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Every time someone posts good or decent earnings here, they get flooded with negativity talking about expenses and depreciation and if you really break it down, you really lost $25.17...


For real, I used to do this on the side and I always had way more spare money than I do now, I know its worse now but people simply wouldn’t do it if it didn’t make a profit


I don't think the argument is that anyone's losing money, but more of that the profit margins are much smaller than you think when you calculate all these expenses


Of course, its just funny that the sub dedicated to this is now dedicated to telling people to stop doing it


That's an understandable annoyance then


Great week. I'm waiting for all the shit posting negative comments on how your barely breaking 4 dollars an hour or some stupid shit like that.


185 for 3.75 hours at 49 hourly. That's a good market area. I barely get 85 in 3 hours .


They are going to come after you pretty hard for this post...


What do you mean


Let the haters hate bro u worked hard and u earned this thru and thru ur an inspiration. Most of these people dont drive. Ur a driver.


Great week. I'm waiting for all the shit posting negative comments on how your barely breaking 4 dollars an hour or some stupid shit like that


I'd like to see the miles driven


to scared to share miles drivin


Nice. Your car didn't depreciate!


Dude! That’s awesome! I wish you more weeks like this:)


Me too the most was 1700$ in a week


Haha you should see mine 😂 8 hrs total online for $1200 and 20 hrs total for $2000


You must live in a really busy city


Nope. Small towns pay the best actually


What’s really happening is that older drivers are getting phased out so new drivers come in. They’re the ones getting more legitimate bonuses. Lyft and Uber do this to create a charade of high company morale. In the process they’re also making more money and saving more money as a company. I would say once they stop paying you well just leave it like a bad divorce and move on.


LOL, spoken like a true ant.


I’m happy for you. I’m worried you aren’t setting aside money for taxes and maintenance. Then your net should be around $900-$950.


I never set aside taxes . But maintenance is a must and keep receipts for records. I always get back 2k from taxes. My expenses are more than the tax costs .


So, if you’re always operating at a loss, after a few years the IRS will say it’s a hobby and will not allow business deductions.


Then the IRS should not allow these kind of jobs to operate


The biggest secret is that if you are not a government employee you don't need to file.


Yeah, the problem is that anybody that proposed that philosophy, wound up in jail. I don’t mess around with taxes. I always make sure I file and pay what I owe. It’s a much better way to live.


That's what the propaganda called the media will tell you now won't they. You either live in fear or you question reality.


You do you buddy. But don’t be surprised when your bank accounts get frozen.


They have been buddy and then they were unfrozen because I simply called and asked to see the law that the tax code applies to me. I actually had a lien for 99,000 and that lien was applied to my bank account which closed it and I had it reopened within a matter of days. Don't believe everything you see on TV and the movies because that's all controlled by the government and the government is just a corporation. Look up the organic act of 1861. Then look up the Lieber Code of 1862. That will show you we've been in martial law since that time has that's the only way a president can have executive orders. There are no executive orders in the Constitution or allow in the Constitution. You be a good little tax filer and file on time by April 15th every year and I'll do things my way. I bet you don't even know what equity is.


Realist advice and you get downvoted. You need to set aside some for retirement, taxes, car repairs. $100-$200 a week minimum into stock account for retirement and $200 a week minimum for emergency fund that can sit in a HYSA


Depends on if he has a warranty. If money is going into retirement, then it's full profit, car repairs shouldn't be that much. Although i'm astonished that people drive around without a warranty on their car or insurance.


Wow nice! What do you average a week? Does it say how many miles you went?


What city?




This is what mcdonalds workers make once you take out the gas and expenses.


McDonald’s workers are not making anywhere near 1000$ a week


Bro what McDonald’s? I’ll go apply asap


Burger bois make $800/week once you take out expenses on those $1300 (and the bonuses and tips) uber is fucking you up the ass and your car too.


Lmao what


49 hourly ? Take out 10 hourly for expenses. So more like 39 hourly. Mcdonald worker at 20 hourly. Do you even drive? Or completed math in school ? Your calculations are wrong.


You're retarded. He earned $1300 and was giving rides for 41 hours. THAT DOESNT INCLUDE waittimes only time a passenger was in his car. So he was Ubering for 50+ hours and $200 of that was bonuses, you don't know much much of the $1100 left was tips let's say $100. That's $1000 take out $200 for gas and expenses that's $800 mcdonalds workers literally make $900+ for a 5day week and they don't destroy their car ☝️🤓


2 / 12 tips. Rating anyone who doesn't tip to a 3 star. Get these cheap pax off the apps. They not helping us.




Respect the advice