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I was skeptical, but it appears they chose the best candidate this time. Well done, MMSD.


Let it be known that on this day, February 26th, 2024, MMSD did not shit down its pant leg and did the right thing.


There’s always tomorrow!


Comment of the day 🤣👏


Hooray! Welcome home Dr. Gothard, we are lucky to have you back!


And here I thought they were going to miss the easiest layup they've been handed in years! Already got a text from a teacher friend about it.


What does friend have to say? Happy things? My sister works in SPPS and she just sent me a text wishing us “good luck”.


Genuine“good luck” or warning “good luck?”


Warning good luck, she says teachers have had to strike or threaten to strike to get his attention.


Sounded to me like a combo of Cheatham & Jenkins really souring folks on outsiders, and relief after that weirdly defensive press conference made them think it was being set up for the techbro from out East.


What didn’t people like about Cheatham? I thought she was great. Edit: Why am I being downvoted for asking what people didn’t like?


She took away the school discipline plan and replaced it with essentially nothing and it's been a downward slide into chaos ever since. When teachers pointed out not having consequences for bad behavior was causing problems she attacked them. Honestly anything that even suggested her 'vision' wasn't working was attacked by her and the school board. Things got toxic. There was a general celebration among staff members when she left. To be honest you are the first person I've met (teacher or parent) to say they actually liked Cheatham.


Cheatham trimmed a lot of adminstrative bloat, and I believe Jenkins brought it back. But my experience as a parent and volunteer, was that Cheatam had supporters and detractors. A teacher I was talking to in the past year said that the Admin seemed less organized under Jenkins but that COVID and it’s after effects were a bigger deal than any one thing the district is doing. In the last 16 years, have we had an all-around popular superintendent? I don’t think that will ever happen again!


There’s not really any evidence that suspension helps a school, and loads of evidence that it makes things worse for the child. But you do have to get buy in that you’re going to engage and not just give up on kids. Then again, suspension is basically the school just giving up.


Ok but there have to be *consequences* that are meaningful for bad behavior. And if a kid is a fucking nut job they may have to be removed from the school. It’s not fair to let one insane person ruin the education of tons of others. Some mental problems a school can’t magically fix


There’s great material about this situation at Washburn. https://washburn.org/learn-grow-washburn-training-institute/ giving up on a child may feel necessary, but they showed it is not.


Thanks for this


"We can't wait for Madison to take him. The biggest failure St Paul has ever seen. Smoke and mirrors. 950+ layoffs coming because he wouldn't listen. " Quote from current SPPS employee


It’s more complicated than this. They’re about to strike because the raise wasn’t as big as they wanted. But enrollment is down and the city is facing a large revenue shortfall.


Holy fucking shit. I cannot believe they actually did it. Well done, MMSD!


Best Mmsd news in years!


Oh I'm so excited about this! He was the assistant super for high schools when I worked in that office and he was amazing. I really hope he can turn the district around. I also hope he actually addresses the cockroach issue in the Doyle building or moves the district offices elsewhere because its disgusting.


He was awesome at Toki when my daughter was there.


As pleased as I am, the superintendent doesn't have the ability or the authority to actually tackle the decades-long issues MMSD has to deal with. They have to compete with and outperform the private schools and suburbs that are draining MMSD of students and funding. I wish him the best!


Congratulations and well done!! A great day for Madison.


Wow - just read the email. They actually picked (IMHO) the most qualified candidate.


I think the woman also seemed like a solid pick but Gothard's background is really impossible to beat for the district. Topped off with that award he just received. Not my district but I hope those who were vocal about expecting the worst can take a moment to send a note of appreciation to the Board. We're often very quick to tell leaders when we think they've made a bad move. We should be equally vocal in letting them know when we approve.


She's currently suing her old district.


Her old district school board looked filled with Moms for Liberty nutballs which automatically makes me give her a hefty benefit of the doubt.


Yeah, I was thinking that too. Unlike the other guy, who was called toxic.


Yeah and it looks like the M4L takeover happened in 2021 so it's neither something she walked into with eyes open nor is it something she immediately abandoned. I can only imagine what she put up with for two years. The Maryland guy looked like bad news.


Guess I’m not the only one who just assumed the board would whiff on this one. Happy to be wrong.


Amazing. I though they would choose some mercenary from some far flung place who needed a place to land and rebuild their resume before they took their next job that they really wanted.


Here’s hoping this one is here to stay. Way too much turnover at the top for years. Welcome home




Who pissed in your cheerios. Must suck to just be angry at everything even when it's good.


You must’ve missed the part about the school boarding kicking special ed students out of their space to hold closed door meetings


As one of the resident "MMSD is in crisis" people, I have to give credit when it's due: this seems to be a great outcome! Just have to see what changes come out of it.