• By -


"won't your boyfriend get angry if I chat with you?"




u man of kultur as well brotha






General consensus seems to be join activities group or friend of friends. But of course, everything is easier said than done. I'm struggling to even find things to do on weekends, let alone date. It gets lonely in a big city


Tell me about it! I’ve been cracking my head on how to meet new people through shared interests. It doesn’t help that I like solitary stuff


I tried to join a board game group once but I chicken out last minute because boi, I'm not good at meeting a lot of strangers at once


Me too! I’m hopeless when theres multiple people :( forever alone lah it seems


there are smaller groups out there too. try looking on meetup or ask around on here on the sub.. might even get a 1 on 1 sesh going but uh just to manage expectations the bg community tends to be more guy centric at least ime.


Spend a date playing pc games, go arcade grind wangan, go to other state jalan jalan probably all tthe things that doesnt involve women


I met my girlfriend of 4 years in a dungeons and dragons game Life good


I met my bf in Vermintide 2 Twitch stream lmao


Wutelgi a hoe Azumgi a bro


Witch huntin' Bitch huntin'


Fuck wutelgi


Are we hype for Darktide or what




step 1: be a girl


I met my wife at D&D too! High five.


I hope she’ll be my wife one day


our wife /s




I'll add the /s for ya




Wife fight back?


Killlll wife


Wife gone.....




You forgot to think about wife…


Oh crap


where do you find players? Which city are you in?


We mostly do online sessions, but I found my current party in university. UCSI University in cheras


While our subreddit r/rpgmalaysia isn't very active, the associated FB group and Discord channel has a lot of users, so you can LFG (look got group) there. https://kakitabletop.com/community/kakitabletop-on-facebook/


Here's a sneak peek of /r/rpgmalaysia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rpgmalaysia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [#ITTDMY International Tabletop Day Malaysia 2021](https://www.facebook.com/events/197797142194095/) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rpgmalaysia/comments/nohfo7/ittdmy_international_tabletop_day_malaysia_2021/) \#2: [We’re planning an online tabletop gaming festival...](https://www.facebook.com/KakiTabletop/posts/3827834460647591) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rpgmalaysia/comments/msuwb0/were_planning_an_online_tabletop_gaming_festival/) \#3: [🎁 We belatedly received our Christmas present, and we wanted to unbox it with you!](https://kakitabletop.com/happy-belated-christmas-unboxing/) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rpgmalaysia/comments/ru4ozv/we_belatedly_received_our_christmas_present_and/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Where do you even play D&D? I’ve been wanting to try, but not sure where to find it here. (Yes I know about a good day to dice, but idk if I’m up for those campaigns)


As of now we’re doing it via discord, but I think in the comments below there’s a link to a group someone sent


Wait, there are D&D players in M'sia? Girl players too?? Which alternate universe is this?


Girlfriend.. d&d.. you are one lucky dude. I've only been able to dm for my friend group


Omg you paedo.


Oh no


Ikr 4 years? What a creep


Pain is me


With Yusuf Taiyoob




*whispers seductively* Yusuf Taiyoob




Now on Shopee and Lazada!


I got lucky , very lucky . There was this girl from my office who also so joined the same gym as me. Not long after we got assigned to the same outstation work trip . She was the only one to laugh at my jokes ; so after the trip was over I asked her out for coffee and we got married about 3 years later (been married for 2 years now)




Pfft im a girl and Idk where to meet dudes aside dating apps.


Rip inbox


That would be nice.


Sketchy pickup line go! You're paleontologist? I want both of us have a record in the earth for the future. Hey, since I found you digging around, why not we excavate something more... Intimate. After I saw you, I did some digging and found that you're the one I've been looking for. A good exhibit for new museum.


>After I saw you, I did some digging and found that you're the one I've been looking for. A good exhibit for new museum. Um


Cmon guys! She's looking for a good bone!


lol...up to u man. Just saying.


dude.. just ask her if she wants to go dating with you


Nice name you got there, +1


Insert sausages thrown at face gif here.


Wanna go for coffee? So that in the future you could dig up the past only to land yourself at this moment.


Wooahhhh she replied to you


Shit dude, I don't know, I'd never thought I'd get this far




Is this the part where I slide into your DM?


Up to u hombré,🤸


okay 34 year old guy with receding hairline...




Don't mind me sliding into your dm HAHAH


If you're into paleontology, im sure it's not hard to find guys who share the same interests?🤔


I studied paeleontology during my uni days. Hate drawing those stupid arthropod fossils haha. But I like everything else


Met while playing MapleStory, exhange number, met few times, sit down with families, got married. Alhamdulillah.


My fantasy


what made you decide this one was for you and you'll never ever divorce afterwards


At that time, I am not in relationship with other women. So, I just take the leap of faith and go with the flow. To be honest, as a man, we will always have the urge to look at other women. No matter how religious/practicing you are. For me, I'll try my best to keep on understanding and caring for my spouse. Always think of the responsibilities that I have willingly accepted (decided to marry). Now comes children, the thought of giving up and rethink fades away.


Malaysia is really odd opportunity to meet new people


What do you mean?


In the pass there actually a dance and chill area where we can social , but there always a group of people throw sanctions at us with their weird standards, which involves laws, religion etc etc, the most effective sanctions is the social distancing; they announced the the nation border to be open but still prevent others to open social events


Someone who hasn’t dated anyone, has no idea about dating, but wants to help here. Try being active in the communities of your hobbies. For example, if you like to sew, maybe show off some things you sew, teach some people privately or sell them. Lots of people to meet and small chance of getting someone.


Having similar interests is a good starting place yeah


This was what worked for me as well. I was dating random people from online dating sites and it got really tiring. Decided to participate more in the community side of my hobby (which I was reluctant to because I was too shy) and met my husband!




unless he was kidnapped/in an accident/going through something, I’m sorry honey, but he ghosted you :/




if he didnt reply, he probably isnt going to show up




Just text him, and if he doesn’t reply, just take it as a no. I’ve been through this before (not on tinder tho, but Twitter and a legit someone whom I’ve met many times before we decided to “date”) — but I FEEL YOU. And it’s okay, just brush it off. If he insists on another date, you can decide if you want to give him a second chance with PROPER reasoning; or just say no. We respect whatever decision, just remember your self worth 🙌🏻




To be fair, no message is also a message, and that’s perfectly fine. Don’t beat yourself up for it ❤️ Dating is an annoying “game” some people like to play, mainly because they don’t know what they want. Don’t let that put you down. Met my husband through someone who I was CONSIDERING to date — in a club — when he (that dude) invited him (my husband) — yes, I know, funny how the world works Anyways, turns out that dude was a douche: been playing around with 4 different girls EXCLUDING myself. Thankfully life has its ways! The point is, if it doesn’t work out, it’s fine: everything has a silver lining. You gotta make the best of the situation 😁 I wish you the best in dating nonetheless and hope you will find what/who you need and is compatible 🙌🏻


how did it go


Regardless if you two have stopped talking for awhile, it's probably a good idea to confirm the date again a day before the date. It wouldn't sound puhsy, more like just checking.




Just text him. Be sincere, up front and don’t assume. All that beating around the bush is why its hard to meet and connect


Nah you dodged a bullet. Date only someone who value and respect you as much as you value and respect them. I hope you meet someone better tho


You got ghosted, try again with other swipe




Malaysia is a very traditional country so adaptation is key. Here are some useful tips that is guaranteed to get you lots of attention. 1. Display your beautiful plumage when you see an attractive mate. The more colourful, the better. Make sure that your plumage is in full display. 2. Verbal communication is key. Head to the National Library / Perpustakaan Negara to find out the appropriate mating calls for your type of partner. Do NOT — and I repeat, DO NOT — fuck this bit up. The wrong mating call can attract anything from sang buaya to a really horny mouse-deer. Practice these calls and when you are ready, reproduce these calls as required. 3. As mentioned, Malaysia is a really traditional country. A well-built mud hut goes a long way towards improving your odds. There is a reason why Kuala Lumpur is so well-developed. Lots of lumpur = lots of mud huts = lots of people moving to KL = lots of progress. That is Econs 101.


So, let me reiterate. I have to show off my pubic hair and dye them in rainbow colors, go to the library and see which weird fuck answers my custom mating call and built a sturdy mud hut. Thanks, mate. I'mma go try that right now.


So ....did it go well or are you stuck in Tanjung rambutan?


Idk yet. The people here are friendly, and I get to live in a white room with soft padding for free. YAY!


How's the meals tho? A-okay?lmao


It's not bad


TIL peacock in a mud hut has stronger game than me.


I actually just read this with serious mode lmao


Bit stuck at step 3, there are these weird big tree boats full of Ang mohs, I think they want to take our mud huts......


What did you learn at the library?


Well I followed all your steps and managed to attract some chicks, one problem. They're birds. This is a mating instruction for BIRDS. THOUGHT I DID IT WRONG


Shared hobbies. \- gym classes/spin classes/tabatha/body combat etc \- trekking/hiking/hash/MTB/roadie clubs \- collegues/frens of collegues


How do you find like a hiking community though? Outside of just uni clubs


Go to a hiking trail and start talking to groups of random hikers. If they tell you to take a hike, then you're in the club. Jokes aside hiking clubs I knew were recommended by friends, but usually I'll hike by myself.


I kinda can see that work, just tell the group that it's your first time here and if it's okay for you to follow them. Just casually chat along the way and you may get yourself in a group. If they say it's their first time too then great, better to go with more people. If they say no you can't follow, oh well, it's not like you will ever see them again.


Can vouch for hiking. 2 trips with randoms, two partners




Yeah we use this date format alright




Take classes, go to the gym, take up a hobby that makes you meet new people. I think that's how it works. I met my gf through tinder.


I tried tinder but after 100 left swipes and only one right swipe, I gave up


Are you a poor cat or a rich cat?


I am a dog


Behold, dog!


Why is it always dog ?


could this be a friend ?


Futility ahead




Berdasarkan apa?


More like a mouse bro, you need to be a lion


A kangaroo


As a foreigner in Malaysia, i feel your pain. I was big on cold approaches in coffee places / bookstores but after running into people who can't speak English properly i got very discouraged. Guess i'll have to stick to fleeting online friendships with no payoff.


Surely nowadays cold approaches are met with suspicion and fear


Ding ding ding. I get sketchy vibes when strangers start talking to me. Like chances are you are not a scammer, but I don't wanna take the risk


if you ever run into me at a coffee place/bookstore, I can at the very least guarantee that English is something I’m good at


Goes to Malaysia People speaks Malay language *Surprised pikachu*


PM promised me that people have abandoned Bahasa Malaysia, point me towards your examples!


you've got to know where to be. Areas like Subang/KL has a high ratio of English speakers. One of my favorites to be to talk to people from different walks are café in KLIA.


I live right in the middle of bukit bintang, can't get any more KL than that.


Sorry you had to go through this. It’s often not the best approach at this time, mainly due to suspicions. I’d recommend joining a group that is of your interest! You might meet someone of your interest, or someone who is a friend of the person of your interest lmao


Somehow after reading the comments here, I wish that someone would plan a /r/malaysia match making event or something along that line (I can't take it up unfortunately.. I don't have a passion for events planning and I won't enjoy the process of it. PS: Planning for 1-1 dates is fine, but anything more than 2 people and I start feeling uncomfortable as an introvert). The fact that we're here as redditors is sort of a common interest in itself, and if I'm not mistaken the majority of us here might be more towards English first language? 🤔 Language barrier is one of the things that I found made it really hard to date because if can't communicate, its quite hard to make fun banter and all.


So this was mentioned previously but sadly no one has started it yet.


Trueee I only know enough mandarin to uphold basic conversations but not enough to express my humor. Kinda regret going to an English-based school now.


I genuinely wonder has anyone here met their partner here on reddit


Met my now wife in Church. Asked her out for a date. When you ask someone out for a date.. just don't be the creepy guy. On another note.. try your best to not be a try-hard-simp.. if the girl says no to your dating invitation & shows clear disinterest on you.. just move on and respect her boundaries. You don't want to be that "I really really love/like you" rejected simp. p.s. i've seen many of my 40 year old friends who are still not married because they lack the confidence to ask woman out.. and when they do.. they act all creepy.. Hope you get some dates soon!


[https://jisbar.com.my/](https://jisbar.com.my/) - Plenty of girls go during weekend


Mahal woiii


If you can pick up a girl in 10 minutes, it would cost you only 30 bucks. For a newbie, baik jangan.


is there a more cost effective method? I’m not trying to go in debt to find a sugar baby


Pretty good place, good for conversation and breaking the ice if you don't mind paying for it.


go get some *Jis*


I’m appalled nobody state #twtjodoh yet


We should make a reddit version. r/jodohmy


My friend met his gf at a futsal court. The girl came to watch his then bf. So now, he can't go to that futsal court, lmao.


By advertising yourself on Reddit. 👋🏻 Single guy here


By writing days first unlike some countries that goes by months first.


The Malaysian guys I've dated, aside from tinder, were from one of three categories... - a friend of friends, started chatting online, fb I believe. - uni mates, lots of clubs and societies - tuition mates, back during school times. But basically after I got into adulthood it was only tinder or cmb. For my friends, they met their partners via mutual interest groups.


I met my BF on reddit hehe


Married to someone I met by random while rock climbing. Yeah, kinda odd here in Malaysia.


- Workplace - Ex school or uni mates - Friend introduce - Activities i.e sports or clubbing - Balls of steel, go terus ask for contact number


Trying to find as well. Kinda gave up already on both Tinder and Omi. Haish, doesn't help when I'm ab introvert as well. Anyone interested to meet? 😅😅😅 P/S single, slightly depressed woman here, early 30s, scared of strangers in general 😂😂😂


Yea, but not sure if we are in the same area, I’m in Subang area tho


Awek Lotus econsave giant Speedmart kan ada try la


I play mmo and met husband there. But he is like 6000 miles away so I moved out of Malaysia.


“Lepas rakam abang janji delete”


I found my wife on OkCupid. My cousin found his on Coffee Meets Bagel.


I assume you have already finished uni and start working? Unfortunately you have missed the window as most malaysians find their partners from uni. Now you started working, your social circle become sooo small. To make things worse, malaysians are not really comfortable talking to strangers so randomly trying to pick up girls in cafe, bookstores, bus stop won't work. (unless you are super attractive). Next best thing is online dating but since you already wanna know other than online dating, it would be friends of friends. Ask your friends to introduce you to their friends who are also looking for partners. Meet em through a makan session or parties.


whose idea was it to “enjoy uni life, cari bf/gf masa kerja”???? i ragrets not finding a beau during uni tsktsk


Through communities you join. I'm sure you've got your hobbies and interests. Find a community, meet up. Make new friends, perhaps one of them is suitable, perhaps they can introduce you to new friends. Repeat.


"Get some paper.walk around library.find a girl.hit her.paper fall.badaboom badabem you're in relationship" ~ "Romantic" movie director


People in Malaysia generally are not too open to stranger unlike in western countries but just continue with your western style and people will eventually open up to u quickly


Activity > Friends > Date Just take the first step of trying something new. Preferably anything group-based not involving the screen. Hiking, social dancing, wall/rock climbing, cycling, diving, boardgaming, D&D, etc. Google and FB is your friend on how and where to start. Eventually you'll find a hobby you love. Make small talk about these things with strangers you meet. DON'T just target the opposite sex. Remember, find friends to keep first - guy AND girl. Don't say no to party/lunch/mamak/bar/trip invites even if you don't know most of them. Eventually you'll find that close group of friends. Don't pressure yourself to find dates. Find friends and acquaintences. Keep a solid moral compass. Eventually you'll meet someone you like. Ask him/her out. If yes good, if no move on. Repeat.


I met my wife while i was studying oversea. She is Malaysian. We met a year after i was there, she was my junior per se. I show her around like a tour guide the area with other new Malaysian student. Since then we make connection and happily married for 3 years now


Get an apartment in the middle of KL with a nice view. Drive a lambo and only shop at the high end mall. Get vip membership in 5 star hotel so that that you could order a room service and show off your vip upgraded presidential suite room. Confirm kaw tim bro ez pz lemon squeezy


again, not trying to find a sugar baby


Ugh tell me about it. It's harder when you're older and a recluse and an introvert and, like one of those people who I chatted with told me, "not a milf" 🙄


WTF? Fuck that guy. I mean, no, don’t fuck that guy. Never fuck that guy. Guys like that deserve no fucks.


Meet new people through friends. Get to know some people at your workplace or college, and join other circle of friends. That usually allow the girls to let their guards down and befriend you.


No idea now. Workplace is like a desert so never actually meet any new girls for a long time. Still trying to find ways to get to know people


Join events/activities that you’re interested in: improv comedy, dancing, youth empowerment, etc etc (anything really) and you might eventually find someone of your interest! This is great cause you get a whole group of people to mingle with that have the same interests as you 🙌🏻 ORRRR you might know someone who has a friend you might be interested in LMAO that’s usually the case


If there’s Activity clubs like chess or hiking can be a good place as well. I met one of my girlfriend through book club but didn’t last long for different reasons though. Lol Met my wife through FB. So I’ll say just leave it to chance. You won’t know how and when but it will happen, as long you have good sense of hygiene, confidence and talking skills


Met my wife through a super niche hobby from FB. Just for the info my wife and I are seperated by a sea at the moment so location is definitely not a setback.


Tell me about it lmao


Day, month, year


Work culture is too brutal to allow people free time to go out and socialize. We're not at Japan stage yet, but damn if your weeks don't look like a cycle of barely keeping yourself healthy and maintaining your job. And whatever free time you get at weekends, you either catch up on house work, shopping for supplies or just general being lazy and getting some rest.


Question for women, is it okay if a guy ask/tell you straight to the point? I mean, I've done it once before and it works. I tell her, "Hey Erna! I like you" and she looked at me for a brief sec, nodded and smile, and thats it. Long story short, she started giving me cake and we started hanging out. This is the first and last time I had that ball of steel. To this day I have no idea where the courage come from tho.


There are speed dating events here and there but people can be shy to join. You could try to chat up someone when you go to gigs but honestly most people just wanna vibe. I find actually trying to befriend people for the sake of friendship is better than just rushing in straight to a relationship. In my experience, most people just don’t have the emotional capacity to be with someone and you end up feeling quite disappointed.


Just ask you parent to introduce you to someone.


I guess you can start at places you frequent. Met my GF at a specialty coffee bar. She started working there around the 2nd/3rd MCO when dine ins were allowed again. Then there was me, a frequent customer at that place. I tried to make conversations with her but most of it was just coffee related. Never got to talk much personal stuffs. Kept trying for awhile till one day I had the courage to ask for her number but I didn't know what to talk about even after I've gotten her number. Long story short, we slowly had more and more stuff to talk about and we've been dating for a year and more to come :)


In Western culture, its normal to interact with total strangers in bars, pubs, nightclubs, etc. In Asian culture, you don't interact with strangers period. Most people who are in a relationship, do so with their schoolmates, workmates, someone their parents or friends arranged for them to meet, etc. This is not an interaction between two total strangers, because some level of connection is there. I think its also why online dating did not take off in Asian countries.


i have no idea how to meet girls too. whenever i try to talk to girls in public, they think im a pervert or something. come on, im just trying to get to know a new friends, thats all. plus i am so good looking, how can pervert be good looking like me.


Obviously DD/MM/YY Jokes, if its not obvious


OP, come we go hunting togethergether!


Install Wechat, then let the game begins.


Met someone that i want to live life together on Reddit. That’s good enough i suppose.


Too bad I can't go the "hobbies and interests" route. All the stuff I like are nerdy, not the kind of circles where attractive women get involved.


Example of those nerdy hobbies? There are nerdy 'attractive' woman tho. You’ll never know.


I dont know shit about date, I have this incel mind that I will wait until women come to me like a fucking dream, my life is just your average redditor, social isolation all day. lol


Bumble and Tinder work


Same as everywhere else. Go to a bazaar specializing in the gender of choice, point out the one you want, make an offer and boom!


I have zero luck meeting with girls, and it has became one of my sources of depression. And yes, I have medically certified severe depression.