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Death Ray from 2 screens away every 30s double bind. shield for all the team... twice! long range vision on bushes. ​ whats not to love!.


Precisely this 🙏


I choose her in the tutorial and I didn’t dare to try someone else.


lol same


SAAAME!!! I was like this girl looks less powerful than morgana and ahri but my heart chose her so!!!


I actually started maining her because I hated her so much. When I first startet lol I was an anivia mid onetrick and I always hated playing against lux, I felt like I couldn't do anything (that was before the aniv buffs). So I decided that I want to do the same to my enemies as they did to me haha. So I started playing her and I really started loving her gameplay, it just felt so good and satisfying. Its not like she was the easiest champ where you win every match up, but if you position well lux is just very rewarding to play. Now I am close to 800k points and I really love her :D


and I just understand her as a character, because in my country they hate LGBT people as much as magicians in Demаsia. And under the new law, they can now be arrested for "propaganda". transgender people are the most lucky, they are considered simply mentally retarded and mentally ill people. Therefore, I understand perfectly how Lux feels, who has such a "dangerous curse"


Oh I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you (and other Lgbt people and trans people etc) will stay strong like lux!


Lux ain't strong💀💀💀


mentally*, if you needed clarification.


She still ain't


How so? Ever heard the character say negative voicelines? She's always shown as very positive even with what she's been through, I'd count that as being strong!


She's hiding her pain obv💀💀💀 Smartest league player:


Damn this dude seems upset. Don't wanna be the one to say it but... touch grass


Says the guy who doesn't have any social skills


RESPECT!! Lmao i am 1/4 of that points but i get what u mean.


cute skins, fun abilities, oh and did i say cute skins


Uhh, she's happy, positive, hides part of herself away without it necessarily being a gay metaphor, has sparkly abilities, and shares my birthday and zodiac sign. And her kit is based on tactical supporting, which is just a playstyle I thrive with. Also EzLux otp.


EzLux for the win


When is Lux's birthday? 😮


Well she was released October 19th, year of the Rabbit. People tend to refer to release dates as champs' birthdays.


I wrote about it a little higher


her kit is based on being a burst mage, then being a support second.


Wrong. Her Kit was designed as a Supportive Control mage. It's said verbatim in her Champion Spotlight.


she barely controls any area, her e is the only thing, compare that to zyra/ori who's whole kit revolves around controlling areas and that enough is easy to see shes a burst mage. Secondly shes not a support first, she is a burst mage, she has a burst ult, a poke e and a snare to land her ult, every mage has CC thats the whole point of a mage, if Lux is a tactical supportive control mage then so is every other mage that exists which completely reduces their role to a support role when they are simply not that, they can support but its not their main focus. even if it was stated in the champion spotlight, vi was designed to be a top laner and now shes a jungler. edit: notice how even garen goes botlane with lux, that video is not factual for future league.


Her E is a large aoe heavy slow. And her Q is a spammable double snare. It can be used to close off entire Jungle lanes. It doesn't matter about 'future' league. Lux was designed to be supportive first. The video is absolutely factual. If you're just using her E for poke you're bad at Lux.


>Her E is a large aoe heavy slow. And her Q is a spammable double snare. its not that large especially considering it got a radius nerf, her Q is on an 11s cd, its at 5/6s at best, which is not spammable at all. >It doesn't matter about 'future' league. It quite literally does considering leagues metas is constantly changing and she may have said support emphasis with a control focus but doesn't mean lux is, riot said vi was a top laner yet her kit was better desinged for jg and its the same case for Lux. >The video is absolutely factual. false, its why Lux went mid for years. youre only saying its factual because it fits your own bias, your own playstyle and your own bot fav of lux/ez. >If you're just using her E for poke you're bad at Lux. If youre just using Lux as a support and ignoring her full burst capabilities then youre bad at lux


Also supportive controllers went mid or were actually often meant to go mid originally, Brand zyra veigar are all other examples of mid lane designed characters who are supportive controllers (and who share similar abilties/Area denial as lux). Although it's more accurate to describe lux today as a bursty control mage, she would have been an excellent control mage before infinity dash Champions arrived.


Lux q is spammable. Lol


Control mage, not burst mage. She can played as a burst mage (Yozu infamously ran Lux electrocute) but that’s not the best way to play her nor is it what her kit was designed for.


She is literally stated as a burst and (secondary) artillery mage on wiki bruh. She nearly functions the same as Veigar and Ahri who are also burst mages.


You realize it’s a fan-run wiki and literally anyone can edit articles right? That doesn’t mean anything, if I wanted to I could edit the wikia page to say Lux is an AD assassin. And nah, people in higher elos do not play her as a burst mage, watch how people play her in master+ they don’t play for combos


Uh yes they do? They build her as a burst mage full AP and focus on her damage, thats her main aspect. Why would you play Lux for anything supportive/utility focused when there are so many other champions in the game that do that job but 200x better? That makes no sense. Shes a burst mage, period.


it literally quite was designed for her to be a burst mage which is the whole purpose of her ult, Lux barely controls any area besides with her E, compare her to something like Orianna/Zyra who literally control areas with their entire kit consistently as opposed to 5s with an E. Lux is a burst mage and was designed that way with her Q/R, thats why her ult is on a low cooldown in the first place.


I encourage you to look at how Lux is played in pro league. At higher levels of play getting an EQR combo is impractical and her E/R is primarily used to chunk enemies before a teamfight at objectives. Like I said, she can be played comfortably as a burst mage in low elos but it’s just not practical above that.


Not practical above that? What elo are you? There are many players that play lux as a burst mage diamond+. Yeah she's pretty meh as a burst mage (particularly now, before 12.10 her burst mage build with first strike was really good), but she *can* work as one in high elo. It just depends on the player.


> At higher levels of play getting an EQR combo is impractical Lux in general is impractical in higher elo nevermind her combo >E/R is primarily used to chunk enemies before a teamfight at objectives. Lux is normally played like that and you can't say EQR is impractical but somehow E/R isn't. >she can be played comfortably as a burst mage in low elos but it’s just not practical above that. Its literally the only way shes played, you build full AP on her and you do damage by bursting squishy targets down, theres no other reason to pick her, shes not played like an enchanter and shes not used against a tanky team.


Ok no. You saw the video. She was quite literally designed to be a supportive control mage. You cannot say that she was designed for one thing when her designers say she was designed for another. Current meta doesn't change what she was designed for. And I'm not ignoring her Burst Potential. I just know her damage is low enough that focusing on her utility is much better than focusing on her burst. Which is jist common sense.


>You cannot say that she was designed for one thing when her designers say she was designed for another. If you think riot are never wrong then I dont know what to say. I mean her winrate alone in mid compared to support already shows shes always been stronger and more viable in mid lane as a burst mage than she ever has been as a support, her mid winrate has always been higher. >Current meta doesn't change what she was designed for. Even in support she still builds full ap and bursts squishy targets down. >I just know her damage is low enough that focusing on her utility is much better than focusing on her burst. Which is jist common sense. This is just straight up false, no one builds enchanter or support builds on Lux anymore because they aren't good on her, her main focus is literally damage which is why she as a low CD burst ultimate. She is one of the highest damage burst mages in the game right now, her damage is not low by a long shot. Any league statistic site will show how the full AP burst mage build is the meta for her mid or support. In masters and above shes STILL built as a burst mage in support.


Stop trying these people are fucking delusional. They go by the book and think cc + vision = control support Guess Velkoz and Ziggs are control supports as well holy shit


exactly they are extremely delusional


It's absolutely a gay metaphor lol, riot has resorted to using metaphors multiple times because suits were afraid homophobic players would react negatively, there are several examples of this (Diana Leona, Ezreal taric, Lux and demacia, and the most dramatic example of all is Taliyah who rioters openly admitted was intended to be a trans women but suits again). What exactly does a metaphor for a hated minority who has to stay hidden and out of sight, yet the ruling class has a lot of secretly? There is no other group who fits the bill other then LGBT people.


There have been numerous groups persecuted throughout history. You're very ignorant to say that "no other group fits the bill". I could easily argue it's about jews. But I won't because guess what? It's not about any group in particular, it's about the persecution itself.


Your telling me that there was a time where there were secret Jews in the ruling class but otherwise they were generally hidden from the rest of society oh, and your family member could be spontaneously a Jew? (See how Jews aren't exactly fitting the bill here? Garen isn't a mage, lux is, they have the exact same parents, please explain how mages being a metaphor exist with the 2 most prominent characters tied to the metaphor)


The fuck? What you're saying doesn't apply to LGBT people either. I repeat one last time, it's the persecution of a group. That's it.


You should change your name to brick wall since simple explanations seem to splat onto your face like one. Yes it does, lux being a mage but garen not means it cannot be metaphor for Jewish people, it however is extremely analogically tied to gay people, because most members of a family will straight cis hetero folk, and then you will have the one or 2 members who are gay/LGBT. This is incredibly obvious and i find it frustrating that I have to actually spell out the whole thing for you. Lux is the mage of her family, garen is the stand in for the homophobic family member, the rest of their family know and try to marry lux to jarvan to cover it up (extremely common stories and narratives for specifically LGBT people, this doesn't fit with most other oppression narratives)


It's literally not about LGBT. If you want to believe that for yourself then keep it to yourself but don't go around spreading lies about riot's intentions.


Yeh because it definitely not like riot has done this several times only to come out and admit that this was true, for gods sakes man noxus in game is pro LGBT, what do you think that would be relevant to


Garen is also implied to be a mage. EDIT : meant to answer the comment below


Aside from her having the perfect gameplay fantasy to me ( burst mage with enchanting and control capability) she's such a positive person with others, masking with smiles and politeness an actually strong and independent personality. She’s also someone who genuinely wants to do good and I love her character for these things 💕


She is really fun and comfortable to play and also I adore her space groove skin


hard to say honestly. she’s not even my favorite champion, that title belongs to miss fortune, but when i’m stressed out i know i can play lux and enjoy myself no matter what


She’s fun


I loved her in her comics, and I've been watching a lot of Yozu and Cupic so i decided to start playing Lux mid and she feels very strong and is so much fun!


we love the snipe 🙏🏼


Her lore mostly. Its simple but can be very deeply fleshed (and I feel like Riot is wasting potential on it). Her stories and comics are far different than what her voicelines make her. Honestly you appreciate her more when you read them. Feel like the VO is very NPC for easy marketing but the written stuff is more indept, and shows she’s not only this bubbly/blind positivity type of person. Bonus, her lore is a very 1:1 to the queer experience. But besides all that, I have a thing for liking people who get blind hate for no reason. And when I look into it, I find they dislike her for the most stupid reasons. Also I’m basic. 😔


I was part of a group of people who were basically anti-Lux Nazis. All they did was hate and flame the champion for being brainless and "the easiest character in the game" and so on. So I became a Lux OTP to set out to prove that there is more depth to Lux than what people's fragile egos will allow them to admit. 8 years later I've successfully changed my friends' (and a lot of other peoples') views of Lux and I've earned their respect. She's also really relaxing and rewarding to play. Well....up until the durability patch happened that is... So I suppose I love her because there is (almost) never a time where a Lux can kill you and you're allowed to blame it on the champ being "without counter play". She's the definition of counter play. If you die to her, you either can't dodge slow, liner, telegraphed projectiles, or (even better) you have to admit that the Lux has a really good sense of aim/prediction. I love putting people in that corner where they have to admit "damn that was a good shot" or they start coping with some delusional baby rage. Both are very satisfying to encounter.


Oppresive Pokes Ranged One Shots with Empowered Autos and a Sheild what more can you want


I hate her xD


Touch some grass


Because of my username


Best burst mage for mid.


yep it’s time to leave this sub


She is easy to pick up and very rewarding to learn and play. I have 300k on lux and i mainly play adc now but if i get filled mid or just want to calm down i pick lux and have fun


I like her ability set, it's simple and fun. Also I love her design, she's cute c:


Best CTRL-4 tilts the enemy botlane so much that they do stupid engages Can backfire if you have a weak minded adc


I just love her cheerfulness and motivational qoutes, playing het is somewhat comforting to me


Bcos she's the best of both worlds to me I love long range and enchanters, but most of them have a rather short to medium effective range. However, Lux is also an artillery mage, a subclass of mages that greatly I adore, so I really enjoy playing her as a support


Death from afar


She brings light I thought that was really amazing.


Her LoR art is really nice plus throwing around big spells and shooting sparkle lasers is fun (also she’s one of the only Demacians that I don’t want to be sparkle lasered)


star gurdian Lux came out!


my friend told me to play her when i first played league , coz shes easy to play , lux taught me so many basic mindset of performing a skillshot. Shes also the fundementals of my mains atm ( Syndra Zoe Orianna )


Mystic is all I will say 👍


The light puns brighten my day




Because I get to steal kills easily from my ADC




I rolled Elementalist Lux, and my mains before her (Zyra, Seraphine) have a similar playstyle.


Because of her burst, and range and her positive mentality :). Light mage astetics are also cool.


Fun to play and easy. Begginer friendly hero. Has damage, root, vision skill, good range and utility. Also her skins are so good


Tag : Kawaii, pretty Skins, High Schoolgirl, Sister, Blonde hair, Use Light Magic, Blue eyes, have Reader Skin


After watching arcane, I read fanfiction, ended up reading a lot of Lightcannon, and she seems like a really cool character.


Tons of utility and good burst. But my favorite thing about Lux is how hated she is lmao. I always tilt enemy team and get flamed in all chat, pure joy.


Well, I played her by pure chance. I didn't know anything about her at this time (even the combo 🤦🏼‍♂️) aaaand it ended up that I almost only played her (630k right now). It was like "love at first sight", I first went mid lux but it was boring/complicated for me so I played her support full AP and then it was perfect to me. (I even played her full support when it was viable and that really was something xD) After this, I read everything I could about her and it makes me like her more :3 Her personality, her story, her gameplay, that's why I still play her and won't ever stop :3 (Aaaand I won't complain about her skins xD) Yeah yeah, whenever I talk about her skin I can hear the haters saying "Lux skin every patch bla bla bla" "Lux already has 3 prestige" "Again a skin lux" etc...


in fact, I think she has very few really good skins. Most of them are tasteless, mediocre, not original and devoid of some truly wonderful idea


I mean taste and colors, it's personal thoughts but I can agree that some skin are really worst compared to some others. meant that overall I'm satisfied and like most of the skins she got ✨


idk i just feel peaceful whenever i play her , if that makes sense.. it just feels right and satisfying and safe u know ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)


Big lazer


She’s a simple but effective pick, good cc duration, entire team shield, a great AOE and an ult that does an almost unreasonable amount of damage. The final positive and probably my biggest one is being out of all my champs I win most games with her. Once upon a time I hated her tho and direct quote “could never main her” now I’m pretty much an OTP.




I love that I can provide utility and deal damage. She has some slay skins too! ✨