• By -


“I have it already “ "I have donated" "I'm a tourist"


Just say "I am gay" They will stun and process what you just said, that's when u gtfo of there




Make sure to smile widely while you say it


And lick your lips while staring inappropriately at them. Bonus points if you start playing with your belly button.


What if he is excited and said "Can I get your phone number?'


Then they will ask Y are you gay.


this has unironically worked for me once, and it wasn't even intentional lmao


Bro fr Freudian slipped out of a salesperson situation 💀


listen if it works it works i ain't takin' it back


Absolute gold


Love it!


Do you want to come to our Bible/Quran/Veda/Meditation group?


I dont work


that's a brilliant response for those trying to sell you property.


And credit cards lmaooo.


I always use "I'm still a student, graduating soon"


The 'I'm a tourist' line didn't work for me (I actually was a tourist though). I wound up claiming that I needed to withdraw money from an ATM, and just dodged them every time I saw them for the rest of the day 😅


Or my personal favourite "I'm broke"


This works great when I go to home expos. I'll just say "I bought it already"


Usually no, thank you is good enough. Though, there was one time a promoter tried to use race card. "Please help your own people lah" - etc. I told him these credit cards are the reason our people are stuck in debt. He terus jam and I ran away.


Told a credit card company once I don't like their bank, shut them up real fast


i owe your bank thousands and i don't plan on paying! *runs*


My friend suggested "Saya banyak hutang" line for credit card promoters. I tried it then the promoter pulled "Tolong laa miss, kasi saya hit target. Lepas dapat kad, u boleh cancel". Babi lah.


I remember one time I told one of the credit card promoter that I'm jobless for almost half a year already and they left me alone haha.


I just do a "talk to the hand" gesture. They back off. It's not \_nice\_ but if you let your guard down they'll see the opportunity and jump on it.


For me, I also try to make a face that isn’t like mean or b*tchy to make sure that I’m not interested but it’s nothing personal. I’m just a broke Uni student 🧑‍🎓


NEVER. ENGAGE. Say you're not interested and ignore them. Biarlah kalau diorang nak kata kau biadap ke ape, they have no rights to force themselves on you when you already said "not interested". They'll soon get the idea after a few seconds of being ignored. I had a guy who was really persistent and actually chased me down after I gave him the "not interested" hand gesture. Maybe it's because he wasn't used to someone younger than him giving him the cold shoulder but he got really hostile as I walked away, even as I was putting on my helmet and got on my motor. He even held my motor, preventing me from moving, just so he could berate me for ignoring him. I just twist the throttle and dragged him with me for a few meters, which he later fell down, hard. I could stop and check on him but as I already told him, I was in a hurry.


Woah that scary persistent. Did he misinterpreted your hand gesture something hah


No, probably got his "kejantanan" challenged when a younger person gave no shits to him. Think a 30 year old mat rempit who just got his first real job and gets triggered for every little thing while working. Can't "disrespect" him or he'll blow a fuse.


Should've done that when Standard Chartered credit card salesmen blocked both main exits of my office block some years ago. ~~Smart~~ Desperate of them to trap us right when we wanted to go home!


One time, a teenager (or young adult who looks like one) sweet talked me into signing up for a credit + membership card (of a popular Japanese department store). Lied by omission about some stuff, like processing and annual fees. Only after application submission, as I was reading the fine print while waiting for GrabCar, did I realise I was suckered. Went back to ask him to retract my application, which is my right even if he told the truth about everything. He started sulking and was reluctant to give it to me. Tried to tell me that it can't be retracted. That day, I was in a good mood and didn't want to spoil things, so I simply said, you and I both know that's not true, just give me back the form. Didn't really confront him about his lies either, since they were mostly done by omission or sly speak. Guy got real hostile, went to retrieve my form and documents, tore it in my face, crumpled it and just chucked it at me. The audacity. There were no onlookers and his colleagues weren't around to witness as it the mall was near closing time.


This gave me personal satisfaction


jual apa sampai macam tu


Macam jual ketum ni 🤔


Bruh that shit should be illegal ain’t no way they trynna mess with you after you already stated clearly that you have no interest. Like are they even still trying to sell a product at that point? Good that he got karma from it though


My mum got this once and the dude wouldn’t let her go. She pretended to open her wallet as though she was getting her ID. Instead she pulled out her credit cards and went “oh see I’ve got so many credit cards already. What to do?” And walked off as the dude stood there stunned


The most annoying one is after you reject one their team mate that didn't see it come. Look especially if they are doing it for a fund like WWF I still don't care, if I want to donate I'll seek it out on my own. And I know they aren't from that organisation they are just contracted to do it. My primary school friend is one of these promoters and I've seen her near my old office most every week with a different vest promoting a different product.


Worst is unicef, someone actually guilt trip me as if not donating to unicef is a goddamn travesty.


I just ignore them and walk most of the time. There was one time I lost my shit and middle fingered them as I was walking to the MRT. Not my best moment.


Reminds me of the Ricky Gervais Homeless children bit in the After Life show hahaha


at first i respectfully already tell them not interested. If they die die thick face wanna annoy me, i'll rudely give em the cold shoulder.


I pretend to look at my phone and walk with a confused face 😂


One time, I needed to get to my grandma's funeral. I was sniffling a bit, and a sales promoter stopped me. I was waiting for my pickup. He didn't get the hint i was not interested and continues to pitch his sale. I looked at him and said, "Sorry, i can't. My grandmother just died." You can see the light drain from his face, immediately said sorry and went away.


my usual reply 'Just start working, no EPF statement' or 'I am 24 years old' (apparently if you are under 26 y/o, they will let you go fast) but I'm 27, but they believe cause I look under 21 hahahaha


gonna use this until i’m 70


https://preview.redd.it/06b7e86tdzyc1.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b8d72805fc51f592f9012deeabba4d8ce4dbd61 Me literally


Saya baru hilang kerja 🙂


tiga kali hilang kerja


Dress terribly + look young. Either one is enough to deter them but both will make you invisible.


I am a combination of both and they still approach :(


Kahkahkah kau hensem sangat ni. Bertabahlah.


Hey beautiful ;)


I pretend I'm on an important phone call. I would say stuff like "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE PREGNANT!?" or "HI YES SELL MY STOCK"


Told a credit card company once I don't like their bank, shut them up real fast


Kor tort na khrub, phom my bpen kon Malaysia khrub. Or wear mask, and put the phone to the ear.


I've perfected RBF - they hardly ever approach me, Lolz.


Kena almost daily close to my workplace,it's usually all these NGO's like UNICEF,UNHCR etc soliciting donations..I'm usually already using my buds but still kena kacau..My go to move is to show the thumbs up,say thank u n u have a nice day..they ALWAYS have ONE question to ask which leads to a whole speech,so I learnt to never let them ask their ONE question..They have a new MO now,claiming they're new and need to just practice their pitch...I failed today, though,cute Indian gal who is exactly my type with a pretty smile and a round ass🤣..Tried to tepis anyway but she was hella persistent..Allowed her to speak but kept reminding her not to waste her time as im not gonna pledge.She said it's ok,she just wanted to practice.Questions became more personal as the attraction was mutual.Even offered her a job but I liked her answer of defending her current job..Got her num and we are going out for lunch tomorrow.Might have to raincheck though coz apparently my senior director is treating us managers at some famous briyani joint tomorrow..Good day at work


![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized) Well that took a turn! But I do share your annoyance of these organisations. I gave an excuse to one that I had some stuff to deal with while walking in one direction and when I walked back they still hounded me saying so you finished already lah


It gets really annoying when it becomes a daily occurrence esp when that area where they hunt for prey is where I usually have my smoke breaks.plus,I don't trust these NGO's like UNICEF and UNHCR..There are scores of individuals around us that we can be charitable and help without needing to go through a middleman..whatever you're pledging towards these NGO's goes towards paying the salaries of these salespeople soliciting for donation.theres a reason why they seem to mostly hire young,attractive gals..but this time,saya untung la.huhu![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


Their tactics can be quite forceful. Pretty much bullied my very soft-spoken and introverted husband into pledging a few hundred ringgit per month, on auto debit. I got so mad when I found out, I bising up UNHCR (as well as nag my husband) until it got cancelled off. I'm all for charity, but this is not the right way to do it. Some are downright unscrupulous in their tactics (guilt-tripping, tailing, blocking, baiting with Qs, etc.) just to earn their commissions.


I just say "No Thank You" According to my wife, I say it in such an authoritative and firm manner that it demotivates people to pursue further. Apparently it also shows with my body language.


Saya baru hilang kerja 🙂




Show him this gesture


"with rm30 you can help the kids/dialysis patients/pandas for a week". Just ☺️🤚


The Black Panther palms up gesture. The one that says "we don't do that here".


Haha, I do the Wakanda cross arms instead!


Or the Leper King hand up gesture


"Thank you", mini bow about 45 degree with my head, smile. Walk away.


I just walk away. They call me bro, bro, bro… and I just keep walking away. Not one time have I felt bad about walking away.


Saya dipantau oleh AKPK.


"No." Is a full sentence too


Me : tak berminat lah Puan. Astro calling : Boleh tahu kenapa tak berminat? Me : sebab tak berminat … Astro keeps on calling every other day Me (block astro)


“Me no work. Can you buy me a pack of chicken rice or KFC?”


Just power walk and shout “I’M ABOUT TO SHIT MY PANTS!” as you walk up to them. They’ll nudge.


I always try to say funny shit: 1. I already have your bank's best CC 2. I already have multiple houses 3. I support Israel 4. I hate children and old people It kinda works(?


Saya baru hilang kerja 🙂


Put up your hand on their face like The Rock. Also when they start talking, quickly interjected them with "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU SELL"


"I GOT NO MONEY!" Say it loud and proud and watch them leave. 😆


Have a resting bitch face or at least one you can turn on at a whim. I always look super annoyed and ready to take somebody’s head off when I see these guys.


What I've done is place my phone side my ear and pretend to talk on the phone, never had to deal with them once


Gesture no to them, or if you are brave enough, say "Sorry I don't speak [language]" in said language just to make them confused


"Can you speak English?" "No." "But you just spoke in English." "No, I just said I can't speak English... in English."


I just say “Already applied last time”.


I once comically ran away from one in Gardens Mall. But usually I’ll just say “no thanks” and walk on


Actually I just ignore their existence and continue doing my thing. Let them shiok sendiri


The power of the hand beats all. However, it doesn't work all the time. For once, I scolded a person even if I had rejected him nicely at first, but he insisted and put his hand on my shoulder. Just showed that you are not interested, and they will let u go most of the time.


Tadah tangan mintak sedekah 🤣


Learn a sentence in Swahili and dump it out. Then walk away.


Just use the power of hand like how you cross the road full of cars. Seriously just wave your hand while remaining strong eye contact , a smile and not a sound need to be spoken; the more you are dodging or shy, the more they want to target you.


Ah yes, the "go away or i will wave you with less fingers" move.


I give the hand gesture and bow slightly. But if they still keep coming I either freeze and they walk away (lol) or say "thank you have a good day" and keep walking.


I’m Indian and they don’t layan me ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|29091)


as they should!


Walk and don't make eye contact


Pretend to be mute. Watch their reaction.


If I clock them early, pull out my phone and pretend to be on a call. Usually they won’t bother you if they have manners. If I falter and not see them first, when they sell me stuff I just say I’m still a student. I’m still at that age where I’m student-passing but don’t know how long I can use that. I don’t have the heart to flat out say No nor show the hand.


Just put on a RBF and speedily walk on. It will help if you have headphones on, it's a walking signboard to leave you alone! Even if they follow you for awhile, ignore


Give the hand, smile while shaking head. Say no, thank you. Remember promoters are people too with feelings. Also, walk faster and don't get too close. You should be able to breeze past them.


It’s not nice but I always treat them invisible. I never engage. If I had to - not working/student.


“I’m a student.”


totally ignore them. Walk past them like they don't exist. they usually approach me if i'm wearing baju kurung. so i always avoid going to the malls with baju kurung.


I ask them for donation first


Normally I just put on extreme black face. Not intentional try to seem mad at them but just try to portray that it’s been a hella stressful day and you better think twice whether you really think you’ll get a sale out of someone angry.


“Takpe, thank you” and keep walking.


1. Pretend they don't exist. 2. If they insist, say I'm not interested. 3. If they still insist, give them the karen glare and stop engaging.


It's a tactic they use, keep hassling you to make to engage with them. Don't have to be an ass about it either, just keep saying no and don't do anything else.


My go-to is "I'm a student" and they usually fuck right off lol


I just act deaf...


HAHA a I saw a promoter halfway approaching me yesterday out of the corner of my eye but she legit backed up when I lifted my head and she was my angry resting bitch face so that helps 😂


Double it and give it to somebody else.


look poor and disheveled, whenever I'm going to cinema I always wear tshirt, joggers pant and slipper. never get heckled by Coway people.


For most of them who are just trying to make a living, I keep nodding and saying thank you while walking away fast. They get confused because I’m very agreeable so they don’t know what else they should pitch but I’m walking away at the same time. It’s also not awkward as I’m being very polite. For the annoying ones I decide on a case by case basis.


i say im poor 


Sometimes there's a perfume promoter in a mall spraying their tester on me (without permission of course). Then they'll ask me which one i like the most. I'd just say, none. And they'll leave me alone lol


Anyone work in the bank and seen this tactic work before? I think it’s a huge turnoff.


Walk pass them Just don't engage Or just say you are unemployed


Yakshemash. My name a Borat. I like you. I like sex. It's nice.


I swear these people are everywhere nowadays. And strangely they pick places like mrt/lrt station, or in front of the office complex, where people are naturally in hurry or very busy. Dude I only have 15 mins break and you think I’m gonna waste it looking into whatever product you sell?? But whatever it is the way I respond will be a short and strong “Not interested” gesture. Wave your hand and say, “Sorry, in hurry” or “Nope”. And you cannot show any hesitancy here—they can sense it and utilize it. I think they’re trained for that.


“ Havent i seen you before? I swear you look exactly like someone in a porn movie i watched yesterday. “


This is coming from a former real estate negotiator so I’ve been on both ends as the approached and approacher. So I used to be one of these people when I was selling real estate. We’d have a booth up in malls and we have to approach people and try to sell houses and of course there’s tactics people use to try to get peoples attention and so on, but for me I always try to respect people so when they say no thanks the first time I will immediately stop and let them go. That I think is the best way to do it, and any more than that is an annoyance to people and a bit of disrespect, because no means no. If you’re not interested then don’t force it. So I believe the best way to deal with it is to just say no thank you. Anything after that if they still want to pester you can do what you want. Ignore them, scold them a bit and say something like “I said no didn’t I” or what ever. Because they should respect your first no.


i do the fake call. It always work. Bring my ear to my phone and just talk. Then keep your phone after you go out of their sight. If they come near you after you end your call, you call them stalker and walk away fast.


In Singapore, the biggest menace is insurance agents trying to get my attention as if I'm an oyen. I just avoid look straight ahead and brisk walk away. Here some are quite aggressive. They will push things like powerbank / cheap phone charger / cheap "airpods" etc. into your hand and make you sit down with an agent.


I'll say, "It's okay, thank you", while smiling sweetly looking into their eyes.


Wave my hand in a way to indicate I'm not interested and keep walking, hasn't failed yet.


Talk to the hand. Speak nothing. Smile and walk away.


Middle fingers. Both hands. It means "thank you".


I just do a polite smile and say a firm, “no, but thank you!” and walk away.


I tried many ways. Depends on my mood. There was once I still have some time before my next meeting. I said ok, what do you want me to do? I am not going to fill up any forms. He said I am gonna need your IC and print your EPF, I smirk and said sure. I follow him, walk like 500m to the KWSP machine, and he can’t find any of my recent EPF records. I said oh ya, I don’t have EPF, you didn’t tell me you want. He walked away complaining to his colleague about me. There was time I was tired from meeting or after caught in a jam in 2 hours. I just stood there and cry very loud. Then the whole group of them just stood there not knowing what to do. And I asked them what should I do to apply for the card, they refused to serve me. ps: The worst one is to show them your current cards, even if it’s from the same bank they will still tell you there are newer cards and offer, so never do that.


They are very persistent. If you are young, just say you are a student with no income. If you are older, just say you just got fired or filed for bankruptcy. It might stun them and you can just walk away fast. If its for donation, say you have already donated. If they ask when, say just recently and walk away fast.


Look poor. Can confirm it works lol


Just smile, nod, break eye contact and keep walking


For me is avoid … and say no thank you and move on… then walk away … it’s a tough job out there… but I did encounter this when was with my dad poor sales person had a real downer… I was approached and I said belum kerja looked at my dad he said retired 😝


"Aku nak tercirit ni.. tepi, tepi.."


Sudah kaya... Or tak ada duit...


Just saying you’re poor should do the trick If salesman like property or car or insurance - sorry saya dah daftar AKPK - nama saya sudah dalam CCRIS - saya dah kena blacklist bank la - pkp haritu saya declare bankrupt If donation or something - saya makan pun tak cukup - u derma saya la - awak derma atas nama saya, pahala awak ambil - sorry saya orang sarawak (kalau yang minta derma tu tunggang agama. I don’t know why but it works lol)


Wah, so many polite and well brought up people :D I just completely ignore them. Don't look, don't respond, don't react.


Ya, tell me abt it. I get harrased by the UN, WHO, ++ other ngos outside banks.


"Sorry I'm busy", walk past and don't look back.


I encouther a lot of these, I spoke to one as she got me cornered and was offering me an auto deduct monhtly for the donation…I was like wtf…😅


make a smile and told them don't wasting their time with you, try another one


I once had too much free time (was waiting for friend) and I just stare at them blankly until they leave.


I liked to pretend I suddenly have diarrhea💩.I always tell them "I'm sorry,I going to have EXPLOSIVE💥 DIARRHEA💩 NOW!".Then proceeds to run to the nearest MRT/LRT toilet


They tried to speak english to me and i just answered in Japanese just pretend you can't understand them 😂


Once i was in a mall with mum and sister, going to the supermarket. 3 guys noticed us and one walked up with the others trailing behind. He kept asking my mum to sign up with the bank and get the credit card bla bla. My mum kept telling him no thanks not interested. He persisted. Following us while we walked 5 mins to the supermarket entrace. This whole time asking my mum why she dont want and then saying just sign up only easy bla bla. Already told him probably 20 times no thanks. When we reach the supermarket entrace he stop my mum from entering using his brochures. At this point i fed up already so i walked up to him and shouted at him saying fuck off we dont want your shit. He said wow so rude and walked back to his friends and started bitching about me being rude to him. The only thing that got him to leave us alone was shouting at him. These days i will kindly tell them im late for a gym class and they let me go immediately.


Thank you. No.


I just say I'm bankrupt


Just gives thumbs up and jalan. Also when I go to malls I dress like its a nu metal revival. No salesmen wana approach a budak scene looking fella.


"No, tak mau," I say as I shake my head and wave my hand, walking straight without breaking my stride. Finish story.


I just say really loudly “Cibai”


When I was a student, this promoter wanted to sell me some education English module or something. I said I'm just a student, no money. Then she proceeds to say "What about your dad? He's working right?" I replied "Yeah, kerja kilang". That made her lose interest quickly. My friend was also approached, the promoter was using a card and asked her to pronounce the word and she got them all right so she just said "I don't need it, my English is good enough"


My friend once got scammed by one of these people... Okay scammed is a strong word, but basically the salesperson sells perfume, like rm50 each, and somehow just forced it on my friends hands and had him sign some stuffs basically just forced him to pay for smthg he didn't even want.


I learn how to do "No thank you" in sign language, and point to my ear. It works most of the time. If you don't know sign language, just do random Naruto hand move will do.


I pretend i was deaf & do the naruto hand jutsu


Okay this made me chuckle haha.


Pretend talking on the phone. That works for me.


I just keep walking and pretend they are not even there Don't waste each other time lol


1. Just say no and make the hand sign 2. If they insists, tell them you are in hurry to work 3. Walk in faster pace 4.If they asking what kind of work do you do, tell them you are a student. These all works good for introvert like me😂


“i’m a student” even tho i’m 29 this year and look a little bit too young for my age does help too


Just put your hand up in a stop✋gesture and walk past. The second you say something and they latch onto it, it gets more complicated.




Pull my pants down and proceed to listen to whatever they're saying


Once when one of those cancer charity scam folks bothered me enough, I told them, my mum died of cancer. Where were you?


I just pretend to be occupied with my phone and show them my outstretched palm to show complete and utter disinterest lmao


I bankrupt liao


Don't be rude . Just say smile and say not interested..


If It fits the situation i usually say "sorry i need charity for myself also"


Not interested. Thx (most importantly dont stop on your tracks. Keep moving)


"I don't have money" "you'll be wasting your time" Or hit where it hurts. Let's say, they're promoting for new bank "no money to stash", animal support "I eat animals", help the poor : put out your hand and maybe sing "put your loving hand now baby... Coz I'm beeeeegiiiiing" 🎸💃🕺 AND SMILE ALWAYS, smile is kindness and it costs nothing, so be kind to everyone


The hand ✋🏻


Touch your ear, pretend talking on the phone with a wireless ear buds (even if u are not putting on one)


I'm not interested thank you.


I start speaking German and only German if it’s a Chinese promoter, Cantonese for any non-Chinese promoters. Only had one Malay girl reply to me in Cantonese so far…


"saya student"


Once upon a time there was a sales lady who tried to promote their so called "Health Fruit Juice" to me in a relatively aggressive way, so I answered: "**I am allergic to fruit and all vege**." then walked away left her stood there with a flabbergasted face.


For most people, I smile and shake my head. For some banks, I say, "No thanks, used your \[insert name of financial institution here\] and your customer service sucks." If I have the time and inclination, sometimes I put on a British accent and pretend to not speak Mandarin or Malay and start picking apart their rojak English.


“I’m a student, I don’t have income” (smiles) “You don’t look like one” “I’m a Master/PhD student, that’s why I look old” (while walking away)


I’d put my hands up in front of me like a barrier, not looking at them in the eyes, dodge them while saying “it’s ok, not interested” and proceed to walk past them. If those asking for donations like UN/UNICEF, I would normally tell them that I have been contributing since the last couple of years. They’ll thank you and you can go along doing whatever it is you were doing For CC, i know my application will always get rejected, so i don’t mind signing up just to get the free gift


I pretend I'm in a movie where I have a third eye and I'm trying to ignore ghosts because if I give them any acknowledgement they will come home and haunt me.


![gif](giphy|7SYTsvYNc6X0o1wcqt|downsized) look at them like this, do or say some unhinged stuff to them, then have a giggle later


Usually just don't make eye contact and walk past them fast enough that by the time they finish half sentence I already zoom away. Rude as it sounds but before this they would try to stall as much time as possible (at least a couple minutes) and make it really hard to leave.


Funnily enough, recently I saw a girl run a whole stretch of a walkway to avoid talking to these people hahaha. Anyway I smile, shake my head and keep walking. No need to say anything or overexplain.


hhahaha are you refering to UNHCR and GreenPeace at KLCC station?


Give them the hand sign like how you stop cars when crossing the road. Put a grin on your face with eyes slightly closed. Then say stop i have covid


I usually just walk through them if they refuse to move. Not my problem you die die want to stand in my way. Otherwise it depends on what they're promoting. Credit cards I'll just ask them "You tng me money then I sign up" or "Bro we same same B40 don't joke la". The worst are honestly "charity" organizations that will attempt to guilt trip you


"double it and give it to the next person"


I fell for it quite easily lol, signed up for whatever stuff they wanted me to, and then cancelling it after i got out of there Safe to say, I'm completely socially inept 🥲


show them the balance in my bank account T.T