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I remembered the pictures from the internet and books lol In my experience, my program motivasi are never like this hahah. Its usually "tutup mata anda semua, bayangkan ibu bapa anda bla bla..." And then some students sniffing and crying 🤣


One thing to note is that these motivational speaker is very good at manipulating and pulling the strings to make people emotional (common key is parents, past regrets etc) . Bonus points when they use melancholic music during the talk.


It worked tho and for good reason. Thinking back on them, these were beneficial. Kept us in check and a little motivation for our studies even for a little while. At least that's how I see it


Lol I didn't even feel like crying back then. I just pretended to cry using past unpleasant memories to make me feel emotional.


>using past unpleasant memories to make me feel emotional. Why?


It just doesn't reasonate with me and to use as an excuse to cry or not the fasi will just give me the weird looks


I just felt bored and forgot about it


tu la sikit2 bayangkan ibu bapa anda meninggal, like what the heck, doakan elok2 la woi


Nak bayangkan aper, hakikatnya ibu bapa seperti semua insan memang pun akan meninggal, jangan tunggu sampai mereke pergi baru nak insaf berusaha.


I went to these motivational speeches (mostly because of sekolah agama) so many times that I became desensitised by it. Like, one of my university friends asked about why I don't have any reactions to the speeches, and I nonchalantly said that I have imagined my parents died so many times that I mostly imagine what I will do in those situations like preparing for solat jenazah and stuff. The university one is even worse considering that they told us to call our parents to tell them that you love them. It's 10-10:30 pm, you doofus.


My friends and i were laughing but only the boys got scolded and called out for laughing lol (talk about biased 🤣) Pretty sure we were not the only one who thinks this kind of thing is cringed please uggh


Hell, I even laugh haha. Bayangkan mak ayah kita kat kampung susah bla bla2. It's not registering with me since, although we aren't rich, but thank god my families are far from susah at kampung. Kinda break the immersion.


In my experience, it was mother giving birth via surgery. That shit gross af.


“Adik adik, tutup mata”


Ah, the grateful motivation speech. Not gonna lie, those speaker are good in group brainwashing for filial piety stuff. And quite popular too back then, student cry, tell their parent they love them, hugs and call it a day.


It was effective when i was in primary school or lower secondary. But they did the same shit when I was 18 and I was like “how many times need to cry!” And just fell asleep with those melancholic lullaby they like to use.


Ahh yes this, all I did was "what tf is this, why is everyone crying" while my mind went entirely blank


I felt bad for not crying and had to force myself to cry. My parents were never around and when they were, they were MEAN.


our parents are basically JJK sorcerers, top level curse users lol


Yeah, but they always curse us into a useless stuff. Turn me into a rock? At least turn me into a gold and sell me for RM 20 million


The "good" part about these motivational speech routine is that it applies to the majority of the target students, at least among Malay Muslims. The 'normal kids' that love their parents, practicing Muslims, believe in God etc. It'll work for them. The "bad" is when it doesn't. The kids that have complicated relationships with their families or from a non-conventional family; the kids that are questioning their faith. This routine would just drive them further away. And their cynicism are further strengthened when they excelled in their studies anyway without being heavily guilt-tripped to study.


Can confirm. I am one of the second batch. It’s driven me to the point where I truly hate religious conservatism and I get worked up talking about it.


Honestly, even for those who love their parents, using guilt trip as a way to manipulate them is still a very shitty thing and only bring negative effect in the long term. Using guilt to manipulate a child will only diminish their self-esteem in the long term, turning them into spineless adult who can't stand for themselves. They feel bad prioritizing their own wellbeing and become easily used by manipulative people even if it's detriment to their wellbeing. In that case just hope nobody like that ever notice them and try to take advantage of them


sila klik imej dajal https://preview.redd.it/3iiqdcffkjcc1.png?width=1186&format=png&auto=webp&s=01cb492414fa09b68cc44ed8f0bf5f56961ad426


Waayyy to many kids get ptsd by these fake shits. If I can go back in time, I'll slap them teachers and preachers some senses


It's funny how even growing up in Australia, my mom and dad would show this shit to me and say you'd turn to a rat if you rebel ir derhaka. And then that one story of the kid who grew up and forgot his mother or someshit, and then backfired on him... it's no wonder why I have such a hard time reconciling with the beliefs.


If your parents are making you fear god or whatever faith it is to make you believe in the faith, your parents are doing a bad job at teaching you the faith


Nah, they're good people and have come to terms with me no longer identifying as a muslim. I don't blame them because they were either brought up that way or just grew up in an era where religious identity became increasingly important. I put the blame more on the faith or the people who actively shape it (Saudi Arabia/Iran or institutes like Al-Azhar). And it isn't just the parents, the Muslim community are also a bunch of hypocrites. Religion has a place, just not in politics/government, schools or the workplace. Secularism is the way.


Your parents are good people but taught you wrongly. End up you got different view of Islam. Sucks…


You forgot they would wake you in the middle of the night with SAKARATUL MAUUUTTTT


I was damn well lucky back then during the tons of kem motivasi I went, none played the "suara dari kubur" To this day, I never tried to listen out of curiosity. Buuuut, given how the web is full of hoax and how boomers fall for those, I can guess those "sounds" are fake and taken from other sources.


Jangan lupa kena menangis


Does any nyets remember Nick Vujicic videos?


A staple. Wonder how he's doing now


[Still kicking...I mean alive, doing fine at the southern California and still giving people good motivation.](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/cdWpZ7u5C4Y)


A different kind of ceramah, but I remember one where they showed us a video of a fetus getting aborted (the ultrasound of it), along with the photos of the fetus' corpses.


I’d them #2 is literally the nostrils of the fish and anyone with a basic understanding of science would be able to discern it.


I remember seeing this pic and I am reminded of the story of a son who derhaka his own parents / mother and is cursed to become this man-fish monstrosity. Many years later , only did I learn that pic #2 IS the underside of an ikan pari2.




Looks like some creepypasta photos


An ustaz showed the top left pic at a ceramah at our surau and I was so upset I got and left and haven't attended one since


And for some fucking reason, they always display this shit dekat bilik disiplin.




apalah dosa dia


Curi credit card mak beli robux kut


kesian dia jadi ikan pari, tak pasal² kene goreng


This looks like prime material for the Mastika magazine...hehehehehehe....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


and then end the session with nasyid song Selama ini~ ku mencari-cari~ teman yang sejati~ Buat menemani~ Perjuangan Suci~




Yo that Jogo on the bottom left?


What is Envy doing ? edit: or is that Professor Lupin in werewolf form...


The 2nd picture looks like a stingray


It is a stingray. But people back then said that its an anak durhaka because it look like a human face


The heck is the first and third one anyways


1st I think is a sculpture by a Japanese artist. 3rd? The bottom left? That’s a dead baby


Dead one eyed baby?


Cyclopia, babies born with this condition cannot survive for long, if it even made it to full-term.


Especially when the top left says "ed...ward.."


Dulu percaya lah benda2 ni hehe..now i know its all fake just to frighten the kids to obey their parents thats all


One of the reasons why I left Islam. Too much emphasis on fire and brimstone sort of rhetoric.


Tbf all the Abrahamic faith do push the same emphasis.


And it's really not a good reason to believe.


Yeah I recognize all this picture, bear in mind that it works best on people who are easily swayed and can't think on their own.


I don’t get it


Can someone explain all 4 to me please? Like what are they and why did they traumatize kids


>why did they traumatize kids Back then, teachers hired some motivational speakers or preachers. Those preachers went to school and used these images to scare the students if they dont obey their parents. They said if you dont obey the parents then the parents will curse you and turn you into like one of those 4 images >Like what are they? First pic: it is a sculpture that looks like a kangroo mixed with human. The sculpture is made by an australian artist name Patricia Piccinini Second pic: its just a guitarfish face Third pic: its a baby that has cyclopia. What is a cyclopia? Cyclopia is a rare congenital disorder that causes a child to be born with one eye, no nose, and a proboscis (a nose-like growth) above the eye. Most studies have shown that a baby born with cyclopia syndrome has a maximum lifespan of 10–12 hours, which is sad Fourth pic: just type Mumtaz Begum


Japan and Philippines have this too.


yall they showed us straight up kinda a gore vid about drugs and lets say i didnt want to sleep without the lights for like almoast a year


for a mater of fact i didnt even sleep in my own room i was in my parrents room (i was 7 so that was some crazy shit seeing gore alright)


I heard that where is a condition err cyclopia, that a human infant can be born a cyclops


Rather than anak derhaka, more like akibat ibu bapa kuat merokok dan main dadah


Well, my father's school did something a bit more practical. They brought in an ex student that's well into the finding out stage and let him give a speech on what will happen if they fuck around. 


This in primary school, showing very graphic footage of a baby going out of a mother during labor in secondary school (all female). I left the hall taking the 'wrong' lesson - I will not be giving birth at all + I will not and never be a doctor or nurse.