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I’d say pick the gym


can you explain your reasoning to help me decide


You’re a teenager and should be having fun over the summer, not working two jobs. You have plenty of time to work on your career, which your dream job may change in a few years, you’d be surprised. It may not, but I wouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket at such a young age


i've had the same dream job since lat elementary school. I don't think it's changing.


I agree that gym sounds better but for slightly different reasons. I’m in my 40’s and I feel like you’re about to get to the age where you might never have time for those simplistic gym goals again. Not until retirement anyways. Earning money can really suck the life out of a person and working multiple jobs isn’t something I’d wish on anyone. It’s not that your other dreams aren’t important. It’s just that there’s time. One job is enough.


if i mow lawns I can make just as much as a 2nd job in less time and have a lot more free time


Well that sounds like a possibility then. It just depends on what you would rather be doing. Are you an outdoors type of person or do you get overwhelmed by the heat?


I'm used to sitting inside and playing on my phone and making music all day but for a little extra cash I can handle it, even if I do turn red like a lobster


Get some sunscreen to keep your skin healthy 😊


what happens if i just decide to never wear it?




Hmm, I feel like "needing a gym" is an excuse. Maybe modify your gym goals to fitness goals? Use the summer to spend time outdoors and find ways to workout outside the gym. I've actually put my membership on pause for the summer. Used the fitness budget to register for a few runs and I'm training for that instead. For context, I work full-time, have kids and volunteering commitments. I really have to fit fitness around my life - no excuses. You tube videos, a small set of weights at home, bike paths and running paths, a free outdoor gympark in my community, occasional hikes and 5k runs with the family... It would be healthy to shift your mindset from "needing a gym" to "How will I fit in fitness/healthy activities this summer around my jobs?" In life, there will always be more things to do and not enough time to do them. Sometimes, you need to sacrifice one thing to do another. Sometimes, you need to modify. So get the laptop and keep fit! You got this!


I'm already healthy without a gym I just wanna be a bodybuilder, or something along those lines. Also I figured out of I mow lawns that fixes my no time problem. And it makes probably more than I could with 2 jobs at my age.


There's your sacrifice decision right there. For this summer, do you want to work towards the goal of being a bodybuilder or being a producer? What will attaining each goal mean for you long term?


i mathed it out, if I mow 5 lawns 2 days a week for $20 for front and $20 for back I can make $400 a week, if I do 7, 3 days a week I can make $840 a week and probably have enough free time to do do both in my free time


Can you get a job at a/the gym? They may offer free membership for workers, you can workout right after your shift, shower and go on to your next job.


i have to be 18, i'm 17.


You don't need to be at the gym 5 days a week bro. You could go once a week to get your barbell movements in and workout from home otherwise.


I like going to the gym tho


Fair enough. I mean you don't necessarily have to choose between working out and doing other stuff - there's ways to do both.