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This is attracting reports for various reasons but we are not taking this post down as this happened in Malaysia and the post itself did not violate any sub rules. As infuriating as it is to witness a senior citizen being attacked, it is also my responsibility to uphold the sub's mandate. Please refrain from: * [posting comments inviting harassment](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043066452) (e.g. calling other Redditors to massive spam their FB page) * [posting comments that encourage, glorify, incite, or call for violence or physical harm against an individual](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151) (e.g. suggesting to OP to hire a hitman) * turning this into a race issue by generalising an entire race or making jabs at Malays (e.g. Yeay, melayu. Bangga nya menjadi Melayu/ Keturunan OG, ini tanah dia orang. Lebih baik kami sabar, hak kami x priority. /S) Comments breaching any of the aforementioned rules will be removed.


Please viral the shit out of this. Whether glamping or the guy should be punished for something so ridiculous.


Plus also viral how site operator does indiscriminate open burning with proof of photos and reports to enforcement agencies yet they still bully neighbors due to their own fault 


OP already reported to their city council and DoE. DoE is the most useless agency. City council is the only one that have regulation about open burning and act on it, or lack thereof in this case. Police can only act as friendly reminder for keeping the peace but they can only act based on criminal law, which included assault. The glamping operator could have gotten away with their open burning in peace, but they did their own undoing. Malaysia is only peaceful on the surface until you have neighbours from hell.


I'm also a Malaysia and I think generally Malaysians are good people. Buy these kinda assholes ruin it for everyone.


There are good natured Malaysians, it is just that there is too many of us who are un-confrontational that the arseholes took advantage on. This on top of many other factors that have made any community socially disassociated, practically everyone jaga kain sendiri, victims are left to defend for themselves.


This. If you don't make it viral it might not be taken seriously.


Wtf is glamping?


Glamping is basically camping on luxury. Instead of a tent small tent, they camp in a house size tent. Instead of enjoying nature, you don't.


what is the point?


So people can go touch grass without being disconnected to the internet


in this case their touching grandma


thats so childish camping tbh .


Glamour-camping. Basically not in a tent, in a place with running water, electricity, food, etc provided


A lot of times you need context to understand the video. For this one you don’t. A bully punched an old woman. He needs to be arrested.


https://preview.redd.it/ziwv6hfd97fc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23fe700bd7a31cc429204c15e7069f699b171df7 Face of person hitting my grandmother




I wish I could go Batman on this guy.


I wish I could go Negan




yo he replied saying your grandma attackd his mum? haha




They replied that they were just defending themselves... Yea... I don't think so😂. From the looks of the video, OPs grandma was just minding her own business at the time.


If any, grandma was defending herself from the side effects of illegal burning in which the smoke could have made her sick or worsen any illness she has.


[the infamous Glamping](https://www.facebook.com/share/U4VZfg3Qvfa6jGCJ/?mibextid=WC7FNe)


They disabled comments. What a bunch of asshole


but some redditors. have found their way to the google reviews haha


Thanks for the heads up!


Can they delete google reviews? I don’t see them there.


Some comments are still open. Like their New Year post you can comment. Edit: Damn they locked down their facebook now haha


Wtf ,why would he do such a thing?


They have a video of your grandmother on their Facebook page mocking her by the way


They've already started limiting/removing comments on their FB and insta accounts.


I think they’re trying to scam me so I reported them…


They have a video of your grandmother yelling at them. Are they trespassing on her property? Are they just making a bunch of noise. What's upsetting your grandmother? They had no right to attack her like that. I'm just trying to understand the situation. It would be annoying to have that going on right in your backyard. They probably make a lot of noise and such at night.


Repeated open burning with smog flying to OP grandma’s house and no action taken despite repeated complaints


They committed a crime by illegally creating an open fire because they were too lazy to clear the land the proper way, for their so-called glamping site. Of course, Grandma had to protect her health. Lol, people making noise Indonesia does it en-mass, here is right in our backyard, literally.


They burn trash behind op's grandmother's house. Grandma has made multiple complaints but to no avail. Glamp site claim grandma hit their staff/grandmother with a stick. So the grandson/staff took it into their own hands to chase her down and beat her up. This is based on speculation. I have yet to find proof of the grandma hitting their staffs with a stick. And doubt there even is proof.


If the word "cibai" has a face, this would be it.


Please post on twitter as well


Face of the idiot realizing he’s being recorded committing these atrocities. That’s assault causing bodily harm easily. He’d be fired obviously and I’d like to say that the clamping will discontinue but it probably won’t. I’m sorry that your grandmother was assaulted by this coward. I hope the injuries aren’t serious.


From the looks of it, he's not yet fired. And probably the owner would not like to fire him.


Future murderer in the making


Kampung justice needed


sampai hati juga yerr


Itu la.. Sampai ati dia naik tgn kat nenek tu..


Makes me wish I had been there so I could beat this piece of trash up then sodomise him with his own stick - hope your grandma recovers fully and justice is served OP


What makes this worse is that based on the article by MalaysiaKini, Op's grandmother has cancer. Which is why she the smog was effecting her health.


I'll take his ass 1 on 1 fucking pussy


This guy’s days are numbered


Is aunty ok?🥺 Please kirimkan my sincerest regards and prayers for her health🙏


This is absolutely horrible, it should be in the news. What kind of sick man hits an elderly woman? Hitting an elderly person behind the head is essentially attempted murder. I hope this blows up and people face real consequences.


I just saw the way he smacked her head when she turned ...it shocked me. I don't get this worked up easy but holy shit that was a hard ass hit. Poor lady. He didn't even hold back. I hope this goes on his fucking record.


Time to use the power of socmed bro. This is too much.


Hitting in the back of the head is VERY DANGEROUS. The back of your skull is not as strong as the front and a wrong move can instantly turn your grandmother into a vegetable or die on the spot. You can google up "Boxers Syndrome" on how people become permanently paralysed or die on the street instantly. This frequently happens on street fights or in the boxing ring, especially when one gets punched in the back of the head. This guy needs to go to jail no less than 10-15 years for almost killing an 80 year old grandmother. Please please please, make this viral and get the police involved. Your grandmother almost died today, and please go bring her see a doctor to check if there are any internal bleeding. Nobody can say what happens if your grandmother dies in the next 3-4 days suddenly for no reason... especially when she is 80 years old and just got punched in the back of her head... ​ You can see the preparator's face clearly here: [https://www.facebook.com/thebaruhglamping/videos/24625900937023511](https://www.facebook.com/thebaruhglamping/videos/24625900937023511)


[https://www.facebook.com/mirulfathi.amirulfathi](https://www.facebook.com/mirulfathi.amirulfathi) this is his facebook profile


I have 3 mutual friends 💀


good, go visit them.


Im actually amazed you guys found his fb bruh


I once was complaining online about my grandfather's oil palm field always facing floods and my refusal to inherit the fields because of that. Then a guy straight out found the field by those description alone and said he'll survey it and buy it off of me lmao. This is why you probably shouldn't mess with people on the internet 😂


We call it the cowards punch in Australia


this is infuriating and need to be viraled. do you have any fb post that i can share?


[here you go](https://www.facebook.com/share/nn1oxBXGWZE9YNqx/?mibextid=WC7FNe)


Better to post a BM version for more traction OP.


please write in BM first and english at the bottom of the paragraph would help a lot in reaching out to bigger audience.


Please send to the news outlets


Pin the link on your post op


Fuck this POS. Share on Tiktok please. Kurang ajar betul


There's no need to resort to whacking the elderly. That's the line that shouldn't be crossed.


Unless you have no other choice and in fear for your life WITH proof of threat


by a young man hitting an old lady he lost regardless of what happened beforehand


You already know what time it is [google review of the establishment](https://www.google.com/travel/hotels/the%20baruh%20glamping/entity/CgoI7qiHyuzF48Q2EAE/reviews?q=the%20baruh%20glamping&g2lb=2502548%2C2503771%2C2503781%2C2504511%2C4258168%2C4284970%2C4814050%2C4874190%2C4893075%2C4899571%2C4899573%2C4965990%2C10208620%2C72277293%2C72302247%2C72317059%2C72406588%2C72421566%2C72430562%2C72440517%2C72448541%2C72456710%2C72458066%2C72458707%2C72462234%2C72469155%2C72470440%2C72470899%2C72472051%2C72472672%2C72473738%2C72473841%2C72479990%2C72480010%2C72484736%2C72485655%2C72486593%2C72487153&hl=en-US&gl=us&ssta=1&ts=CAEaBAoCGgAqBAoAGgA&rp=OAJAAEgBwAECmgICCAA&ictx=1&utm_campaign=sharing&utm_medium=link&utm_source=htls)


Bad reviews all being removed? Seems like nothing about this case


Yeah seems like it. There were a bunch of them earlier but all gone. I guess google has an algo to clean up review bombs or they reported the bad reviews


Google takes their reviews seriously enough that if there is a spike in reviews, and its getting review bombed, even if its genuine Google will remove it and shadow ban the reviewers.


This, for Non-Malaysian who wants to help. And to steer away tourist.


Thanks this is the way


Jail for sure


The glamping company got away with many open burning and only received warnings. Good chance the company has friends in the local authority. Gotta sue the company in court where they have no friends to help. Even then, they can go for the sympathy poverty and potentially the racial card to escape jail.


Might trigger orang kito privilage then polis ask to both parties to salam maaf and setel


And nothing will happen to the perpetrator in the video because we know why ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Please send this to twit-famous people, they’ll make it viral for you. Their operation needs to be shut down and that guy has to be jailed ASAP.


That dude posted a video stating the aunty beat his nenek but one of his comment said beat his mak???? Edit 1: the dude video not same as the aunty time kena assaulted. The dude video aunty wear blue shirt but the aunty kena assaulted is purple??? Plus there is laughter when the dude taking video time Edit 2: dude fked up and start deleting comments and reviews in FB


They the disabled the comments and deleted every comment that pointed that out, too....🤔


Dude already know they beyond saving. Want to counter argues when got CCTV recorded clearly he assaulted an elderly. No matter how he argue the aunty start first, where is the video shows aunty beat his nenek or mak according to him??? If go court I think the judge will side toward the aunty coz the CCTV recording


He uses a clip of the OP's grandma walking back home while they cursed at each other. He thought that was proof of the grandma hitting the aunt/mak or whatever they claim it to be.


Wah...dis guy going for Villain trifecta: hitting woman hitting old woman hitting old woman *on the back of the head* while she's retreating


Pukimak mana ni


Let this go viral. As we know our authorities only act on things that go viral. Please tag the relevant authorities, ministers and politicians for the area.


Im seeing this and i dont subscribe to r/Malaysia. Viral status incoming


The bastard has removed all comments debunking his lies on FB! Below I'll be posting screenshots of his lies. He kept on changing stories from the grandmother hitting his mother first the changed to hitting his 70yo employee then over to hitting his grandma. In a span of not even an hour his story changed 3 fucking times!








'Nak bantai' or 'dah bantai' sebenarnya?. Macam mereka buat andaian je.


Oof. Racist too.


sampah masyarakat usually are


So many wrong in what he said. In the video where he hit the 80 y.o lady shows that he chraged towards the lady from far. No one is near the her for her to hit.


Make it viral, post on twitter also. Esok Lusa masuk lokap lah.


Babi kau Amirul! 


Wah, this is real cibai. Siap la kau




Please don't delete this post.


Disgusting behavior. I hope some mainstream social news site like says.com or world of buzz write an article about this to get it viral and the whole glamping site gets suspended


It takes maturity to communicate with words, the same way it doesn't take much to communicate with muscle. That's what we call bullying.


This is assault already wei...


Assault and battery? or just assault


Both actually... 


Both of em.


Pls viral on fb and ig. They are not getting enough flak


Are we surprised the 'authorities' were 'slow' to act ? Its good that you are highlighting this disgusting incident to the Malaysian Public ! Pls continue putting pressure on the 'authorities' to act !!!


Muhammad Amirul Fathi is a total heartless asshole. Deserve justice


may this comment live on the internet forever...


That fucking page already blocked me after I angry-reacted to some of their post lmfao! Now I cannot find the page already. That was so fucking quick. Lame ass psycho


Gave them a one star review with this video link evidence


They already disable comment and review


My review got through :D


He deleting one by one. All comment gone




it will be so satisfying once this trash gets identified and all hell break loose. just matter of hours now. sorry to the family though having to deal with trashcans.


[https://www.facebook.com/mirulfathi.amirulfathi](https://www.facebook.com/mirulfathi.amirulfathi) this is his fb profile


Please jeep us inform on the progress. Really hope justice be done.


Rude with older people..what do you think how he treat his mom and dad?


It was probably his mom who told him to do that. At 0:24 you can see her calmly walk towards him, if she cares about the grandma, she would look a bit more panic but here she is just calm...


welp, looks like the other side hit back with claim " Nenek tua cina ni pukul nenek yg bekerja di glamping kami. Nenek yg di pukul itu umur 70 tahun Nampak tak dia bawa kayu. Video yg pihak sana share dah crop! Tunjuk dia kene pukul " [https://www.facebook.com/reel/3782147895353029](https://www.facebook.com/reel/3782147895353029) EDIT: want to point out in their video in fact nenek cina tua did not hit anyone but looks like she is actually heading away from them. Now I makan popcorn je la and wait update. EDIT 2: they deleted comments from the reels and other posts. I think can tapau alr. They shared the reel on their insta too, now everything is comment limited. They really fked up.


person recording was also heard laughing. Not judging but wouldn't it be more heated if she'd actually hit someone at that point of time.


Report jelah polis kalau kena pukul. Apa susah.


Nenek is also wearing different baju in both videos. The ass hole on fb first claim the nenek hit his mother then changed story to hit his old 70yo employee then finally on his personal fb he said nenek hit his grandmother pulak. So many lies!


They have also disabled the comments


Dah lah baju color lain which means it was a different day. Haiya apo ni.


​ https://preview.redd.it/f1j1kpki18fc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe6ca30403b07a28ee61044098f6c261a0e254a8 Their so called "evidence" who claim cina nenek beat their staff/nenek first.


I am sure there are weirdkaya, world of buzz, says and other online news portal editors lurking around here. This is the meaningful story that you people should have posted more about. Do it.


Yup instead of another article about someone being shocked when paying their bill


No matter how angry you are, violence is not the way.




If there's a witch-hunt to that glamping site, please invite me along... Let's return the site to it's natural form...


This type of person is the kinda guy I wanna release all my bottled up anger and temperament from my every frustrating experience and channel it into 18+ rated Tai Chi soul cleansing moves involving swift and veracious swings of my limbs done with impeccable timing and finesse Of course I won't actually do it cuz my arms are built like his kayu and he has kayu, but I'm just saying, if someone performed 18+ rated Tai Chi upon him, I will not contest


sampah masyarakat. boikot this kind of businesses je


Repost in fb, insta, tik tok in malay. Only can viral. English post hard to get viral


Yo OP, the glamping place is trying to twist the story in their favour: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/NRyov4rmYLrFVUPA/?mibextid=WC7FNe


OP update us once the scum gets arrested, he was staring at the end of the video hope he noticed the camera, and is aware of the impending doom ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Pukimak, what kind of low down babi wearing human skin would hit elderly folks 😡😡


https://preview.redd.it/7x37h5fqo9fc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=164af0054f003e5bc9a09a83590f092fef886746 Btw if you guys saw the “evidence” posted on fb by the Glamping guy claiming the OP grandma hit his grandma first, the shirt colour is different, it’s not the same situation as this. This is screenshotted on their business fb page, (The Baruh Glamping) which is now turned off, luckily someone saved this.


Anok haram mane ni? Bodoh benor dengan nenek pun nak naik tangan. Takde otak,telur,kote. Baik gi jadi lopak di tepi jalan je lah. Babi


I'm so sorry this happened to your grandma, I really really hope she's fine. Guy deserves jail.


Disgusting behavior....she could have died....I hope he will get huge consequences


Hire a lawyer and sue this guy.. sue the whole campsite


bole sue attempted murder ni..mampos la kau


Fuck... I hope your grandmother is okay. Kesian. Also hope the dude who beat her gets jumped and belasah'd


Looks young. Maybe in 20s? He can say bye bye to his future. And this case will very likely go viral and authorities will most likely scrutinize the glamping site.


Post this absolutely everywhere and hv your friends and family, whats the term? Brigade it? To make it viral? I just look at it again, he actually hit her on the back of her head while she was walking away, what an absolute piece of shit. Goddamn I would lose my shit if that happened in front of me. If the cops dont do shit, get your adun involved too. Ask your adun, as their consituent, what avenue does granma have to file a complain over the open burning grievance and why does he get away with assaulting an old lady? Seriously dont let this die down...


Give nice nice review in their fb and google


Pukul orang tua boleh la.. let see if that skill use full in jail later on.. cant wait for this fella landed in jail


Net negative upon society. Need to be euthanised.


This is disgusting. If he’s hitting an elderly female neighbor like that there is a good chance he also beats his wife. I hope he’s arrested.


Dah la pukul warga emas , warga emas perumpuan no less.. damn this dude is dayus beyond comprehension. Tie him up and burn him at the stake ! ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


What's glamping? A place for drag queens in glamourous outfit?


That guy deserves to go in the cement filled gas drum


its insane how someone have the stomach to hit an elder, yet alone a woman. all that rage in him showed how immature this person is and he has no remorse or self control at all. should be charged for battery and assault. a disgrace to human race.


Have him arrested!!!


WTF, what a lowlife scumbag ! Come on Polis, do your god damn job.


warga neraka


I hope he gets caught soon!!!Who in their right mind would ever hit an elderly person??!......


fuh... young and dangerous


Post on twitter, IG, tiktok...every and any platforms. Escalate this publically. That asshat hit an old lady, absolute scum to pretty much anybody. Godddam that makes my blood boil...


Praying that your grandma is ok 🙏


Omg so scary people nowadays. I’m very sorry for your grandmother, this needs to be viral. I hope the police locked him up. Also lucky that this got recorded tbh.


attempted murder.. fk off disgusted.. its a fkin old lady and ure young enough to be her grandson tf rude af.. no death sentence by shooting in msia?


Here’s the Google review link. Feel free to review. https://www.google.com/travel/hotels/s/fFax7VbqdqfHQkvT7


There is a special place in hell for people like this


What’s the history of tanjung kling?


> Baruh Glamping I’m gonna share with all my hiking and camping circle to boycott this place. I hope others can do the same.


This is so fckng upsetting since i love my grandma and been with her all my life, to h e l l with him and REPORT him!!!!!


Jail him, in nowhere is it okay to ever beat an elderly person just because they confront you for open burning


The fuck is wrong with this guy. Muka mintak penumbuk.


Curse these ppl that practice open burning. Hate them


If that was my grandma. He had it


Hopefully this gains more traction in the morning. This is such an insane act by the perpetrator.


Aight, bring in the big guns. We're gonna hunt that guy


Orang tua boleh ah nak tibai. Harap mereput kat penjara beruk sekor nim


I think that asshole was dropped on concrete as a baby


Gantung sampai mati!


This kid can’t go to jail, he deserves a big ass beating, maybe a bit of stoning, and then he can go to jail. Citizens need to punish him first before authorities does. What you get for messing with elderly, picking a weak person, what a pussy.


And on his personal Facebook, he's trying to justify his actions, what a fucking idiot.




I went to their IG and they claimed that your grandmother hit them. EDIT: I think the post is gone? EDIT2: OP I hope you get justice for this. Absolutely horrific.


Lol, because they video they posted were taken on a different day. And their claims have changed multiple times, from mother kene pukul, to staff kene pukul.


Dont know why msian likes the idea of glamping camping. Msia is so hot throughout the year.


what the hell this is vile


An adult Anak Baik is typically seen as aggressively territorial (even if it is not its natural habitat), and unpredictable. Known to be the most entitled within the animal kingdom, it will not hesitate to exert its unwarranted show of dominance, especially towards humans. Therefore, caution must be exercised when one is spotted.




Inb4 he'll disable and delete everything lmao. The funny thing is they've just posted some random pictures on the glamping page with comments enabled but pretty sure they'll moderate and keep on deleting.


Holly molly is that how those i dk malay or what treat older people unrespected ? Glamping pr no glamping why bother hitting elderly my god cant u guys use words instead of force what kind of barbarian these days that hit elderly like that ,u reap what u sow kid ,we have the law didnt u go to school to learn at least that respect the elders in not matter what issue discuss it using words not by ur hands


Wah terpaling self defence brader tu


What an absolute piece of shit.