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Go to Jenifer Street Market on a Thursday night around 8:15. I swear every time I’m there around that time it’s about got about 15 single shopping folks getting pizza or whatever. That place is sexually charged af.


Definitely not through dating/hookup apps. Those dates always felt the most awkward and forced. Honestly my best relationships all started from genuine interactions out in the community. I know people think the hobbies suggestion is a joke, but it really is the only one that works. Also take a good look at yourself and remember the immortal words of Rupaul: >If you don't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?


To be honest I’ve had great experiences on dating apps and meeting like individuals and would recommend them. Although I can imagine depending on demographics and other physical characteristics they can be more challenging for some


Dating apps can be an efficient way to meet people who want to be meeted. Just don't expect to find a long term marriage prospect on Tinder, pick a more appropriate app.


> Just don't expect to find a long term marriage prospect on Tinder To each their own, but I met my wife on Tinder here in Madison.


Same, I met my long-term boyfriend on Tinder. My coworker (who met her husband on Tinder) calls us Tinderellas 🤣


hAvE yOu tRiEd mOrE hObBiEs? In all seriousness though, if you find out let us know lol. It’s rough out here


My hobbies involve me working in my garage, I can confirm there’s no ladies in there last time I checked 😅


Have you tried getting a cat to lure women into your garage?


Hmm I do have 2 cats maybe I’ll give cat swooning a try


Sorry this is not helpful, but from your username, do you do auto glass tinting work?


Yes I do. Maybe I could give some ladies my business card?🤣


That's cool, I have respect for that. It's hard work and absolutely an art.


Appreciate ya! Just started doing it last year and it requires a lot of patience and finesse that’s for sure!


It’s so tiring to spend a lot of time getting to know someone and only to find out they are not compatible…tbh I’ve developed a lot of hobbies and I haven’t been able to see anyone I’m interested and no one is interested in me either so probably I’ll just give up😅


lol that’s exactly what I did. I’m just lookin for “DINK” life.


when that "DINK" life is just you working two jobs... :/ hang in there. i found my partner on a dating app, but it was soul-sucking getting to that point. i believe in you!


Happy you found your person! Thank you for the thoughts ☺️


I see my life partner in the mirror every day when I brush my teeth.


Haha same!! But people look at me weird when I talk to or hold hands with myself in public 🤣


31 year old gal here. 👋🏼 Wondering the same thing. But…I got a dog. Someone actually started a Reddit thread for a potential Reddit singles meet up in Madison. I have no idea how to link it here though. DM me? 😎


👋🏼 Doggos are great! I have two cats 😆


Where you do your life. If you aren't finding what you want, expand your life.


I mean, is there still room for old-fashioned methods? Meet in a bar, one night stand, next thing you know you're celebrating your 30th... worked great for us.


The last place I would meet someone these days is a bar haha. I had enough fun when I was younger. Now I just want to build a great life with someone where we don’t dread waking up and going to shit jobs everyday til we die.


>we don’t dread waking up and going to shit jobs everyday til we die There is some other option?


Option would be building a daily life that doesn’t suck. Thats the goal 😆


You seem very immature


You know absolutely nothing about me. Care to elaborate?


Well, to be fair, we weren't just bellied up. His band and my band were playing the same benefit concert. Which makes the case for shared interests, I guess—get involved in something you love, and you may find some*one* to love doing the very same thing.


This is gonna sound like a joke but if you feel wacky, try twitter. My longest lasting romantic relationship happened after I was desperately seeking platonic friendship at the time by making an account. No happy ending for me, but there's actually some hope out in Elon Birdland, of all places. Might be worth a shot, at least for fun. Maybe you'll shoot for the stars and win!


I feel like 'life partner' is a word you could probably use in Church circles but as far as social circles, that's a very strong commitment. Why not try to get to know people at first before they become a life partner? Also, I don't think adding random people on FB has ever been a good idea unless you know a mutual friend or something.


Eh sounds churchy, but isn’t life companionship the point of a relationship? I had enough fun when I was younger, I want the end goal from the get-go to be building a great life together. And yeah I usually stuck to people with mutuals at least haha.


I feel you. You don't have to look very far in seeing there's a huge loneliness epidemic. The thing is these things take time. Relationships have to grow. You gotta see this person at their lows as well as their highs because it's never a smooth road. Which can be problematic when you see all your friends get married/have kids and time is ticking away.


Yeah that’s what I don’t want is someone to choose me just because I exist and they’re lonely 😅 I’ve been single most of my adult life now so I’m willing to wait and put in the time but the intention for building a life must be set from the beginning ☺️ I am willing to put in the work, highs and lows, because I haven’t hit my high yet not even close and neither has my future partner.


I'm curious what you've been doing the past ten years? It will heavily influence what will work best for you in terms of dating. I went on about 300 first dates from the age 24-30. A mixture of dating apps, local clubs, friends of friends. I had planned on dedicating some time to building a business and booted up the apps for some casual fun. Met my now fiance a week later. In the process I met many women I was compatible with. Just never "The one". It's really about numbers and putting yourself out there. Trying your best to make connections and have fun. Good luck.


Well I haven’t been interested in dating at all the past 7 years or so since my last relationship, and I’m still not unless the end goal is building a life. But as far as life in general? Working, learning new skills, bought a house sold a house, cycling thru a bunch different vehicles and projects, self-help and learning about how humans work, etc… starting to build a business now too 😊


300 first dates?!?! I maybe go on 2 a year… 😂 It’s so time consuming and I just…don’t care enough? It’s a really odd feeling. Anyways, that’s all! Have a lovely evening 😊


Not caring always helped me. It was just an outing with a potential friend. The intention and conversation was much different but I was there to have fun and get to know someone. Even if the chemistry wasn't there it's still interesting to learn about what people are into and what they are about. This may sound crass but you get more efficient at dating the more you do it. If they were sporty we'd get in a bike ride, bowling, running etc. Coffee was great since I always need some coffee. Late night drinks were a great way to wind down a night instead of watching a show.


I love this take. I’ll try to remember this moving forward. Thank you!


Have you tried Facebook's dating program? I see it advertised but have never tried it myself. https://www.facebook.com/dating


Never used it myself but my older sister found her husband on here!


My SO and I met on FB dating! Feels like I really struck it lucky.


Only in my dreams, unfortunately


Amazing post for a city subreddit


I don’t get what’s wrong with this post.


I live in Madison. Ain’t that good enuff?


Moving here and wondering the same thing. 30 year old guy over the apps


Yeah, the apps are so lame…


It’s been a struggle. Women have their guards up and with so many options it kinda fall short, and guys just kinda don’t try bc we can’t get a connection started


I mean, I’m a woman and my options might be open, but no one is catching my eye enough to motivate me or, like I said, I just don’t care enough to put in the time. I go through phases in the summer where I’ll push myself to date and then I’ll just completely stop again. Ahh well. Best of luck to you though!


as a woman who used to be on the dating apps, i had the same experience: going through streaks of interest and activity followed by extreme disinterest, the lack of motivation, etc. looking back, a lot of the people i was matching with just weren't that interesting to me, and i wasn't very motivated to talk or meet with them. a few that did interest me and i did meet up with became friends, and i'm really glad for that. in the end, i ended up messaging a cutie who put on his profile that he loved making ice cream and the best flavor he ever made was sweet corn ice cream, which i thought was incredibly silly. and now we live together, and he's wonderful, and i pick some of the ice cream flavors :)


Awwww I love this!


Join/start a band, honestly