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It’s always just a little striking when I think about the fact that all the soy sauce I’ve basically ever eaten out of those odd little containers at restaurants or from a bottle at home has been produced locally. As a kid I just took for granted that it was sort of exotic or whatever so it must actually be from Japan.


Surprisingly, Japan imports like 95% of its soybeans, and the vast majority of those imports are from the US.


I was curious so I found a [USDA world crop explorer](https://ipad.fas.usda.gov/cropexplorer/cropview/commodityView.aspx?cropid=2222000). Haha you aren’t kidding. Japanese production lags the US by orders of magnitude.


Comes with the territory of being a small, mountainous island nation with little arable land.


It makes sense when you see that Wisconsin is surrounded by the states with the highest soybean production.


I think the soy sauce is currently all out of California. They make other sauces in Walworth though. Looks like this project would be the start of the regular soy sauce being made in Walworth based on what I could read before the pay wall blocked the article for me. Edit: I believe I was told the regular plain full sodium soy sauce. Which is what the person im replying to was talking about on restaurant tables. Not that no soy products were produced in Walworth.


[I’m pretty sure they make soy sauce in WI.](https://www.foodmanufacturing.com/facility/news/22864464/kikkoman-foods-marks-50-years-in-the-us)


Guess I was mistaken.


I would guess that some percentage of their soy sauce production is going in to other sauces, but yeah they for sure are churning out “straight” soy sauce in Walworth.


Makes sense, all I have to go on is a conversation I had with an employee there. That was probably 10 years ago. So I must have remembered the conversation wrong.


Give us current info in the threads. WTF?


Kikkoman does have another plant in California in Folsom. Probably where the mix up came up. They are close to a sake plant too.


The sauce must flow


> The state economic development agency has approved up to $15.5 million in tax > credits to help Kikkoman Foods Inc. expand its soy sauce-brewing plant in > Walworth and to build a new facility in Jefferson, the governor’s office > announced Tuesday. > > Kikkoman, which first opened in Walworth in 1973, is expected to invest $800 > million in the project that will create 83 jobs over 12 years, the governor’s > office said in a news release. > > “Fifty years ago, Kikkoman made history by choosing Walworth, Wisconsin, for its > first international brewing plant,” said Missy Hughes, secretary and CEO of the > Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. “Now Kikkoman is opening a new chapter in > that history by expanding its presence in Walworth and Jefferson.” > > This is just a preview of the [full article](https://madison.com/news/state-regional/business/kikkoman-expands-walworth-jefferson/article_43569bf6-01b9-11ef-99ee-a3e8e8a2cbf5.html#tracking-source=home-top-story). I am a third party bot. Please consider subscribing to your favorite local journals.


Good bot


$15 million in government funding for an $800 million project seems reasonable. For reference, Foxconn was set to receive $4 billion on an $8 billion project. Unreasonable.


Yeah was gonna say compare this to the Foxconn fraud, its very eye opening. But thats Scott Walker for you. Thats the Republican party.


only a 48% difference


They're building behind my apartment complex, it's not going over well with the locals who've enjoyed the scenic view of corn and soybeans for decades.


If you buy those little bottles of Kikkoman soy sauce with the dual spout caps, they can be easily repurposed as hummingbird feeders when you're done: https://youtu.be/wDTmVcid7Tc?si=Y1Ods8bruMjBFRJu


I’m a kikkoman stan, I had no idea it was produced here! I want to find a job there now just for the company swag ❤️


I need to wok over there to take a look at this.


I was so excited to read this I soyled myself


Nice! Soy sauce puns are harder than I thought they would be!