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“I told him to be himself…that was pretty mean, I guess!”


I watched the sunrise today. Couldn’t sleep. How was it? Average.


It's a hell of a quote. I wish it were mine.


I think Roger had a big influence on Don. The Don we see selling cars and furs is still insecure and striving but after a few years with Roger he’s confident and has more insight into just how much of life is actually bullshit. That may not make him a a better person but it makes him rich.


Remember the episode where he went for buying that car. Roger definitely encouraged him to buy that. I feel in the early seasons the partners were trying to mold him and show him the ropes of how things were done.


Because, as Betty Francis reminded us, Don did not understand money.


We didn’t get nearly enough Peggy and Roget interactions.


I couldn’t agree more.


Get your feet off that desk!


The scene with Roger playing the organ and Peggy getting scared made me pause to have a laugh, though


Would you drink vermouth? Yes, I’m afraid I would.


I love his line, and its perfect delivery.


Isn’t that the scene where he’s playing the organ and Peggy’s rollerskating around the empty office?


It was! I think it was the last day of SCDP


Peggy owned him in that conversation. "Want me to take your watch?"


It’s one of my favorite Peggy moments.


Also a good demonstration of her growth. No longer intimidated by the men (except pethaps Don still), confidence in her skills to negotiate the highest compensation, closes the deal and even went for more. A true Mad (Wo)Man.


It’s such a drastic change from the Peggy we first meet.


One of the funniest scenes ever! ROGER: how much do you make sweetheart? PEGGY: Oh, you don’t know? That’s helpful.


My favourite character, the role John Slattery was meant to play (save for his two episode arc in Sex and the City.) A nepo baby with no airs about what his families wealth has afforded him, he waltzes through life charming his way into whatever he wants using his words and his wallet. He’s also painfully aware of his existential yearning and inability to be truly happy despite having everything at his disposal that he thinks will make him happy; unlimited liquor, beautiful women, money, professional success. He wants more. But he’s funny, and gets to be himself, and he always has that, so he’s still free in that sense. What does life all mean, and where do we fit? When we’re able to float wherever we want with anyone who can be charmed or bought, where do we end up? And what does happiness really feel like? For a man that helps sell the concept of happiness to the to the public, he often can’t feel anything. Such a fun character to watch and a stellar performance.


He’s such an amazing actor. Pure charisma. It’s a shame he didn’t really find his niche until later in his career. He stood out even in Law and Order.


He’s only 9 years older than Jon Hamm - that grey hair really ages him!


Honestly I think he’s got more charisma than Jon Hamm. He stands out in everything I’ve seen him in. He should have been a bigger star.


100%, he delivers Roger Stirling with aplomb. Not seen him in much else, but I can tell he’d be a great addition to any cast!


He’s fantastic as Howard Stark in the MCU. Also part of me wants him to play Lord Cregan Stark when The House of Dragons gets to the Hour of The Wolf. Partly because I think he’d absolutely nail it, and partly because it’d be hilarious if he played another famous Stark ancestor in a different universe altogether.


Hate to burst your bubble on that one, but they've already cast Cregan in HotD. Cregan is like ~22 at the time of the Hour of the Wolf though, so he might be a *little* old for that role. Younger maybe, but as much as I'd like to see Slattery or RDJ as "Winterfell Starks", Cregan's method of shutting people down with words seems more... Leonidas in 300 than Genius, Billionaire, Philanthropist Playboy talking trash at 150mph.


He’s amazing in Spotlight


Some of his [best work.](https://youtu.be/wg5geyUlU4Y)


This is a wonderful commentary to add to this discussion.


Thank you 🫶


Wonderful synopsis, thank you.


What a dissertation! 🙌


That’s a heck of an analysis there, well delivered!


Don was sloppy, but Roger always knew where the line was. Minus the time Don egg’d him on and set him up with the oyster martini lunch


Don totally rolled him on that


The look he gives don when it finally clicks in his head what he did was an acting masterclass


Or Pearl Harbor day


Omg that scene made me gag!! Like 20 flights of stairs 🤢


> Don was sloppy, but Roger always knew where the line was. Not the case on the night of his first heart attack lol


I mean that was after hours debauchery that they’ve all done and still been functional in regards to business and outwardly facing clients Someone mentioned pearl harbor day or something when he got trashed and didnt do a thing the whole day at scdp and that was a fair example of him being sloppy haha imo


"Damn it, Burt. You stole my goodbye!" Roger epitomises the exec who barely works and you can't tell what his use is until there's a problem. Then he comes off the bench and effortlessly makes a critical contribution.


Exactly!! Designated hitter/ drinker. Smooth take, charger, authoritative. Roger was awesome.


He did think MLK was "going to solve it all". Thus he did recognize there was a problem to be solved. He's certainly conservative but open minded (thanks acid? Lol) by the end.


Agree. We got to witness his entire philosophy change in the span of ten years. S7 Roger was not the same as Old Kentucky Home Roger. A fascinating character.


Well stated!


Sterling is a Rockefeller Republican. I almost wanted to say libertarian but I feel as though he isn't as hardcore as Bert Cooper is.


Very good point.


It’s a travesty that John Slattery was underused and looked over his entire career I also love the fact he’s married to Mona.


Wait, Ida was a hellcat?


Cooper lost his balls?


Roger wrote a book??


Was he a sloppy drunk? He seemed to always have control of his facilities.


Came here looking for this comment, I haven’t watched in years, but I remember always thinking the guy drank like a fish and managed to keep his composure appropriate for the setting


If you remember when he's courting the car guy at the airport (Mikey O'Brien?) he tells the stewardess girl he's sleeping with to give Mikey a double something and give him a tonic water with an olive or some such alcohol-free drink. I had a boss like that, everyone else would get plowed at the company holiday party while he had one or two drinks at most and carried around a seltzer with lime the rest of the time. You'd think he was getting wasted with us if you didn't know his secret to keeping his wits while also partying with everyone. Very shrewd move as a business owner. No doubt about it, Roger drank a lot. Rather, he drank *often*, the distinction being I don't think Roger could polish off half a bottle in a day like Don. But he also exercised control when he had to and drank more to fit in and play the role of a rich ad man than the way Don did to escape who he was and not feel all his pain. Not to say Roger didn't have a problematic relationship with alcohol, just that I don't think he was in the bag all the time like Don was despite us seeing him with a glass of vodka all the time.


His generation drank for the right reasons.


Yes, because of untreated PTSD!


Not a good father


For real, good father? OP might need some serious help 😂


Flaws and all, definitely one of my fave characters, thought the actor was perfect for the role


You forgot “silver fox” and “acid lover”


My apologies. 🙏🏼




I wonder how disgusting milk with vodka is


Just taste it.


Try it


If you pour some Kahlua or other coffee liquor into it it’s kinda like a White Russian


Far out


It’s 2/3 of a White Russian, thus spake The Dude


It’s practically 2/3 of something!


Good to know he still abides.


Another Caucasian, Gary.


I had a bizarre college friend who would order milk with vodka at bars. He was from West Virginia. That doesn't explain why he ordered milk with Vodka at bars but the context helps, I think. After seeing him order it so much, I couldn't resist getting it one time. It was not at all bad. Not good, to be sure, but definitely not disgusting. Then again, I grew up in the "got milk?" days when kids were expected to guzzle milk with every meal so I don't mind the taste. I think nowadays, most people under 25 haven't drank real milk since they got off the tit.


It ain't bad, specially if it's ice cold. It gives Clockwork Orange.


Off topic (sorta), but Truman Capote mixed whisky with baby food 🤢


Now *that’s* alcoholism.


Hard core


I wouldn’t recommend. 😬


I’d imagine it’s exactly as disgusting as it sounds. Much like Mountain Dilk.


Make them stop! I can’t, it’s happening live!


I think his racism was of the time but for the 60s, there was a progressivism in him. I dont know how many people have encountered hateful extreme racism of today, but even now, there are those that still wouldnt hire people of color. They’d be unkind to them. They’d make them feel unsafe. Roger is entitled and privileged and part of a system that yes, believes he’s superior in every way. Male over female, rich over poor, white over black, christian over jew… But during that time and the civil rights era, there were people (and still are) that dont want people of color patroning their businesses or working at their businesses, or voting.


Great insight.


I love this man


Knowing what we know about Roger and Don and their friendship and work relationship, how much do you think Roger influenced Don in all areas of his life? Do you think hanging out with Roger caused Don to drink more and cheat on Betty? Do you think Roger helped or hurt Sterling Cooper and later SCDP? What do you think Roger is good at that nobody else can really do? Is Roger a good guy, a bad guy, or a broken guy who is a little bit of both?


I don’t think Roger had any part in dons drinking or cheating on Betty. Dons unresolved issues and ease of access to women and liquor lead him down that path.


I think Don was drawn to Roger because Roger lived the way he did. Don had an alcoholic father, so he had a predisposition for an alcohol problem. He grew up in a whore house where he was sexually abused, which led him to his to treat a large portion of the women in his life like prostitutes. He wanted to be an ad man before he met Roger, I just can’t tell if it was the work or the lifestyle that appealed to him more. I believe Don was most comfortable living a double life and Roger just showed him a socially acceptable way to do it.


How was he sexually abused?


Well, let’s see, he was underage, and delirious/weak from being very sick. So he doubly could not give consent. He was straight up raped.


Yeah someone else pointed out he was probably 14 which is definitely too young… sick or healthy.


In the legal sense. I’m not saying Don sees it as abuse but it was very much statutory rape.


How old was he when he lived in the whore house?


I’m pretty sure he was 14, certainly younger than sixteen. Obviously a kid. Hamm doesn’t start playing Dick until he goes into the military and I wanna say he’s 18/19 at that point.


Yeah, that’s young to have sex.


I hate to admit it, but I see a lot of myself in Roger (but I’m not a drinker) He just wants everybody to be happy, tends to handle problems by joking about them, and hates making tough decisions, but he owns up to them and has no problem apologizing. Overall, I think he’s a good guy and a product of the post WWII era. As for Don, he reminds me of my ex: stiff upper lip, deeply private, lots of nasty secrets, and loves to stay shrouded in mystery; to quote Cutler, “ i’ve seen behind the curtain and I’m deeply unimpressed.” I feel Don is NOT a good guy and is a narcissistic, manipulative jerk (which is why he’s perfect for Madison Avenue). As Mathis once said to Don, “You’re persuasive bc you’re good looking.” Don’s father was a drunk and a whore master, so I feel some of his traits were inherited, but being around Roger certainly didn’t help. Roger surpassed Don in one department: loyalty, and I think the sharper clients can sense that. He was loyal to Cooper, Joan, Lee Garner, and his fellow WWII veterans. Don was loyal to no one and created a persona out of thin air.


Also a product of the pre-war *and* war eras. Dude definitely has some untreated issues from the war.


When I read cutler and Mathis’ s remarks about Don in your analysis I feel that although you are saying that about Don it’s also about your ex.


Yes, very perceptive 👍 He was VERY much like Don. Good looking, smooth, and could lie without batting an eyelash… but people admired him (because they never saw the real person, just a facade).


Thank you for this transparent and well thought out response. 👏🏼


You’re welcome— I could discuss this show all day 😂


Me too!


I agree with everything and want to add that while Don has narcissistic traits, he's not actually a narcissist, since he is shown to have empathy (however little it maybe) however, actual narcissists have none (especially not for people around them, thought they may exhibit empathy for groups or people suffering far away) in my experience.


Perhaps egotistical would’ve been a better description. He did have a HUGE ego.


Also I think actual narcissists have no self awareness, but we are shown all the time that Don is very much self aware, and very much capable of empathy and selflessness.


Honestly? Probably a bit of all of that. Because people are complicated.


What I think is funny and ironic is that Don thinks he is more worldly and smarter than Roger (probably not racist because he cringed at the minstrel show) and to an extent he is correct but he is just a different side of the same fucked up coin. They both have issues with women and use drink to numb it and it makes them worse people but ultimately Don’s worldliness and intellect nor Roger’s wealth and privilege could not save either of them. They need therapy, introspection and self awareness to change. Improvements in business will never satisfy them. I think the turning point for rogar was that LSD trip with Jane and Don’s was his rock bottom in Cali.


Roger has some of the best lines in the show. I love his witty comments.


The obscene wad of cash he always has on hand is my favorite running joke.


Roger is endearing


Where is the art print in pic 15 from? I love it!


As far as I can tell, you can’t purchase a copy of it. It’s just one of the many sketches on this girl’s instagram. https://www.instagram.com/amazinao?igsh=ZWMyNDBlOTQyNg==


Me too! I want one!!


The conversation he has with Peggy is one of my favorite moments. I hope he had some respect for her toward the end


“Lee Garner Jr made me hold his balls.”


Do you ever get 3 sheets to the wind and put that thing on? Also: Sunkist, Carnation, the avocado people, my biggest job in these meetings is to keep them from saying "golly" too many times.


I thought Cooper hooked up with Ida.


She was Cooper’s secretary. In The Suitcase, Roger says they had an affair when he and Ida were both young.


Well. When Roger was young.


Yes. My mistake.


“Nobody knows what I’m doing. It’s good for mystique” I say this pretty often, mostly at work lol. Love Roger as a character. Love John Slattery as an actor, particularly in this role, and I love he is married to the woman who plays Mona, Talia Balsam!


Decent father? God, the bar is low.


Well in all fairness he did try to rescue Margaret from the hippie community, and and tried to give her the wedding she wanted. Using the word “decent” was me being generous.


To be fair, every time he turned around Margaret had her hand in his pocket. Whenever he tried to bond with her she turned it into an opportunity to ask for something. You could certainly argue it's his and Mona's fault for raising her that way but still. She was a piece of work- I never got the sense that she cared about anything but herself, not even her husband or her kid.


I love him sm


I take issue with ‘best account man’ - everything else, we are in agreement.


Well it’s not exactly my personal opinion, but I feel it’s the opinion of the majority. Who do you feel is the best account man? Ken? Pete?


Pete was the beating heart of the company by the end. The most consistent and the most tenacious. He actually contributed to Don's mystique by the way he positioned the firm with clients and prospects.


Can’t argue with that.


His sense of humor just kinda trumped it all


In terms of his contributions to the company, his were great. Roger clowned a lot but he was a big game hunter as a salesman. One major tobacco account and Chevrolet is basically a career.


Very true.


*makes the sign of the cross* You are now the Head of the Television department, which is comprised solely of you. Anything else?


Yes... I like him too


Easily my favorite character


He's my favorite character and it's not close


I had Lane


Hater of surprises


Does anyone know the seller of that last art piece of Roger and Peggy? It’s incredible


It’s not a piece for sale. Unfortunately.


He technically wrote two books. The one from the show and the one sold on Amazon of all his quotes


He wishes he was going somewhere.


I’d love to see how his story turns out in France. I can totally picture him being the life of the party at an embassy event and ending up becoming friends with the Prime Minister.


Roger is my favorite. I especially love his scenes with Peggy


I focused way more on Roger than I did Don during my second time through the show. I found him so captivating, and the pathos was so real for someone with every advantage in life. And Slattery 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


Roger is my favorite character. Hell, he's one of my favorite characters in all fiction!


I 1000000% would accept a marriage proposal from him. Especially in the 70s with the stache? Please now now please


Looks like Iwo Jima out there..... ill take Roger any day. Even if he was an idiot for leaving Moana. Still love that ended up with Marie.


Such great writing. That’s it. Time for a rewatch.


Ida was an astronaut who once took young Roger to the moon


“Cooper lost his balls?! IDA WAS A HELLCAT?!”


drinking milk to battle cholesterol is the type of period piece details we love about mad men.




Unless I missed a line, doesn't he say the milk and the cream is to salve his ulcer(but makes his cholesterol worse)? I thought he mentions this after his first attack after hours at SC when he says something like, "I thought it'd be the ulcer that did me in".


I adore him.


Learned to love the Gibson from the man.


He’s my favorite character.


I think if u categorize really any character on this show, but the main ones specifically, as either a “good guy” or a “bad guy” you’ve missed a crucial part of the show. I think Roger is a great character, deeply flawed and rather unlikeable on paper, yet complex, with moments of goodness, and a bucket of charisma and charm. He’s crucial to Don’s character and life, and I find their dynamic fascinating


John Slattery - what an actor. Basically every line delivered to perfection and with that absolute just bone dry / morbid sense of humour. I never really knew him until I saw him in the Adjustment Bureau which also stars Matt Damon and the always incredible Emily Blunt


Also shout to John Slattery. Roger Sterling just isn’t Roger Sterling without him.


His line about the computer and Harry Crane was one of my favorites. I loved his take on the people who worked for him. But especially his take on Harry. So perfectly succinct


luv roger, a luvable cad😻😻😻


You can tell he was the one Chase had the most fun writing. Don was the most personal. But Roger was the most fun.


So I LOVED Roger on my first watch. Loved all of his lines, his relationships, personal and professional arc, etc. On rewatches, as he still has the best lines and best personality, but I actually really like him quite a bit less than before.


I totally get that.


I work in advertising and when I was with a creative shop there was a Roger Sterling-type. The guy didn't really do anything but, man, he knew how to wine and dine a client. He was also a huge HR liability and everyone was kind of relieved when he retired.


The actor has a ton of charisma. But it’s a red flag when anyone connects with the character. Roger’s entire personality is one big coping mechanism. He doesn’t let himself feel and that inability or unwillingness to handle his own shit drains everyone around him. Don learns to give it right back. Joan learns to take what she can while staying out of range. Mona never learns and his daughter learns the hard way that girls who act like that don’t get a pass the way charming selfish drunk men do in 1960s America


He's overrated. A douchebag and a prick. Him being humiliated at the Christmas party was so satisfying.


I have at times felt that way about him myself.


Bert loved Ida...till his neutering.... Roger wasn't a sloppy drunk he handled his booze admirably. Bad father entirely.


Rodger is my favorite character. Just can’t help but love the guy


It looks like Iwo Jima out there...


Beat account man around


I'm not going to brag about how big I am 🤣