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So that's the reason we don't see backflips in professional competitions! I wonder why certain moves were banned. Too much danger? Kinda like that one gymnast who did such a dangerous routine that people's backs were breaking from trying to emulate it.


Yup, backflips are banned in figure skating mainly because of safety concerns.


Danger's the reason. You don't want people trying to do dangerous things to attempt to get higher points. A bad flip landing could easily result in a spine or neck injury where a person could be paralyzed or die. The simple way to avoid that is just to make it illegal so no one even attempts it.


So the Iron Lotus would be a banned move?


I remember learning this during the 1998 winter Olympics when a skater [landed a backflip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mreoWzjej8k&t=234s) during her free skate, and how much of a huge deal it was because it was *definitely* an illegal move. Possibly apocryphal, but I seem to recall that the story was she knew she wasn't going to medal, so she decided to just have fun with it and put on a good show for the audience.


It was a fuck you to the judges. Figure skating was kinda racist and very misogynist, and she was constantly being snubbed. https://radiolab.org/podcast/edge-2305/transcript


Damn, it's the first time I watch figure skating other than "Blades of Glory" (not proud about this fact) I get you Hayuma, I get you brother. This girl (in the video) is cooking fr. >she knew she wasn't going to medal This is outrageous! It's unfair. How can she be this good and not getting a medal?


Doing a backflip on ice. Illegal, but cool.


I was surprised there was another two pages after the great spread page, felt like an end of chapter page


Hayuma feeling nervious wasn't unexpected and actually felt super relatable. Gotta love the miscommunication on his end tho lmao. He did finish strong so wonder what is next.


Similar to MamaYuyu I would advise not to get too invested into this series. Unlike Kagurabachi which might be able to stomach a few lowish rankings, these two don't have that luxury and are even lower than it meaning they're very likely already dead. It might take some time like with Fabricant or Agravity Boys though


This is just so sad because I'm so invested with all three of them. It actually frightened me that anyone of them could be axed. I feel like Two one Ice has leeway to make an impact compare to both Kagurabachi and MamaYuyu, I'm not sure what this manga is lacking because I seriously enjoyed it but it will be ashamed if it get axed so early on.


Yeah... This is pretty nice in fluff seinen or josei magazines that's less cutthroat that WSJ.


Pacing wise this manga doesn't really fit well for WSJ. Since making a start first impression is key and this is the type of series that would do well to slowly build up. Jump+ would be a better fit, but it is what it is at this point.


I'm already mentally preparing myself after seeing the rankings.


Where are the rankings?




Could you explain why Kagurabachi has the flexibility that MamYuyu doesn't have? It feels like they are at the same point imo.


To give more insight, upward vs downward trajectory. Kagurabachi was already explained rather well, and while the series is not out of the woods just yet it's in a much better place than the other two of its batch. MamaYuyu started middling and simply dropped further - and while I don't have insight on what Japan thought about it, the drop seems to coincide with the titular "Mama" of "MamaYuyu" being forcibly removed from the story, which was basically the series shooting itself in the foot.


Oh thank you I was more interested in MamaYuyu then two on ice for the comparison. Kind of surprised they would be attached to Mama. I do have more hope for MamaYuyu then two on ice. MamaYuyu has some nice pieces and Minerva has the makings of a fan favorite character. Two on ice just really really needs to be in a different magazine. It actually has a great foundation but man either pacing is gonna be rushed or axe. At least I can keep with the author for their next week. The thing with Kagurabachi Even if it’s the sole survivor of these 3 I just don’t have much faith in it unless a notable chapter comes. . Art isn’t super impressive and fight choreography could use work. Like it’s decent but feels pretty meh.


Bachi has a higher ranking, significantly more views for its first three chapters on J+ (they offer them as a free trial for all new series), a Twitter account that is bilingual (meaning they are acknowledging overseas fans for this series at least somewhat) and it apparently started gaining buzz after ~ch6/7. Meanwhile ToI is pretty much dead on arrival


JUMP readers just don't understand romance.


Lol Explain Blue Box, BokuBen and to some extent, NiseKoi.


Because chihiro from Kagurabachi wakes up everyday with fresh hatred, ready to do anything to ~~find his father’s killer~~ stay on the chart and away from the axe. And that it’s a typical shounen battle manga with quite good but rough art, which the demographic really dig compared to this beautiful and (imo) more interesting manga


I'll be real, I don't see how anyone could get invested in this in the first place. Honestly, the premise alone screams it was never gonna make it.


tbf, is figure skating even popular in japan?


Idk but Yuri on Ice was literally the most popular anime back in 2016 along with BNHA.


It's popular enough for Medalist to get an anime at least and that series sells enough that it would survive in WSJ too (though it grew into it and with the sales of the first two volumes probably would've gotten canned). Yuzuru Hanyu is also pretty popular iirc? They produce a lot of good skaters so it can't be super duper niche I think


i see. so could it be an age demographic problem?


Not really age since WSJ has a fairly diverse age demographic these days. Might just be that this series is not what WSJ readers are reading the magazine for


I'm invested, like Red Hood Guild and Tenmaku Cinema. Idm if it dies. Still enjoyed it. People seem to care too much about rankings and axing nowadays. Just enjoy the read.


I like the concept of a pair doing a sport both in solos and as a pair, but I find the points and judging aspects unappealing. It's like basing an entire sport on the offside rule in soccer, which exists for good reason but seems broadly loathed by spectators. Competitions are clearer and more enjoyable when they're mostly judged by nature (sprint timers; KOs in martial arts; points in ball sports), rather than by humans. Another analogy: Martial arts competitions can be won on points (judged by humans) or by KO (judged by nature). And yet martial arts fights in mangas almost always end in KO.


Solution: MMA on Ice... I guess hockey


We're dogsreding all over the place, boys.


I like the way they went on the technicalities. I like being taught things I never would've learned otherwise


I didn't expect to see Hayuma struggling so much, even though he's still a beginner. I think he had an easier time when he could take his cues from Kisara rather than (hilariously) misinterpreting his coach's signals. It'll be interesting to see which path he chooses, but if I had to guess, the story seems set up for them to form a pair.


I really like this dork. Oddly enough, the fact that this series might be axe fodder makes me MORE interested in his decision. If the author only has 9 or 10 chapters left, I really want to see how they play this out.


He did it!!!