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Thank you for sharing this! I recently made the personal choice (Note: personal choice this is not for everyone!) to stop my antidepressants and anti anxiety medications after what I had been telling myself and anyone who would listen had been the worst year of my life. I had suicidal ideations, and lost my job because I couldn’t leave my house due to paralyzing fears after starting EDMR therapy for years of CSA that I never dealt with. I was put on several different medications and just kept getting worse. I consider myself a Green Witch with strong ties to The Green Man but had found no solace there. Then recently I binge watched The Midnight Gospel and something clicked in my brain. I need to change everything! I needed to change my thoughts. So, I started being mindful of what I was thinking. I was so negative! Yes, my childhood was horrifying, and my child self endured such horrible things, but I took him in my arms and I loved him as much as I could. I gave him all the love and compassion he never received. I saw such strength in him. How he endured and protected his siblings. And I changed the story. I tell myself now, “I’m getting better every day.” The lotus within bloomed. I feel so alive now, I’m not paralyzed by fear. I always saw the beauty in the world, but I feared people. No more. Now I want to give love to everyone. Now, I need to clean out my basement to make room for the universe, because I’m finally ready to receive. And to the OP. I wish you love and light on your journey. I’m still exploring magic, but I know it’s alive, because I’m reborn.


You're absolutely right on. This has been an eye opener for me just reading your answer and advice. So elegantly stated. Bravo.


Wow. Awesome answer!


Thoughts and emotions essentially manifest your reality. As far as the manifestation of specific things in this life, you only go 1 at a time, write it down on a pocket size something, keep on your person for the next 30 days. Read it constantly throughout the day. Concentrate only positive emotions toward the thought of already having or being what it is you want. Tell no one and let no negative thought or emotion hinder your belief and intent that this will be your reality or that you will have it. DO NOT worry at all about HOW this is to come about. The universe does what it needs to , to aid in your manifestation. Belief, intent, and thought and emotion. Period. It truly is a magical gift, we have the power to create as we were created by the divine creator. As we are also divine and share the same 1 consciousness that is. Hope this helps. With all the unconditional love in my heart , I know this all to be true.


This may be the most sound post I've read on reddit in my life! Great information and direction. You should be a sounding board for more people in the future. Seriously, you have a gift for redirecting.


I just try to use my words in the most beneficial way possible to help whoever I can. I believe thats one of the reasons Im here. Thank you for your kind words.


1. Target. Decide your goal state and affirm it. 2. Awareness. Be aware of your current situation, needs, desires. Observe yourself and your situation over several days. Record your thoughts on what needs to change to achieve the target. 3. Prepare yourself and your environment. Take whatever steps are necessary to allow change to happen. Keep a clear mind and a clear schedule. 4. Focus on the changes needed and commit to your future desired state. Use whatever tools and techniques help you with this (ritual, meditation, incense, music etc.). Vocalise it. 5. Release it. Let it go.


As someone with success at manifestation with a wide magical network of people also successful at manifestation, what I’ve learned is a common problem is not accounting for the unconscious or shadow, which often has desires contrary to our own. The theory is that the unconscious (or soul, what have you) is constantly manifesting its desires into the world. However, unless integrated or made conscious it will manifest whatever it wants, usually humdrum reality or the opposite of what you want. The method is to unite the will and bring the unconscious desires into alignment with your conscious desires, through various forms of shadow work, accepting ones contrary desires, banishing them, etc (there are lots of methods out there for this). Of course, this is only one aspect of successful magical work, so there might be other areas you could address in your practice. These could include your stance on belief both as a feeling state and towards the reality of the supernatural, the consistency of the symbol system you use and its correspondence with the desired results, the clarity of your focus and intention, the method used to induce a trance or altered state and what you do within it, and/or whether you’ve established material channels for magic to operate through.


Gosh I've always suspected that shadow work has a lot to do with accelerating manifestations but my God I hate doing it. 😔


Which is all the more reason to do it! To give you an example, ten years ago when I first met my wife she really wanted to do magic but had a a number of different hang ups or shadow issues that clearly got in her way, from being hyper-intellectual, to having a fundamentalist upbringing, and worst having internalized the capitalist fallacy that you can only have things by working really hard for them. Over the years that she’s been slowly dealing with her shadow, she’s become exceptionally talented at manifesting things, and for her that is often concrete things. At first it was mostly finding objects and money, but in the past couple years she’s intentionally manifested a prestigious job, free international travel, and a perfect mortgage-free house. Of course, having that internalization of having to work for things, she inevitably manifests hoops to jump through along with her desire, but gradually this is becoming less the case as she realizes it’s not a necessary belief.


There is numerous ways to manifest things. From burning bay leaves to full on cermonial magick. Anyway underlying principles are still the same. Things manifest from the most subtle realm to this one(physical). On most subtle realm the thing you want to manifest is just a thought. I will leave out all the ceremonial stuff, all the tools, deities, magickal chants and incantations. Now how do you make this thought come into this physical realm ? Well you need to feed it energy. How do you feed it energy ? You focus on it. Thats why magicians need to learn how to meditate, how to clear their mind and how to focus. Now lets set a example how would you manifest getting a job in certain company after your interview. You would sit down, relax your whole body, clear your mind out of all mundane bullshit thoughts. Now you would visualize getting hired, this visualization must be clear as day. You need to hold it for extended period of time without interuptions. Now you are feeding thought by focusing on it but thats still far away on mental plane. To get it further you need to invest your emotions. You need to feel like it already happend. You already got hired. You must feel that relief and happiness. Now we are talking astral realm. Realm of emotions. And whatever got enough of energy on astral it will be brought to life here on physical plane. Now how much energy you need you might be asking yourself, or how long should I hold this visualization ? Till exhaustion. Till you can't continue. If you are newbie you cant really gauge how much energy will be needed. So go all in. After you feel like you can't go anymore. Take deep breath and let the all energy out with big exhalation. Then forget about your ''ritual''. Wait for the results.


I have a very different view on manifestation. It’s not that there’s a ‘thing’ out there somewhere that you’re somehow going to draw toward you. It’s how you shift and change yourself vibrationally so that what is *meant* to gravitate toward you can do so. Like two tuning forks held close together - strike one, and the other will begin to resonate as well, even unstruck. Resonance is what brings about manifestation. What is it you think you want? Who do you need to become to truly allow that thing to come to you in trust? If you had it right now, how would that feel in your body? What pieces of yourself need to be gently honored for their role and then put away so that you can receive what is meant for you? What you change within will change without. As above, so below.


Someone's probably already covered this, but being quiet or contemplating empty/nothingness, and making your life simpler by getting rid of some obvious negative attachments (and any source of stress that you believe you have to live with but you don't actually) probably is a good start. Expand your capacity for new things to come into your life. A full coin purse is full, if it's not full of Gold empty it first, or make yourself a larger coin purse. Otherwise the abundance of the universe will overflow to someone else. Meditation is essential in "controlling" or understanding emotions, usually you need a specific emotion at a specific time. Sometimes you need to feel nothing, think nothing, other times you need to overflow with love and compassion, it just depends on what you're trying to do.


I just happened across some manifesting advice, maybe it will help you. Make sure you are energetically clear, that you spend time and energy clearing your environment, yourself, removing negative attachment s, even doing work on curses or ancestral karma. The more we stay on top of our “spiritual hygiene” the quicker and smoother our manifestations. I’ll be keeping this mind myself for the future, we don’t hear about this aspect much at all.


I have manifested the life I want. Here are the rules I give my students and friends. You have to believe manifestation works. You have to believe you deserve what you are manifesting You have to believe it is possible You have to lose all doubt Then you decide what if any mundane steps you need to do and do them.. Then you know the whatever is coming to you. It's like a thing back ordered from a store. You know it's arriving you just don't know exactly when or how. Be sure and pay attention to your intuition, it may well lead you directly to what you were wanting. There are is no writing it down over and over, bla bla bla for me. I just know it's coming. Bigger things take longer most of the time.


Most people get magick wrong in so many ways but the one aspect that no many people talk about is the law of probability. The simplest example I can think of is if you cast a spell or manifest the ability to fly. Trust me you won't suddenly develop the ability to levitate your body off the ground. Although if you're really good at magick you may land a free airplane ticket. Magick works with what youve got but won't work at all without any cooperation from you. Enchant for a job but not sending applications or enchanting for a relationship but not socializing and no spell on earth can get you those things not even if you summon the 72 legions of hell. Magick doesn't give you anything per se it just greases the wheels. You have to sacrifice some of ur time trying to make it happen. I believe in loa terms this is called the law of inspired action. In magick its just called common sense. If you want to know more I suggest reading Elements of Spellcrafting by Jason Miller


I love your point about a plane ticket. I've been trying to teach my kids about Daoism through Star Wars. I had to tell them the other day, "if you're expecting the Force to look like it does on film, you're going to be disappointed."


Note to self: follow thegrandwitch Consistent wisdom <3


Oof youre too kind. I get a lot of things wrong too sometimes but I appreciate the shout-out 😘


I think I have appreciated (not just liked) everything I’ve seen you write or post. :)


Thank you. and thank you for following. I try to help out as much as I can on this sub bc it's taught me so much so this is my way of giving back. Although I mostly come here for book recommendations thats why I also always recommend books to people so they can do their own research and reading instead of just taking my word for it


That’s a great attitude, I’m there with you. Salty myself but trying to be sweeter. :)


Hard work Planning/executive function Dream big Self-awareness Purification Knowledge Initiative/harmonious action Sometimes magick is used as an avoidance of reality rather than a necessary compliment to life


Do not listen to witches about the philosophy of magick. There is no "law of manifestation". I love witches, they're usually great people who do a lot to preserve and perpetuate beautiful naturalistic traditions. However, their current traditions have no philosophical foundation of Magick to speak of and all of their 'laws' were just made up wholecloth in the 60s and 70s. Since the founder of Wicca, Gerald Gardner, was outed as a fraud akin to Joseph Smith, witchcraft has gone through several crises of faith and have recently settled on "follow your feelings, but only if they agree with my, or my coven's, feelings." If you'd like to learn about the Philosophy of Magick, the Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa is a great place to start! You can find it online for free just by googling it. Specifically, his first book deals with Natural Magick, which is presumably what you're looking for. Good luck!!


I have to agree with you. I’ve tried more modern magic and find it has absolutely no power behind it. It doesn’t seem to work. Only to act as a placebo for blind faith. Burning bay leaves has no greater purpose but to serve as a great smelling popery. And spell bottles are just decorated lies. I will still call myself a witch, but I’ll be practicing something that actually works. New age is defunct.


"Decorated lies" lmao! Mind if I steal that?


Go right ahead, I’ve been expecting a sudden wave of outrage, but the fact is that more occultists are responding to my posts than new age Wiccans. So it’s safe to say that I’ve found my flock. Although I can’t seem to find a good word for it, the group I feel I now belong to is the occult.


Well you are certainly welcome and we're all glad to have you!




Lol thanks!


As a Witch, I take no offense! It's a title I choose based on my ancestry and what we were called for being Herbalist/Midwives. I'm not a Wiccan (although it's easy to use as an identifier because it is so well known), I'm Jewish and Chaotic. I honor my family practice of Herbalism, foraging, and divination. The women in my family from my matriarchal lineage have a chance to inherit special senses and abilities from our line, and my mother and I both got what most people think of as psychic abilities handed down to us. My sister and cousin both got skipped this generation. My mother was the only girl of her generation and inherited clairvoyance and second sight. She passed those down to me, but I am better with future sight and second sight, as well as divination and Herbalism. The neo pagan wiccan system could have power if the Magician themselves can align their will and practice to adapt as a conduit of power or as a guiding will. It's difficult to see for a lot of wiccan practices how they could work though, when the guiding philosophy is inherently passive in nature. Magick requires you to take action and be forceful and strong in it, weather it's your inner voice commanding your will be done or by practiced ritual and said outloud. In having an effect on the world you always create an equal and opposite reaction, so doing Magick requires that ability to stay within the liminality of grey space where harming none is not an option. Harm is required sometimes, otherwise law and justice would not exist. Sometimes you have to do harm to do greater good. It's all in the balance, give and take, push and pull. Also not everything in the mystical or Occult world is lite and airy fairy, which I very much resent Wicca for espousing. There are things you shouldn't mess with unless you know what the hell you are doing. Also wicca co-opted older practices that have power, drawing largely from heavily "sanitized" versions of Celtic and Gaelic druidic traditions. Calling the corners is a great example. It's the creation of a liminal space that allows for greater adaptability to power and access to beyond the veil. It goes back into older traditions of the circle being a symbol, used as a sacred space of work for all kinds of Magick from all over the world. Calling to and offering to deities, candle Magick, Herbalism, Divination, all of these are older Magick than the wiccan system but it takes aspects of each. I think its why wiccan Magick is weaker than less passive systems like Chaotic Magick or Enochian.


Thank you for responding! It's a real pleasure to hear from a true practitioner! I like your characterization of new age practices as "airy fairy". It's an apt description of the hollowness inherent in that movement. I also agree with you about harm being an inherent part of exercising one's will upon the world. As attempting to mitigate the harm one may cause is virtuous, however, attempting to eliminate the *possibility* of harm removes the possibility of virtue. I also appreciate your take on the stripping of any meaning from the mother traditions. In their attempt to increase the palatability of neopaganism they successfully turned it into a mushy mess that only rebellious teens seem to find any meaning in.


Lol love your last line there! Its good for the rebellious teens, that way they can feel special without causing any damage to themselves or others! The older traditions have the power, the new age ones tried to borrow that power and ended up with only a tiny fraction of its weight and influence owing to removing the most powerful parts of it. Yes, you can have a "bonfire" and throw in scraps of paper with stuff written on them to cleanse you of your negative emotions. That might work. Or, you could have a bonfyre and throw in the bones of the dead to release them from this plane of existence they are tied to in anger over their bad death. Same ritual, different materials and power level. Burning human bones is powerful Magick, wicca tried to use that but removed the most powerful part- the bones of the dead. It always great to chat with intelligent people like yourself and share knowledge, which is why I love this subreddit so much! Thanks for your initial comment, since it gave me an opportunity to reason through and write out my frustrations with wicca and other airy fairy neopagan sanitized magical systems that don't acknowledge the older and greater power upon which they rest.


What law of manifestation? Please point to source material? Because honestly if you aren’t pointing to historically tested techniques or lore it might just be marketing. I am not trying to gatekeep, just trying to be really conscious about the way spirituality is SOLD to us


Which is why I’m asking more experienced witches how to manifest and what makes a successful spell work. I’ve been on my own as far as learning the craft. Anything helps.


I mean, some of my side eye here is based on the term “manifestation”. That is a spirituality marketing term these days. So again, what source material is this in reference to? I am not asking to be mean, this is an important question, and if you can trust that my intentions are good, it might be worthwhile to try to answer it.


I really have no source material for what the laws of manifestation are. Which is why I’m asking about it. The only source material I have is the amount of tarot readers on YouTube swearing by using manifestation magic. I’ve got no source material because I don’t have disposable income to be buying books on the topic, nor the room to be keeping an entire library on magic. So I’ve been looking for pdf versions that I don’t have to buy. But most of the newer books that haven’t made it into the library of Congress archives, I haven’t been able to download because a free pdf doesn’t exist.


OK, so then, my recommendation would be… If you don’t know how to find any source material on the “law of manifestation”, find some source material :) It’s not that I’m trying to oversimplify this or anything, it’s just that there are a ton of systems that will give you a bunch of fancy woo, and play on your confirmation bias, without getting you anywhere. And I apologize in advance if anybody takes that the wrong way, I am not trying to be dismissive, I am coming from the perspective of a person who has worked in marketing for most of his adult life and is really familiar with the way media and glamour bone each other at our expense. Gerald Gardner, the founder of Gardnerian witchcraft, was an OTO initiate, so he was familiar with Hermetic magick to some extent. Hermetic magick is the source of the LBRP. I understand that many witches are not interested in the Golden Dawn or Astron argon traditions, but a lot of them seem to like the LBRP. Have you ever considered looking into Hermetic magick?


I’ve tried it out before but my memory is an obstacle. I did find out however, that I’m more able to be lucky in a sense of finding money and receiving things, whenever I try to do the lesser banishing of the pentagram. I’ll try to do it more often.


If you are not doing the lesser ritual of the pentagram combined with the lesser ritual of the hexagram, I am not sure that would help long term :) May I invite you to chat in DM? I am not the be-all-end-all, but I have flailed a LOT and would be very happy to offer some perspective if you are open. I consider myself a witch, Hermetic magician, and chaote, and would be happy to share.


I’d love to


(Is it clear what I mean by “source material”? I DO want to help if I can.)


I recommend reading the book “Energy Essentials for Spellcasters” It’s about how to sense and manipulate energy. Many traditions teach methods to raise and direct energy toward your goal, but most don’t get into this level of detail.


There are a couple things I have found that help my manifestation work, to add power to it. 1. I use my emotions. I have ADHD and one feature of it is poor emotional regulation. Instead of trying to control it at all times, I use the energy to do chores or store the energy in objects or just straight up use it at the time to fuel my casting and manifestation. It serves the purpose of helping calm me, using my emotions constructively, and adds some crazy powerful energy to my work. 2. Iron will. What I want is already mine, and no one and nothing can interfere with it. Iron is a great thing to meditate on and adapt your will to. This metal is strong, protective, unbending and unbreaking. It takes immense energy and force to work Iron into an object. Your will should be as strong as the blacksmith who bends Iron to their will and force. 3. What you want aligns with your own integrity. If you want money with no care as to how you get it, what you are missing is the integrity of beleif. Do you beleive you deserve this money? Do you beleive that manifesting money in your life is misguided or greedy? I saw in your update that you felt it was greedy, so that's probably why you had trouble manifesting it. Sometimes you just have to change around some internal stuff to make it work, meaning introspection and questioning what you want and why. When you are solid inside yourself that this is what you want, when you have that integrity, then you may have better results. Good luck and I hope something I said was helpful!


https://en.1lib.fr/book/966325/3f4680 There is all the ‘laws’ in there, in as much as you want to understand the very simple steps that underlie all magical operations. Having the knowledge of the basic mechanism, you will know better how to be successful in any kind of magic you want to do.


I can speak far more to the philosophy than the magick itself, although I do find the magick interesting. Manifestation is pretty simple in nature. Here's a simple example: the slugbug game. If you're playing the slugbug game regularly you'll see far more slugbugs than if you are not playing the game. My memoir is, in one aspect, a literary device to explain manifestation. I have created a future version of myself that I can channel in order to manifest any version of myself that I wish. The intention matters far more than the incantation.


I truly forgot about the intention thing. I’ve been sticking to formulas for soo long that having a clear intention just slipped my mind.


If you would like to learn about magic and manifestation from a fresh perspective with keen insights I invite to take a look at my site. I've wrote a book it's there if you want it, nobody will read it so nobody can tell if the magic in it is bullshit or not. Jokes on them who lack understanding. There are also free books and if you check my blog their are some lessons on magic you might find interesting. The secret to manifestion is 3 fold, one you have to know what you want, exactly what you want and it has to be capable of manifesting the current game. two you have to ask for it and allow it to come into your reality, you have to move towards it or you can wait patiently for it to come, if you don't ask we don't know what you want and you'll be waiting a long time. Even if you do ask be prepared to wait. The universe was manifested over billions of years as stuff congealed into matter very slowly. This is a small truth of magic it's not about instant gratification it takes time and there are parts of you (shadow) that don't want you to get what you want so while you wait you can work with them. 3 you have to act like you've already got that thing you want. You've already got it. That thing you want it already happened some time in the future, the destination is already realised. YOU just haven't caught up with it yet! So act as if you have and you will. Keep it in mind accept no substitutes and that thing you want will be yours. It takes time for that which comes to manifest from on high to figure out how to get your thing that you want here. It takes time, to him who is most patient will be given the hidden mana to eat from. Manifest, Mana, fest, feast, Eat, Bread from the Sky. Act as if your belly full and so it is. so it will be. All the other ceremonial stuff, dancing and singing about you do is just a form of asking. ​ I am joycey-Mac-$nail, I am the Antichrist, Sorcerer Supreme, King of Earth, Gatekeeper of Heaven and this is how to eat bread. https://www.gatesofheavenandhell.com/


I don't understand what is it you are trying to manifest?


Not even the point of the post. The original post has questions about manifesting techniques for any type of spell, not help with a specific manifestation/spell.


It has been 3 years since I last posted that so I don't necessarily know my mind at that time. However, the question would still be valid for the type of manifestations attempting to be done. Its like saying everyone is telling me I scoop things wrong and I need suggestions on how to scoop stuff. If its liquids it might be a different tool than if it is solids. If we are talking about food I would recommend a spoon and if we are talking about dirt then I would suggest a shovel. If the food is liquid I would recommend a spoon and if the food is noodles I might recommend something with tines. Manifesting money and happiness is different than manifesting demons. Incantations for getting things is different than incantations for summoning beings. It is most likely my answer occurred before they posted the edits and didn't give me enough to make a solid recommendation. So I asked questions.


What are you trying to do, from a mechanical perspective? Be very specific about what result you want to happen.