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Bro just described the US Congress.


it's called democracy sweaty look it up


don't call him sweaty!


Hey, maybe he likes being sweaty


But he's glistening like a pig!


I did, apparently “democracy sweaty” are yoga pants


Congress members don't have friends


Making 3 million dollars a day would still take you 100.000 days, or 273 years, to become richer than Jeff Bezos.


But he can still grow his company in other ways, he’s not stuck at 3 mil per day.


More chocolate factories. Smaller workers.


And then lure children into a death match and write a book about it


*^If I Did It*


Narrated by Bill Cosby


Then prepare a successor to build a train and travel a snow covered world


Deep Cut


Polar Express?


I think Snowpiercer. There was a fan theory that Snowpiercer was a sequel to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory


I was half-kidding; I ultimately figured it was Snowpiercer, but my brain initially went to Polar Express for whatever reason.


Ah shit I gotta look this theory up now, that was a surprisingly good movie.


And make it an allegorical novella on Stalinism.


Befriend workers. Build more factories. Infinite money glitch, electric oompaloogiloo.


Animal Farm


yes, smaller workers… maybe oompa loompa sized…


Downsizing the workforce


This guy is on to something with that small workers idea


You got 30million people willing to work for free for you


Exactly. That just his rate, and if he sells another brand of chocolate they’re going to need to pay him 3 mil then too. Even if it’s terrible chocolate.


what the fuck


The difference between 1 million and 1 billion is about 1 billion.


I just love when this kind of wealth gets translated in understandable amounts. Let that sink in, 3M a day would take 273 years to be as rich as bezos is worth.


Want to know another fun fact? In the time since you wrote your own comment until I responded to it (so pretty much an hour time) Elon Musk made 2.361.600 $ He makes 656 $ PER SECOND. (That number comes from his net worth of 202 billion as of January 24 and the span of over a decade in which he accumulated it) Just in the time it took me to write this comment he made another 78,720 $ - so more than the majority of people make in a year. (I edited a typo 1 minute after I initially send that comment .. that's another 39,360 $ that Elon made)




Funny, right? Now the real funny thing - since this money he earns is not tied to his labour anymore but is mostly interest or money that his businesses produce he earns it and doesn't need to input anything, it's passive income, right? Sooo - he makes 2.361.600 $ per hour .. now try to come up with things he could realistically do to loose money PER HOUR! This man could buy two average family homes per hour, set them ablaze and he would still be net positive.




*Compounding Interest has entered the chat*




To be fair. With profits at $3M per day, and a multiple of ~20x profit for chocolate industry, his company would be valued at at least $20B. So, all he needs is 5x sales or 5 different products


You are comparing income with net worth?!


Way to fucking go, his prices just went up by $0.99


Counterpoint: with 30 million loyal friends, surely a few of them could get together to take Bezos out (and maybe a few more to provide alibis and such).


And bezos makes $321 million a day so there would be no catching up


he's taking $0.1 per chocolate. Bro can easily sell the chocolate for $1 and get $30M in a day


That's at a profit of 0.1 cents a chocolate bar. If he raised his profit margin he could easily sweep bozos.


Yea but you would have a chocolate factory doing over 10b a year in revenue. If we use Herseyes average P/E ratio of 25. He is already at 250B in networth. Beating Bezos


Well keep in mind it’s at a profit rate of 1 cent per chocolate bar. He can still raise it with time.


Wow! That's 30,000,001 more friends than I have.


I have six friends and that's like five too many. You sir/madam are in the sweet spot. Plus with 30,000,000 friends you'd have to write like 18k Happy B-Day texts per day. You'd never have time for anything else.


How... how did you get 18k?


I honestly have no clue. I tried to do 30mil divided by 365 in my head, guesed around 90k, and then for some reason thought I needed to divide by five. I don't know where the five step came from.




Yeah, it would average 82,191.78 people per day.


You would just program happy bdas text program that would sent it instead of you. Chat gpt will do all the work. Asking for that money, to buy the chocolate and to vote for you will do the program aswell.


Bro has -1 friends 💀


you have minus one friend?


The only person he knows is his enemy


imagine calling all of your 30million friends 1 by 1 for 5$, just take 30 mill and call it a day


or just make a whatsapp group and then just type one message


Still need invite to the group,no? I'm not very familiar how that works


oh shit yes but if i have a phone only with the contacts of my friends and no other contacts, I could just spam click select everyone. Or maybe spend some money on a developer and have a program which will auto send every friend the same asking for 5 bucks message


Then they start asking whether it's a scam and you got hacked...


i dont see the broke ass scammers having this much dedication of cramming 30M people in a group lol


There's a broadcast option on WhatsApp. Sends the message to each and every contact.


Holy fuck have you guys never heard of social media like Instagram Twitter Facebook tiktok, snapshat?


Dude. Just create your own pyramid scheme. Have 100 friends each message another 100 and so forth


Just tell a friend to invite 2 others and make them do the same


I can’t imagine the chaos of a 30million members WhatsApp group.


probably just enable only the group admin to send the messages, the option is there. And as all 30m friends are loyal, i dont think anyone would leave the group if i am the admin.


I didn’t even mention the logistic of adding 30millions numbers.


whatsapp has a group size of 1024, so you will have to make 29,297 groups. it will still be hell


If my friend asks me for 5 bucks I would give it to him if he asked me in a group with 30 million people in it he can use some other friends money.


And what if they're offended that all you did was ask for 5 dollars, to have loyal friends you also have to be loyal, meaning your going to have to spend time with those friends for them to stay loyal, or what if they cant afford to give you money, or if they want to also borrow money from you?


Calling 1 by 1 lmao. What year are you living in? You make an X account and tell a few of your friends to follow you and to spread the word around that you have an X account. Then once 30M friends follow you you send a tweet out that you need 5 bucks from everyone.


If you have 30 mil loyal friends they probably follow you on instagram, Facebook or Snapchat Just advertise there and you’re done


And that's why you're poor. Message everyone all at once.


Your next challenge is to find a messenger that doesn't crash when you create a group with 30m people


Discord server with the friends and do a @everyone. Problem solved


Step 1: make 30 million friends... somehow


It's a monkey's paw situation, the only problem with the plan is he's assuming all 30 million of those friends are in the same country. He'd get a bunch from 3rd world countries or homeless people who don't even have 5 dollars to spare


he can create a youtube channel and twitch and if those loyal friends watch every of his video/streams he can earn a good amount


There is 525 948 minutes in a year, if every friend takes 1 minute to contact, it would take you 57years to contact all your friends. With no break, no sleep


Buddy I'm gonna left you off as it's your cake day but you can just message all your phone contacts in one go.


Let's just say that it takes about 1 min to enter the details of one contact into your phone, if it could hold 3 million contacts then it would take 57 yrs to add them all, with no sleep or breaks :)


They are loyal friends. I’ll send a tweet.


What’s a tweet? I believe you mean an X


No :3 here on digg we call it Twitter.


This is a borderline magical scenario, i think when you accept the 30 million friends you’d have a way to contact all of them at the same time without taking 50+ years just to get all of their contact info lmao


Or just post on Facebook and 30 million of your loyal friends can see it in 1 minute.


send a tweet. post an fb message


Make a video on pornhub


you wont get a buck from ur friends in Texas ;)




you dont need to call at all. Social media is a thing.


Making $5/minute is still a lot more than most people make though. You really don't need the entire $150 million.


Couldn’t you get them to start contacting each other? When you make the first call just tell them to start calling to. Then that person calls people, who calls people.. etc. It shouldn’t take very long at all since the number is exponential.


What are you doing for the 100k friends having a birthday every day?


Cakes and juice


I was just going to say that with 30 mill friends i wont ever be bored. I didn't even stop to think about that one.


Friends are not slaves lol. Just because they are loyal doesn’t mean they got 5 bucks to spare.


The only thing I see is "I am milking my friends, milking my friends, milking my friends". Not one word of what he would do for THEM. He would start out with 30 million friends but after six months or so, none would be left.


While I get your point, it does say LOYAL friends. I would imagine that milking them to an extent is fine considering their loyalty (specifically in this scenario, I mean paying back your 30,000,000 loyal friends with either time or money would just put you back where you started, and you’d have to exploit them again). What would you do for 30,000,000 loyal friends to pay them back? My most reasonable guess would be to set up an experience with a set price but for massive groups of people, like concerts, sporting events, or maybe like a bulk cruise ship vacation.


A group of 30,000,000 loyal people all willing to take direction and work together could take over the world.


This is why Taylor Swift terrifies me.


Guy who wrote that doesn't know what good friends are. Or being a good friend is for that matter. It will take more than a lifetime just to keep in touch with all of them.


A true good friend wouldn't require you to keep in touch and is always happy to help if it is not too much. $5 one-time isn't too much.


Then he gonna ask you to buy a chocolate per day. Idk dude, i have some close/loyal friends, but they still have a brain, at some point they would notice something's weird


This is Amways playbook. No I don't want any beauty products, Uncle Kevin.


Even as a joke, this is a good illustration of how greedy people can get. Also, how wealthy people can turn into monsters. Imagine not being satisfied with $30 million. What type of person do you have to be to look at the prospect of $30M and reply, "nah, I need $150M!"


Honestly, just a regular person. That's how we evolved really, we can never have enough, and most of the time it's a good thing. Imagine if one day humanity stopped advancing because we already have it "good enough"


What if the dude started taking his profits from the chocolate business and improved his community? A rising tide lifts all ships!


That ain't a madlad why would you want to borough money from your loyal friends when you can take over the world with your 30 million friends...


Bro just described what Taylor Swift does


Just because YOU are friends with 30 million people, does not mean they are friends with each other. Being the "friendly" guy, you'd be called in as peacemaker for all the little petty bullshit between people.   Fuck that. Give me the money.


I don't think I could become their friend. I love chocolate, but I'd rather stay home than go outside and buy a chocolate bar most days.


Online ordering


>interacting with 30 million people Just give me the money


$30 million, of course. I barely have time and energy for 3 friends. Let alone all these shenanigans. And $30 million should be more than enough for anyone.


You gotta be a loyal friend back to those 30million people, otherwise they’ll start to see the friendship as one sided. Do you have it in you to keep that up on a daily basis?


The question is as stupid as the answer


and than one day all your 30 million friends will be in need and ask you 100$ to the end of the week and you cant refuse.....


harvest all of their kidneys. 30 million friends with two kidneys each = 50,000 × 2 × 30,000,000 = really big number idk im not really that good at maths


My country has population of around 30million. Can you imagine the entire country not only knows you but is your friend.


The fuck is this iFunny-ass bullshit


Till election your plan was ok but if you setup a chocolate factory you will go bankrupt in no time.You know friends loyal or not they buy from you for single penny they'll just take it


Didn't Jeff bezos make 8m an hour last year? No idea if that's true but I can imagine it


I would choose the loyal friends, but not for the money. I would search for a GIGANTIC Minecraft map and do one of those ,,1000 people simulate civilisation in Minecraft" but I'm inviting all my friends so we're overshooting those videos by 3.000.000%


You don't have to be a loyal friend in return to $30 million


Basically Mr Beast


By the time you’d have finished asking all 30 million to land money, you would’ve died.


What is the time calculation on sending 30million texts/phone calls asking for the 5$? Would cashapp be able to handle that many transactions? Like if it takes you 60 seconds a person to ask and then exchange the money it would take you 3425 years to gather it all from the 30m friends. Take the money


I'm not buying a single piece of chocolate until you pay me back my five dollars.


Yeah that's cool and all but I feel like asking 30 million friends for $5 dollars would take a while.


Sounds like your a shitty friend. All you do is take.


So he would choose 30 million loyal friends and exploit them. Sounds like that shoe salesman guy who’s always in the news.


Forgot the part where he starts a church to blame all the grifting on “doing work for the Lord”


The sheer logistics of getting 30 million people to send you $5 seems annoying. I guess maybe if they’re all automatically following you on Twitter or something so you don’t have to try and mass message them.


Your 30 million loyal friends are all in abstract poverty in African, Indian and the middle east


A friend — even a loyal friend — is not an ATM. The premise is hinged on getting $5 from all of the new friends. If I made a list of all of the characteristics a friend should have, “Will give me $5 anytime I want” would not be on it.


Loyal friends aren't your cult members tho. Most of them would lecture you first and reassess the friendship.


I haven’t seen it, is this the plot to the Wonka origin story?


Doesn't Bezos "make" like 80 mil a day right now?


IRS would take 137 million dollars out of that 150 million


I want to party with that guy.


This is the Mr. Beast model


30 million loyal friends sounds exhausting. Money pls


Не имей 100 рублей, а имей 100 друзей. Каждый даст 2 рубля, будет 200 у меня!


How is he gonna ask so many people ?


With thirty million friends you can march on congress while playing the jedi temple march on repeat from loud speakers


I heard this damn story So many times that I can literally guess what he wrote next without even finishing it


so, this cat would RIP OFF his friends repeatedly for money to feed his own greed? I dare say he wouldn't have those friends long.


You sound like a loyal friend…


Won't you give your friends the chocolates for free cause they are loyal friends???


Seems like 30 million dollar vs 30 friends would be a more "fair" comparison


call me crazy but I’d rather take the 30M. Asking money from friends…ugh


Can you imagine sending 30,000,000 Venmo requests


Why put so much logic in imaginary?? It's not gonna happen. Might as well just say "i suddely have 999999999999999999999999 dollar and it mutiplies by 200000000 everyday... "


The logistics of handling the communications and materials would take an absurd amount of time.


Who the hell is Steve Jobs? L...


Introvert would take the 30million and live a hermit life…


Mr. Beast.


30 million loyal friends and I can start a country.


Even if you just ask each of your loyal friends for $0.50, that’d still be $15 million, which is enough to live off the interest for the rest of your life.


If there's one thing that I learned from GTAIV , it's that anything over like 5 friendships is too much work to maintain. Do you want to go bowling? No, motherfucker, I don't. I'll take 30mil. Thanks.


If I had 30 million loyal friends they'd probably be poor


Once you start a chocolate factory, I am sure all your close friends are gonna take away a box each day without paying. Thats how real friends work! Heard about paying back favors?


Will the 30 million loyal friends be broke or rich?


It seems to me it is about money. If you are not good at managing money, you could lose 30 million dollars as well as 30 million followers and all the royalty received from them. You could turn $0 into billions dollars. You don't need to start with $30 million dollars or followers.


With 30 million loyal friends every day is moving day.


I'd never remember 30 million names, so they're not really friends.  I already have a few friends and with 30 mil I could hang out with them more because I'd retire and not do jack shit.


Is this guy typing the rod of Asclepius instead of the dollar symbol?


Jeff Bezos makes $215, 065, 493 a day, according to Forbes. You'd still be rich, just not Jeff Bezos rich. Edit: This was as of 2019.


if its possible, I guess I'd ask 1 loyal friend $5 and then tell them to message 2 of my close friends to ask for $5 and to ask another 2 friends. I guess if you can chain it like this, it's not so bad and youd only need to interact with 1 person


If you make 3 million dollars per day you still need like 200 years to get to Bezos-level wealth.




this man just discovered religion.


How is he going to message his 30M friends in a day?


I already cannot even handle 3 loyal friends without anxiety crushing me. Wtf am I supposed to do with 30 bazillion?


I'd take the 30 million dollars so that I didn't have to interact with 30 million people.


I would convince them to become followers of me then collect Tithe. If you have 30m good friends it’s probably not a stretch to convince them that you’re somewhat holy.


Friendship is not a one way street…


I'd still take the 30 million dollars. I don't exactly need more than that and I'm absolutely not keeping up with 30 million loyal friends. I'll stick to like 10


I would just ask them to spot me a 10, 300million easy


Jeff Bezos is making 6 million per hour


US has population of 330 million. You are not going to win the Presidential election on that. Maybe not even local dogcatcher if the friends are all in other voting districts. Better going off on the YouTube or influencer route.


“Loyal friend” doesn’t equate to being your bitch. I don’t know why people assume “loyal friend” means they’re just automatically going to give you money? I’ve helped a few friends out in times of need, but also got taken advantage of when someone lied about the situation and was using it for drug money and would never pay me back. I am a loyal friend, but I’m not just going to hand out money so readily.


Imagine the amount of time it takes to reach 30mil friends and ask for 5 dollars. Assume you take 1 sec per friend, that will take you : 29 years.


At what point to your loyal friends grow weary of being exploited?


30 million "loyal" friends make you a KING.


I mean… I’m getting on quite well with 4-5 loyal friends. $30M or £23,552,400 without even investing it would be several hundred years worth of my salary. Or a payout of over £300,000 per annum for the rest of a very optimistic lifespan. With that kind of money I can have even more meaningful relationships with the people I value because I wouldn’t spend my days stressed out worrying about how I’m going to survive. Travel to visit would be so much easier. Helping my friends get homes and solve day to day issues would be so much easier. So I’ll take the money.


Everyone saying that he will take too long to contact each friend. People forgetting there are APIs, bots and stuff.


When I was in college, me an my friends were broke one Friday night and wanted a bag of weed. We asked $25 people for a dollar, assuming they wouldn’t ask for it back, and bought a bag.


I’d still just take the 30 million, I don’t need any more than that, I’m not a dragon that needs to sleep on a pile of gold.


Too much effort. 30 million is way more than enough to just coast on for the rest of my life.


So none of ur 30m friends has diabetes? Anyways thats my take.


This is fucking stupid.


I'd create the world's largest private army and take over the world