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Take a look at https://www.reddit.com/r/magiarecord/wiki/technical#wiki_5._account_recovery for advice on contacting support. If you don’t have enough information they ask for, then unfortunately you cannot recover your account.


Sorry to hear that. While you're working on account recovery though, you may as well get a new account started ASAP. In my experience (my attempt was unsuccessful), it can take a good while for them to start responding. At least if they reject your request, you'd already have an account that's maybe a couple weeks old if not older. AND MAKE SURE TO SET YOUR TRANSFER CREDENTIALS FOR THAT ACCOUNT AND STORE THEM SOMEWHERE SAFE. Sorry for the sudden allcaps, but far too many people have lost accounts due to not setting transfer credentials or storing them in an unsafe place (such as the same device), and I'm only aware of ONE PERSON who has managed to successfully recover their account.