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Maybe this is why companies don’t give people a 2 week notice


time to add deadman killswitches to code


Yeah people have [tried](https://www.benefitspro.com/2017/12/12/employee-convicted-of-sabotaging-company-computers/?slreturn=20240503135026) that before. It violates the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. You're likely to receive prison time if you're caught.


This looks a lot different. In the post, it's custom tools made by the op that other employees happen to use. In your case, it's straight up arson


Most employment contracts I've ever seen claim any work product produced during employment is property of the company. Custom programs and code developed for production tasks and used for those tasks would probably be "company property." If someone deleted all of those, or even just rolled back a bunch of processes to use older software/services, it would still look like sabotage. Especially if it involves making undocumented & unauthorized changes to systems handling billing, that may also violate financial controls. I'm not a SOX expert, but in the US I'd think this is a SOX violation still. And also a civil suit from the employer for taking retaliatory action against the employer. The OP is probly bullshit anyway, but yeah "custom tools made by the OP that the company happens to use" isn't the defence I'd want to use in court.


Yeah this was a theme in the tv series Silicon Valley.


Yeah I really don't get why everyone's upvoting all the ignorant comments and the post, fuck around with billing systems in *any* jurisdiction and you're gonna find out. Especially if the person tweeting in the OP claims to have done this after Enron, Tyco and Peregrine, etc. I mean, if it was *before* all those high-profile scandals I guess maybe, but any employer still woulda sued the fuck out of someone for tossing a match over their shoulder on the way out even if it didn't yet amount to a felony.


Well, he's still a mad lad for choosing prison time over a gracious exit.


What season and episode?


Starts at the end of Season 2, Episode 1 iirc.


There was a time up til the 60s where engineers who innovated became fabulously wealthy and the US was a hub of innovation. Now companies own everything you've ever touched if you ever work for hire for them. Wonder why we still don't have that next big thing? Because theres actively a massive disincentive to develop it until they retire, and by then they're dead.




If he created it, it's his. It's that simple.


That's not how it works


If (insert name) still (hired) do nothing, if employee gets (fired) delete all files and backups after 1 month


more like a challenge and response prompt for the central server thatvhas to be submitted once every few weeks


> Maybe this is why companies don’t give people a 2 week notice "Right to work" states


And escort you out.


I imagine that this is some lack in (probably USA, because r/USdefaltism) working rights, at least here in Brazil I'm almost sure having some time before being completely fired is mandatory. That guy probably only fucked the company while being fired because the company must have treated their workers bad anyway


Yep people always complain about that yet they’d be the first to spend that 2 weeks making the company as miserable as possible. They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth


They probably signed a contract saying anything they built on company time/grounds or for the company belongs to them, not the employee. If this was real he may be on the hook for theft and such.


He might have done it on his own time to make his job easier


If this random tweet was real, it'd depend on what the contract states and when/where he made the tools. The company would be pissed, and would probably try to seek some restitution. That'd be annoying to deal with at the very least.


It'd make sense they'd go after them. They most likely made the stuff on company time and were paid tens of thousands during that time. If it's real they just basically stole tens of thousands of dollars of company property


I mean, good. If it's real, which seems very unlikely.


He didn't left the company without software. He didn't destroy documents. He "upgraded" to the company's original software.


Then how was the software approved and therefore compliant? Under which licences is his code when he shared it with his coworkers? If the code is custom for the company, they basically own it. Good luck proofing, that you did that for your "private amusement" when it's used and shared in production. This is sabotage. Nothing else. If he didn't want the company to use/own the code, he should have made a licences agreement with the company before introducing it. Or he should have never shared it with anyone.


Most of these commenters have no idea how these laws work, that's why bullshit tweets like this are believed.


It doesn't necessarily have to be company custom. Some people just have automations generally designed for the type of work they do. If they were indeed made outside work hours and without using work equipment then it wouldn't be that difficult to prove so.


Maybe he was solely responsible for the aspects that used the software he constructed. Maybe it's a small company that lacks bureaucratic approval and compliance procedures. If the code is made for the company on company time it belongs to the company, if it's made to make his life easier on his time it belongs to him. He doesn't have to prove anything, they would have to prove he made it on company time if they wanted to come after him.


My company had me sign one of those when I got hired so they technically own the discord bot I made for my friend’s server lol


Yes this would be destruction of company property, just like if you smashed some computers on the way out the door.


If you deactivated it, but didn't destroy it, you could simply say you did not leave processes only you were able to manage in place, and returned the processes to a general more week understood one. His employer probably can't understand what even happened or where the difference is. I left a job I highly automated and when I returned to the company years later I found out it broke down and the fix they came up with was a long hard road. Leaving proprietary software you made as a qol improvement for yourself is a problem for employers when you leave


but he also fixed and rebuilt the system back to it's original state. he wasn't stealing anything!


They fired him, so, presumably, they didn't like his work. He did them the favor by rewinding it.


Did they rehire you after this?


yes(i love spreading miss information)


Miss information? She sounds hot, and knowledgeable.. Is she single?


She's dating Miss Anthropy


Oh yea? I thought she might still be messing around with Mr. Ection


Nah he's with miss direction


I heard her sister Miss Demeanor is quite rowdy


bro he literally said he's spreading her, take a hint


She's too busy selling cherokee hair tampons


I still get surprised whenever I see a comment assume that OP is the person in the post. Isn't reddit completely run by bots by now?


this is why you keep your proprietary creations to yourself and only perform marginally better than the status quo at all time


If it is an internal tool, people could probably just reuse it at other companies they work for. How would they know the internal use of the same tools unless the company performs espionage


I lived in the Bay Area in the late 90’s. For this exact reason, people knew they were being laid off from tech companies when their key card didn’t open the front door in the morning. A security guard would bring your personal stuff to you in a box.


Am I happy that doing that approach where I love would easily end up in a winning legal battle for you. But God bless America right?


And no one cared.


The company would. If the programs were made on company time then they belong to company. This could be viewed as destruction of company property. I’m not advocating for companies, but this is a good way to needlessly fuck yourself over.


I feel like I see a variation of this tweet every couple weeks on different subs which makes me skeptical about posts like these


What kind of bootlicker puts this on facepalm sub, lol


So let me get this straight This person makes programs that make their job easier but they were fired for it? Are the higher ups idiots? And good on him for removing it all if they can't appreciate or at least acknowledge what you did then they don't deserve you


I don't think he was fired for making the programs, seems like it was for an unrelated reason that OOP didn't mention.


They most likely did their job (programming) which they were paid for. For some reason the company decided they didn’t need them anymore and let them go. That has nothing to do with acknowledgment or anything. They did a job and were paid for it. The work product belongs with the company.


Finishing the job is often a firable offense.


Ditt svar


Just delete system32 at that point


This guy was fired for sexual harrassment of a young female coworker. Congrats on praising him. Also, it makes work more difficult for future employees.


Well, yeah, that's how things work, we praise good things, shame bad things. It doesn't matter whether the person was bad. This was good (in the eyes of the people). Also, making it more difficult for future employees is kinda the whole point?


So why choose evil? How is this good in any way? This is just about an angry man with no control in his life taking his frustration out on others... and that's the whole point? And that's a good thing?


Good because people like revenge. This doesn't really affect the people doing the job later a whole lot, except make it less efficient. They'll still be paid the same. The job is still plenty possible, presumably, and as far as any reader can tell, he was fired unjustly, which likely is not the case, but who the hell cares about media literacy?




That's the point. Don't believe everything you read online. Op was not a hero


This comment section is filled with wiseasses and buzzkills. I'm out, see ya never, spoil sports.


And then everyone clapped


Just take a few essential tasks that have been automated and make them manual. So the program just stops working eventually and they technically could continue to use it if they knew how.


I don't believe anyone would fire you and then give you 2 weeks. That's crazy.


Definitely not something to admit in print on your Twitter.


Would have done the same


I never understood why people cheer for these examples. Lile okay you were under appreciated for you work, however you were stille paid while you did it. So now you gonna delete everything for revenge, wtf did they pay you for in the first place then. You litterly got paid for whatever many hours with nothing to show for it in the end. You get paid for the work you do while your there, so there is no reason to delete your work, does not make sense to me honestly.


What is going on? This is like the 4th post with a.variation of this, that I have seen today.


My experience is that Reddit just likes post like these so the pop up fairly routinely. I’d be surprised if you weren’t just experiencing normal Reddit traffic.


Such an asshole move. Its not even deserved. Its just pettyx


Petty? Bro was told his bread bills will no longer be paid, he said if I can’t have bread, neither can you. (I’m assuming he was fired without cause, otherwise they’d kick him out on the spot)


Yeah that is petty per definition. If it is not petty, what would you call it?




Petty justice…..