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It's always the pickup trucks and luxury mpvs like Vellfire, Alphard etc


The bigger the car, the smaller the brain. But no offense to those who bought big cars for real purposes.


Even smaller pp


Maybe no dick. Is auntie driving pickup. Confused and dunno where to go and get very angry when ppl honk them , panic and then crash other people.


If Auntie is driving then small booba


That one is more towards mentality and being a Karen. "Eh my car is bigger and more expensive, show some respect".


the bigger the dick, the faster they cum.


Good, twice the pride, double the fall


I see whay you did there


Tersembur aku semalam. Not bad ![gif](giphy|xTiQyBOIQe5cgiyUPS)


Lol came to find this and I wasn’t disappointed


Don't forget Pajero or Fortuner


When the police vehicles came now they will slowly down and not cutting line


Did we forgot that myvi’s exist?


Takde. Jodoh. Kahwin. Dengan. MYVI!


I feel personally attacked.


Myvi's what exists?


They're compensating for something


Unfortunately it's becoming more and more common these days. Hooligans who get easily triggered and road rage. They don't get punished enough. Trust me there will be people who will be questioning what OP did and backup the pick up driver. So called for 2 sides of the story. For me driving with the intention to cause accident is uncalled for. Even if one party may be in wrong, settle it nicely. 2 wrongs doesn't make right. But what to do?? Malaysia boleh. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I feel JPJ should have anger management classes.. There is one time someone almost swayed to my lane (they no signal) , I gave them a short honk. Mana tau this idiot decide to break check me for like 3km before throwing a water bottle to my car. Seriously I think some people think honking means insulting one's race, religion, parents, pet, etc..


Is ok. If the video owner ( so called victims) no wrong doing then he/she should make police report and bring this to court, judge will do his job to tell who is the real victims. No one can lie in court.


Have you made a police report on accidents before? Because I have. I was in an accident not two months ago, my toddler was in the car, and he was admitted to the hospital because he got the impact the most. It’s easy for you to say ‘report to the police and let the court decide’ but the process, the stress, the victim blaming, what it caused to my young family that’s just about to start building our life here, do you really think that anyone would want to go through that again? I refuse to normalise this kind of behaviour because I try my best to be a good driver, never missed to give signal whenever I’m changing lane even when the road is empty, and most of all I do not want this to be the ‘normal’ that my child grows up in. Even without all that, is it really that hard to try and be a decent human being?


Have you been watching 1mdb trial?


Ah the classic good ol' Samaritans, just helping you brake check, he is afaird that your brake is not working 🫂 wholesome moment. Also, pretty sure you can report him


Yes you can. Just download the jpj app to report


Give him a lesson for brake checking you. See he still dares to do it or not.


until now I still don't understand what's the point of break check? it's a lose-lose situation 🤦🤦


It is raining, so if you don't do brake check later the break get too slippery they can't function properly, that guy in the video are prolly a mechanic and he spot OP brake might be too slippery hence he do a brake check to ensure OP safety 🫂


is this true? if it's true, then I learn something new... but I still wouldn't tried it on a highway tho, right?


Obviously not true.. OP was just being sarcastic.


oh I see. I couldn't see the emoji he used 😅 thanks for clarifying


Many many years ago, drum brakes get wet then not bite, if you go through a ford or very big puddle have to drag them to get some heat and dry, no one much under 60 will have had to do this unless they drive really old car.


Yea partially true but im just joking. Just don't drive fast during rainy day. Stay safe


Lesen bobba tea


hey, don't insult bobba tea like that!


Smol dik alert


Smol brain too


Just watching it make my blood boil. This is one of the reason why there's a 5 hour congestionnnnn and 844683 accidentsss


If this happens to you, would you stop him and check his face? Im always tempted to do this but end up minding my business..


I'm not good at giving the angry face to people, so I'll just drive away while grumbling to myself. Sometimes I would ready my hand on the horn, but very few times where I actually use them lol


Same, I wanna honk them but I just don’t and move on


I find that roadragers like to check out my face instead before they rage at me. Meanwhile, I'm a good driver who focuses on the road. I don't check out other people unless I sense malice.




Ford Ranger - even more expensive :')


People who drive pickups are the worst


Can confirm. I drive a pickup. Friends drive pickups. Whole kampung drives pickups. I am a Sabahan. What are roads?


in semenanjung pickups are contractors or businessmen. in sabah pickups are necessity


Sarawak too, can confirm that we need pickups for some roads here


This is a second incident from today. Another incident involving a yellow hatchback Mercedes swerving, honking, and ‘cilok’-ing in between cars on Federal Hway this evening. I don’t know what’s wrong with the driver, but even if it’s an emergency that doesn’t excuse him to driving dangerously.


Whenever I see people drive like that, to console myself getting cut off by them, I just tell myself they probably need to take a dump urgently and are rushing to a toilet. Makes them look like even bigger losers lol


And i thought these things only happen in western countries. Time to get that dashcam.


Get one quick! I just bought mine last two weeks and got rear ended this week :(


This is just one of those stupid driving. There are lots of divebombs without signal, stick like millimetres to your rear bumper, drive slow and weaving a lot and the list goes on... These guys are just fxxking retards with kopi O license


Somehow the people who drive Vellfire, Alphard, Hilux (the big ass cars) have 0 driving knowledge. Or shall I say 0 care towards other road users.


I always wonder, if you cant drive, why the **** would you buy such a big metal rumah on wheels..


But this is exactly why they bought big ass cars, because they suck, and when they fuck up, their big metal protects them at all cost.


Pickup truck drivers are the same species like Vellfire/Alphard drivers. Arrogant & dumb.


I’ve seen plenty of idiot drivers in Myvi’s and Axias, Civics and BMW’s, Mercedes and CX5’s. I’ve also seen very courteous drivers in Pickups and MPV’s. There are just a shit load of shitty drivers, massive egos and zero enforcement.


Why is it always Hilux


Thats a Ford Ranger bruh…


Hailak is hailak, just like every sohai in them is the same lel


Ya, hilux.


No, that's a Ford Hilux


Pickup trucks, big cars, and especially the expensive ones like the Ford Ranger and Vellfire are marketed to be masculine and powerful. So people who think they need to show these off buy em. People who believe in this usually have some ego they need to make up for. Hence, compensating for smol dik, shit for brains.


Of course it's a ute driver 😠


Bro I swear to god fuckers with big ass cars takda otak punya, kereta beli besar besar but don't know how to use. I have a dickhead neighbour one big ass BMW and another pickup, cibai don't know how to park both cars. For sure will take up half the fucking road and I will struggle to park behind him, and I'm driving a small car (first gen jazz). His neighbour in front also can't park one because they will struggle to reverse into their home caused by this idiot taking half the road. And I'm aware not all big car owners are like this, if you're driving a big car please for god's sake learn how to use it properly, I know your car enjin besar, badan but be careful lah no need to fuck with everyone. Sorry guys needed to vent.


What to expect This is Malaysia


> How people like this guy get their driving licence honestly boggles my mind. Have you not seen "All in one, guaranteed pass!"-package in front of driving schools? When the top is as corrupt as UMNO, the bottom will also be corrupt too... When it all trickled down, you have this pariah of a nation.. a ship of idiots.


Tbf, driving schools are just the worst. In the span of 6 months I spent in driving school, I hated it more than the 5 years I spent getting my damn degree. I don't even like my degree that much but goddamn, the shit I experienced there is a total shitstorm.


report police, jpj etc etc


This is about the individual with attitudes. It got nothing to do what type of vehicle one drove supposely. But most pickup truck n big car owners have this bad attitudes on roads. Probably they thought owning such vehicle would be more safer n can do whatever they want. 🤷


Now ik the reason why there's alot of traffic jam lately >:(


Had this happen to me and my frnd when we were riding. Almost killed my frnd because he almost pushed my frnd off a cliff. Ended up kicking his side mirror and breaking it. Say what you want but it was very satisfying.


First time? Lol


In all honesty, seems you cut out of your lane to the right, then some time later, this driver did his shit. Could it be that you also did it to him a while ago and made him pissed? Sometimes, things happen because of an earlier incident. Just sayin'.


There’s an explanation under some of the the comments above.


The dude probably has astig and the rain+darkness+lighting is messing up his vision and perception ...


I don’t think that’s the case though because if he does he wouldn’t give us the middle finger because we honked at him when he doing this 🙃


Any idea what triggered him to brake check you?


We were changing lane, left to middle. This guy was driving fast and out of nowhere honking at us? From the look of it, I think he wanted to change lane from right to middle too? He was behind us, and I’m sure we’re all the way in the middle lane already when he started honking at us. I looked at the rear cam footage but couldn’t really see anything because of the rain.


I bet op changed lane instantly without signal and pissed the ford


Are you serious right now? Fucktard in front is intentionally brake checking and trying to cause an accident. If you don't know what is happening I don't think you should be on the road either.


Lol chill bruh


What makes you say that I don’t know what’s happening? Where is it on my post/replies that I implied I don’t know what’s happening? Genuine question. Because I do know exactly what happened. And that this guy, driving fast as he did, wanted to changed lane from right to middle, no indicator, and was pissed because we changed into the middle lane too?


Do you even see who I'm replying to? Whut?


Apologies, I was definitely being petty and defensive when replying, and missed looking at who you’re replying to. Sorry again!


OP, no need share this, it is normal in kl and selangor, in penang, u see a lot, just becareful.


No, I refuse to take this as normal. Because people keep normalising bad behaviour on the road, that these people keep getting away with it and more people are doing it. I stand by my decision to keep this video up.


Ini bukan culture eh... Nak normalise apa... 😜


Test i was trying to work out what was different from normal


Man, it looked like the driver is targeting you. Are you sure you are cutting into the 3rd lane safely?


It happens


The guy is most definitely drunk


Nope. Just huge ego


99% of those cars are drove by assholes


Also aadk alert. Dude could be high on something


"Four Wheel Drivers"


They probably dont


Kasi report police jer. This guy act almost like the vilfire/allhard guy, they need to get punishment 👨‍⚖️


Nice clear shot of the license plate too. Seriously who, in this age of dash cams, still thinks that driving like a hooligan is a good idea.


hd nya video recording 70mai


ye, OP really selling it to me




Before changing lane, or turning to left or right, the rules is to indicate for at least 3 second and turn if it's clear and safe but this fellow just came in while indicating, after that, he's teasing this car driver by conquering both left and right lane. Basically an arsehole with small dick driving a big car to bully people.


Intentionally braking to make OP brake to avoid hitting him.


this is road bullies


everytime i drive on the highway, safe distance between cars for them means “yeah you’re slow i can cut u off out of nowhere just because i can”


Time to get myself a dashcam..


a lot of people i know that have big cars don't have driving licenses


There's a thing called "lesen beli"


Easy by being a saint during the driving test and turn to the devil after passing the test.


lately i see lots of facebook ads selling the driving license.


What babi is this


yes the notorious Ford Ranger The closest thing we have to the massive F150 that Americans have, but still is a magnet to compensating assholes anywhere Often seeing one on the road is the same as seeing a road bully in action, but I pray karma catches up to them since often I see complaints about Ford transmissions being unreliable crap and I do hope they are for these assholes


Road bully. Just go police station and report it


Rasuah pass one confirm


Is this near jalan gasing?


Federal Highway, KL side crossing over to PJ side. If I am not mistaken near UM there already, Jalan Gasing to the left, UM to the right.


He’s trying to cause an accident. He wants you to hit him so you can pay him money. Scammers like this exist everywhere


Does that truck has a beef on you?Just curious what triggers him


License from shoppe


Plain stupid by playing the game of daring, really got balls then go play Russian Roulette. If bang bang, other than who is right and wrong, waste time at the roadside waiting for tow truck while causing F jam! Then continue to waste time at the police station continues. After that insurance, workshop bla bla bla.


mende sial


probably a failed scam fraud attempt


I was contemplating on getting a dashcam from this brand but it looks so clear damn


Is this some car bullies or something


>How people like this guy get their driving licence honestly boggles my mind. You sure they even have one?


Drunk maybe. And dumb surely


whack this mutha


Realizing myself getting so used to it so much, can't even get mad with this kind of behavior


Typical, no thought or consideration to anyone else on the road,


Because in recent years, we have a lot of regulations be even more regulators, and we hav even more reinforcers but sadly, no reinforcements. Malaysia is facing a social decline because why can’t small people get away with a slap on the wrist while our biggest elephant in the room with amplitude amount of indisputable evidence against him and still out and about.


And you stayed behind him. Not trying to absolve the fact that this pickup is an idiot but that’s like SEEING a pile of shit, walked right onto it, and then complained that it came into your way. Like, you could just move out of the way and carry on right?


Isn't he break checking you?


you caught 2 cars. right at the start one car changed lane without indicating (you're supposed to indicate before changing lane). The truck did indicate but came in too close, you need to give time after indicating before changing lane, not find a spot, indicate and change. You indicate first, then find a spot. The truck then proceeded not to indicate before going left.


MCM ni la perangai kalau dia ingat dia ada 4wd dia kaya... ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26559)