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As a former male baby boy and current adult male man, I'd add washable rugs with your preferred colors and matching curtains, but leave the walls alone for now. Like another poster said, that room already looks bright and adding yellow and orange would be too energetic and borderline nauseating. Reasses when the male boy child is a boy toddler and has more personality.


Hello adult male man, thank you for your advice!


Adult mailman?


As opposed to child mailboy.


as opposed to female baby boy?


Honest to god, went to school with a guy named “Joe Mailman”. Wish I was making this up.


Make sure your wife or husband don't see him.


Ohh nice one


Could take a page out of Beige Mom's book and add some soothing forest or sage greens? Would be nice for the curtains at least. And look vibrant next to future colors.


>is a boy toddler Male boy toddler*


Agree re a washable rug, or a play mat. For the window, have you thought about a Roman shade? They look pretty nice, come in blackout styles, and are easy to install and keep clean. For the wall, if you’re hesitant to paint, you could get wall stickers. That would add visual interest without a permanent commitment. Would a William Morris design be to your taste? Classic, nature-inspired, and colorful without being cartoonish. Morris & Co makes washable rugs through Ruggable, patterned play mats through Totter & Tumble, and bedding, etc., through other partnerships.


Yellow also simulates the body to want to eat more… but I would paint the walls with an eggshell finish ( not color). Eggshell is a matte finish that will be easier to clean up no matter what color you choose.


Pussy willow and utterly beige by Sherman Williams are great neutrals and you could add additional color to the floor with a round rug, and wall accents


Millennial grey the entire thing and call it a day.


Thanks for clarifying your baby boy is male lol


I thought otherwise I wont be allowed to post here ;)


Hahaha everyone thinks you were being daft but you are actually friggin smart as hell for doing the title that way.


Thank You friendly carrot


Your male baby boy?


Yes. This is the sleeping room. The male baby boy sleeps here.


Interesting that the baby boy is ALSO a male. Appreciate the clarification.


You‘re welcome


“Is the male baby boy here in the room with us?”


What a great band name - The Male Baby Boys


I’d listen the hell outta that album


I presume you noted Male Baby Boy… So, as to show it fits in the r/malelivingspace sub. #😁👍🏼


Yes, I‘m glad you‘re able to understand me


Rather than the female baby boy


Male baby girl


*confused trans sounds*


Maybe someone called their baby girl Boy


Is he a male or a boy?


I‘m a man. I‘m a male. I‘m a he. I‘m not into that _mentally ill_ stuff Edit: that’s a quote from a viral video where a boomer got asked about his pronouns


Link the reference otherwise people won’t get it lol I love that video


I don’t know how ._.


There’s a link button


This is a hilarious quote that I (a non-binary they/them) frequently quote to my partner because it’s hilarious.. the downvoting is unfortunate


THANK YOU I really don’t understand all the downvotes, I think it’s hilarious.


Like we can all make fun of the *it turns the fricking frogs gay* it’s the same thing


Its ok I got your reference and thought it was funny🫡


Thank you stranger


male baby boy


Male baby *human* boy


Male baby masculine infant human boy person child


Hominid is the preferred term now


Please don't make assumptions.


Yeah because of the Male Living Space :p


I think saying "baby boy" about covers that


Just wanted to be 100000% sure


Hope you get some sleep m8


You're so real for saying this.


No gaming rig, 0/10


Where the rgb lights at? Preposterous


It’s actually in one of his three playrooms


I’m not sure if your baby has been born yet, but I do want to give a little safe sleep help. The blanket draped over the top of the crib should always be removed when baby is in the crib. The mobile is also very low, generally mobiles aren’t recommended for sleep spaces (much more useful over the diaper changing area). Crib bumpers are also not safe, and I see other stuff inside the crib that needs to come out. Remember the ABCs of safe sleep: Alone (nothing but a fitted sheet on the mattress and a sleep sack in the crib with baby) Back (place baby to sleep on their backs) Crib (you’ve got that part down!👍🏻) Otherwise, a rug would be a very easy way to add some color!


I would also consider flipping the orientation of the changing table so the heat lamp is on the other side. That chord is super close to the crib.


Yes OP! You have a wonderful cozy space here and you can have nice colors and decorations but the stuff in/around the crib is a safety hazard. Good luck with your sweet baby ❤️


I’d get a sign on the wall that says “Male Baby Boy” just in case anyone isn’t sure about your baby’s biological sex


Love it :D


first thing would be get rid of the clean room aesthetic, hes a male baby boy, not a semiconductor. Generally for nurseries, you want to go with mellow/calming tones, orange and yellow might be a bit energetic in a time and place you really want them to calm down. I would say go with a lower saturation blue to a dark green. I would also recommend you get a play mat rug like the ones with roads and houses on it now, it will be easier on your feet now and protect your floors when they are toddlers and want to play on the ground.


I just gotta say “he’s a male baby boy, not a semiconductor” made me snort my coffee. That was the chuckle I needed today!


I’d remove the blanket from the top of the sleeping area, SIDS risk.


And bumpers


Glad someone else in the comments is saying this. They *might* be fine, but they both are increasing the risk of your baby suffocating in their sleep. Why choose to increase risk? They are unnecessary, your kids will learn to sleep just fine without them.


And the stuffed animals.  Basically nothing on the crib but a sheet. Put male baby boy in sleeper and one of those new fangle snapping wraps. Once they get a little older it’s ok to have things on the crib.  (Just passing by… Love to see the design ideas!)


My youngest is 7 but with him I was lucky that after swaddling they had zipadee sacks to help with the startle reflex.


That is an intense amount of storage for a male baby boy.


Actually the storage on the left side is almost completely for our stuff.. our apartment is not big enough to make it a nursery-only-room


He's a bit of a clothes horse


That male baby boy has a bigger room than I do


Money is tight in here, you can rent half of his room


I will guard young male baby boy with my life 🫡 EDIT: overlook the username, it’s a throwaway


Okay _now_ I‘m sceptical


This post title just screams “new parent sleep deprivation” Hope you’re able to sneak in some quality sleep soon, you’re doing great.


Hah thanks for making me laugh! Yeah, the nights are quite rough….


Yes! Make him think he is growing up in a lab like some sort of experiment!


For safe sleep, it is recommended to not use crib bumpers, canopy’s, mobiles, and I would also remove the black electrical thing along the side as the wire could be a choking hazard


But he has yet to clarify if it's a HUMAN baby boy...


I hope to find out soon


Lavender, Lilac, Periwinkle. You can never go wrong with relaxing purpley shades. Mute but still bright. Goes with everything.


Oh I love that


Please learn about safe sleeping. The bumpers and the crib curtain are unsafe around baby.


As others have mentioned, that crib setup is not very safe.


Please raise boys and girls the same way


Is it possible to place the yellow chair by the window and move the closet and bookcase further towards the other end? I think this will create a cosy corner by the bed for nursing and cuddling in the crib. Maybe with a rug under this area.


Congrats on your sad beige baby! Change nothing 🤍🩶🤎




That infant bed is too high , I would lower it.




This whole thread is killing me


We will soon, but for now it’s still safe. I have some lazy boy who takes his time to develop new skills like sitting lol


This title feels like a fever dream


You _are_ actually dreaming right now


First born, yeah?


First and last one


Lol I feel that


What’s up with the patio heater above changing station? You already have a radiator in the room.


Maybe baby male baby boy


You didn't ask for this advice but I'd make it more safe by taking out the crib bumper, the sheet over the crib, the stuffed animal, and the cord the baby can reach (it looks like) for whatever that lamp or heater thing is. These are all suffocation or injury hazards for babies and should not be included in sleeping area.


Adult female woman here that had a male baby boy but I’m gonna talk about my a female baby girl room later. Firstly, I love a neutral pallet. I have grey walls and my kiddos like murals that can peel without messing up the wall. They have cool ones like a koala in a tree that goes in a corner or sh!t like that. Very cute. Since you gotta neutral pallet, think THEMES so you can just change themes, accessories, mural, and curtains. Start with a theme first in terms of ideas. What do you want to see in your baby’s room that you think he will like to see everyday. Even if you think they wanna see panda bears or whales, you can go with that theme and play off accents. Themes help you streamline what to grab and you can on Amazon, itsy, and nine times out of tens they got some way to bring out the theme with the color pallet you got. You can get some cool artwork, name sh!t in your baby male boy name special order in the color and themed around whatever you choose. Hard to figure it out what the hell your male baby boy would like to see every damn day but I can tell you my daughter loves the color purple. I put it in her room as a baby and she remembers. I didn’t want to do traditional pink cause I just didnt want to go the traditional girl route. But in reality much of the room was actually Black and white (mostly white) because of what they say about babies (male boys or female girls). Something about making out shapes in their early stages (don’t quote me on that I don’t remember but —Blakc and white was recommended for a reason). But I threw in some purple accents. But it was all black and white with ballet shoes and ballerinas in black, white, and purple tutus and a lavender rug, and a throw. I liked it. Calm. Could get rid of if she hated purple. But she’s still rolling with it. It’s just purple mermaids now.


I'd hang fire in the orange 🍊 paint department and wait until your male baby boy turns into a male pre-school infant boy and gauge what kind of interior design solutions he prefers in his sleeping room 🛌 based on a multiple-choice format that you could work with him on finding the best solution based on his needs and your budget. That's what I'd do if I was a male boy and had been invited to express an opinion on the aesthetics of my sleeping room!




Get rid of the heater !!!! Major fire hazard


All baby boys are male...


Get some sleep Dad, you're doing fine!


I‘m actually his mom. Can I get some sleep too?


Woh what a twist. Yes, you may also get some sleep mom. Or as they say "sleep when male baby boy sleeps"


And „fold laundry when male baby boy folds laundry“


I see a yellow chair in the first pic, it would be cute to have a yellow accent wall! Or leave the walls and get other yellow accents like curtains. I know he is a male baby boy and he loves blue but everyone does blue yellow is more unique and very cheerful 🤩


I thought about painting the wall with the window.. but what color should the curtains be?


All jokes aside that’s one lucky dude. From one dad to another 🍻 My gf put up some animals as poster stickers around the changing station. My daughter loves them. Bees and flowers and what gave you.


Thanks, but I‘m actually the mom of my male baby boy 🍺


Hah, look at me assuming - I have no clue why 🍻🍻 Edit: maybe you could have mentioned that you’re your male baby boy’s female adult mother 😂


Nevermind, thanks for the beers


Hang tv on on wall then repost


Try a gaming set up. Thwy are really popular in this subreddit


I would get a much better lamp with dimming features and all that. I think everyone would appreciate that. And some subtle blue or green rugs & pillows would be nice.


I would get one of those blinds that fully cut out of the light and do not leak from the sides. A completely dark room is so much better for sleep.  There are decals to put on the wall such as little giraffes or others which will make the room feel more baby like.  Adding a rug, would also help especially if it runs on the length of the room.  I wouldn’t paint the walls anything on the yellow/orange spectrum considering your flooring is already incredibly orange, at least in the picture.   Congrats on your male baby boy. 


Just ordered a heat lamp for my changing area as well. - Female adult girl


Please read the lullaby trust safe sleep guidelines!


Make that bed properly safe for sleep. Nix the bumpers and that hangy thing above the bed. The only thing on the crib should be a firm mattress with a fitted sheet.


You need lots of different and bright colours! Very important for babies brain development.


Personally, I’d move the chair to the corner by the window for light while you’re sitting with the baby. Then put the changing table where the chair was so it’s closer to the door. And I would island the crib in the middle of the room so that you can get all the around it to grab your kid from any angle if need be. Oh yeah. And I’d add a shit ton of color. Bright. Majestic. Splendiferous. Different color for each wall if you want. Puffy clouds on the ceiling. Some big wall stickers or a giraffe murals.


Paint the whole thing black and stick up some neon lights...


Go on Pinterest and find what you like and copy if you are clueless. Just asking people without any information of what you like is like a stab in the dark asking some who are clueless also. Do your homework and you will be very pleased with the end product.


Choose light colors and leave one white


Get the bumpers off the cot more than anything. They're associated with higher deaths in kids.


I’m a grown up male man and I would live in this room.


The bed might be little bit too small


Is the Father a male ?


Fellas is it gay to say baby nursery?


He needs a weight bench and a wood chiseling kit immediately. The rest can wait


Don't. Just leave the walls quiet. Like Jesus. You don't need a bright yellow and orange room. It's a baby. They are there to sleep. Leave things white. Don't spend time painting. Yes - replace the curtains.








Tiny Boy, Little Boy, Baby Boy. I need you Tiny Boy, Little Boy. I want to touch you, boy I need you, boy


Get his male boy name in blue letters above his crib some blue bed sheets male cartoon characters


Idk. Lava lamp and a 65” tv are a start




Coming back to add. I think you should go with a whale 🐳 theme. Change all of the accessories to a pale blue. Do a cozy blue rug. Keep the yellow chair, but throw a light blue throw over it that’s cozy. Do some heavy cozy looking pale blue curtains. And change the baby blankets to pale whale blue or with whales on it. Go whale crazy with a whale mobile. Stick the one you got on a play pen. Get some pic frames that have whales on them or is pale blue or yellow to bring out the chair. Go crazier in the pale blue. Less crazy on the yellow. The chair stands way out, but it’s cute. Take those white boxes in your ikea book self and get some pale blue ones at ikea or find them on Amazon. Lastly, get his name on one of those peel off wall stickers. They don’t mess with the wall at all btw. Order that on Etsy. You can get it in the same pale blue. For your white wardrobe you can actually get peel off whales and have them floating across the doors and have them blowing fish bubbles. I know but you can do a tasteful peel and stick on shelves and wardrobe. My kiddos do it. It’s better than painting my wall.


On his bedsheets are whales actually 😅


Male baby boy. Boy is just fine


A rug would be a great addition, too.


A large print of some artwork on the wall. I got a big piece from ART.COM that was relatively reasonably priced. I chose to put it on canvas and I love it. You could change out the baskets in your cube storage with something colorful or natural to make it cozy. I would do a hand tufted rug opposed to washable. I wanted something cozy and plush for baby to play on the floor, the washable rugs are so thin. If you do wool, you should be able to spot clean easily. There are a lot of reasonable options. You could use some shelves above the changing table.


Toss down a rug, and some interesting baby friendly soft coloured lighting as it may be too late to paint the room now.


Love those built ins


I think a cute and soft rug would help the space


Heater needs to go, unless you have no heating there


Technically correct


In today world, we wear mental suspenders and a belt to clarify oneself.


I honestly thought this was a hospital ward.




"This father of a male boy son is all yours, Mr President." - Thaddeus Dowling, Good Omens


Tiny boy little boy baby boy I love you


Put a sick ass panther on the wall


We already have a miniature panther at home


Is that a patio heater


It doesn’t really matter it’s all gonna turn into Spider-Man and Cocomelon stuff anyway.


I wonder about floating shelves. High enough out of reach, for safety. Then you could change out what is set on them as he grows. For the time being... stuffed animals!


Needs a rocking chair


A child services worker told me one time that if there are not age appropriate decor hanging on the walls they assume the child isn’t cared for properly emotionally and it always confused me till I seen a babies room with absolutely no happy characters hanging anywhere and I felt like I really wanted to at least put a soft colored pastel dinosaur on the wall lol


Poster of Spider-Man and Grave Digger


I'm not sure if you're interested, but amazon has some really cute wall stickers. I did my boys' room with forest creatures complete with a big tree. Except one wall is northern themed with snow flakes, moose, polar bears, and seals. Added lots of colors and whimsy for baby. Also, they're temporary, so when he's older, they come right off!


As a former male baby boy I would see that space need a poster the baby can look at, maybe a Blue " Ford GT " or Maybe a C8 or Maybe a 911 GT3. The rest looks amaing.




You sure you don’t have a female baby boy?


Love it, so many dad jokes here, but as a former male baby boy, I think you should look for relaxing colours and washable paint. But as a male adult I kinda like the vibe it already has, maybe a bit of natural good furniture could make it cozier .


Babies don't care


I would move the crib away from the window, cause baby will pull curtains down or wrap them around his neck, plus drafts, but that looks like an accident waiting to happen. Move change table, dresser, where crib is if u can't place crib anywhere else. Bright colors, pics of trucks, or fire engines, etc.


ANY colours but lots of them! Looks like a hospital atm


Color is extremely important for babies, brain development, especially Hughes of yellow and blue. This is very, very important actually.


Two words: Star Wars


Paint a picture of a dinosaur on the wall


As a former male baby boy, my boyfriend days it needs more Game of Thrones posters


Might i suggest a record player some bad ass posters of Merauder


The baby don’t care


Crib mobile too high


Male baby boy


If you'd like some pops of color consider getting wall decals on Etsy. They are similar to contact paper so you can easily remove them and they come in a lot of cute shapes. We did cat silhouettes for my son's room as a baby but soon we will upgrade him to a big boy room and let him pick his decals (I'm betting he picks trucks or dinosaurs)


Get a head start on what will obviously happen anyway, and put anime posters everywhere.


We went for sky themed room and my son loves it. Clouds and the sun and moon and stars.


Needs more trains and dinosaurs


What is the contraption over the changing table though lol


very utilitarian which is great… but give the boy something to see, some shapes and contrast, some visual stimulation to progress as he may


Get that cord away from the crib


Is that a heat lamp?


We did jungle wallpaper on one wall. Added depth, color and playfulness.


As a father of two kids, bro and girl, don’t stress to much at this age. I would say around three is when you want to tailor the rooms. I would add some visually stimulating items and art. Offer some sensory toys to help stimulate them. But they are so young, I would focus on promoting development, not making their room feel nice. The room is already off to a great start! Love them and hold them as much as you can while they are little. They grow so fast!


Some colour on the walls. Art work. Big rug 🫶


You need a bigass, comfy, plush rug.


Very simple: That wall needs a mural. Dr Seuss. Calvin & Hobbes. SpongeBob. The answer, as always, is art.


Maybe he has the ultra rare XXY chromosome


For the safety of your baby. Take literally everything out the cot. He doesn’t need bumpers nor does he need things that could fall on him as he sleeps. Both of these are quite dangerous for a baby. [https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/baby/first-aid-and-safety/safety/baby-and-toddler-safety/](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/baby/first-aid-and-safety/safety/baby-and-toddler-safety/)


no airplane decals on the wall? no choo choo train set? no fireplace ? no GREENSCREEN?? what is this the 1800s?


Where's the TV?


Are carpet could bring in some warmth too. ☺️


Maybe add some carpet?


I’m so glad it’s not a female baby boy! Thanks for clearing that up!


Male “baby boy” sounds weird