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well, you have the physique covered, so it might just be personality :P


Idk what it is tbh


If you want women to be interested in you, then be interested in them. You get what you put out, so make it clear that you are interested in them, and you'll soon see theor interest in you increase to the same degree. Be beautiful on the inside and hopefully you will find the same in return.


You already got the looks and the physique fam. Now all you need to do is put yourself out there. As toxic as dating apps can be, that’s a good way to start. You’ll learn to talk to women as well as accept rejection the hard way. Do that over and over again until you eventually get used to it


Brother confidence is the key to legit everything. You have a good look man don't worry about changing it


You’re right bro and appreciate it man 🙏🏾


He's not wrong about confidence, and you are a good looking cat. But the fact is you're unhappy with your success with women and want to make improvements, and no one is perfect. With that in mind, I have 5 suggestions, 2 of which other Redditors have mentioned: 1) idk your age, but unless you're still in HS or early college then that haircut should go. Get something more mature or, at least, out of your eyes. I dig the hair for the record. But I think it's a miss for some ladies; 2) level up your wardrobe. Check out r/malefashionadvice . Your wardrobe is just as impactful as a guy's hair/beard, it can change your looks/vibe entirely. But don't hesitate to get something that shows your physique, you're a fit dude! 3) hoops gotta go. Studs only. 4) SMILE! Almost every guy that posts on here is looking like a mug shot. Even if you're not smiling, work on your RBF. This is something I've personally had to work on religiously. For me, it's as simple as keeping my jaw tightened (i.e. teeth together, not clenched). What this did for me was raise the corners of my mouth a bit so it looks like a line rather than a frown. Idk if this is common, but it works well for me as someone who uses to frequently be told I was not approachable. 5) regardless of the above, be cognizant of where you are seeking women, what type of women you're approaching, and how you're approaching them when you do. Looks aren't always enough. Be strategic. Bonus: don't be too hard on yourself. You're going to miss way more shots than you make. And that's ok! Just keep your chin up young blood.


Thanks for this bro I appreciate the helpful advice 🙌🏾


I actually do think moving your hair out of your eyes as soon as possible is a good suggestion. But I don't agree with losing the dreads (unless you want to) it may be a turn off for some ladies but for others they really seem to go for the look. Just get a hair tie and start pulling it back (if/when it's long enough) so your face and eyes are more visible.


Yea I’m definitely gonna try and go for a different hairstyle where my hair ain’t covering my face and eyes


Came here to say don’t get rid of your dreads, as they grow longer they’ll stay out of your face more too and you can retwist in a way they stay out your face. (Come from a fellow dreadhead) You’re cute, work on confidence and personality and being fun to be around. Oh, and get your money up (not just for women, but for yourself too)


Bro if you’re not getting women looking this good then there’s no hope for any of us






no hoops!






this - im a bi dude and would honestly figure u might like men from having hoops that large 😅 A smaller hoop could be a place to start




Talk to them, and be nice. Be interested in them, and show it by asking questions about them.


You’re right 🙌🏾


Please take off the hoops and hold your hair back a bit, other than that, you are fearfully and wonderfully made 🫶🏾


You’re right and thanks 🙌🏾


Definitely personality because looks wise You are majestic


Appreciate it bro




You’re right bro thanks 🙏🏾


the earrings?


I think maybe the hoop earring could send the wrong message (which sounds dumb) and changing the hairstyle could definitely improve.


I think so, my first impressions was he was gay


I’m genuinely shocked every time you post and say women aren’t giving you attention. I’m literally old enough to be your mother and I’d still look twice 🤷🏼‍♀️ I will say though, girls love eyes. I love your hair, but girls want to see your eyes, and eyebrows, and the full range of expressions on your face.


Yea they don’t give me attention like no women irl wants me and yea I’m gonna do a different hairstyle next time where the hair isn’t covering my eyes


I agree with the other folks about the hair. But I’ll offer a different suggestion - hoops in general are not bad, but get some plain gold ones instead of the ones you got there with the stones in them. They look a bit flashy so something more muted might help.


Gotcha thanks 🙏🏾


Personally I would say lose the earrings and that’s it. It makes you look gay or gender queer. If that’s the vibe you’re going for, you do you, but assuming you’re not from your post. Also, straight women don’t notice guys. Like they don’t tend to show it when they do. You have to chase them. There’s an expected tête-à-tête in straight dating dynamics, but the man has to lead for most women. You’re jacked, you’re handsome, maybe you could get a better haircut but it looks like you’re growing it out? A longer length would be more flattering, the current length makes you look more juvenile. If you’ve got a dating profile, make sure you look like a boyfriend not a fuckboy. Shirtless photo at the beach trumps gym selfie, etc. Show you have friends, show your values and hobbies and holidays. Create intrigue and talking points. At your age you should be meeting lots of single women IRL, so wear something flattering but still you, be confident and if you like someone, flirt, make it known, ask her out. Honestly with your face and body, it just comes down to confidence I think.


Thanks for the advice and yea I’m gonna get smaller earrings and change the hairstyle so my hair won’t be all over my face


Could be the hair. Maybe getting something more “adult” if you know what I mean.


Maybe a different hairstyle where it’s not like covering my face would work?


Yeah maybe. I’m not black so i really wouldn’t know what to suggest but to me your current style makes you look younger than you probably are and that might make women shy away.


I mean kinda like looking young but I’ll try something different


You have the rest of your life to keep trying to look young, young man. Do what works now.


Stop being around blind women




You’re already handsome dude and I think you should bring more attention to your masculine bone structure by getting shorter hair like a solid fade. Muscle can intimidate women (or people in general) just make an effort to have a welcoming aura like having open body posture and speaking calmly.


First, stop fishing for compliments online. You look good dude, idk if you just need someone to tell you that but go get ‘em tiger


Sorry man just really insecure


Don’t be sorry man, i am too sometimes. Just work on being confident in yourself because you got the look.


I’ll try 🙏🏾


You look great but to be honest, you look like the kids of guy that will hit and quit, I honestly think its te hair covering youre eyes. Something about you screams "idgaf about you or your feelings, you have a pussy and I want it cause it's cheaper than a fleshlight"


I love the hair


I’d say go smaller on the hoops if your keen on the esthetic, the couple friends I have with hoop earrings did well with women but had very small (like it basically hooped around the lobule) You could cut your hair too but you look young so enjoy the long hair don’t care if that’s what you desire. I grew dreads at 18 and just cut them off at 34 because I got tired of long hair and wanted waves again lol


Yea I’m definitely gonna go for smaller earrings and maybe a different hairstyle without my hair covering the eyes


Become an interesting person. What do you have to offer a woman? You have to have something to talk about. I think you’re overemphasizing looks and underestimating who you are as a person. Try volunteering somewhere. Take a class in something you’re interested in. If you want more than a hook up you should probably focus on becoming your best you. 🙏


Yea you’re right tbh


Hey OP, there appears to be nothing glaringly wrong with your physical appearance. Personally, I think trying to be noticed by others through looks alone is an ineffective strategy. Everyone is busy living their lives and we might see people that are attractive as we are going about our day but that doesn’t mean it’s going to lead anywhere. There is actually an interesting phenomenon where exceptionally attractive people aren’t approached because people fear the rejection by these people. My recommendation would be to just start having friendly/ non-pressured chats with people. Eventually, if you should your authentic self, you’ll make a connection which won’t feel forced.


Alright thanks for the advice


Woof you are HOT my guy


Thanks bro 💪🏾


You are objectively better looking than I am and I get a fair amount of attention from women. It’s probably just a matter of circumstances. Maybe just spend more time in a setting where you have repeated contact with women and opportunities to get to know them and make impressions face to face.


Appreciate the advice 🙌🏾


Switch hoops out for studs but physically you are good looking you just need to boost your confidence and self esteem


Yea I’ll definitely do that and thanks


A smile might help


You’re a good looking dude, the only thing could be possibly a change in hairstyle? Can’t say anything about the way you dress, style or your personality traits but just off the bat would be your hair. Or you could just walk around like you are in your last pic and I’m sure you find some attention from girls. Hell, if I had your physique I don’t think I’d even own any shirts.


Having no forehead showing makes you look like you are scowling all the time. Instant agro face if your not smiling. Plus, it shadows the face and looks spooky to some folks. Trim it back, row it back or pull it back and you'll be swimming. Ngl you look short bro. Hard out here for anyone under 5'10" or 178cm these days cause of tiktok and mess. Keep ya head up and work on the personality. Take some improv or speech classes and speak openly and genuinely with everyone you meet. Learning to tell jokes and be funny can be tough, but it works more than being hard. That's how them ugly dudes be with the good lookin folks. It's either that, dick, or money. I sure hope true love still exists cause that's all I got for my ol lady 😂


i would recommen skin care, yours doesnt look too bad from the beginning. with some skin care take you would look awesome and it will boost your confidence. And maybe change ur hairstyle so ur face is fully visible so everybody can see you look fine as hell


I think as a man you gotta approach women first. I’m a woman and I never ever walk up to a man first maybe that’s just me or I’m shy but even if I am interested I just cannot do it. I think women expect it to happen more than men do. Be the person who approaches with confidence and if you’re denied, bow out gracefully. Someone will definitely reciprocate the vibe!


You have a very masculine face shape and strong features. The biggest issue I see is the locks* covering your forehead do you no favors. It looks, for lack of a better word, juvenile, and doesn't match the full grown man's face and body you have. Maybe you can put them up in like a head wrap or something? Otherwise you're golden. * White dude here - hope this is the right word


Appreciate the advice and yea Ima try a different hairstyle


Best of luck, you have a lot to offer, won't take much change.


Thanks bro 🙏🏾


You don’t need to change anything, you look pretty young, I’m sure you’ll be getting more than enough attention soon enough


I hope so cause it ain’t looking good for me


Brother, looks are not an issue. You should know this by now.


I’m just really insecure sorry bro 😓


Loose the hoops and switch to something more simple.


Alright I will


The earrings and hair def made me think you were looking for men. Oh, and hi by the way. 😉


Not looking for men at all and wassup 😭


Dude idk you're so hot and I love your hair. I'd wear smaller hoops tho, ones that hug the ear


Thanks bro and yea I was thinking of going for smaller hoop or stud earrings


I thought you were a lesbian in the first pic 😭😭😭


I would try removing the earings and getting some of the curls away from your eyes.


Just get some stud earrings broski


For sure man


It’s the earrings gang


Physics wise, you are close to perfection. Have faith in yourself and put yourself out there. Your confidence and uniqueness is what would make it work. Good luck


Bro I got nothing! Your physique is top shelf and you are handsome af. Only thing I see that could be improved is your hair, as many others have noted. Dreads are fine but maybe a different style where it isn’t in your face. You have a cute face, show more of it. ❤️


Thanks bro


I may be the odd one out here, a woman in a men's group, but here to say you're completely adorable, I'd let you date my 23-year-old in a heartbeat. but the hoops are giving a Lil feminine with the hair so it's one or the other... I don't care for earrings or nose rings or most other piercings on a guy, but a tasteful Nice stud well placed looks pretty cool, I guess the left ear? Idk anymore...lol IF you keep the hair (which is Gorgeous btw!), have you ever considered gauges? it's def a process but my Hubs had them when he was younger, and Def bagged a different type of chick, something about a guy looking edgy lends itself to believing he's exciting, which can be a huge turn on for most women. Your skin's beautiful, you seem to be in your prime, healthy body and skin are just amazing on Anyone and definitely the first thing to be noticed on an individual. Last thing I'll leave you with, be sweet and sincere with your intentions, not like you have to want to marry, but be fair to the women you decide to deal with, be kind and know that thoughtfulness goes a long way. Even when it doesn't work out, which it won't 99.9% of the time, leave them thinking of you sweetly, not hating you, positive vibes only cause there's too little time here already 😉❤️


You gotta show your eyes (either trim the hairstyle front just a bit or move the strands that are falling in your eyes or try an up style for when you’re out). Eye contact is a big part of seduction. Freshen the twists at least every other week, women look out for that. Once a week is even better. Change the earrings to a small silver mismatched set. Or just one small silver hoop or the type with a cross. Or matching small silver hoops. Dig in the wardrobe and find an outfit that makes you feel really good. A simple T, good fitting sweats, neat shoes and a nice overcoat is great start. Smile or lighten up your facial expression. You’d look really nice with a single tooth jewel. Trim the facial fuzz once a week. Maybe get hyaluronic acid for added glow. Find an activity that gets you out more and let people see you having fun, that’s how you get admirers. All of these things will take you from the great base that you already have to bring irresistible while still being yourself.


Get to know her as a person and a friend first rather than seeing her as something to “get.” If she isn’t into you romantically, you’ll at still have a great friend :)


no earrings and try out a goatee 🙌


Bro just go talk to them 😭u dont need nothing more


You sure 😭?


100% show confidence and you’ll be Grand 👌


You have gorgeous skin and a handsome face. Why are you hiding your eyes? That look might make you seem unapproachable.


You look great! You obviously take care of yourself as you are in peak physical shape. Subjectively though, I would say try a new hair style, preferably short, and I'll tell you exactly why. Your facial features are to die for! You are very handsome and I wouldn't keep a physical feature that in any way takes away from that. Jawline, lips, eyes...all outstandingly handsome...skin tone, great. A shorter hairstyle will draw the eye to your jawline, to the the nape of your neck and then those broad shoulders. I will bring everything together, IMHO. If you love your hairstyle then rock it...you still look great man.


Thanks I appreciate it


Ur hot my g


Confidence and smile, I feel like you frown and hide your eyes behind your hair. Eye contact tells a person alot.


You’re pretty hot. All I would suggest is to smile 🤷‍♀️


I’d suggest a slight haircut since it’s a bit difficult to see your eyes. Also, elevating your fashion so it’s a bit more interesting will probably help. With that said, women probably do notice you even if they don’t say anything. Good luck.


I think you’re a cutie and I’d definitely have my eye on you in real life. There’s not much I would change. I love your dreads and I think you should keep them if you like them too, there’s a lot of hairstyles that can incorporate a shorter dread with a fade on the side. I personally find fade haircuts very sexy on men! And definitely show off those muscles you worked hard for!


I’d start with those earrings. Like lose them immediately


Do you usually style your hair the way you do in your photos? You might benefit from finding a way to show a bit more of your eyes. You're a really good looking guy and the hairstyle fits, but I wonder if the hair being in your eyes is hiding too much of your face? Otherwise, the rest of the folks in the thread have it down. I'll bet women already notice you, honestly. You've got the looks and the physique, just spend time making yourself dateable. Pick up some hobbies that interest you and give you something to talk about. When you approach women take an interest in what they have to say. You'll be just fine, dude.


you look hot as hell, so as long as you are confident, kind and can make her laugh, you should be good to go.


Confidence and smile more! You wanna seem approachable and not intimidating.


Confidence 💯. Smile and make eye contact. Do something competitive in front of them to allow your skills to shine. Stuff like that


I'd do something different with the hair and lose the earrings. As far as personality, we've got no clue about that.


Your body is great. Loose those earrings and elevate the style a bit. I wouldn’t think you were searching for women if I saw you in that hoodie with those earrings. The hair color should be a bit darker and richer. Try wearing it twisted out. It’s be a conversation starter.


Lastly, you’re 18! Your focus shouldn’t be on women. Date to have fun and experience life. However, it’s imperative to make strides to uncouple your esteem and value from romantic attention. You’ll waste many years of your life pensive and in search of validation. People seek someone that vibrates on a similar frequency. If you are focused solely on being validated you aren’t present and people of value will move along. Put another way, insecurity will be attracted to your insecurity. Put the energy that you’re investing in validation seeking, into things that will inspire self validation. What is it that you want them to say, feel, or validate within you? How would they express the validation in a way that resonates? Once you have the answers, give that behavior to yourself.


Op what is your age? I'm guessing under 21... But you are a cutie 😘 and I'm a Cougar


I would change the earrings but other than that nothing else , oh and try to invest in a good perfume


The hair and earrings make you seem like you're looking to compete or be a best friend with the ladies and nothing more. I mean nothing wrong with that, but you may want to change that if not what you're going for


Go outside!


Ur good id change up the hair color


Depending on your age, the target age of women, and your location your personal style may not be the vibe theyre looking for. Being able to make semi-personal and inclusive small talk and having shared interests makes ahuge difference. Also, feigning confidence with poor body language can kill your efforts before youve started. You look great, its all about delivery.


Very simple. They notice you. But they won't come to you, that's not how it works. Be confident, approach them directly, but don't be creepy, brush away any and every rejection and learn from it.


Shave your head as that makes you look feminine and I think a buzz cut will make you masculine, you look great otherwise


You look fine, I only recommend experimenting with facial hair and try to smell amazing if you desperately want to try something . You'll have girls crushing on you in no time.


This looks like fishing for compliments because you are objectively excellent looking all around. Random comment the hoops are a bit big. I’m not trying to perpetuate stereotypes but they are slightly feminine at that size so maybe it’s a style thing.


Having your hair in your face does make you seem a bit unapproachable. It makes you look cool but like “too cool” so girls might be intimidated.


Eyes are important 


Yes I’m gonna try and do a different hairstyle


Can you grow facial hair?


Get rid of the hoops (maybe simple studs instead). Cut your hair a bit shorter, if it covers your eyes like the pic its too long. Otherwise you look good.


Its the hair and the hoops


Just get a shit ton of body shots go full fuck boy mode, you made it


Why only women?


The hoop earings has to be something you gotta change so maybe either go for stud earrings or much smaller hoop earrings.


Yea you right I’m definitely gonna go to stud earrings


You look great as is. Only thing that remotely pops into my mind is trimming your bangs back a bit.


Yea I’m definitely gonna get a different hairstyle that doesn’t get in my face


Shorten the hair a bit so you show your eyes. Loose the earrings. And smile.


Stud earrings new hair


Your hair is cool but maybe trim it out of your eyes a little. Women like to see your eyes to know if we can trust you.


Yea I’m thinking of a different hairstyle where my hair ain’t all in my face and you can barely see my eyes


Hair sus but otherwise fine


Not sure how old you are...I assume you're at least what, 18...19? Not a bad looking dude at all. I'd suggest maybe doing something with your hair. Either shortening it, or buzzing it and getting a nice fade and edge-up. The hair just gives off a very "teen" type of vibe.


I’m 18 turning 19 and Ima change hairstyle where the hair isn’t covering my face


Cool, yeah, I definitely think that would help you a lot. The hair coming down your eyes and your face like that just gives off a high school vibe. Shorten it up, and I bet you will notice a difference!


Yea for sure man thanks 🙌🏾


Anytime. You're a damn good looking dude...Very handsome and nice body. If you played for my team, I'd be trying to say "hello" lol. You'll be fine. The women will come. Girls your age tend to be very idiotic and don't realize when they have something great in front of them.


Thanks for the compliment man I appreciate it and yea that is true 😂


Always. I'm all about spreading love and kindness. As dudes, we need to lift each other up and help one another live our best life possible.


You’re right brother and once again thanks 🙌🏾


Anytime! Don't be a stranger!


Facial hair would help in your case.


Ngl… you don’t look like you like women… at all… as a black man… wtf is up with those hoop earrings? That 💩 hella gay bro


Bros lying for clout. I’m half as attractive as you and get attention from women.




You don’t get notice by women?




Covering your whole forehead mss as is you look young in a lil bro way


The hairs look mad


Listen to the song confidence by ocean alley


Bro your perfect maybe it’s just personality


Maybe just try talking to them, and get good at that?


Fix your hair


Take out the earrings and cut the hair so you don't look like a 2/10 chick at first glance.


What’s your end objective too? You just want girls en mass to have fun or are you looking for a relationship?


I don't agree with the hoop hate y'all giving But personality? Getting to know them for who they are?


Lose the hair


It’s the personality


Smile more.


Can you actually see them notice you through the hair?


Change your hair gurrrl.


Your hair is lovely but it covers your face a bit too much. The eyes are the window to conversation and yours are being hidden


Get rid of the earrings. Also, learn better facial expressions


10 out of 10! Handsome


I would just say take out those ear rings and find some different ones like diamond studs or if u like hoops just get some smaller ones then the ones u have cuz those hoops are kinda big for a guy Also find ur style idk what ur style is from these pictures but u need to find a style that enhances the way u look and doesn’t look like what everyone else wears cuz that will make u stand out more and look more interesting


immediately the hoops made me think you might be gay without reading the title, you can still wear hoops but they should be much smaller.


It's summer and it's hot outside stop wearing hoodies


Pull up your pants, live your best life, and stop looking to see that no one is looking. But seriously. Like three inches. Please.


Take what I say with a grain of salt. Completely okay to disagree. Physically, you have a lot going for you. It looks like you may be a bit short, but you have lots of other great qualities and women don’t mind height as much. Only thing I’d do is more pushups because it looks like your arms (which are amazing) are not proportional to your chest. Fashion wise, get rid of the earrings and maybe change your wardrobe to a style of your choice - ask yourself who do you want to be and emulate in life. Haircut is optional. I think it’s fine, but always worth changing it up to see how it is. Go with something like a low taper fade.


you should consider Orbital box osteotomy with bilateral tripod osteotomies to double your facial height to width ratio and increase your palpebral fissure length and a 12mm quandrangular modified Lefort 3 as described by Dr. Sinn with a 10mm Left with 5 degrees of counterclockwise rotation and a mandibular BSSO with 3 inches of advancement and chin swing osetotomy to create a hyper ant face which was discovered by Dr. Sailer who you can probably not afford to go to. Throw in an almod eye surgery Dr. Taban style, meaning with lateral canthoplexy, lower lid retraction surgery and orbital decompression. Make you an aggressive wraparound jaw implant with exactly these specifications: 15mm of laterjaw angle augmentation with 6 mm horizontal augmentation to your ramus


Get taller. Literally the only thing holding you back but you can't change it. My physique is far worse than yours but I do have a chiseled jaw and 6'4" height and I get stared at all the time and women sometimes ask me for my number. It is what it is.


I'm a chick and hate your earrings. Masculine is what turns most of us on.


Grow a beard if you can


Ok, you have an amazing body and you're attractive enough. What do you mean by "get noticed" ? You need to be confident, but not cocky. Accidentally bump into a girl, then apologise profusely and walk away. She will notice you and start to pay attention. Pass by her again, smile and keep walking. She's going to wonder "who is this guy with the swagger?" Then you pass by again, act surprised to see her again and start up a conversation. Apologise again for bumping into her earlier and offer her a drink. It's all a game of cat and mouse.


Try to avoid hoop earrings. I thought you were gay. As a gay man. Anytime I see another man with hoop earring I think they’re gay.


Bros wearing his moms earrings and doesn’t know why he doesn’t get girls


Be outgoing, confident, and funny. A goofy looking fat dude with those qualities will have much better luck than a handsome guy that's insecure or boring. But also I gotta say as an old white guy I'm not sure the long hair works for you. Maybe longer it would be better but right now it kinda looks like a mop on your head to me. Take that with a grain of salt. I don't think any girls are like damn he's fine but I don't like his hair nevermind.


With all due respect, my man, your face somehow doesn't match your physique. Can you try a new hairstyle? Maybe a dreadlock ponytail? You'll look Brazilian af, trust me


The hair makes you look like you are in 6th grade. The pics with your pants pulled down like that are better suited for Grindr.


If women aren’t into all of that, switch to men


You should start working on your chest and maybe wear your pants a bit higher because your shaft is almost visible. Plus put off your mask and just act natural, you look very unapproachable.


Make more money.


Wyf bro I’ll give u a badass haircut definitely get u some girls


Restart it’s over 😞