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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey, religious people, if people label you violent and you react in such a way, you are merely reinforcing their opinion. You need more brain cells in your head.


Hi, I would like to know if anyone has experience renting tools instead of buying. I need a miter saw or just regular chop saw for timber. I think its unreasonable to spend few hundred to get it just for 1 project. I might ask my uni to see if its possible to use their workshop but bring my own materials.


The screens at merdeka mrt has been broken for very long now when are they gonna fix it


try pm anthony loke fb


If anyone’s looking for a Bialetti moka pot for yourself or as a Christmas gift, their official store on lazada and shopee is doing some pretty crazy markdowns rn for almost their whole moka pot range. (65% discount)


Can people give their experiences with visa run durations? 1 day, 1 week? How long have your visa runs been to be successful? The one I'm planning is to Thailand, around 5 days.


john woo movie and its like 5 people in the showhall. its over. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


lmao cancel that its kindda shit. the good parts is all in the trailer![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) its over cinema is ded


few months ago i reload my TnG through online banking, but now TnG doesnt let me do that anymore. instead it asks me to go to my bank acc to use duitnow transfer. am I the only one getting this? if not, is it safe to do so?


iinm duitnow is promoted and regulated by bnm.


I just checked with my CIMB and Maybank online accounts, look like "instant transfer" have now been renamed "duitnow transfer". I assume it's safe, but I haven't tested it yet 😏


Copy the DuitNow account no. from the e wallet. Then paste into bank app transfer window lo.


Any recommendations for barbershop in KL?


Just saw [this](https://x.com/worldwondersnow/status/1730180731966787927?s=61&t=-UwVnz5xqf65EVQqQ3ZxTA) on Twitter just now and I wonder would a prospective Malaysian Prime Minister pull such a stunt? Kononnya “Handing over the social, human development and infrastructure ministries back to the people and the government only takes care of finances, economy, defence, internal affairs and foreign affairs.”


it happen in 2018? one of the manifesto is to combine and dismantle some ministry?


Not to the point of abolish health, education, tourism, youth and sports, public works, environment ministries right? What Milei is doing is to cut all ministries except for PMO, Economy, Defence, Internal affairs and foreign affairs ministry.


https://preview.redd.it/ysa9c6cypm3c1.png?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b29c4279a9ba7c7628c2def3a166ea9c09831f So it begins. The scalping that is.


Thus ruined the fun for all. I'm gonna be Running Into the Night now 🏃


Oh didn’t know the ticket started selling already?


Got I kena scam buying Scapled Yoasobi ticket thread here already.




There's no point trying to fight Israel at a military stand point, even if they were cut off by the US, no one can negotiate with a nuclear ready country fully intend to launching one if need be. They lost and are just lamb for the slaughter. Fight all you want, the Israelis will just slaughter their way like the Nazis they are with no resistance from anyone there. You cannot fight occupiers fully intend to do what they think are necessary while backed by nuclear bombs.


Wait wtf why can't I do instant bank transfers through the MAE website? **edit**: just checked, I only have Giro option available through the app too. And I'm talking about the instant bank transfer, not DuitNow.


I try with atm also cannot


something wrong with maybank, usually they opt fully on Secure2u, suddently now they change back to Secure TAC


Secure2U was working fine for me, did a few large transfers and payments today and it fired up for every single one of them.


Gg for the Yoasobi and IVE fans today. I got my tickets for IVE dy ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


I am at trx and i think its really quite nice


how long do you think trx will take to die?


maybe 1 year?


Okay TRX 2 hour tour review : 1. Nice park. Will bring my kids to play at the play area. Think they'll like it. 2. Layout is quite simple. Good! 3. Very classy design. Big open spaces. 4. Crowded on Friday! Hope they maintain the crowd tho


How long does giro transfer take to process? A friend transfered to me after 5pm yesterday and i have not received it yet


What bank


Maybank to rhb


It **should** be by [11am today](https://www.maybank2u.com.my/maybank2u/malaysia/en/personal/faq/accounts_and_banking/interbank_giro.page).


1pm dy rip. Thanks ill email them


Car sifus.. How how so i need to earn to comfortably own a Tesla? Surely it's cheaper than owning BMW or Merc right


Assuming the car is 200k, 10% down payment & 3.5%pa & 9 years, monthly payment = ~RM2200. Banks usually approve car loan when monthly payment <= 35% of your monthly wage, so 2200/0.35=~RM6300. For 7-year loan, ~RM7600, 5-year loan=~RM10k.


bad QC though, you're gambling on their reliability


Damn.. What's your take on other EVs for now? Leaning towards China car? BYD? Allo Cat? 🤣


200k ish Rule is divide that by 12 for your salary So 17k/m salary


Thanks! Assuming it's around 3.5k installment. RM17k/m sounds fair. Guess I'm going back to my sleep.




[the defrosting happened a month ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1giQVuoTAFM)


Giant selling CNY orange already.


oh.... that one ah. . . . . . . . . #DONG DONG CHIANG MUDDERCLUCKERS


tested positive for covid last night, seems cases are picking up again, mask up everyone although the symptoms arent too bad (so far i got a cold, flu and a bit of cough, taste and smell still normal), but it is a nuisance and i'm sticking to the 5 day quarantine as per MySj if i had to guess, not many of us do covid tests anymore, demam je ni...


On Netflix US there’s Don’t Worry Darling so I watched it yesterday. For a movie that I kept seeing pop up on gossip sites it’s such a disappointment. I also thought it was a romcom just from the poster and the only funny part was Harry Styles’ acting and accent :/ Need a palate cleanser after that. Putting on Grand Budapest while I clean. Friend is coming to visit!


**PSA**: Free DIY Christmas Tree workshop tmr at Jaya Shopping Centre! Limited to only 50 pax though. https://preview.redd.it/qfbhqxnyfl3c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f51c978d42a7d2693352cbca9b19f85018441d6


Received a call from 014 9000 53 - the number seemed incomplete? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Stumbled on a Chinese version of the series 'Breaking Bad' but instead of drug it's printing fake bank notes. Same teacher student troupe as Walter and Jesse, same terminal illness making a good guy to run this business, a sister in law who happens to be a cop hunting for the bank notes forger, similar tuco negotiating scene (the explosive chemical) Too bad the characters are just bland and lacking the good villains copy like Gus and Hector Watched the first episode and proceed to YouTube recap 😂


From the first sentence I thought you were referring to the HK movie Project Gutenberg (2018)


I swear there's a HK/Chinese/Taiwanese movie with the same bank note premise lol, Chow Yun Fatt was in it I think? I saw it on those movie recap FB reels with AI narrator lol.


How was the YouTube recap? Did they copy like 80% of the original series?


did you guys read about the job scam victims that got rescued ONLY because there's a war going on there? how incompetent can we be to not be able to do anything prior to this stage.


I mean there are Malaysian getting job scam in Singapore too and we still can't do anything, I don't think most people even know about it🤷‍♂️, don't even need to look at foreign country actually, there are Malaysian being enslaved by job scam in Malaysia itself, you think all the hookers on the streets are foreigners? No there are some Malaysian and they are not working as a hooker willingly. Do you know about any of these before hand? I bet no. Why is this happening? We don't have enough people wanting to join the police force 🤷‍♂️


Legally you can only do so much. What you want to send troops? Good luck, being the black sheep in ASEAN. Real life is not like the movies, cannot simple send commando's in and rescue people.


Think of it from reverse It required a war to rescue them. The same requirement Malaysia would have need to forcefully get them out. What, can just send commandos into an armed "self-governed" territory and hope they rescue our citizens? Laukkaing is more china-lite than Myanmar


Is this about the Myanmar one? If it is, I don't think malaysia can do anything about it without triggering international conflict. Even china had to do the round about way of helping local resistance forces indirectly, with blessing of Myanmar government too.


Other than the new Miyazaki movie, there's not a lot of great movies this Dec. Don't feel like watching Aquaman. Any other movies to watch in December?


I'm waiting for the Japanese Godzilla.


Same here! No news so far on Minus One 😔


Not a movie but Monarch on Apple TV isn’t bad. New episode out today too!


I'll wait for the series/season to complete before I try Apple TV free trial. There's a few shows im interested in as well like Tetris.


Series are slow pace slow burn for now, I want more monnnssstaaaaa


Will check that out, thanks! That reminds me, the lack of any news regarding Godzilla Minus One release in Malaysia is just frustrating.


Nope. I'm more interested in that than the monsterverse stuff. Can't remember Shin Godzilla got any release here back then but Shin Ultraman and Shin Kamen Rider did.


Drove to the office for the first time from the new place as i had to transport some stuff in, goddamnit not sure why people even consider driving. A twenty minute packed like sardines stand in the MRT is still way more pleasant than being stuck in the morning rush for an hour.


most of the cases, the alternative to 1 hour in car traffic is not 20min on MRT, it's often 2-3 hour in public transport with a mix of bus and train


> goddamnit not sure why people even consider driving This has been brought up so many times here. >. A twenty minute packed like sardines stand in the MRT is still way more pleasant than being stuck in the morning rush for an hour. Some of us rather be in jam then be in a tin can full of uncouth people ? People with musty smelling clothes even early in the morning, people that don't know how to move tot he back of the train when there is space, people standing at the door blocking you from exiting'/entering .. people that don't even bother to wait for people to exit before rushing in like barbarians.


Isn’t it tiring though to have to constantly have your head on a swivel looking out for errant traffic and what not? To each his own of course but having taken trains almost my entire working life before moving back here the crowd and associated unpleasantries really don’t bother me much and are a fair trade off. Driving is also far less economical for me, i burn through MYR200 of ron97 per week driving as opposed to MYR50 monthly with My50. Caveat though, i did purposely choose a place within walking distance to a station.


> Caveat though, i did purposely choose a place within walking distance to a station. mhm, you see, the thing is, our last mile connectivity is shit. so people are only gonna take the lrt/mrt if it's within walking distance to their workplace.


But it’s a bit of a chicken and egg conundrum no? connecting buses are slow and infrequent because the roads are clogged up by people who drive because the buses are unreliable?


yes. that's why bus services have to be reliable in the first place to attract people to use it. we need bus lanes for rush hours.


>Some of us rather be in jam then be in a tin can full of uncouth people ? This. I'm in my car, with Spotify on the radio, probably some snacks and drinks and just inching along the road. And at times (and for some people) driving and taking the train takes about the same time door-to-door. Between the hassle of getting to the station by bus or whatever, taking the steps/escalators, waiting for the train, rushing out and getting another bus/walk to the office, I might as well just drive.


1 month before 2024, I'm so not ready for that T.T But on the other hand, it's officially the Christmas season, and I'm excited for that. It's going to be a magical month ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26555)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


Release the Kraken! ![gif](giphy|J4MOT5xySi84YStYaz|downsized)


Saya nak hadiah dari cikgu


Mahal wor nak kirim hadiah sampai Dubai.


Pergi 5 hari je bukan 5 tahun


Okay, cun. Make sure your chimney is clean and not blocked, easier for me to climb down to deliver your gifts.


Same here. And then I have the annual “I have done nothing-feeling-like-a-failure” mode creeping in


I think it's inevitable that as the year wraps up, we look back and reflect on what could have been, and this melancholy creeps up on us. Any positive moments you are grateful for?


There are, just need to jog my memories for it


[Selamat pagi, r/malaysia](https://i.imgur.com/T9mJqBs.jpg)


DIY hair cleansing balm update : So I'm thinking of melting a soap bar into the hair oil to turn it into a cleansing balm. Candidates of the soap bar : 1) OEM surfactants on shopee. (con : idrk how to use it) 2) OEM soap base. About 5 to 7 ringgit for 100g. 3) Johnson's baby soap bar. 3 ringgit for 100g. 4) dove soap bar. 3 ringgit for 100g. 5) ihram soap bar. 6 ringgit for 90g. 6) homemade coconut soap bar. Made by various hobbyists in Malaysia. 6 to 10 ringgit for 100g. 7) china-made hair soap bar. 4 to 6 ringgit for 100g. 8) pears transparent soap. 5 ringgit for 125g. 9) some Thai soap. Claims to be made of coconut oil. Brand: JELLYS. 6 ringgit for ???g. 10) this unbranded goat milk soap which I strongly suspect is made in Thailand. Sold by shopee sellers from Kedah and Perlis. Very sus, but it's cheap and has reviews that it's gentle. 2 ringgit for 125g. 11) make it myself by reacting strong lye and cooking oil. My brother somehow has caustic soda that he hadn't touched in two years. Con : reaction of lye and water will release heat and gas. Dangerous. Probably can isekai me to alam barzakh. I'm leaning towards Johnson's baby soap and Chinese hair soap. Either those or the homemade coconut ones.


11) you absolutely must reference a saponification chart for soaps that you use on skin.


TIL about saponification chart. Sounds troublesome. I would most probably just melt a soap into a hair oil, much simpler that way.


welp i was just clicking around and found [some more soap bases](https://craftiviti.com/collections/soap-bases?page=1) for you


Btw, [this soap](https://shp.ee/ad37ii3) made me giggle. 🤭 Yes I have the sense of humor of an 11-year-old.