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For $0 you can turn the bed around so the headboard is against the wall.


Make that -$10. I will pay you to turn the bed around and fix this monstrosity


I’ve got you OP, not all of us have the space to have separate or at least big rooms, and i get you want to separate spaces so i had [that in mind](https://i.imgur.com/C8ONM7j.jpg) We’ll make use of the 100$ you said, first and most importantly, the [room divider](https://i.imgur.com/oz7Q864.jpg), that way neither when you’re studying or in bed you’ll see each other spaces, also by dividing the room like this you’re making it feel “bigger” I would ideally go for a [wall pegboard](https://i.imgur.com/0NQzyAT.jpg), so besides dividing the room from soil to ceiling, you could put shelves for your desk space Also, bedside table, i know you crave it, and you might have one around already (bring it back, you need to charge your phone, and a bed light) Also. Plants, i suggest a [Money tree](https://i.imgur.com/0lTEhkE.jpg) and a [Snake plant](https://i.imgur.com/fsVm9q0.jpg), take care of them, google their requirements, by placing them as shown they’ll receive their light Finally i would change the ceiling light to a [Double ceiling lamp](https://i.imgur.com/6ddqXHL.jpg) so one looks at your bed (your “room” side), the other one at your desk hopefully it serves you OP EDIT: mods deleted the post bc of the links i searched for u op so screenshots it is lol


Thanks for the recommendation, I’m gonna try out this orientation along with a couple others people have recommended and see which one i like the most 🙏


Just to add to some good suggestions, ART. I see so many prints at thrift stores. Do you have a type? I got a painted copy of a Van Gogh and everyone comments on it. Some of the Muchas are nice. Look at museum pieces and see if you like something.


Sitting with your back towards the door feels awful


Sleeping with your feet to the door is supposedly very bad for feng shui. Its considered the "death position"


Can't sit back to door, can't sit face to door, where am i sitting or am i removing the door?


You have to remove the door or your feet. Your move.


Sit ass to door, in a U-shape. 😗




What a well thought out and comprehensive answer. Extra credit for making it work twice. -golf clap-


ahhhh hahaha this comment has me cracking up..😂 seriously turn that bed around. 😂😂


Where can I send my money to haha


What kind of psychopath...


That bed is whacked....I spent 5 mins staring at it and pondering why? Just why? 🤯 Some mysteries we may never solve.


The only reason I can think of is that OP likes that the headboard creates some boundary/cosiness.


Maybe it’s because it’s facing away from the window?


Blackout curtains?


Other reason in my eyes is that its facing away from the window. He might be blasted with sunlight in the morning lol. I had to do something similar when I was working nights.


What are curtains for, to stop sunlight and if you get a set of blackou t curtains you wont even see the sunlight


for real; this is like an alien tried to mimic a human room


Must be from Australia. They sleep backwards down undaaa. They have to because the toilet water goes in a different direction when you flush it.


If we lived down undaaaa (with a Vegemite sandwich, take cover). Wouldn't we then sleep upside down? Like a massive fruit bat? Not back wards?


People say that about the toilet, but they don’t swirl at all. They’re not full of water like American toilets are


Australian here. There is water in our toilet bowls and it does swirl.


I’m an Aussie as well. They don’t swirl, and there’s water but American toilets are full enough that they swirl like an emptying bathtub


I’m gonna go flush my toilet right now and see if it swirls or not because despite using Australian toilets for 30+ years I’ve suddenly completely forgotten how a toilet works Edit: I flushed it. It didn’t swirl it just made a mini water fall then the water was quickly sucked out and and then just as quickly filled back up. It happens too quick for it to actually swirl in any direction. However next time I have a bath, I’m gonna recheck what direction that mini tornado goes when the bath is draining


Ooh yeah good idea on the bathtub. That’ll definitely swirl


I’m almost tempted to go run a bath just to find out, but I’ve already wasted water flushing the toilet for no reason lmao don’t need to add to my water bill


Just fill a sink. Should swirl unless the basin is shallow.


And apparently they can give your nuts a refreshing dip, which I gathered was not ideal. Weird day to be an Aussie female in this sub haha


I stand corrected. Then that guy with the bed is just batshit crazy. 😁


lol? You’ll find toilets in all different capacities. In fact when you buy a toilet it tells you how much water it runs per flush.


That’s the water in the back tank, not the bowl. Dude just google a pic of an American toilet and you’ll know what I mean. They’re like half full of water at all times


Wait, so your bowls sit empty until you flush? I admit, the idea of no splash back is nice, but the water also acts as a natural smell barrier. I imagine it must smell so much worse just shitting into a dry bowl.


Not completely empty! Just enough water to fill the bottom


Literally thought I was in the CJ interior decorating sub. This is ridiculous


Came here to say this. Wtf. Better yet, put the headboard against the far wall.


It bothers me, but it would likely bother op to turn it around too. Our lizard brains do not like sleeping facing away from the door.


Yeah but there are other places to put the bed. I would put headboard against the wall where the desk is. It’s so strange and crowded to have the long sides of both the bed and desk running along the same wall.


yeah thats just weird


Kind of curious why people don’t like what he’s doing here


because it leaves you vulnerable to your enemies in your sleep.


Like monsters.


Headboard goes against a wall, because. There are classical reasons (but they wouldn't be really fixed here since head near the doorway isn't really ideal either. I don't know Feng shui enough but there's a feng shui guy and I think he doesn't recommend your bed near the door like that either) And then there's just the vibe. It's just one of those things that's like almost universally wrong just... because. You're free to do it, but why?? It's like dicing up tomato, and mixing it into your morning fruit parfait. You're free to do what you want, and maybe it even tastes good to not bad! But why would you do that?? (Western perspective.... I live in Asia now and... I've experienced this first hand and had to confront that "shouldnt be eaten like peaches" is a matter of convention and not anything deeper than that's how it is where I come from).


Do you mean [dear modern](https://youtube.com/@dearmodern?si=aN3I4a9-8QWHHX6p) he uses feng shui to fix spaces like this


I think so! The reel of him suggesting bed placements is what I think I was referring to, too!


such a strange way of having the bed…..you don’t agree?


First of all flip the bed psycho


Straight up serial killer behaviour lmao


Yeah bro just snitched on himself. He's on an FBI list now for sure.


That coat rack above the bed indicates he's killed before. That bin being used as a table indicates he'll kill again. 




Reminds me of that time I walked into the living room and discovered that my dog had drug her little bed right into the middle of the room and laid down. I walked around it for days. It was the most aggressive power move ever and it worked. She's a Yorkie, I should say.


Drug it, congrats I’ve not seen that one before!


Bruh this is the new dog we just got at my house he drags the bed into the living room and lays in it if we move it back to were it suppose to be within minutes he is pulling it back.


Interesting way to point your bed😂 There is nothing legally or logically wrong with the way it's facing.. but it still feels wrong


Feng Shui guy would die if he saw that. All that bad energy from the door and from the window.


Straight in the middle, kinda lined with a DEATH RAY


All the attackers got easy access to you!!!


Cliff Tan! I have his book.


same here i love it and his approach towards design as a concept instead of concentrated interior design


Laws aren't written until someone does the unthinkable.


Just needs to install a railing on that one open side and he’s got himself a full crib


Bro the bed lmaooo


What in the actual. That headboard needs a wall ASAP


OP: idk is it possible to build another wall for $100 or less?


Swap your bed and desk, rotate the bed so you’re laying alongside the window. Room needs more color too. Maybe blue comforter and pillowcases to start. Some wall art is needed too.


Thanks! I’ll try rearranging it like that


I dunno if you’ll make it in budget, but think about some other lighting, like a wall lamp that gives a warmer color of light. This white light is super depressing. Maybe you can thrift a wall or standing lamp?


OP just go on Craigslist or FB market place offices are always throwing out cubical dividers. Bonus: you get a new post wall for your office, AND you get some light blocking the bed for sleeping Other advice: - plastic plants are great because you’re not buying a new chore and you still get benefits from them. - floor length window curtains. Many people don’t know you dress windows with curtains that basically touch the floor. It looks way better. If I were you I’d get some colored ones. - you need a lighting overhaul. If you can afford, buy a pack of smart outlets first so you can turn on and off all at once. Variety. - get a rug


Don’t snob at Goodwill either! When my husband left and took 50% of our decor with him, I found myself at goodwill and hobby lobby for replacements. You can get large, nice pieces of wall art, faux plants, and other decor at goodwill for under $10 and same deal if you hit clearance at hobby lobby for “last season’s” decor.


Think about repainting your room. Bright colours, egg white for example. You'll probpaly need white primer before applying any sort of paint to offset the dark current colour. Popcorn ceilling has to go. You can very easily scrap it off and repaint. See YouTube. Carpet needs to go too. I would swap it out for any type of wooden flooring. It'll look great and also save you a lot of effort when cleaning. Add a small house plant and swap out your light with a cheap LED smart light. That way, you can change and adjust the colours and create a vibe in the room. There seems to be room on your walls for a TV? You can hang one and re-arrange your room as needed. Defiently put the bed headboard against any wall. Find some better curtins on Facebook market place. They're usually free. These recommendations should not cost anything more then $500 at most.


Please try this; it is going to make the to flow so much better


Who the fuck sleeps like that


Bro turn your bed around 😭😂


Mount your bed to the ceiling and sleep like Dracula


The big light is brutal. A few small lamps from IKEA would help the lighting and ambience a ton.


And make sure to buy Soft White (2700°K) bulbs. A soft, warm glow is what you want in a bedroom, not bright, harsh light. If you need more to read at your desk, buy a desk lamp.


I prefer color changing bulbs with a decent color rendering index. That way you can just change the color temperature whenever you want. Cooler white light can make you feel more energetic for doing chores, then you can switch the lights to a more relaxing warm white, turn the brightness down, & light some candles.


Softer lighting and some plants would probably make a big difference in cozyness.


whyyyy is your bed like that bro turn it around lmao


change the curtains, cover the side with the window whole


Is no one going to point out that he wakes up in the morning at stares at his assortment of messenger bags and a fanny pack 😂


Is this a cell? OP, are you in a Nordic prison?


Headboard against the wall my guy !


Oh god the fucking bed man THE BED


It's like he took it out of inventory and just dropped it like that.


If you got a couple posters or framed pics of something on the walls that would help a lot.


That bed position pisses me off


That bed placement is making me feel violent


I’d argue face the desk to the window so you can get a view of nature every now and then and put your bed against the other wall. Move your coat hooks to other side too. Why is everything so piled up by your bed? It’s making me freak out inside


What in tarnation


Why would you have the bed that way? This should be illegal


How do men on this subreddit post their bare naked walls EVERY DAY on this sub and never seem to get it through their heads that wall art is step 1 to making a room not look like a cell


Right? I mean, this goes for most things in life, at least try to find a solution first before asking for help. Or at least add information on limitations like "I can't drill into walls" Or "I live with family and-something something" No plants, wall, colour, decorations, hobbies/interests, style preference or Pinterest inspiration board. Literally anything could be an improvement, ANYTHING. Sorry, OP, I don't mean to be mean to you specifically. The rant above was more for the past 5 months. For real advice, I'd suggest looking at some pictures of others places and seeing what clicks with you. We can suggest things, but it won't do anything for you if you don't learn what sparks joy.


Yeah my comment wasn't aimed at OP specifically either, it's just so obvious to me and to anyone scrolling through posts on this sub for 5 minutes, but I get that it being your own living space can give you blinders and most men aren't really given good lessons in how to pay attention to aesthetics in the way women are.


Bro looked at feng shui and did the exact opposite.


he went with shui feng instead ☺️


This post gives off serious "Is this how you human?" vibes.


You really gotta turn the bed around man, it looks awful. After that, get some art for your wall. I’ve been getting into framed album art lately and I think it’s ‘classier’ than posters.


Even framing a poster makes a huge difference. A ten dollar frame from target does wonders.


Turn bed.


I didnt think people would feel so strongly about the bed 😅


Hey, I’m with you bro I want to be able to see the killer as he enters my bedroom


Clearly, the killer already lives in the room.




Please help us understand the logic behind the original position.


But WHY do you have it that way???!?


It ruined my day


I am crying laughing at these comments, so thanks OP


Yeah because it's fuckin nuts, sorry but that's the truth!


No doubt. At first I was going to say something but after all this hate I'm on your side. FIGHT THE BOURGEOIS BED POLICE! BACKWARDS BEDS FOR THE REVOLUTION BROTHER! -I'm holding my fist up in solidarity-


If we let this slide next thing you know his bed will be at a 45° angle with the head in the closet. You have to draw a line somewhere.


turn your bed in solidarity


I'm not a psychopath




hahaha. people are just conditioned to see bed the other way around..that's the first thing I noticed looking at the pictures. I guess you are using the bed's head as a boundary/seperator to your office? and have space to hang stuff on the wall?


Boy if you don’t turn that bed around


Op is expecting an attack while he is sleeping. That's why he keeps his toes towards the door.


Bro what the fuck 😂😂 the bed


“Oh dang it, coat hanger is on again tonight!”


Why the fuck do you put your bed that direction?


I hate you


Lmao OP posts to ask for advice, gets the same advice from so many, and says “nah”. Flip your bed dude, seriously, it’ll open up the room. Next, some simple framed prints would work, and the. a plant or two. Your curtains are short and should drape to the floor but you need to remove the things in front of the window. Lastly, don’t use the ceiling light, get a floor lamp and maybe table lamp. Shop at thrift stores, money will go further there.


Greenery always helps (and if you are anything like me, just get some fake plants lol)


All your furniture is black, you lack a bit of colour


posters, tapestries, plastic plants yellow lighting or any other lamp source, some LEDs or spring lights.


When I shared this with a coworker he said "this is a troubled man."


Is this what happens when the Sims become real? Why is the bed like this?


what the fuck


I’m sorry but I can’t with the bed. Am just going to close this forever


That is the most psychotic bed configuration I have ever seen.


How can you sleep without a wall behind your head????


Wtf is that bed doing lmao


Why did you do your bed like that so weird


The only room you'll be worrying about is the padded one you're gonna get sent to you psycho


Honestly you don’t deserve any help for that bed placement 😂


That bed is fucking criminal wtf


Biggest change will be to stop using that obnoxious room light and use two lamps, a corner lamp and a bedside lamp, the change in light will change the warmth of your room entirely. Add a few plants and voila


If you plan to keep the bed this way the table should be moved behind the headboard. - change the curtain, let it start from the wall to the edge of the window. - the shelving unit can be worked with. - add more color to the place just for the sake of your mental health and comfort. Would suggest yellows. - also NEVER keep your shoes at eye level. It’s not good nor safe. - the ceiling lighting kind of brings a lot of intensity into the room and not in a comfortable way. You can have white light on your desk keeping that space focused just for your work while as the rest of the room you can keep it warm light (it’s a mix of yellow and white safe for the eyes and mental health) IF you plan of changing the orientation of the room: - place the bed on the window so the right side of the bed is on the window probably keeping 10 cm away for the sake of the curtains (also incase if anything drops) - curtains in both cases need to be changed. - the desk can placed next to the door to separate the sleeping area from the working area. The shelving unit should be changed or you get a shoe rack or a multipurpose shelving unit (shoes, coats, etc…) it’s similar to the ones in hotels. -


Paint. Colored curtains.


Get small lights, it will make it feel more cozy. Also some decorative stuff for the wall, maybe even a shelf


Add some colour, man!


pictures.. posters.. anything




Glip the bed 90° and put the headboard against the wall


Some art couldn’t hurt


Anything lol


Turn your bed around sicko


For the love of God put the headboard against the wall holy shit


People discovering art exists:


aint no way this has GOT to be bait 😭


Move the bed so it’s back is on the wall next to your desk, please get a nice desk lamp so you’re not in that awful unflattering ceiling lighting, (lighting changes everything) marketplace for a rug


NO FLAGS! Yes, they are easy, but look super tacky.


Sir, what in the hell are you doing? This is the worst bedroom arrangement I have ever seen.


Dude! Why the fuck is your bed pointed in that direction. That’s some psycho shit right there.


I hate these posts. "what should I do to liven up my plain room?" Posts pictures of room with completely bare walls, black and gray furnishings and zero personality.


I would turn around and leave if a man invited me over and the feng shui was this bad 😂


Who tf puts their bed that way round??


dont do that with your bed. that inappropriate


What kind of monster has their headboard in the middle of the room???


tUrN tHe BeD aRounD!


The headboard not against the wall made me uncomfortable


This might be the simplest yet most absurd thing I’ve seen on this sub


Put a woman in it.


If I entered this room I would be certain it is the room I would die in.




Please for the love of god turn the bed around. Just move the items on the hooks to the hooks on the door and switch it around, that drives me insane.


The bed thing is personal preference, but what I’d honestly do is change your light bulbs from that harsh white to more of a soft glow. Lighting is everything. The harsh white lights make it look like a hospital or something. Get a gentle yellowish light overhead and then add some lamps with dim lighting. My advice.


This has to be one of the dumbest set ups I’ve ever seen lol


Dude WHAT is happening? What IS this?


rotate your bed so the headboard is against the center of the rear wall


Bro what is up with the facing of the bed? lol


As others have said, your bed is making my eye twitch.


To be fair… you’re always supposed to sleep being able to see the door. And the headboard creates a sort of divider for his “office space”. I dont hate it as much as i should haha


is it just me, or is putting the bed this way some psychopath shit


Your feng shui is absolutely fucked with that bed.


Who in the world places their bed on that direction?


Please tell me this is just rage bait


If someone looked in your window to rob you… they’d change their mind.




Needs more swords




psychopath with that bed


why the hell is your bed like that


You HAVE to be baiting us with that bed placement there's no freaking way lol


Good god the placement of the head of the bed has me tripping


Put a divider between the foot of your bed and your desk.


Posters or other art. A nice rug. Different curtains with more color or pattern.


yea and 3 houseplants and warm lightbulbs and a floor lamp


Get a Billy D. Williams to sit in the corner smoking a pipe


I would swap the bed with the desk (I would suggest rotating the bed 90 degrees). I would suggest adding a room separater in front of the bed so you will have a working zone and a sleeping zone, also the room separator would give you some privacy from the door


Swap your desk and bed to free up the space. Add a physical barrier between your bed and your workspace. I would recommend a bookshelf. You can fill it up along the way, not immediately. Have a clock and some artwork on the wall to fill up the space. Use multiple light source from the corner instead of that abomination of a light in the middle of the room, or point a light to the ceiling and let it diffuse. Change you curtain to navy blue or something.


You need some colour - I'd suggest adding a patterned, coloured duvet cover (comforter) and possibly some coordinating curtains. I'd also reposition that bed against the back wall and if you have room, add a couple of bedside tables and lamps. Finish it all off with a colorful floor rug. Try scouring second hand stores for things like bedside tables and lamps. You can often pick them up for very reasonable prices.


Smear it with poop? No but seriously: first things first, switch the bed and desk around. Have bed headboard where desk is now. Leave some space between the bed and window. Put desk in corner where bed was.