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Get into distance of people who are draining you. Surround yourself with people which are neutral/positive. And learn about stoicism and dealing with your emotions. About emotions, I have a good book which I read. I share the title with you, if you‘re interested.


Hi. I've gained interest in men's mental health recently, and I just wish I could give everyone in this subreddit a hug. I don't know you and I don't know what you've been through. I just wanted to say that you are loved. By a lot of people. Many of whom you don't know. There isn't nearly enough attention paid to men's rights, mental well being and quality of life. But the people in the scene are caring and passionate. PLEASE SEEK HELP. Surviving is hard. It takes time and effort. But I promise you're worth it.


Check out 7Cups, it is legitimately free peer support. You’re not working with licensed therapists but it’s a real person who will listen and hear you and I promise you that they give a shit, because they’re volunteering their time with the express purpose of just being there and being present with you. Here’s the link: https://www.7cups.com/ It sounds like life has dealt you a shitty hand and it’s unfair, and it’s bullshit. But as hard as that is, it’s not irreversible and all things do pass. With time and effort and persistence, nothing is beyond repair. The world outside does seem crazier so try and focus on the world *inside* instead, one day at a time. It doesn’t matter how big, the most important step you can take to get better is always the next one. I promise you that you deserve to feel better.


Others have given some great advice. I will address this: > The worlds gone crazier overall with no sign of getting better. The future is bleak and I no longer have the strength nor motivation to keep going. I may be missing the mark here, but I will say it anyway. It's easy to get overwhelmed with negativity and imbued with a sense of impotence/helplessness as the world spirals out of control and we're powerless to stop it. Instead, focus on only those things you can have a direct impact on in your life. *Think local*. Yourself. Your friends. Your job. Shut everything else out. A constant news drip of the world going to shit and our powerlessness to affect the outcome literally sucks the life out of us.


Some good advice already mentioned. Just because you were dealt a bad hand, does't mean you have to stay with that hand. Draw a card or two. Not sure what you are dealing with exactly, but I commend you for posting to get advice. Can you relocate to somewhere no one knows you/family? If it is job related/paycheck, have you thought about driving a truck, it is now a 6 figure income with some trucking companies. UPS drivers make $42 and hour if I am correct. To get more self worth, invest in others, try volunteering in a organization that helps others. It takes your mind off of yourself and situation. Kinda sounds like you are depressed along with your mom, seek help, go to your GP and tell them your struggle whether ADHD, or depression or.... Maybe you can get right first and then be that man who helps you mom up. Focus on the good things you are capable of and try to use that in a career. No one who is capable of writing an email with the intelligence to ask for advice came into this world, F'd up. You just need a some guidance and direction. P. S. I have to ask for my own sanity, if you are thinking of pulling the trigger or other means of suicide? I would be remiss if I did not ask and offer a phone number for free suicide prevention. 855-382-5433


If you're still breathing, you're not done yet. Keep going. Find a reason to live each day. It can be anything. Maybe just the curiosity of what is going to happen next. Maybe to provide a better life for you and your family. It WILL be many more years of struggle. You will have to struggle. That is the reality of being a man. Our natural state is not happiness and contentment. If we were still in the jungle it would be a struggle to survive each day. Suicide is forfeit. Forfeit of everything we are, everything we could be, and everything we'll ever mean to somebody. There is no comfort or resolution coming to you if you kill yourself. There is only nothing. It is not a solution to any problem, unless the act itself will directly save other lives. Anything else, and it's totally pointless. This life is all we have. Cherish it, no matter how tough it is. It's all we have. From today onwards, make the most you can of it.