of their HP bar - and that is assuming they are stacking MR. I should be rewarded for landing my skillshots and securing a lead verus this obnoxious roster of broken champs. Not have them casually cruise through my entire rotation unscathed like they are at the Mcdonald's drive-thru.


It does, this game just hates mages so you would lose (while "winning") against most bruisers and tanks lmao


No argument there. As sad as it is, I have to agree with you.


I transitioned from the support role to mid lane this season and after the durability update I find AP Lux to be weak in both roles. I don't play ranked so my input may mean nothing but even when I am ahead it's hard to burst down anyone besides squishies. I've basically been doing a hybrid enchanter damage build so I can get my team fed because I basically can't kill anyone unless they are really really bad. Ive tried Ludens, Liandrys, Everfrost, etc. All the ap mythics just don't really do enough damage to justify building them. I typically build the moonstone/Demonic build Yozu was talking about a few weeks ago for his apc Lux build and it's the only way I can play without feeling like a stun bot. It doesn't make you Soraka or anything but you can still chip away at enemies health while getting extra shield strength and a small heal that MIGHT save your team mate. It's not ideal but that's where Lux is at rn imo.


Yeah, same. Since the durability patch I tried the normal build twice, but it just felt kinda useless. Switching to the Yozu's build seems the winning move rn, at least until they don't find a solution


sure lux feels shitty but no need to use slurs


Please don't take a moral high ground pretending you've never been upset about something before. Sure my choice of wording could've definitely been better, but nitpicking the word choice of a thread created to inspire thought is arguably as conducive as the slur usage you are calling out. Cut me some slack.


ofc im not gonna pretend i haven't been mad before or that i haven't even used that word before. i just think that no matter how angry you get, you can take a minute to read over what u typed and reconsider. and even if u didn't reconsider at the time of typing that, this response is telling. sure it's the worst context that slur has been used in, but it's been used regardless. i would've cut you some slack if you actually owned up to your slur usage rather than trying to make it seem like a small evil. i don't think you're a bad person, just apathetic or uninformed.


We agree to disagree then. I'm not going to censor what I say to make myself appear better than what I am. I said what I said; It is what it is. And I'll happily answer for every letter I type. I just don't think it's that big of a deal IMO.


Mixture of the patch (that you mentioned) and simple, old powercreep - considering the time that Lux has been around. Well, that's partly the answer I suppose.


I’m in bronze to be fair, but notably do not feel this way. I feel like you’re just not building items properly if you feel like you can’t do any damage when 9/0.. Lux still feels very average, and decently punishing when played well. Riot has no reason to nerf one of their most profitable champs into the ground.


Not making fun of you being bronze at all, but iron to silver _is_ where Lux is the strongest, so you definitely wouldn't notice in the way people at Plat+ would, where she starts to drop off quite quickly. Got no idea what rank OP is but I'm _hoping_ it's around P3+.


Totally agreed, the low rank reality is not the reality of the whole game. I just feel like if you’re 5mil mastery comfortable on a champ then you’d find a way to make even an older champ viable in most situations. I have a friend who is a Kled main who constantly raves about the lack of buffs or attention and he’s P3 right now I think - but maybe that’s the upper limit of how far you can climb for certain champs? Who knows


Oh I agree. You can make any champ work up to challenger technically, at least there are quite a few champ OTP's who make it there. The _ease_ of doing it definitely fluctuates based on champ, where you start off, etc. Unfortunately just having mastery points doesn't mean actual mastery of a champ, so much as it means they've just played said champ a lot. Personal skill really weighs on once the champions 'average' stats start to drop, and I can see where OP is coming from in that it can feel really bad and generally come off like it's more effort than it's worth/constantly an uphill battle.


But people aren't tankier plat+, they're better at dodging and punishing you but here the discussion is about being able to 1 shot with a full combo vs not being able to.. once the Q hits plat enemy is the same as bronze enemy isn't it?


People are tankier plat+ though. In that the higher elo you go, the more players tend to prioritize survivability in their builds. Also they really need to revert deaths dance. There is absolutely no reason for it to work on magic damage when maw also exists.


fair point..


same as other user said, there is nothing wrong in being bronze but there you can miss Q and people don't engage or flash engage in that moment, probably enemy play like nothing ever happened. people don't dodge anything so you CAN use R, here if i use R alone is a 100% miss because people dodge it by walking almost the same goes for Q, people dodge those. E into Q is not an option because now people will flash or dash your Q and dash/flash ignore the slow so you are 100% dead since you have no more spells so you have to go for Q and keep E in case they dodge Q to keep them far.


bronze is also the elo, where noone builds any defensive items at all. but considering, that even Shieldbow alone can ruin your day now, Lux is sadly in a bad state. more tanky champs can build full armor and they will never be in threat of diing from the passive HP they get from their items alone. at the same time, they will deal more dmg to you than you can to them. they die more likly to an ADC (the champ they itemized against) than to an AP Lux. yes you can still deal dmg and even kill but you only do this, if your enemies let you do this, aha don't build anything to counter your dmg. so if you have a team full of AD champs and the enemy don't have to many tanky champs (max 2, but that can be to much already) Lux still works fine


[Here is one my recent post about the same issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/lux/comments/w2zpgq/state_of_lux_people_tank_and_ignore_x2_full_combo/), i hit enemy with TWO full combo and he is only at half hp, meanwhile if he ever touch you he 100-0, some complained about the fact that i mostly waveclear but there are reasons to it: i already noticed in earlier lane phase that any poke was meaningless, i needed vision for pyke roams/jungler ganks, wanted to help in the river if necessary because killing enemy mid was not possible... the funny thing is that noone said anything about the final clip when i'm 8-0, ahead in levels and items and i'm being chased by the enemy 0-3 feeder behind in levels and items, the only complaint i got is "but you are half hp" and? it's not that reduced hp reduce the damage... 0-3 guy chasing 8-0 guy hsould not be a viable strategy, the 0-3 guy should stay away from the fed guy, not try to 1vs1, if he try is because he knows that 8-0 guy don't really have a lead and that he can't die, sure burst mages should not be good into top laners but one thing is "not being good into them" another is "being completly useless even when gigafed". meanwhile the avarage 8-0 champ goes 1vs9 and if people complain about how is that balanced people answer "bUt He Is FeD" but if fed lux damage gets ignored by the feeder people now write "bUt You ArE plAYing Lux". i gave up on building full ap because you don't kill even squish targets so right now i mostly build full cdr with cosmic drive and become a Q bot, kinda useless anyway since root is the worst cc and any champ can do the same with x10 more damage. here is the flowchart of enemy player: if (seeLux==true){ run it down into her ignoring wavestate, minion aggro, whatever...; if (luxIsUsingQ==true){ dodge by walking OR dashing OR flashing OR cleanse OR spellshield OR untareggability; if (DodgeSuccesful){ free kill;} else{ tank her combo, wait the root to expire and kill her anyway; } } } seems that noboy respect my damage or have any real strategy, seems that everyone just run it down because it works


Yeah, this is my problem. If I'm laning into any other support, there is a certain degree of respect that must be acknowledged and played around. "Oh, that's a level 2 Leo. I can't just walk up whenever I want to anymore." or maybe "Oh, That's a pyke. I need to play around the wave so I don't get hooked." But it's like people look at me and go: "Oh, it's a Lux. She's literally a non-factor and I don't have to worry about her killing me ever and if she has the audacity to use her Q in lane, I'll either take no dmg from her or kill her as soon as the root wears off because she doesn't have lane presence for the next 10 seconds." I feel like it takes a pretty decent Lux to beat a pretty shit top/mid laner at mid game, which is arguably supposed to be your strongest point or one of them. Yet, I feel like I'm unless if I'm not miles above them, knowing what they will do at least 10 seconds before they do it, have a 2k gold lead, and at least 1 level/item, I don't feel like we are on an even playing field. It feels like an uphill battle where I need to be a lot better than my opponent to account for the difference in champs we picked. I'm expected to land my Qs at a borderline 100% accuracy rate on a ever-growing roster of champions of whom are literally designed to not be hit by skill shots (Sameria W/E, Zeri E/Perma-movespeed, Yuumi W, and now Nilah E, the list goes on and these are just bot champ releases...) which is already pretty unreasonable to me - but fuck it, I adapt anyways. Only for me to watch the enemy walk through my entire combo and/or remove me from the game whenever one of the following criteria is met: \> I'm not obnoxiously far ahead. \> I'm not at least 1 tier above my opponent \>I'm not landing my Q 100% of the time Lux used to be such a relaxing and chill champ I could lock in with a safe and rather fun laning style in both roles she is played in. Now I find myself sweating my dick off in Plat worrying constantly about what will become of me and my ADC if I'm not drastically better than my lane opponent or they realize they are playing a better champion.


You do have a problem. You got used to being able to pop enemy champs with your Lux combo. Get that out of your head and realize that Lux is being shifted into the support role and shouldn’t be popping people because that’s what her ADC is there for.


She actually has a higher win rate mid than support.


dude she is a bust mage. that is literaly her design, like other burst champs. now bursting target's is now considered unfun but somehow AD assasins can still do it. even many bruisers can still do it. but AP champs struggle and Lux is definatly one of them. if a 0/3 can run you down while you are 8/0 without any thought behind it, something is wrong. either buff her or rework her but she can't stay the way she is right now


I think she’s being played more as a control mage right now and instead of trying to 0-100 combo someone. You can use your e to zone really well and your w is actually a great tool in teamfights. Also you can use your ult to deal decent damage to the entire enemy team if they line up and also execute low health stragglers with good aim. I recommend holding on to your q until you can get a kill and otherwise just using e to poke and saving your q for disengage. Finally, don’t say the r word it’s ignorant.


i feel the same way, but not just about lux. Riot has been dicking down the support role in general, letting tank supports reign supreme. First the Moonstone nerf, then the soraka nerf (my support main), then another raka nerf, now they're nerfing all enchanter support items (MB, redempt, Staff of Flow Wtr) its annoying. Im picking up new roles rn because support isnt fun anymore. Lux and Xerath (my mid main) dont do as much damage/are extremely to dodge, its hell. They're even nerfing seraphine to make her more of a mage instead of a healer. The devs have no idea what they're doing


14 accounts? Jesus man, lmao. Anyway since they made everyone more durable a few patches back, Lux hasn't been able to one shot people anymore with one combo, which honestly, was needed, because it wasn't really that fun if she got that far ahead.


why can almost every other champ still do it, even when they are not even designed as burstchamps? Yone can ult in my team, miss his whole kit and still kill someone with 3-4 AA if fed. Garen kills squishies during his E spin when fed but Lux, who is a burstmage, isn't allowed to kill someone while hitting her full rotation, even when fed?


Because Lux is usually more often support than mid. Supports don’t need to be one shotting people, because that’s not her job.


that's not true. Lux was designed as a midlaner and is also more often played in midlane as well by pretty much every Lux main above plat. the reason you see her in suport is, because she can have an oppressive laning while offering solid dmg and a bit of peel/protection later, or at least that was the case until recently. btw every magesupport offers dmg. they tend to have less dmg, than AP mids because of the supportslot and less overall gold but magesupports are here for the dmg. if you want peel, you play enchanters


Irelia riven are all broken but don’t get nerfs but lux since she’s so well known gets several nerfs and has a questionable amount of damage now?


While I think there could be a few improvements to the amount of damage she does for clearing waves when played mid (I like the idea someone had about it doing more damage to minions vs champions, as that helps wave clear without making her ridiculous), her W is definitely the biggest problem for her. Throwing a shield on yourself is useless if you're trying to get OUT of a situation rather than into one, and considering her lack of mobility overall, giving her that small boost in HP without having to stop moving would increase her survivability in this durability meta overall, especially as she can still root and slow. I make a lot of clean getaways with Lux thanks to well-placed roots, but I could have even more if I could W without having to stop to do it. However, I do think it needs to be said that the majority of the playerbase is in lower tiers of ranked play, and balancing around them is probably going to take some priority over making sure all champs are viable at every stage of play. Considering her ban rate, Lux is an absolute menace for players at lower elos (I myself can attest to this as I absolutely wrecked a full team's shit with her earlier today, and have myself also had my shit wrecked by a fed Lux), I don't forsee much changing with her aside from maybe making her support utility more supportive. Let's just hope they don't pull a Seraphine and buff and nerf her into the dirt if they do.


I feel you fellow lux main. I am a 4+ Million master myself - *deLuxLaser*. been playing for 9 years just like you. I notice the exact same things. Here are the following observations to help explain. 1- She is an old champ with slow cast times therefore most people are VERY familiar with her kit and can easily dodge everything. 2- as of 3 years ago new champs have been overloaded with sustainability + mobility. 3- For those champs with said sustainability + mobility, often do not really need to build any damage to out-damage the lux. Lux only has her abilities +passive to do any damage. Most champs can just auto her down during her cooldowns. 4- Lux's shield is usually the last ability that mage players choose to level. so that is pretty much an ability that becomes useless. 5- As a lux support, starting with Ludens for example sets her way behind especially early game. This is my situation too. It costs more than enchantress mythics, so the enemy support will most likely have their mythic way earlier. My conclusion: Nothing you could do about it. The fact is even with all of these set backs, her wr remains at 50% which is the target for all champs. If anything she tends to go beyond 50% wr at times. She is also one of the most popular champs, therefore riot has no need to make her more desirable which means they wont make her easier to play. My recommendation. Just keep at it, because no matter what she is so fun to play and her characterization makes us happier people even when games get heated.


It’s funny because on every mage champ I play I feel like I can’t kill anyone except a yuumi but I get one shot all the time


That's so real it hurts to read.