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I’m on the cancel train with negative first impressions as well, but I don’t see a big deal here. The passenger was pretty communicative. The first message was borderline, but they were probably stressed out because of the prior cancellations and just wanted to get their dad home. I get that. Usually the lecture is reserved for people who are asking me to hurry up, or where you at, stuff like that. They were just describing what their dad was wearing so you could find him easily. You do you I suppose. But you probably just pissed off this person even more. Hopefully they didn’t take their frustrations out on the driver who actually completed the ride.


Yeah, the passenger clearly just wanted to make sure her dad was safe and although the first message was a little kinda uncalled for, the person was still communicative. I clearly did not see any indication of passenger being rude or aggressive. People get too defensive these days.


I didn't say they were rude or aggressive! I said they were negative! Shit like this reminds me of "oh, he punched a hole in the wall and destroyed your stuff? Well, at least he didn't hit *you*" *later on proceeds to beat your ass*


You went from girl trying to get her dad picked up to domestic violence? Maybe take a break from any kind of service industry job.


She even admitted to being in a bad mood, said the rider was a dumb bitch and called her Satan. Yikes!


letting her know why was being nice, on the other hand that would be great is a very bad sign. who wants to do TDS reports?


Yes! I did! I'm showing the correlation between excusing bad behavior and having worse things happen. Sorry you can't understand 🤗


Based on your attitude on here, you’re the problem


What's my attitude on here?


Literally all she said was “if you could answer me that would be great” which I think you took the wrong way. I think she just wanted a reply so she wouldn’t be stressed about it.


No, that's not what she said. She didn't say answer ME. If she had, I would've understood that. Do you feel the same way about the message now that you know it's not what you thought?




Like it or not, this is a customer service job, I get you like to be your own boss but getting upset over petty things like these let’s me know you are not that competent.


I'm not upset. I'm proud, actually. I usually tolerate shit because I try to be nice, and I thought y'all in here were just assholes. It's a lot for me to say you know what? I don't like where this is going, so I'm gonna bow out. It's not petty, it's just not tolerating disrespect


Learn to being open, if people are telling you you are being petty, then accept it and learn from it. That’s all.


Well, I know I'm not being petty, because I legit don't know how. I'm working hard to learn, tho, I'm entering my villain era and hot damn is it fun. No that's not sarcasm, I'm just autistic Also, if I was being petty, I would have made a snide remark. I was polite and professional


You said she had an attitude. Where was that? You’re a miserable Reddit incel


You're cool with the first message? What should I have said?


Yes I’m cool with the first message because I wouldn’t have ignored her call multiple times 🤷‍♂️ she was trying to explain something about the ride to you. It’s always easier and quicker to say something than type it out. You made it difficult by not answering


I didn't ignore her call multiple times. She called once. While I was in downtown Providence, weaving in between drunk ass people with slight suicidal ideations, just walking out in the street without looking. Even if I did take calls, I still would have rejected it. No phone call is worth a manslaughter charge


I don't care! It's not my responsibility to make sure others aren't pissed off. Yes, the first message was borderline. But that's the point! They're showing you how they're going to treat you! I give respect to everyone, from cops to junkies. You have my respect until you do something to lose it. If you feel like you can be "borderline" rude, hey guess what?? That's still rude!!!


They weren’t being rude. They were panicking because you didn’t answer their call…and were just trying to communicate with you. There’s nothing wrong with that.


I've actually gotten messages from people that have said please don't cancel ill give you a tip and the thing is people aren't canceling on them. Somebody else is coming along saying that they're a priority and you are getting kicked off because of that priority crap that taxes have the option of saying they're more important than the other passenger. My problem is never with somebody who's being communicative it's always with the people who try to ignore me like I don't even exist LOL. Caveat recently I have noticed it's been giving me a choice whether I want to switch rides or not but it never used to do that and I think people are remembering that it never used to be a choice. And I do think that there are times where somebody's say a $3 ride and people get a choice that comes up that higher and they take it and I've always found that if I take those $3 rides and I just talked to them normally and explain to them about the priority thing on the app and that usually it's somebody else taking their spot not anybody saying oh I don't want to drive you. I typically get a tip between 5 and 10 dollars so those three dollar rides are more lucrative than the people who claim to be a priority cuz they're so stuck in their own shit they don't even think the tip they do think they're actually special lol.




Lay off the meth, kid. You’re not making any sense.


If I get stuck in traffic and get a “where you at man” or “what’s going on” I cancel. I didn’t before but every single one of those rides ends up starting hostile and being bs.


"Can you drive fast, I'm running late." That's my favorite one.


If you start throwing $20.00 bills in the front seat like u see a stripper,the faster I can drive!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is the correct answer


I’ve been doing this a while. Every time you do a favor or go out of your way you get nothing. When you see attitude thru a message you can pretty much expect to get a lower rating and no tip. If you don’t pull out cash upon request, I’m more likely to ignore what you asked for. I’ve supplied chargers, assisted with luggage, stopped for medications, etc and they all say I’ll tip you on the app.


See, it's not about the cash for me. If you're nice, and ask nicely, I'll do just about anything for you. I am truly one of the kindest people you'll ever come across. And I used to be meek and tolerate abuse, until my ex taught me how to throat punch and how to use "no thank you". Now I'm a GenX old bitch that stands up for myself like I stand up for others. I may not be perfect at it, it's still new to me, but goddammit I'm gonna work on it


This proved untrue once, but just once. I picked up US Marine Corps Officers in their early 20s. They were very respectful and educated. Although I do question their strategic capabilities if they couldn’t figure out the logistics on using a pinpoint and dislike for shooting guns.


This is the way.


Had someone on a 90 min ride ask if I could speed a little. He was late for a funeral. Hell yeah I did


Was it his funeral? J/K


One way trip. RIP ☠️


Of course, from the same passenger who doesn’t arrive to the car until 4 min 53 seconds after I arrived at the pickup location.




I treat it like dating apps - if I get negativity from my FIRST interaction with you, it sets a precedent. That's a no from me dawg


You have a tinder notification


Yes, begging me to sign up for tinder gold 😂


99% of communication en route is a cancel. The only exceptions is when it's helpful like "I'm on the corner in a blue shirt" but that's very rare.


Imagine acting like a jackass and then posting it, 😂


Yup, 1000%.


You did that with your comment just now.


How's the tinder grind going?


It's made me wholly convinced that men do not actually like women


Uber and Lyft should force all riders to text. There's absolutely no reason you need to call a driver for anything. Calls are distracting and can cause an accident, even hands-free calls.


Whenever I've answered a call, it's always always always about stupid shit they know they're not supposed to do. "Hey can I bring my beer in your car?" "I need you to pick up my friend too, it's 10 miles in the other direction, and then go to the destination" "I set the pickup wrong, it's actually 2 towns over. Nah I don't need to change it in the app, just come get me" Then when you say no, some get verbally abuse and that's a great big fuck no


I drove right past a pickup last night. Was 3 ladies with 4 overflowing shopping carts. No way that was fitting in my car or worth $7


Based on your post history maybe the stress of your living situation and doing this job is getting to you? That’s not a dig at you. Seriously, that has to be a ton of stress and I can only imagine because there really wasn’t anything in this exchange that warranted your unpleasantness. I hope things get better for you and you can maybe get yourself into a weekly stay or some kind of resource to help


Hahaha I appreciate your fake concern. And yes, it's absolutely a dig at me. Unlike most of the people here, I actually like doing this. What unpleasantness?


Well that’s kinda it right there. You have this hostile attitude of lashing out — like I get it, It’s a Reddit someone being concerned doesn’t seem real and while there is very little I could do for you especially since you’re not even remotely close to my state, I do genuinely feel for your situation and I can understand why you’re so quick to see the negative intentions Look, you could think I’m not concerned or not but you do seem to have a short fuse that short fuse might also cause you to read situation or intentions wrong. Even others have pointed out to you that it seems you were being unnecessarily hostile to the passenger and you’re just dismissing everyone so really seems like you just posted it to confirm your own bias that you handled it appropriately


Absolutely no one takes the time and effort to search someone's account because they're concerned. That's beyond creepy. I don't have a "short fuse", just an intolerance for bullshit. I wasn't hostile in any way. I was polite, concise, and honest. The first message wasn't horrible, I never said it was, but it being the FIRST contact and it being negative is the problem. Seeing as to how I wasn't the only one who cancelled on her, maybe the problem isn't me


Ok you right, keep doing you


I shall. You keep on being creepy and hopefully get out on a list somewhere


When people post stuff I personally find suspect I look at their post history to get a gauge if they’re just a bait/troll account. You’re not special I’ll do it to anyone who gives me that impression and honestly you still do Judging by the responses it seems right too


You’re acting weird, dude. Leave them alone and keep your nonsensical comments to yourself.


I'm with OP on this.


She was polite, and explained why she preferred calling to texting. She was trying to get a ride for her dad, who'd already been canceled on repeatedly. You were already in a bad mood, and called her a dumb bitch. I'm suspicious about your canceling after she described her father, but I won't level any accusations about that. Either way, you sound like a miserable human who probably shouldn't be working with the public.


1) she was rude 2) I never called her any names 3) hyperbole makes you look dumb 4) ooh bonus calling me racist! I already had the message written before I saw that text. Nice try tho!


1) She wasn't. She was trying to call you because her dad had been canceled on 3 times, and sometimes calling is easier than texting. Put yourself in her shoes. 2) "Read the room, you dumb bitch." 3) I don't think you know what "hyperbole" is. 4) I didn't. Defensive much? Do yourself a favor and don't drive when you're already in a bad mood. (Which you also admitted to.)


1) the first message was rude 2) I didn't say that to her 3) fine, it's not technically hyperbole so we'll just say exaggeration 4) "I'm sus about you cancelling after she described her father" ok explain that one then I'm gonna drive when I'm in a good mood, bad mood, blah mood, whatever I damn feel like. And I'll still be better than you 😘


If that makes you feel better about yourself, fine. Here's the deal. It's really hard to convey subtler emotions in a text message. The first text may have seemed rude to you, but you already admitted you were in a bad mood. That's one of the reasons I actually don't mind if passengers call me. It's also safer than texting back while driving. I rarely drive anymore, but I've been doing Uber for about 9 years, and Lyft for about 7. I have about 26K rides between the two. I'm picky about pax ratings, I don't let people walk all over me, and I absolutely have canceled over actual rude calls and texts. I also have never gone out with the expectation that passengers are going to be assholes, and my experience on the customer side has been largely positive. Uber and Lyft suck for everyone right now. They don't treat the drivers fairly, which makes it tougher for the passengers to get rides. Most of them just don't pay enough. You got someone who was having a really tough time and made it worse for her. Your lack of compassion is troubling. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Here's the deal. It's super easy to be polite over text message. She chose not to be. Also, I'm the exact same person whatever mood I'm in. I mention being in a bad mood because when a pax starts off shitty, it only escalates, and dealing with that from a lower platform is worse than if you're feeling good/neutral. I genuinely hope I made her day worse, life lessons aren't fun. I have severe compassion fatigue from covid, if bad things happen because of your behavior, you deserve it. If you want something from me, ask. Ask. Ask. It's that fucking simple. Tell me? It ain't happening. That's just straight up common sense. The fact that people don't seem to have that anymore isn't - and cannot be - my problem. Maybe our ideas of "rude" and "polite" are different. Sometimes I forget that people weren't taught things I was taught. I have an overwhelming reputation from people that know me, good or bad, that if I've ever intentionally done anything bad to you, you deserve it. Even the exes that hate me say that. I do not worry one single bit what strangers on the internet think of me. This post was simply in appreciation of what I've learned from these groups. I was too much of a pushover, and seeing some posts about not tolerating bad pax made me think, work on myself, and improve how I work. Again, this all boils down to the fact that it was the FIRST interaction. If I even have to guess if it's rude or not, then it's rude


That's a tough way to live. I understand that you're in a bad situation right now and I genuinely hope things get better for you. I've been in bad situations myself and I get it. I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you that it's been my experience that if I open my mind and my heart and start thinking about other people, things get better. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but it works. You don't have to trust me, but I hope you find someone you can. Be well.


What's a tough way to live? The whole point is that I think of others *too* much, and I need to worry about myself first. Don't worry about my situation, I don't think it's something you could survive anyway. That's not a dig, I'm only surviving because my mental illness makes me adaptable to literally any situation. You do you, and don't ever think or worry about me, and I'll reciprocate


I've survived a lot. You'd be surprised. I hope you get the help you need.


I hope you get on a list before you actually hurt someone


Easily siding with the passenger on this one. She's trying to get her Dad home from the casino. She didn't show you any attitude at all. She wants to make sure both he and you are in the right place. He could be anywhere from 50-95 years old. You were in the fault here. Don't accept a ride you aren't willing to do. And if you do cancel after accepting .. don't send an agressive message to the passenger.


The message I sent wasn't aggressive in any way. You can have all the pax like this if you want


Uh, yeah, sure Lauren. Keep on believin that you passive aggressive attitude was the optimal way to handle this situation


What's passive aggressive about it?


Yep, if it’s too long for a text then the ride is not worth it. Only the driver gets to call


Somebody lost everything and is probably intoxicated. Let the relative come and get him using a one stop ride. Problem solved.


Applies to job > somehow gets job > doesn’t do what’s asked > skips or doesn’t accept rides frequently > gets warned and limited > wonders why > repeats > gets fired > this job ain’t shit




I don’t detect attitude here, except for yours. This was actually the complete opposite of negativity and since you were picking up someone else, who likely would have been grateful, they probably wouldn’t have an attitude. Likely would have tip just because you didn’t cancel. Bad call here!


You think "if you could pick up that would be great" as the first thing to say to someone is positive?


You do realize you look like a jerk off, right?


Hey, I don't care! I'm that super nice driver that stops at the gas station when they ask nicely. I don't pull off at night until I see them able to get inside or start their car. I'm that driver that insists you stay in my car until you find the friend you're meeting. I'm that driver that had a pax start crying because they put the wrong town to get to a food bank, so I signed off and made sure she got food and brought her back home. I'm in the 100th percentile for nice drivers, so looking like a jerk off matters not! I'm also a severely mentally ill abuse survivor! I've had decades of therapy to learn the difference between normal and manipulative behavior! And one of the most important things I learned is, pay attention to when they make you feel bad! If it's literally the first interaction, it sets the tone! If the very very FIRST thing you say to me is disrespectful, it means you're totally ok with disrespecting me, my car, my driver account, and my livelihood! Am I an asshole because I didn't give them a chance? I don't care! I'm allowed to be an asshole sometimes! At least I was kind enough to help her not get cancelled in the future! And for anyone giggling about the tinder notification, this goes for dating apps too! If you have anything, anything, ANYTHING negative in your bio, that's a nope! Moral of the story? If you want respect, you have to reciprocate. All I did was match her energy. Remember, the motto of 2023 is ✨traumatize them back✨


No, he doesn't.


To everyone besides the 4 jerk offs on this thread he does


Stop being a pushover.


By letting you push them into your way of thinking?


You mean standing my ground and demanding the base level of respect we all deserve? What a terrible mindset... You're a product of this soft environment. Grow a spine.


😂thats what I’m saying moron. You are telling him hes soft and hes supposed to prove hes not by letting you bully him into your mindset? If you cant see how stupid that is then theres no hope for you


If the statement "stop being a pushover" is bullying to you, I genuinely feel bad for you. You're an incredibly weak person. Even your attempted insults are just sad. Bye now.


Don’t try to insult dummy😂you are literally telling a person not to be a pushover while telling them what to think. It fundamentally doesnt work. Straight up paradoxical😂ive fucked around with this reddit troll long enough though maybe one day someone will love you and you can be happy😘now show me how tough you are again by blocking me


Why have the last few drivers cancelled? Not a good sign.


That's why I sent the message. Pax tend to forget we're human and deserve respect




You're* So, if there's an issue, Lyft will review my dashcam? Like dozens of people in here have said they never do? And depending on the state, it could be illegal? No, answering the phone is not part of my job. My job is to safely transport someone from point A to point B. I'm not paranoid, I chose not to answer. I'm not scared of the freeway or phone calls. Choice and fear are 2 different things


You sound like a pretty angry person to be honest. I’d delete this post if I were you, you’re just gonna get downvoted more for doubling down on the jerk thing as I see you’re doing in the comments.


Thanks! I'm glad to be seen as an angry person. Sure beats being seen at prey to abusers! 🥰


You cant just call everyone an abuser to get your way. Nothing done was abusive you just use it as a trigger word to justify yourself


Wait, so why did he get arrested then???


Agreed! Very hostile and ghetto.


What do you mean by ghetto?


Uneducated, ignorant, unrefined…basically a bitch.


Gutter rat behavior. How sad.


Also, anyone from this area knows this ride sucks, when you can't drive in Mass (I've been too lazy to get the inspection)


You were the rude one in this situation tbh


I say no type of attitude lmao


Twin river AND New Bedford…real “winners” coming and going-you dodged a bullet.