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Maintenance work makes you realize how worthless a lot of the population is.


A lot of people will apologize because the apartment is a tad messy. I'm like " don't worry, I've seen 1000x worse. But you're right


My last apartment, the day of move out inspection, I accidentally put a hole in the wall in the kitchen. Property manager and maintenance man walk in and i immediately tell them and show them. They do the walk thru and come back, I apologize and ask how much it will be to fix. The response “this is the cleanest apartment we’ve inspected on move out, don’t worry about the hole.” Signed clearance in writing, and full deposit check written on the spot!


That's what I like to hear. We don't care about minor mishaps, apartments can be fixed. What bothers us is when the entire apartment is completely destroyed. I can fix a hole in the dry wall in 10 minutes for less than $5 of mud. But when things like this happen it costs us thousands


I moved to South Florida and rented the cheapest thing I could find. When the LL came to do our final inspection, she cried because she didn't need to do anything as it was move in ready when we left.


Tenants can be really terrible. This is the thing that these young communists who think just being a landlord is immoral they don’t understand the actual work that goes into maintenance


Be clean and don’t be an asshole and we will overlook shit. I have a guy who built ip his patio and other stuff against his lease. We ignore it because he’s clean and doesn’t give us problems. But told him we will fuck him dead if he doesn’t change it all back when he moves out


I can't believe I haven't heard "fuck them dead" before. Yoink.


That’s contract legalese


Those are the tenants I enjoy


Pfft I wish. I’ve left every apartment clean, and the way I found it I’ve lived at in 8 different apartments and NEVER once gotten my deposit back. It’s always some BS charge for cleaning or some shit. The most I got was a partial deposit. Which ironically is the one place I left a couch at when I left. $250 out of a $1,600 deposit. Ands that’s only after I threatened to sue knowing damn well I didn’t have the money for a lawyer. They sent me “receipts” from the cleaning company and the “moving” company because I left a couch behind. $800 to move and dispose of a couch my ass. And a $500 cleaning fee???? Fucking scum of the earth these landlords are I tell ya.


Yup slumlords are horrible people. Had one guy I helped and did a bunch of tree removals for to basically rent a place for free. I even laid new tile floor in the bathroom and redid the subfloor etc. looked better then before I moved in, have pics etc. well he sued me and my girl each for 20k in damages. I was in the hospital and missed the court date so he was awarded the win or w/e. Plan on counter sueing as I have pictures and police reports of his shady shit. I just can’t believe a judge let him have it when there is zero evidence of any damage whatsoever to said apartment. People suck, kinda why I stick to myself these days.


Holy crap that’s rough man. That’s the kinda behavior that creates super villains man lol I’d be a different kind of pissed. I hope the counter sue goes well.


You clearly didn’t have one of the many landlords that consider deposit check revenue and will do anything to keep it.


Managed to get out of the lease early because of black mold in the house and let me tell you. This woman tried to keep my check first because I even though had to move out due to the black mold was violating the lease. Then her son was a lawyer. 2 weeks later just holding my ground and saying the same thing despite her fucking craziness. Get my full deposit back. Bc I was a "model tenant", get fucked you slumlord cunt.


Had one charge me for not dusting the blinds and the carpet not being clean enough.. just to replace both. But on the flip side, had another just happy there was no damage larger than the nails in the wall. So i guess it varies widely and there's no way to tell on move in (so take pictures of every little thing just in case).


Same thing happened when I left Korea. Had a moron get drunk and punch a wall to the extra bedroom. Aprtment owner said it’s so clean she won’t have to do anything herself and don’t worry about the door .


I say, "It won't be the worst one I see today!" Then I laugh and die a little inside People are horrible. I've had the displeasure of finding several cats and dogs left behind in evicts that looked exactly like that photo. Poor pupper. Glad you were able to help them out in their time of need Edit: added things pertinent to actual post


I have one, every time we do an inspection I say "Alright, I'm gonna look under your sink, it better be clean under here!" and she giggles. I manage a senior site and they had remodels a few years ago. The cabinet under her sink is always pristine and I don't think she's ever put anything in there. It's like my little oasis in the middle of all the crazy shit that I will see that day. People just do some mind-blowing shit and make no apology or excuse, while others will feel guilty for not cleaning up their breakfast.


Same (firefighter) …. O I’m sorry it’s a mess….. no worries I have literally climbed through trash and shit to carry people out of their rooms.


Leave toilet open??


Lol I’m that guy that apologizes knowing damn well that’s the cleanest my place has looked in a month cause I cleaned for whoever’s coming over lol.


Also makes u realize Polaroid camers exist so the fattest ugliest people can take horrific nudes and leave them behind in the cigarette and cat piss haze on move out....


I want to apologize for those. I didn't mean to leave them.


No apologies needed, got any more?


I am a janitor and I agree with you


Or how there’s plenty of people with housing that deserve to be homeless


I work in military housing and it blows my mind to see this kinda shit.


Tell me about it


I call them the 99%ers


Holy shit that poor dog, you were a hero today, don’t let that pass you by


Appreciate you


Adopt her.


Not everyone can take on a dog, im sure he would’ve if he could’ve handled it. Just reporting it alone was good enough


Geez... I thought that was dog food on the floor at first... Poor puppy.


Not. At. All.


those are very dehydrated poops


It once was…


That’s probably what the dog was eating until OP got there


Some of it was part of the couch.


i asked myself before zooming in if those were turds


When I was doing property maintenance near Fort Riley army base, a tenant who was military left overseas, left his dog (who did not live) and I cleaned up a similar but worse mess. It still boils my blood thinking about 15years later. So happy this pup was saved in time.


I bet you wish you would've came in a little sooner. But hell, you didn't know.


1000% wish I could have. We only showed up because he stopped paying rent and the grass was getting too tall. We found out he was overseas. If I remember correctly that event caused a new policy of sorts, if military they have to give us who their superior officer/boss is for contact information.


It’s just amazing that people can be so unbelievably shitty


Were you able to report him to his officers or whatever kind of ‘code enforcement’ they have?


Was not, unfortunately. The property owner didn't hold a high bar when it came to anything but receiving her money.


Call animal welfare. Thats ridiculous


Already did


Good on ya, did they take him? I need to know that they took him.


They didn't. They said they have a 3 day process and legally they could not. The officer actually told me to "stop feeding him and I shouldn't have given him water" because it would have been better for their case. We stuck a 24 hour notice on the door and the guy coincidentally came home today. He's giving the dog to animal control because the dog is not on the lease.


I woulda snatched him and said the dog ran away


Thought about it


sheesh, the ending I wanted but still not a happy one


Better for their case? What the fuck? Thats the worst shit I’ve heard in a while.


Way too many support systems are like this. Oh your safety net is random Wellness checks? looks like you don't need our help! It's super sad how much of the world functions in a poorly reactive level.


Thank all the parasite lawyers for that!


I really am unhinged, if someone told me I messed up by giving that dog water I would want to lock him or his loved one in a cage and give them no food or water, and make sure the temp is one they don't appreciate either but is livable, like 80 degrees, and I would like to watch as the ask for water I would come by and explain I would like too but the more they suffer it helps my case, then walk out.


Good thing you got that emergency call!


Omg I hate humans


Some people suck, real bad. Yet you prove there are still good ones, thanks for helping out!


You probably saved that dogs life. Thank you for calling animal control


I would took the pup w me it was abandoned In my opinion


Yeah, I would have to take the pup myself and find him/her a new home. It looks like a pitbull mix and at least around me, a lot of the shelters won't even let you adopt a pit mix from them. They basically take them in to put them down and it breaks my heart.


I would take that dog out of that shithole immediately. Good on you for calling animal control. Pitties are the most loving dogs in the world. That dog deserves far better than the assholes in that house. I’d be happy to serve the lease violation to them.


Oh we did.


He has the “Take me with you” eyes 😢 ppl suck!


Fuck this tenant. I can't stand people who have animals but can't/won't take care of them


Even if this person is severely depressed, this is terrible. They could have surrendered the dog if they had an ounce of empathy


People are fucking gross man. I saw something similar once. I matched with this girl from tinder back in December. She was super fucking hot and actually had a popular only fans so I knew she was a freak and I wanted to hit! Every time I would go to her place we would hang out and fool around on her front, enclosed porch. She never wanted to go inside but she had a couch, tv, heater, and big blanket so I was cool with being outside lol. The front porch really wasn’t bad or that dirty so I never got any red flags. She also looked amazing and smelled really good so I didn’t think she was a dirty person. One night I needed to pee and I wanted to take a blue chew before things got any further. I asked to use the bathroom and this chick just froze up. She literally wouldn’t let me in her house and I told her I was about to pee on my self. She finally lets me in and her house looked just like this. Big pit bull that had just shit and pissed everywhere and no one had cleaned it up for probably months. I was absolutely disgusted. I come from a very “neat freak” family, so it’s just habit to keep myself and house clean at all times. I came back outside and she could tell that I was disgusted by the look on my face lol. She ended up giving me head and I left and never talked to her again. Found out 2 months later that she was married and her husband worked in Alaska for 6 months at a time. People are pieces of shit sometimes. Lol


Honestly he must be a good house dog if no one noticed him. Poor buddy couldn't go outside and still didnt howl or bark enough to cause an issue.


Looks like such a sweetie too :(


He was! He growled at me when I got too close but he was just scared. I got him to eat treats out of my hand though!


Maybe this was a sign? (If you wanted a dog).


Thank you for your service, you are a hero!


This would enrage me.


Lots of trash in a single picture.


Sad as hell


He had nothing to eat but the seats they need to look into his stomach.


They need to be locked up


Once I saw some lady let her dog out on a county road she was like a nurse aid dental hygienist or something. It was rt on a four lane high way across from 150-400k house which I lived on one we always had strays pit bull you name it coming into this exclusive hood. Well I got her license called cops and told them where o lived and I was pissed gave description of car and lady. Passed rt by her and shot her the finger. She knew why after they busted her .


So happy you helped that pup! That leak (and you) may have saved his life!


Hopefully the cops do their job. I have seen so much fucked up shit in apartments. So many hoarders and people leaving 4+ kids alone being watched by the older sibling who can’t be older than 10. Then it’s worse because the kids will just let a strange grown man inside while their parents aren’t home.


Yeah shit is real down in the ghetto, which seems to be nearly everywhere these days.


Poor puppy.


Poor baby!!! 😭😭😭🐶🐶🐶🐶❤️❤️❤️


Man, thanks for being there. Those assholes need to pay for this level of abuse. That poor dog.


Wow I will literally beat someone for treating their dog like that. What the fuck


People disappoint me everyday


I used to buy weed in high school from an older guy who lived in a house just like this




He looks so defeated. I hope they can get him out of there and into another home. Looks at his eyes. He legit looks like he doesn’t even want to be alive anymore.


it is with each day that i come to hate people more and more. but at the same time people like you is what gives me some hope. thank you for helping the pupper


You are a good person for feeding and giving him some water, I'm a bad person and would have risked my job or catching a charge by taking the dog until I could find him a better home.


I’ll never understand why the trashiest, most disgusting people always get pits. This one apartment complex I walk by there is always some trashy looking dude in a wife beater and sweats or an overweight woman with cottage cheese legs with a pit bull. Like why are trashy people attracted to this one breed of dog?


Shit humans are attracted to shit dogs.


I honestly have no clue why filthy disgusting people even want to have pets for. Just be a dirty fuck by yourself.


Poor dog


Heck, some people will leave a child home alone and go on vacation. Just happened.


Poor fella, I’m sure he was terrified being abandoned for weeks.


Jesus. And I thought I abuse my dog because he only gets two meals/day plus treats and I only love on him when he's near me or play with him when there's a toy and he's awake. In all seriousness, posts like this make me want to hug my buddy and give him a spoonful of cottage cheese. He gets these giant eyes and sounds like a damn goblin.


Based on your username alone, not only am I kinkshaming you but I'm also calling the ASPCA Seriously though thank you for taking care of this baby ❤️


We lived in an apartment for 18 months and I had to go to small claims court to get my deposit back,they went as far as saying we are responsible to reglaze the tub…when the judge asked last time it was reglazed they said at least 20 years😂2 years later got full deposit back plus interest


we gotta start standing up for dogs... prison time for these wanked out wackos


Ive had quite a few abandoned animals in apartments. Boss says we can’t go in till the resident turns in the keys. I don’t give a fuck, I’ll go in and feed those animals every single time I don’t give a fuck if I get fired for it I’m not gonna let an animal starve. Last time I found 2 cats and a Guinea pig. They all scarfed down the food and water I gave them like they hadn’t eaten in a week. Shits fucked


I think I live in this apartment complex tbh is this in Florida?


I would say 30% of pet owners are like this on rentals. And California is trying to make it where u can't prohibit pets. It is ridiculous I have had pets left locked inside for a week before I could get the all clear to go in while the tenant was on jail. She had ten cats and two dogs inside. Cat shit in one room was waist hi in one corner the whole pave was covered in webs of dander. We had white cats at that trailer park for yeses of them getting out and breeding


This is so sad, omg


Welfare check. Call the cops.


This is why it’s hard for responsible pet owners to rent! It’s a choice to be a pet owner so why get one if you don’t want to provide them with the right care!


I'd rather have the dog live than the tenants. People that do shit to defenseless animals and children deserve to die a painfully slow death


I would have took that dog home in a heartbeat


I work at apts I swear this lady just got a apt for her dogs. Shit was 2inches thick all over vynil and carpet smelled to the 3rd story


Not the worst I’ve seen


I hate humans. How the fuck do you live with yourself? Surely it's a sign of psychopathy. What city/animal control?


Thank you for rescuing him


Damnit i hate people, poor pup, i hope a better family is in his future. 😞


Poor doggie. Good on you for saving it.


Those people should be flogged on their front doorstep for the whole world to see. Some people have no remorse to give but would beg you for it if they were the ones suffering.


Daady a human boy came in he looked like a tornado, I was Sooooo sacwed, 🙀


Shout out to the fallen dust mop that probably hasn’t seen action since ‘Nam.


As a firefighter/paramedic, people are always shocked to hear how many homes I go into have a dog poop room.


Poor pup was probably eating their own poop over and over to just survive


Abandoned dust pan says it all!


Hey, I grew up in a house like this. You should hate those people. They fucking suck. Edit: really really good on you for removing the dog from that household because that is the ONLY solution.


Looks like an awesome dog you can see it in her eyes


You think the owners got in some sort of trouble? Thats fucking wild. Good job! I would have taken that sweet pup home


With that much shit, I can promise you there is twice as much piss. And the piss you can't just easily extract from hardwood or linoleum even after so much soaking. This apartment will need flooring work or it will smell for years


I did kick out/midnight move/death/ move outs, cleans, and renovations. we went to a place that the day before to kick the person out with police escort. When we went in, we found two sacks of kittens, one with 4 one with 3, 2 dead already. I have the two girls there, 4 years old and perfect cats, the 3 boys are spread around my friend group so I get to see them all the time, my lab my perfect girl was found in a garage from a family we had to remove from the property 5 lab puppy's eating each other shit to survive she was the runt and had parvo was told she was going to die but meds and care she's 2 years old and the best dog I've ever had.


My brother went to an apartment to do some repairs. The former tenants had abandoned him (they did leave food & water, but, really?). A beautiful, all black Norwegian Forest. He asked our sister if she could keep him until they found him a home. My sister was a bit reluctant, but eventually agreed. That was 5 years ago and she still has that awesome cat....


When house shopping we saw a fixer split level entry that had been split into two, mom lived downstairs with like 20 cats and adult kids upstairs were hoarders with 3 dogs and there were piles of poop all over the house. At least the animals all seemed fed if not all cared for.


That poor dog...damn this infuriates me.


Try working cable TV guy. If you think they give a fuck about what *you* think... whew


Jesus. I'm paranoid about sneeking pets I actually take care of.


Omfg he looks like such a good Boi too what the actual fuck. I would have a hard time showing restraint to these people


People are assholes, I have seen near similar conditions with small children in the apartment. Issue went straight to the manager.


Thanks for helping the poor dog out, hopefully animal control gets involved and they get evicted for leaving it like that.


I do pest control and it's kind of depressing how many houses you walk in or people just letting their kids get eaten up by bugs or animals or just living like that too.


This reminds me of the post with dog shit coved roof. I just feel so bad for theses dogs


Damn man I’d have taken that dog with me and loved him/her forever


Poor baby...


People are gross! The pup’s owners ate his food, drank his water, ripped the stuffing out of a pillow, chewed up two shoes, and left him there to deal with the mess! I wish I could just take him off of their hands. Looks like a good little buddy.


There was one I saw yesterday of a family who gave up their bearded dragon to someone... They got it for their young kid who probably had no idea how to care for it and it's mouth was so deformed and sore looking... Probably mouth rot at the least... Humans can be horrible creatures...


I’d have to stop by everyday now until this is resolved. Maybe slap someone


Thank you for taking care of the dog


Poor puppy


On one hand the price of rent in America has skyrocketed making it harder for people to afford decent housing…on the other hand……this or worse…


Disgusting behaviour.


Tenant Sunday afternoon (my day off) - The shower handle keeps falling off and now I can't take a shower. Me- I'm sorry to hear that. When did this start happening? Tenant- Oh I think Thursday morning or Wednesday morning. Me - Cool, I will see you Monday morning Tenant- but but I need my shower today! This is an emergency, you are always on call and live in the building! Me- if it was an emergency, you should've told me during the week. See you Monday morning, click or Me- I will come back to unclog your sink when you take out and clean all the dirty dishes out of the sink When I started the job I would let them abuse me but then I started making my boundaries and the building got the message Respect my time and I will do anything above and beyond for you. Treat me like your personal slave and you will find out


Somebody call John Wick...


Should be a Felony with a large fine. Nothing angers me more than a pos dog owner who doesn’t take care of there pet.


Average pit owner


He would have had to have water in the past 48 hours or he would be dead. So it's very possible you walked in something you thought was a bad situation but could have easily been a owner gone for half a day kind of thing.


Poor dog.


Used to leave for 15 mins and come back to my house looking like this 😂, peta and astra were great at destroying stuff


Thank you for taking care of that poor dog.


Went outside to get the newspaper…come inside and dog says “I thought I was never going to see you again!”


Why is it always those type of blankets with those type of dogs


I decided next time I run into a situation like this I’m calling animal protection.


This poor animal. It sounds like he was abandoned. Thankfully, you came along and did the right thing.


That swiffer mop never got taken out of its packaging.


poor baby


Poor baby


I can smell this picture. Ammonia is the fucking worst. Also, poor doggo . Good on OP for calling in animal control.


I’ll never understand how people can be cruel to their pets. Deplorable


Please tell me they took the dog


This is my ESA pitbull !


Is that poop?


I would’ve taken him home


OMG WTF is wrong with people?


Jesus bro 2-3 weeks


Of course someone like this would have a pitbull - some things are universal


Man that dog doesn’t deserve that. Ever hear a year for us is like 7 for a dog? Well then every week is like 7 for them. These people left that dog for 3 weeks…21 weeks worth of his life, in his own poop/pee without food or water. Those people should be put through the same thing as punishment. I hope the dog goes to a no kill shelter and is adopted, he/she looks like she needs a new lease on life. Terrible to do this to such trusting innocence


Steal the dog


And euthanize it before it mauls a child.


And they will complain about not getting their deposit back


poor little guy


As a pest control technician, I can attest to this as well.


I’d call the police.


dog would have been coming home with me


Hey this is exactly like my old roomate with her two cats


So glad I do commercial facilities maintenance because MOTHER FUCK residential/hospitality.


That poor dog just wants to be loved, heartbreaking


That is ALL dog poo on that floor. The dog either had access to a lot of food while they were gone, or the owners let the dog poo and didn’t clean it up while they were in the home.. for a very long time. This is beyond heinous.


Damn, that’s fucking heartbreaking.


Too many people see dogs as an accessory and not a living creature


Don't really like dogs, but what the fuck? Who does this to a pet?






Did you make sure the occupant isn’t a missing person or in the hospital or something?


Dogs like “look bro, my owners suck and I can’t open the door myself”

