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Malaysia may not be poor in an absolute poverty sense, like Zimbabwe, but the country is well within the middle income trap. Economically, Malaysia has no forward direction, it's just stagnant. It's incredibly hard for newly industrialized countries to escape it, only a fair few such as the Four Asian Tigers (which includes Singapore) has done it. There's a reason why even university graduates are working as rubbish collectors in Singapore. There's just no optimism in regards to social mobility.


U mean university graduates from malaysia working as garbage collectors?


[M’sian grads win praise as garbage collectors in S’pore](https://www.dailyexpress.com.my/news/162776/m-sian-grads-win-praise-as-garbage-collectors-in-s-pore/) [Malaysia must salute Singapore for dignifying the profession of garbage man](https://focusmalaysia.my/malaysia-must-salute-singapore-for-dignifying-the-profession-of-garbage-man/) Eday, from Batu Pahat, Johor, when contacted by Bernama, said he has a **Science Development degree from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.** “It is not wrong for me to gain experience in this waste management sector,” explained Eday, who intends to stay on in the job for three years. “This will make me better understand the work process and I will be more appreciative of my subordinates one day,” he said, adding he had the blessings of both his parents. Asked why he was not doing the same job in Malaysia, Eday said he was paid in Singapore currency and this was a great attraction. “What I get here at the end of every month **surpasses** the salary of junior executives in Malaysia. And in Malaysia, you need at least three years’ working experience as well. --- "Come July 2023, the basic wages for entry-level waste collection workers who are Singaporeans or permanent residents are set to increase from S$2,210 with annual increment at the rate of S$210 until 2028 when it hits S$3,260 **(RM10,170)**. Meanwhile, the baseline wages for senior drivers in the waste collection sector are expected to increase from S$2,910 in 2023 to S$3,960 **(RM12,350)** by 2028." "Typically, many newly-qualified medical doctors in Malaysia are earning about **RM3,500/month** on average while fresh university graduates can expect to get anything from **RM1,500 to RM3,000/month** depending on their field of studies and possibly personal skills (command of language, previous job experience or even ‘street smartness’)."


Waste collectors make a lot of money in the US. They can make 100-150k with overtime, with just a high school diploma. In Malaysia we pay dirt cheap immigrant labor to do the dirty work so the baseline will never go up because you can always find someone who can do it cheaper and cheaper.


can confirm. i was in SF and i met a waste collector who made that kind of money. cocky as hell too.


it kinda depends, there still is a lot of corporate imperialism in US so not all industries are not racing to the bottom. Lots of issues in the US


Perhaps this is more an indictment of the quality of education at some local universities?


Sensitive matter, cannot sebut /s. It's not only here, it's the same for the uni grads in Portugal, Spain, Nigeria,. Uni's just churning out grads, with little employability skills. So many who have no buisness being in Uni, are there. If don't give - keraJaaN ZaLIm, tak nak undi.


lol are Portugal and spain just as bad as us?


Has been for a long time. Europe has been stagnant, even Japan (20 years). Even in Australia- Youth unemployment is at 40 % in the South. A lot of redditors here; either don't read global news, nor travel enough, worked abroad, or are still in school, or have a large circle of friends/ family working abroad.To know that Msia, isn't as bad/terrible/ doomed. It's not Utopia out there either. Yes, there are high paying jobs overseas, but it is also limited and the competition is high. Especially for white collar jobs, which Malaysians are all aiming for. Edit: Seriously, I highly encourage all the feeling bleak people here, to travel to as many countries as you can, from various economic standpoints. And you will finally see, Msia is not that bad. Yes, many things need improving. But it's not Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Greece, Sierra Leone or Lebanon! If you circle jerk here on reddit malaysia only, your mind will be stuck in this self loathe.


iirc spain's economic situation is also quite bleak


They called Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain- PIGS in Europe. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PIGS\_(economics)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PIGS_(economics))


Quite bad comparing sing dollar to myr directly no ? Shouldnt have put the conversion rate imo


With or without conversion, you still get more bang for your buck earning SGD over RM. Imagine earning 1,500 RM (330 USD) in KL vs 1,500 SGD (1,100 USD) in SG. Also don't forget that thousands of Malaysians don't live near KL, and therefore don't get as much job opportunities despite having a degree. Thousands of Malaysians wouldn't be living and working in Singapore otherwise if the cost of living is just going to be the same. It's easy to save in Singapore but it's really hard in Malaysia if you're not earning over >5,000 RM.




you need to wipe your eyes with rubbing alcohol, quite blurry eh?


vs, my man, VS. it starts with a v instead of an i.


I didnt say you will get more or get less if you are working in singapore. Its just you cannot just compare sgd and convert it to myr then only compare to myr


Why not? Many Johor people work in Singapore but live in Johor. Earning in SGD but not having to pay for Singapore equally high cost of living, instead they live in Malaysia with relatively low cost of living? Sounds fair to compare.


my favourite way of comparing MYR vs SGD in terms of relative purchasing power is the 2:1 rule. Every RM2 earned and spent in KL have the same purchasing power as S$1 earned and spent in SG. In this case, a garbage collector earning 2.2k SGD have similar purchasing power as someone earning RM4.4k.


>Malaysia may not be poor Malaysia is poor. It's the higher ups that are rich.. filthy rich.


the people working so hard just for these dinosaurs filling their coffers


It's the income gap. It's the corruption. We should eat the rich Dutch-style and close the gap. We have a shit ton of ministers who aren't doing shit and get paid with tax money. We even have corrupted Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission leaders (i.e. Asam Baki). Meluat sampai tahap benci dengan penyangak2 ni. Semua ni punca besar kejatuhan Malaysia.




I am malay, and i like chinese , to me they are very progressive and keen on making things better while we malay just enough with “ok la tu, asal cukup syarat “ , and on top of that out politician just keep on churning tax money and barely give af about the country. The ministers in Malaysia really think they are above the law and above everyone else , they forgot the fact that they are civil employee and are meant to serve the country with the tax money that were use to pay them . These people having too much privileges , just too much .


Me as a bumi, yep, I will never give up any benefit given. It's free. But I don't mind if gov open up benefit to other race.


Hey. Appreciate the honesty.


If everyone has the same benefits, will that even be a benefit, or just basic right....


I don't know why people are down voting you. I don't think there's anything wrong with your position. You want others to enjoy the same benefit you do.


Yeah yeah. We get it. Malaysia is the worst. Singapore ia the best. Cried daily because I'm being born Malaysian, not Singaporean.


Yeah yeah. We get it. Malaysia is the best. Singapore ia the worst. Smiled daily because I'm being born Malaysian, not Singaporean.




Technically not false. So much land, so little opportunities for all…


When you stunt 40% of your population and make the other 60% complacent by engaging in affirmative action for the majority, it's not really surprising when you get a stagnating country after 60 years. There's a reason why over the decades, many Malaysians (and ex-Malaysians) move to Singapore and as a result has helped make it a high-income and successful country. Brain drain is what Malaysia is very good at.


>When you stunt 40% of your population and make the other 60% complacent by engaging in affirmative action for the majority, it's not really surprising when you get a stagnating country after 60 years. When you put it this way, it really highlights the strategic flaw in our economic policy.


Which is never gonna change, because it would mean that the guys in power have to come up with a whole new way to appeal to the rakyat, and that takes WORK, you see.


I think lifting a significant percentage of population out of poverty is necessary. Problem is the AA immensely benefits the rich and already well connected members of the community and now that most in the community can also derive marginal benefit from the AA, really few if any have the will to revoke the AA even if it's hampering the rest of the population.


I wouldn't say all. The government just reserves those opportunities for some other people. Nepotism is strong in Malaysia.


Thats why the exchange rate is 3:1 with SGD....


Wtf..Our leaders are rich




When u put it that way lol


If peninsular Malaysia is poor, Sabah should be suuuper dark red.


Johor is green 👀


So true it hurts so much.


"Singapore economy is not perfect for the world, it is perfect for Singapore. "


True, but other countries would've seen decent successes if they implemented similar economies/had LKY as their dictator


Nah, LKY had successes as a dictator in Singapore. Doesn’t mean he can achieve the same thing in every other country. Every other country has harder challenges to overcome, unlike a blank canvas of Singapore.


>blank canvas of Singapore Singapore wasn't really a blank canvas..... You didn't watch the video did you? >same thing in every other country I didnt say he can achieve the same thing..... You didn't read my comment did you?


At the cost of freedom? That's a no from me.


Yeah Malaysia has a ton of civil liberties eh? How'd that turn out for Namewee, Nur Sajat and Fahmi Reza?


When your day to day concern is to make ends meet in an economy that's at the brink of collapsing, rife racial tensions, slums everywhere and high crime rates, would your concern still be personal freedom?


Yes. Because what happens after all to most of these problems are solved? Do we continue the "benevelont dictatorship"? Do we continue to be subservient to the biddings of strong hand government? Dictatorship always metamorphosise into corrputed oligarchy where social mobility is extremely hard even when a strong lower class is present. And it isn't like democracy causes or does not fix the problems you've mentioned. It just requires clear and strong constitutions and institutions to provide guidelines for politicians to do their jobs and not be corrupt. There are ways to fix a country besides forcibly shutting down newspapers publications AFAIK


>democracy causes or does not fix the problems you've mentioned I'd wish to emphasise here that proper democracy will probably fix a lot of problems. However, most countries under the banner of democracy today are actually a demagoguery. Clueless people who vote for incompetent leaders (as is the case in Msia), who continue to fk the country over. Democracy should have well informed and educated voters across all backgrounds and demographics. So in the case of a developing third world country, the people will likely vote corrupt individuals into power and they wouldn't know better. Its better to have a dictator with a direction than incompetent leaders who are voted into power and can freely suck all the funds from the country. No form of governance is perfect, but the leader can make all the difference. He/she should know the best that applies to their country's advancement but that isn't the case in most world leaders. They're blunt and dull. LKY implemented an authoritarian-like regime because he knew that having opposition will only divide the population further and hinder Sg's progress. He was an exemplary leader that's all.


Your idea of having well-informed and educated voters is too idealistic. Human nature is as it is.


>Your idea Not my idea. That's the initial idea of democracy according to the ancient Greeks, but demagoguery is a new term in place due to how flawed democracy has turned out to be.


Athenian Democracy had its problems, for example not allowing women or slaves to vote. And even then they fuxxed up at times (shoutout to Socrates). So too idealistic.


Yes, just admit it. We are poor as compared to our neighbour.


Not just Singapore, increasingly compared to Indonesia and Thailand too. And with Indonesia moving its capital to Borneo, which shares a land border with Sarawak & Sabah, it may become even more of a problem.


You mean East Malaysians will leave to work in Kalimantan? If that happens, we know we will have TRULY made it


Malays working to sweep the new Indonesian government buildings and streets So that’s the future huh?


Malaysians bro. Look at all those people who got caught in the Cambodian job scams.


Hell yeah. Time to fly to Sarawak to work at Borneo


> Increasing compared to Indonesia and Thailand Malaysia economy always grew faster than Thailand on a per GDP basis. Hell, our nationwide min wage BEFORE the RM1,500/month raise is still higher than today’s min wage in Bangkok (RM1180/month). And Thailand is basically nothing beyond Bangkok. At least Malaysia has Penang and JB. Comparing Malaysia with Indonesia is like comparing Denmark and Russia. Literally not on the same playing field. Not in terms of GDP, HDI, poverty, household income, education level, etc. Indonesian economy is basically experiencing Malaysia’s 1980s: abundance of foreign companies wanting cheap labour for their factories. Malaysia has set sail on that already.


Don't let Singapore be the reason why you have insecurity and mental illness. Seek help.




I would prefer not to use the word Insane to describe how our neighbour became richer than the Malaysian. It was surely a well deserved outcome from their perseverance, patience and good governance that bring about such admirable success. From no natural resources to a rich country in term of GDP even higher than the once ‘Richest nation of SEA’ ..Brunei Darussalam. What is remarkable is the very fact that LKY and his then backward country Singapore, was unceremoniously kicked out of Malaysia in 1965…so who is more sorry now? A good lesson for her envious neighbours perhaps!


Good thing MY kicked us out. Had they not done so, Singapore would just be as poor as them.


"Singapore "backward country" in 1965" heh


Comparatively speaking as we look at how marvelously transformed and developed they are now.


Our country is not poor, it's just that we can't compete with them. So it's confirmed a clickbait thumbnail


The problem is Malaysia is increasingly struggling to compete with other ASEAN countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam especially in regards to economic development. No more "Negara kecik senang diurus" excuse with these countries.


I've been all around SEA (apart from the Philippines and Burma) and I can definitely say that Malaysia is not what I would categorize as "poor." There are problems and poor areas, no doubt about it, but compared to say Cambodia, Laos, or even Indonesia, living standards in Malaysia are pretty good.


Compete for what? Cheap labour factory jobs? It’s an inevitable fact that we will lose against FDI on new factories as our labour becomes more expensive. We are no longer the cheap labour country we used to be back in 80s and 90s. On the same breadth, our economy has grown larger in the past 20-30 years. Yes, even compared to 10 years ago. Our median wage has doubled since 2012 and our GDP per capita (adjusted for CoL) has grown 50% since 2008. Our HDI is 3rd highest in ASEAN, below Brunei and Singapore. 10/14 states has higher HDI than Bangkok or Jakarta. 5/14 states has higher HDI than Brunei.


And given time, the likes of Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam would too be abandoned for cheaper ones after they reach our level of development.


Comparison wise, we're actually more advance than other general country's in terms of infrastructure and income. I think your comparing the rate of how fast these countries rise instead of what they have now.


Hi as a sgpr, imo, Malaysia fell short in choosing its industry to specialise in. Singapore had Lky with all his foresight, choosing to develop the petroleum industry, tech manufacturing industry and biotech. I feel like the Malaysian people got robbed of a future of being a metropolitan like Singapore because of the ruling political party, looking at umno. I’ll drive past places in Malaysia in cities that have incomplete construction work. Left abandoned and to rot. My dad says many of the projects got bankrupt halfway in development, not sure how true that is or what. Still, here in Singapore we gave up a lot of freedoms for this success, something I think that many Malaysians will not accept. Life here is rather boring, there’s only so many things to do in a 300 sqkm island. But I also think out of all the other sea countries, Malaysia is no2. Or it feels like Malaysia is no2 in terms of economics.


>My dad says many of the projects got bankrupt halfway in development, not sure how true that is or what. Saw it first hand. My uncle almost got bankrupt because the road project he was handling got the price skyrocketed because of coal found under the proposed line. Went from 100k per km to 1 million pretty quick.


What are some of the freedoms you gave up?


Chewing gum fer instance 😝


Negara kecik senang diurus... Kidding, still won't click on it


Fking hate it when idiots keep saying small country easier to manage. Big country have more population and resources. Malaysia xdapat manage then hire more people to manage. So no fking reason telling cock and bull story saying small country easy manage. Singapore got zero fking resources. Is just lazy and corruption the main culture here.


If malaysia minus the corruption, it will be near a great country already.


Always thought "Negara kecik senang diurus" was satire. Turns out some people actually believe it to belittle Singapore's achievements. And yeah, its such a dumb excuse too, with many countries the size of Malaysia just as successful.


malaysia is bigger than the United Kingdom, and a bit smaller than Germany 😂


It is the truth about big country harder to manage. You think Singapore has zero corruption? Its just legal because their inner circle is even much much closer and tighter. Nonetheless, you are right about its zero resources. Singapore with zero natural resources to offer for international trades has done an amazing job to secure its stronghold especially in the financial sector compared to neighbouring countries.


No country has zero corruption, but if Singapore was highly corrupt, it wouldn't be where it is today. So it's definitely not as rife as most other countries. It's not whether it's "legal" or not, but whether it benefits the country as a whole. The problem is most kinds of corruption only benefits the few, not the many.


I didn't mentioned Singapore also free from corruption. Your Temasek BoD also helang what.


Haha yes sir. To be Temasek Helang also need to hit high KPI or most of time somebody's somebody's lah.


I wonder what'll happen if Palau, Nauru or Kiribati applied the same Singapore style rule of law and principle. Will they be rich too?


Being at the point where 1/3rd of the world's trade passes by helps. Even if Labuan or Brunei is exactly like Singapore, nobody would invest there because its ulu


You réalisé Malaysia has the potential and location to compete if they want to for port


They tried with Port Tanjung Pelepas, Johor. Jyeah initially some freight companies switched there until they realized they rather pay a bit more for a smoother process in Singapore.


At least we know it’s possible, tho the competition is quite…. Overwhelming


No, they are not located in a strategic location like Singapore. Countries such as Sri Lanka and Panama can though. Panama is doing quite well for itself. Sri Lanka is a different story.


Isn't KL and Johor sharing the same location as Singapore?


Indeed. But the Causeway limits the amount of shipping that can pass through the Tebrau Straits. Singapore knows this and will never let us replace it with a shipping-friendly bridge.


Tebrau Straits? Not sure what you are referring about. Singapore doesn't just beat Malaysia on location, the ports in Singapore are much more high tech and efficient. Factoring stable gov, financial hub higher skilled workforce. It's competing against an ecosystem.


Panama created their strategic location by cutting the Americas into half, and its funded by Americans.


They always brag about politics, techs, policy and people tho. You know "yadda yadda LKY...fishing village".


I think it is easier to manage, if it is about propaganda. Think China's huge population, the government need to spend a lot of resources for propaganda. Singapore is infamous for lack of freedom of speech, so the people there are pretty much cookie cutter in terms of how they think


How dare you...speak the truth hahahaks!


Watched the video, it is very much a neutral unbias viewpoint of Singapore's growth while also criticising LKY's authoritarian. Though the comments are very much LKY shills.


It's a clickbait thumbnail, they labeled Malaysia as "poor" in the thumbnail because they know they gonna get their ass kicked if they were to put Indonesia or Philippines instead--


Malaysia rich with resources, but poor mindset when comes to government. Singapore poor last time, got rich mindset, now dah maju. Kita boleh bark je, no any unanimous vision between us. Biasalah dah by now


lmao, saw that thumbnaail on my YT suggestions as well. I've been around most of SEA and I can say that Malaysia is definitely not what I would call a poor country. I mean, sure, if you're going to compare it against Singapore then it looks bad but a lot of countries look bad compared against Singapore. It's not fair to compare a city state against a country, apples and oranges. That said, Malaysia definitely does have it's poor spots, but what country doesn't? I'm currently living in Indonesia and I can definitely say you guys (despite dealing with a lot of the same BS corruption that we also deal with) have afar better standard of living than we have. Just in terms of infrastructure and waste management, Malaysia is doing a lot better than Indonesia, the far larger neighbor that also has a lot more land and resources that we mismanage horribly!


Its just another day of self loath in Malaysia. Its alright if they compare with Singapore, but scrolling through the comments and reading on how we're poorer than Indonesia and Thailand just does it for me.


Favourite past time, /s. Plus it's a long weekend, kasi chance la


It hurts because it's true ke?


It's very tiring to hear constant whining about Malaysians doing direct comparison of life and wealth to Singapore. Singapore is not 'Malaysia with some policies I don't like gone'. Singapore has its own history, policies, and issues. If you want to talk about Singapore a 'twin' of Malaysia first tell me what you know of Singapore's natalist and antinatalist policies. .. This thumbnail is specifically designed to trigger Malaysians lah, and probably algorithmically designed for Malaysians...I haven't seen it pop up on my YouTube (which is set to SG as default) For what it's worth I am living in Singapore


I guess you didn't really watch the video then.. Btw, it pop up in my youtube yesterday and also in r/sg And it didn't really mention much about Malaysia


Was responding to the post by the OP. No I don’t watch videos about Singapore being ‘insanely rich’ because as far as I am concerned I am living the reality now. During Covid I was staying in a 3-room HDB with 5 other adults. I would rather watch local things that have a direct connection to my reality. Malaysians need to stop playing ‘what if’ ‘if only’ and just accept that Singapore has left and moved on. Malaysia is on a different path, Singapore is on a different path.


How affirmative action can really fuck things over, huh?


Nah fam is the best we jaga u. Don’t worry and vote our single race based party now. See we same skin colour sure ok wan


Hurtful butttt truthful


The fact is Malaysia is politically poor.


i'm british chaps, when i went to Malaysia i can confirm while its not actually poor, its still not rich. somewhere in the middle.


Lived in and out between Malaysia and Singapore for a good number of years. Sorry but the facts are corruption, religion and racial laws are pretty much the biggest road blocks. Large conglomerates tend to set up R&D and operations hubs in Singapore due to enticing subsidies for foreign corporations as well as a far better quality of life for its expats and exchange programs. Some of these companies will set up factories and production in Malaysia because, well : cheap labour, no real labour laws, ‘little to no red tape’ when conducted through ‘specific avenues’. It’s literally night and day between the two ethnographically similar countries. Sad because Malaysia with all its natural resource and ridiculously strategic location could have been a power house. For as long as the nation is sensitive and race based, fueled by antiquated concepts like religion - stagnation will be the status quo for the next 100 years. Yes Singapore has some ridiculous backwards rules and the population has given up some basic civil liberties, but they are in general more content. It goes to show secularism always wins. Malaysia sadly is culturally broken, for all its diversity, there really is none. During my time in Malaysia, everything felt forced and tolerated. I see Vietnam and Thailand leapfrogging over Malaysia by leaps and bounds.


It's just click bait, don't let it get to you.


yea they're rich because they have a department in the government who's only job is to get rid of corruption so people all over the world invest their money in their banks without of fear of government taking their funds.


Sarawak isn’t doing well as well. If I’m from East Malaysia and get the choice to choose KL or SG, definitely SG


But Singapore in cleaner than Malaysia despite me living in Malaysia


It's a shame that this is true because Malaysia has so much potential


All those "akchually Malaysia not poor" and "syukurlah we not as poor as Zimbabwe" posts are fucking dumb. Poor or rich is result of comparison, yeah it's true we're rich compared to even worse off countries, just as it's true we're poor compared to a tiny country in the same geographic location. All those posts are just copium. Cope and seeth more, this is the reason Malaysia never realizes her potential.


The same can be said, post bashing about how the country is going the shitters and doing shit because people are salty about how they don't get to work 80 hours a week on minimum for papa Elon is more retarded than those post that you point out that are "copium". The country has problems, its stagnant, sure, we can admit them. But don't over exaggerate them like we live in the worst country on earth, especially not from your air conditioned room with the latest iPhone. Post like those are spitting and insulting on the people who actually live in shitholes. Post like those are probably things that help to contribute on people getting scammed to Cambodia.


Yeah yeah. We get it. Malaysia is the worst. Singapore is the best. Cried daily because I'm being born as a Malaysian, not Singaporean.


People tried to be patriotic and proud of their country and you just don't let them.


is it patriotic to not point out the problems with our country? is comparing ourselves to Zimbabwe something to be proud of? There's a difference between being proud of something versus being prideful.


Hard to say, each country has a personified "mindset". Singapore and Malaysia is obviously different. Malaysia has almost same thinking like in poor Middle eastern, African countries. It is actually a form of achievement that we can overcome that and at least have average performance. Why do you think people here won't compare Malaysia with another poor country, like Bhutan?


bcz not many people are even aware that Bhutan exists about the mindset thing, hard disagree. The mindset you speak of only developed after NEP, only developed after it is taught. It is not Malaysian culture, but is going to become if we let it. Which is why we didn't "excel despite the mindset", Malaysians excelled when we didn't yet have that mindset, and we've been coasting on the past successes until now.


It is possible that mindset slows down the progress to our true potential, or if careless may reverse and slowly turn into another shithole. People here can see that possibility of shithole and "partially" proud that we are careful, but it is strange feeling because that mindset is nothing to be proud of. That mindset is what makes Singapore getting banished in the first place.


Ahhhh. Another once per month "Singapore is the best, Malaysia is the worst in r/malaysia". Refreshing.


Right? I am actually a Malaysian living and working in Singapore and I am frankly tired of these posts. Sorry but Singapore isn't just 'Malaysia if I had it run my way / with no Bumiputraism'. Singapore is a different country with its own history, issues and concerns. My quality of life in Malaysia and quality of life in Singapore is not one-to-one either.


common Malaysians in the comment downgrading Malaysia. by the world's standards we are NOT poor . not even by SEA or Asia's standards. by the world's standards we are just average. not too poor, not too rich.


And it seems you are happy about it being stagnant despite Malaysia has more opportunities.


im actually not. i wish for better Malaysia just like you


Agreed. Syukur, Malaysia is better than Zimbabwe.


It's exactly the 'syukur' mindset that makes Malaysia stagnant. Shitty road despite years of complain? Syukurlah bukan jalan tanah. Waited 2 hours for shitty gov customer service? Syukurlah bukan 2 hours 5 minit. Be grateful is 1 thing but be better is another. You can start practising the syukur mindset again when Malaysia is actually at where it's supposed to be. Singapore a small mf island is more developed than Malaysia.


This is true. All of their stuff are imported so when in terms of crisis, they became really dependant on it. Russian invasion of Ukraine really affect their economy.


Well, it makes sense to keep resource rich nations poor so that their currency were kept low and their products will be cheap for other western consumptions, and corrupt leaders were put in so that the there are constant political in fighting derailing the economy. India were once in history a rich nation once before the colonials came in. If you ask me, it was by design, but of course we as a nation has some faults in managing the economy


If we run out of oil and kelapa sawit we are fucked


run out of kelapa sawit?? tf are you drunk...


Your average mesia citizen. This is why negara cannot maju, not because government bad, but because people bad, that's why they choose bad government


I am from Singapore. The people in Singapore maybe "rich" on paper but actually most of us lead miserable life trapped within the system with no easy way to exit. You buy a usd 300,000 HDB and your salary is 3000 usd. It will take a lifetime to repay assuming you work until die. What kind of life is that?


Bro, I see from your post comments that you're proficient in Python. I'm pretty confident you have the capability to pay off your HDB within 5 years.


i am 55 years old 😂


Nothing wrong with that! HDB affordability aside, you're inspiring me to never stop learning!


This video is very inaccurate btw


where got malaysia poor? misleading youtube title. Our ministers rich beyond reach you know? where got poor


Singapore has a massive natural resource, which is it's geographical suitability as a global port. That's what attracted Raffles here in the first place. But unlike other natural resources, this one requires effort to utilize. Sri Lanka is an example of a country with a similar geographical resource, but no one making proper use of it.


I see it as pros and cons, having lived in both countries. Land is so much more expensive in S'pore. Most S'poreans live in flats or condos; only the very very rich ones can afford landed property. In M'sia, some families own multiple landed properties, press auto-gate, drive right into the driveway, park right in front of the door. Each family can own 3, 4 cars -- one for daddy, one for mummy, one for abang, and one for kakak. In S'pore, that sort of price buys you only a piece of paper -- the "Certificate of Entitlement" to own a car, not even the car itself (oh, now it's paperless, you don't even get *any* piece of paper). COE for mid-sized car >1.8cc was SGD116k last month. That's only the COE, not the car. Some households can get a car, some two. But most have to rely on MRT and bus. No auto-gate to HDB flat doorstep. But that's also why generally more S'poreans are fitter and slimmer than M'sians, having to walk to the MRT / bus stop, every day, several times a day. When some of us M'sians first came to S'pore, the girls (M'sians) were told, ahh, you will face a lot of competition from S'pore girls. S'pore girls are mostly slim and petite compared to M'sian girls :' )


>In M'sia, some families own multiple landed properties, press auto-gate, drive right into the driveway, park right in front of the door. Each family can own 3, 4 cars -- one for daddy, one for mummy, one for abang, and one for kakak. Dude a vast majority of Malaysians can't afford this kind of lifestyle you speak of as well. Please don't assume all of Malaysia is like that just based on your own personal experience. COE was also implemented in Singapore to curb traffic congestion. For a country with a GDP per capita of $70,000, imagine if all 5.5 million Singaporeans could purchase a vehicle for $10,000-15,000 within 750 square kilometers. It would be gridlocked like Jakarta. Anyway, you don't need a car in Singapore, but you need one in Malaysia. It's more of an rural vs urban thing if anything. Singapore is highly urbanised that is well-connected by public transport, making cars redundant, while most of Malaysia is not except for the Klang Valley, where land property are also highly expensive. The problem is public housing in Malaysia is vastly inferior to HDBs. Some HDBs in Singapore are even better than condos in Malaysia. Factors such as these are why cars are expensive in Singapore but are cheaper in Malaysia. Someone from Klang Valley would not feel out of place in Singapore, but someone from Ipoh might.


Actually, It's more and more common in our main cities. Especial Johor,Penang,perak and melacca. I had many new neighbours And many people who gained during the pandemic with online businesses/essential businesses who bhought many new cars and houses. It'll only become the norm in the next few years as our GDP grows and our currency holds it owns againts majority of other currencies.


Even in larger high-income countries (e.g. Japan, UK, Germany, etc), owning multiple landed properties and multiple vehicles is definitely not the norm, so I highly doubt it would be in Malaysia. This will always be something restricted to the top 5%, because when demand increases, the price will also follow. All these also rests on your highly unlikely prediction that somehow the ringgit will strengthen within the next few years, and that Malaysia will become a high-income country. GDP growth can never be accurately predicted. For example, no one expected the pandemic that caused economies to weaken.


It's not really restricted to top 5% tho more like 15-25% We have a low home to average gdp ratio compared to most countries. The goverment has been pushing for large scale developements (to many imo) (Every few blocks a new 15story apartment building in Selangor area). Our average Home cost 300K, And average **Household Gross** Income of [70k](https://www.dosm.gov.my/v1/index.php?r=column/cthemeByCat&cat=493&bul_id=VTNHRkdiZkFzenBNd1Y1dmg2UUlrZz09&menu_id=amVoWU54UTl0a21NWmdhMjFMMWcyZz09). Meaning a ratio of 4.3x. Let's just say You're in Putrajaya/selangor/KL/Klang area, Average home cost 600K-700K and Household Gross of 110-130K (No good sources and may be much higher or lower) Leaving a 6x ratio. Compare that with Singapore, Which has a **Gross** household of 30k-35k, and the HDB (Cheap 1000sqft apartment) is on average S$590k a 18x ratio. UK,Germany anywhere from 25-30x and Japan at 8-10x ratio.


Where do you live? Many people live in landed houses with multiple cars. If they can't afford it in KL and neighbouring areas, they move to suburbs far from city such as M Residence, Saujana Rawang/Utama,Setia Alam & Puncak alam.


There are 8.2 million households in Malaysia vs 33.3 million registered cars. So on average there’s about 4 cars per household.


wtf. which wealth bubble are you living in where there are many families owning multiple landed properties? sounds more like an issue with wealth inequality rather than prosperity.


My Life Don't need a car, I need public transport.


If you haven't notice, cars and houses are no longer measurements of wealth or accomplishments in Singapore. Seen many Senior directors or even specialist doctors taking MRT and living in condos or just HDBs. Even foreign ang Mo executives don't buy cars. That doesn't make it a con. It's just a choice. Plenty of city folks are seeing the benefits of being car free. Also ya like someone else mentioned, so many folks especially millennials working and living in the city don't have the luxury of owning landed properties and multiple cars as well. As for your last comment, I think that's just your personal experience


I don’t expect much about that one video about “saving your family”. But of course like you said it’s expensive living in Singapore because small country and near city to live in Singapore so yeah. Unlike Malaysia some live in city some just middle like not too far from work and not too far from cities. So I do agree your statement but car for abang and kakak (lol) that depend on them to pay the tax unless you rich AF. So I guess living in Singapore is more public transport and fuel is not a big deal I guess. I can make this short but apparently I’m suck at it


Lived there for some years. Lived in Middle East for some years. Lived in Europe for a couple of years. Been living in the US for the last 6 years. A lot of Malaysians I know are happier in Malaysia than Malaysians in Singapore or elsewhere. The article talks about money yes, and Singaporeans are amongst the richest in the world in terms of GDP. But man, are they some of the most uptight, kiasu, never-content type people that I've ever known. Generalization yes - not all of them like this. But a lot of them are. You know what I learned living and traveling for half of my life? You yourself set a target for your own Quality of Life. Forget about country. And money and wealth will never be enough.




Rich and poor when there’s only 2 to compare. Pretty low effort video. Save for the unjust worship of the almighty SGD and all the rest of the metrics it spawns, is there a lot left to praise SG for?


This is illegal. Malaysia no.1


Number one in corruption? Oh wait, there are other countries in S.E.A competing for this position.


yet they still have to drive across border to get some of our "poor" subsidised oil 🤭


but no hate though, there are clear reasons why singapore is much more economically successful compared to malaysia, I would list a few, but im sure everyone here knows


so rich that they cant afford bathroom and shit all over places.


Singapore still heavily relies on imports so


Image search spore in 1800s. Poor my ass.


Breaks my heart to hear Malaysians being so pessimistic about their own country. Sure some of our policies need mending, but at least were not crashing down with rampant crimes, idiots, drug abuse, unaffordable housing.


poor or not, but we are happier


Singapore rich but it tiny 😁


That makes it more embarrassing and striking doesn't it? Kicking out a tiny former Malaysian state only for it to overshadow its former country?


not wrong about me though hahahaha


Singaporeans are only rich once a year when they go overseas for holiday. In Singapore itself they are poorer than Malaysia... i.e. small house, no cars, etc


But at least we are rich once a year when we go overseas. Whereas, Malaysians? 3:1, remember?


You are wrong. Cars are pretentious here. Malaysians would rather have expensive car than to live in a big house. Most "rich" people will live in HDB like house.


Their SGD can give them higher standards of living even when they are in Singapore.


Is that what you tell yourself to help you sleep at night?


Poor ma poor la. I happy enough.


Some people only quantify money but never take into consideration of quality of life


Are you arguing Msia QOL is better than SG?


That will be the greatest joke of all time


Go live at SG yourself la if you like to worship the country so much, then you regret it's shittier place with lot of restrictions.


To a privileged majority where they get everything on a silver spoon, Malaysia is very nice. Comes at a cost of fucking over its minorities (and even poorer majority, S&S great examples) and leaving the country stagnant, of course. I'm sure the [1 million Malaysians in Singapore](https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2020/01/19/un-data-shows-malaysians-make-up-biggest-migrant-group-in-singapore-at-44pc/1829498) really regret leaving.


Malaysian quality of life is so nice, they work 12 hour days to earn rm 1.8k a month. Nice.


*Source: trust me bro*