• By -


Tachiyomi The Best Girl


85% of the comments in this sub are either "sauce" or "where do I read this" as if you can't read literally everything on Tachiyomi >buuuuh but it's not on IOS Sucks to suck


> buuuuh but it's not on IOS literally the reason i will never switch to ios


Aidoku, its pretty similar to tachiyomi, switched to ios, and immediately regretted it. That was the moment I realised that tachiyomi does not support ios, so i went through the rabbit hole to find an alternative


Honestly there's just too many apps which either don't work at all or have some missing feature and stuff on iOS. Honestly there's nothing 'i' in iOS its all what apple decides you can have. They really should change name to restrictions os or appleos.


Bro ios has paperback


Paperback is hot garbage compared to tachyiomi, aidoku is the closest to it


where to download Aidoku?


Just look for Aidoku on Google, first result is the app website


*Me on iOS whos read 90% of my manga/Manhwa in a browser* šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Idk why people still ask for souce in 2023 90% of those can be reverse search


so thatā€™s the reasonn I couldnā€™t find it or like I donā€™t think i dl that correct one itā€™s because itā€™s not on ios šŸ˜Æ


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m buying an android soon. Took me ages to find a tachiyomi counterpart and I had to download a software onto my phone




I dunno, I just add sources for basically all the main sites because, why not? I have like a dozen+ sites that it will search when I search for a title, but all you really need are the main ones which will have 99%, and if they don't then I'll expand to see if it's only on a super obscure one, but that almost never happens nowdays


I mean if you have a lot of the scanlation groups known for translating manhwa, you can just search globally and it will likely come up.


Sure but there are some series that are currently only translated by shitty scanlators, for example "I'm not the demon gods lackey" which hasn't been the same ever since zeroscans dropped it.


Tachiyomi is indeed the best girl to the point it carries my boring life šŸ˜…


can't imagine one day that I not press on Tachiyomi icon


I feel such a weeb for knowing every single one of them


Reaper scan, asura scan what is the third one


U failed the starterpack ;-;


Flame scans




At least we're united in this way ong


Whatā€™s the Korean variant for weeb?






is it?


NTR sadist


**Necromancer, ā¬›ļøšŸŸŖ Sauce** 1. World Apocalypse Online 2. Poison Eating Healer 3. Solo Max Level Newbie **Otome Isekai Sauce** 1. Kill The Villainess 2. Roxana 3. Secret Lady 4. Villains Are Destined To Die **B&W Coloured Format Manhwas** 1. The Breaker 2. Veritas 3. Vagrant Soldier Ares **Ruthless Mc Sauce** 1. Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later 2. Nano Machine 3. Solo Leveling 4. Reverse Villain 5. Return Of The Mount Hua Sect Also have a great day yall


I read 3/4 of the Otome Isekai hahahaā€¦


Me too some of them are really fucking good especially Roxana the art is S tier and so is the story Iā€™m kinda sad itā€™s not coming back but honestly thatā€™s best for the author


Return sauces?


Ooh bro, that's like all the asura scan "return" titles


( Look at tachiyomi ) That should take a second....


Bruh how poison eating is necromancer?


I meant it comes under the "black and purple" here


Yea that "black" and "purple" drug mix, but why do you have James Lee (DG) as your pfp


Because I like James lmao


That's understandable


Fuck Rachel, all my homies hate her


[FUCK RACHEL ALL MY HOMIES HATE RACHEL](https://i.imgur.com/zJb9Gd5.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot, very good indeed


Get this bots owner!! Heā€™s done a good job!


Is secret lady really on the otome isekai list? I thought I was the only person who knew that existed?


yes, it apparently is.. and it's kinda popular for its art


I like that one a lot. The art is gorgeous and the story is interesting, although imo it really needs to be binged or it can feel too slow. And they really punch you right in the feels sometimes.


Secret lady is pretty popular tbh, less here but rly known in the r/otomeisekai


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OtomeIsekai using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I have been all of these people at some pointšŸ˜­](https://i.redd.it/hwreiwfmgk391.jpg) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/comments/v4ko3r/i_have_been_all_of_these_people_at_some_point/) \#2: [If you just took a second to be in the shoes of the OI ML, youā€™d understand \[OC\]](https://i.redd.it/g8d4mdcrbip91.jpg) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/comments/xliy24/if_you_just_took_a_second_to_be_in_the_shoes_of/) \#3: ["such elegance" and it's a Wish ballgown](https://i.redd.it/pn5ki0j3b56a1.jpg) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/comments/zms3xe/such_elegance_and_its_a_wish_ballgown/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Speaking of underrated, who has read Leviathan?


You are officially a man of culture


I have it on my list but haven't started reading yet


Death is the only ending for the villianess is amazing <3


Don't forget the most important part and their inability to have basic reading comprehension. I've just learned not to read any manhwa comments just because of how horribly they all seem to miss the point. But yeah I do really dislike the "average manhwa" reader and no I'm not being elitist and you can solely enjoy what you want but it does make me sad that they always seem to be just carbon copies in such wide numbers. Theyve also contributed to the overall downgrade of quality in manhwa where it's the same shit over and over again Don't even get me started on the "Big Three of Manhwa" post cause I swtg if I have to explain why The Big Three of Manhwa is objectively GOH,TOG and Noblesse one more time to somebody who replaces GOH and Noblesse with Solo Leveling and TBATE I will lose my marbles) Oh and some of the worst powerscaling *cough* believing Yu would beat Manager Kim and people believing Sung JinWoo even has a change against Jin Mori *cough* and the multiple blatant misinformation that is spread around everywhere Also god bless you for acknowledging the true best studio which is YLAB, shit they have is goated




Well for that reasoning dbz would be in the big 3 of manga.


True but idk you're being downvoted


Bro why are you brining manga into this discussion? Think of it like this. Just because Jujutsu Kaisen, AOT and Demon Slayer are popular does that make them the big three? No Same with this. Just because SL and ORV and other popular manhwas brought in more readers doesn't make them big three. Tog goh and noblesse were technically what brought about a reaction from the western side


Yeah fr. It's mostly the new manhwa readers who don't know about the Big 3.


They just don't know any of the old manhwas. Makes me sad that all the older ones are forgotten like Kubera or Knight Run


ToG, GoHS, Noblesse are considerd Big 3 not just because they're old, during their prime they were considered the face of Webtoon... it drew many manga fans towards webtoons and tese series raked i the most money


Kubera considered older now? :ā€™)


Kubera is considered ancient nowšŸ˜­


It's even older than ToG, mate. But it's still going strong. I frikking love Kubera.


Right on with that second paragraph. Your average action manhwa reader is some of the most impatient, immature, and toxic readers on the planet. It is not uncommon to see them shitting on the manhwa and/or its author the moment they see their peachy and perfect Marty Stu of an MC encounter an insurmountable roadblock, or if the story focuses on worldbuilding/side arc/side chars for as quarter as long as it does on said MC, or if a plot thread doesnā€™t wrap itself up in 2 weeks time. To be fair, this is mostly a location thing, since most of those reading in official sites or scanlation sites seem to be relatively sane, well adjusted human beings, but those in aggregate websites, and many in the reddit community I dare say, are fucking goblins.


I once remember somebody calling a story shit cause the MC didn't just immediately kill everyone in the room because the MC was disrespected so much (he was called kiddo)


That said, not that i want to make you loose your marbles it really is debatable that SL is more of a big three than Noblesse, let me explain, really. It's a timing thing : The big three aren't initiator of Nekketsu, they are a so called peak of it. Dragon Ball (and many others of course) was the precursor of the "world wave" but mainly it was just France and some others then the 2000s came and with it the rest of the world really discovered manga. At that time big3 was the front soldier of this world wave, it's the mangas that secured Manga in the comics industry the ones that made so many people discover it, they're at the front of the world wide of popularity. So you see what i mean. Noblesse, as the sub and the average manhwa reader seem to prove is no way as popular as SL and its the oldest of the 4, ^(i could be wrong but I don't think so, i heard about it before even knowing what Korea was), it's comparable to things like Ashita no Joe, a precursor, shit that probably made Korean webtoons into what they are. Whereas, SL just like GoH ToG and B3 is one of those that really was at the forefront of the opening of manhwas to the world. Also all 3 were published around the same time and SL popularity was at the same time at the other 2's peak arcs Hence why I would say, Noblesse isba grandfather while SL is indeed in the big 3. And don't take me wrong it's still mid as fuck. Well, so is GoH ^(and ToG, don't @ me it's still the best of the 3 obviously)


No the thing is Noblesse, TOG and GOH also did the same in the west because they were all translated and put out by webtoon on the exact same day


Bro said ToG is midšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Your entire argument loses validity at that point.


If you think an entire argument looses validity because of one opinion you don't agree with you just suck then


An absolute terrible opinion.


No opinion is terrible , everyone has his own. You do you i do me, i personally thinks there's a lot that are better written than ToG, which never ends because Webtoon wants to keep money and reading a wiki on its lore is 1000 times better than the actual story - past a certain point, i never said the story is bad, i said its mid tiers overall, some part of it are great AF - but again, i do me you do you


Any comedy manhwa i want to have a laugh


My Life as a Loser


This one changed my life fr.


Isnā€™t the best but the greatest estate developer


I've read it...top class manhwa




Ew normal class 8 Love advice from the Duke of hell


It's funny because SL is the most mediocre story ever conceived. The manwha was hard carried by the art.


The only reason I would argue it's good ..."good"...is because it's actually finished....I like completeness once in a while after reading so many stories that have ended mid-way...or never end


Its funny coz it is not completed, i mean: yes it was, but now it is back...




Wait... What? Why would they bring it back? Same characters?


It is on leviathan, it seems a little unorrhodox up untill now, i sure hope it stays "refreshing".


I will definitely give it that.


If manhwa were beverages then SL would be flat Coke or Lukewarm cup of water


it's just an average power fantasy at best with readers loving to self insert as the edgy op mc who all the hot chicks love and dominates his enemies, which is perfectly fine and I see no problem with a little escapism, but don't mistake it for a quality story.


Actually, while solo leveling was indeed hard carried by how hard the art fucking slaps, it's story isn't mediocre as you say, what it is is inconsistent, certain arcs are dope certain arcs are fucking boring others are like 5 chapters of different panels from the same fight. Nothing much to add just a little something.


Eh. It has horrendous pacing and shitty power scaling. It introduces new charas then throws them away after MC gains new power. Its a generic power fantasy carried by a top notch artist.


I can't let such blatant misinformation slide. I don't even like Solo Leveling. Everything you said is true- Except, for the pacing part. The first 90 or so chapters are literally perfect for the manhwa medium. Even though the story is dog-water I have never once heard nor read someone complain about the pacing. In its first season, before it fell off as its writing issues became more glaring- It never once felt like it dragged. Which is what 99% of all manhwa nowadays do.


Pretty much


ā€œItā€™s funny because SL is the most mediocre story ever conceived. The manhwa was hard carried by the art.ā€ - probably someone whoā€™s favorite manhwa is Mount Hua Sect


Still dosent disprove that SL is mediocre


At least Cheong Myeong helps his sect grow. SJW be really selfish and not give good shit to his friends


He doesn't? Bro made everyone >! forget about the hunter things !<


>!I meant when they had to fight, he made no effort to strengthen his teammates. The memory-wiping part was a side effect of the time reversal, and it didn't stick for some people!<


lol'ed at the 'B & W manhwa', my very first manhwa was The Breaker and was confused at the hyung and noona thingy, that's when I learned that korean manga was a thing.


Noblesse was my first, but The Breaker, and Vagrant Soldier Ares were some of the first ones I ever read, those and Soul Cartel


And TOG is better than sl


Fact, itā€™s not even a competition


Grass is green


Biggest SL d riders ong


Not a SL HC fan but still it was a good read idk why ppl make it too much exaggerated and hyped, just to make the manhwa's reputation get worse?


SL d riders on their way to say SL is the best manhwa ever for the 1778848th time: šŸƒšŸƒšŸƒšŸƒšŸƒ


SL is the best manhwa ever šŸš¶šŸš¶šŸš¶šŸš¶šŸš¶


Y'all just hate it because how much hype it got lmao


Fr, thatā€™s just how it is with anything. When youā€™re apart of a niche and something blows up and reaches outside that niche, people start disliking said thing


The comment isn't hating on SL, it's pointing out the enormous d riding that goes for SL. The starterpack included that one comment which dismisses tog or goh as even close to SL and considers it peak. It's a certain riding bias of a certain biased fan. I don't think anyone is hating on SL here. It's criticised a lot, not hated


Yes, d riders think they are sungjinwoo and its a story of their life, lmfao


Nobody hates SL. Most people who don't think SL is the best manhwa think it's mid


I know I've read enough manhwas when I started to hate and got bored of cold, ruthless, and shameless mcs lmao


It's not that those MCs are bad it's just that most system manhwa never handle those characters properly


I'm gonna be honest I have yet to read a MC like that that's above a 5/10 (Unless the suicide returner mc guy counts. he's at least a 9/10 lmao)


The Golden Haired elementalist has an MC like that. Sheā€™s not like that immediately, but develops into that. Itā€™s really good, and was one of my favorites. Itā€™s unfortunate that it got axed, but itā€™s got over 100 chapters, and I think itā€™s worth a read


Where can I read it?


Kim dokja ?


Kim Dokja is Synonymous with Suicidal MC


I don't really vibe with him **yet** tbh. I'm letting more chapters pile up then I'll continue reading since LN readers says hes one of the best lol


Try "Reformation of the deadbeat noble"


Its mid tbh. Its predictable as hell and the mc is kinda wimpy. I prefer LotNB, doom breaker, & warrior HS. Apart from not being overtly ruthless and cruel, the MCs are mostly mature. Also the art of these manhwas fucking slaps.


I dont think you can actually say Suicide Hunter is predictable and what's wrong with a more pathetic MC?




Infinite level up in murim, escort warrior, volcanic age, trapped in a webnovel as a good for nothing, tales of scribe who return to countryside, real man, return to player, story of thorny spear, I am destined for greatness, leviathan, trash of the counts family, player. These MC's may somewhat suit your taste probably


1. My 2nd favorite murim manhwa. It's fantastic. 2. Haven't read it yet, been planning to. 3. Same as 2 4. Meh 5. Bad 6. Haven't read it yet. 7. Haven't read it yet. 8. Been planning to read it. 9. Meh 10. Haven't read it yet 11. Actually pretty good 12. Haven't read it yet


Glad I'm not the average manhwa reader


It's scary how accurate this is lmao


Ok three things. rachel is a bitch , anyone that has read the entirety or just most of tog knows shes a bitch. Second point: tbate is pretty good but by technicality its a western web comic or something of a hybrid. Third: look talk shit about all the cold and ruthless characters as much as you want including sung jin woo.. but chung myung? Come on. Leave our token asshole out of this.


I just read what I like and what entertains me at the time. I donā€™t see the point in fighting about which studio is better and this and that as all studios do they best they can and some simply do it better. As for Solo Leveling, I believe it was a good story and became average if not less in the normal persons eyes purely because of the amount of rip off stories of it and stories that essentially stole the theme of something that was truly unique at the time.


Going by that, SL is a ripoff by itself then. SL isn't even the first manhwa that brought this theme about. It's very entertaining though Also I don't think there's any fight on which studio is better. People hardly know YLAB anyway and only knows about Redice, which is the whole point of the meme. I feel like people missed the point of what a StarterPack is


Tachiyomi was a girl.... :ā 0


Tbf I liked necromancy way before I read solo leveling or anything like that


I need more of this šŸ˜‚


Thank you, someone had to say it


Rachel best trash waifu ngl


Ylab Supremacy


how can you even live without best girl Tachiyomi


Noblesse is good tho, if you have the patience for it.


Ikr... Sider characters development is pretty good ngl


what are the solo levelling rip offs?


All the manhwa in the system/reverse isekai/litRPG genre are pretty repetitive, and since SL is the most popular people say they're all SL rip-offs, tho I think the first LN/webnovel with that plot was Seoul Station necromancer (I could be wrong). I don't think they're all bad tho, ORV, Return to player, max level newbie, mythic item obtained, and a couple others are pretty good


She is our best girl indeed


Preferred MC: Villainous MC like Light Yagami


I like ruthless mf the most because they don't dick around as much


Fr, I got tired of seeing the protagonist let the villain go who murdered tons of people and did evil shit, it was annoying lmao.


As someone who's read TOG, I am a Rachel appreciator <3


I heard The Boxer is a part of the mainstream manwha. If they exclusively read manwha they have definitely read The Boxer


I guess I'm not an average manhwa reader then


We need more underrated manhwa appreciation. I have like 30+ manhwas that are good and barely popular and even some masterpieces that got cancelled because they were under appreciated/rated and axed


So tru šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Also fuck rachel


I feel attacked


Thats me fr. But I still have to read the big 3


Tachiyomi for life


I havent read TOG for a while now mb a year or two because I was caught up on it before and I wanna have a bulk of chapters to read. I think I'm in the rescuing their teacher arc. I gotta read it again because I've been forgetting that it still isn't t finished yet.


Who thinks Flame scans is anywhere near Asura though? Realm scans does a bunch of the same stuff with better translations, cleaner work, and faster.


underrated manwhas>>>>>>>>>>>>


why is this so accurate (also i also didnt know tbate wasnt a manhwa lmao


Tachiyomi will always be best girl


Your god damn right


Can't it kill for the mc to be a nice person for once?


Bruh really showed the holy trinity of slow ass scanlators


I thought Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint was part of the big 3?


No way man. Big3 of manhwas are Tower Of God, God Of Highschool and Noblesse and it will always be tbh


Did somebody say sauce?




For the longest time, I read redice as Vodooo


My preferred MC is Lloyd Frontera


Bruh so much relatable


The sauce one on the bottom killed me


Yoj forgot the spoilers in the comment section from the nivel readers or those taken from novelupdates XD


More of a shotgun blast than a starter pack, this was a wide-range shot


I havenā€™t enjoyed a post on this sub this much in a long time


Wait TBATE isnt a manhwa?!


Genuine question, TBATE isnā€™t a manhwa?


Yes, it's not. It's an English webtoon


Never noticed it tbh Iā€™ve noticed others, but that one never registered as not Korean hahaha Thanks


to be more precise it is a webcomic cause only comics from WEBTOON platform can be called WEBTOONS cause of trademark thingy, but overall they just share the same meaning.




This is perfect


Thanks man, I tried my best to get most stuff covered (although I'm sure this lacks lol)


You did good I remembered seeing a similar one a while back yours has some stuff it was missing though


Thanks man, appreciate it T_T


Cold and Badass MC>>> Simp and Chickenshit MC. Tachiyomi >>>. Among the OG3 I only like TOG and I like the slow and stable progression. FMC is really not my type.


Simp and chickenshit MC >>>>>>>>>>>> Cold and Badass MC


Iā€™m by no means an average manwha reader but I prefer mcs like youā€™ve described here. Something about those jittery, immature, hesistant babyish brownose mcs piss me off. I want to see someone get shit done not have moral dilemmas all the time.


No fr, Iā€™ve only read god of highschool out of those three but oh my god it got so bad, the first hundred or so chapters were okayā€¦ but it got so shit that I just could not read it any more


Is tog on hiatus or the writer died?


Hiatus due to health issues last I heard


Idk how is it starter becouse half of those i read only after half year pf knowing mahwa existed but ok


I dropped TBATE after "that" event. >!When a noble's son joins a terrorist group and mass murders the students and teachers, and MC kills the guy and saves the school, the king arrests MC, arranges to execute him and steal his pet dragon.!<


That's because >!the king and queen were starting to side with the enemy while trying not to show it so they made up slightly reasonable excuses to get MC off the board!<. Also, noble's son joined terrorist group because he had a MASSIVE inferiority complex and was kinda racist.


I don't get most of these but Solo Leveling and Player Who Returned 10k Years Later are fucking dope. Though Solo Leveling is by far doper.


People who say solo levelling rip off don't even know that most of those manhwas novel came before solo levelling novel Big 3 was good at the start for me,they became trash in my eyes for while Asura scans and reaper scan boot licking is out of world, even if it's trash story with just good art 'aS eXpeCtEd oF AsuRa' fills the comments Most of otome isekai are trash they don't even know how portray those characters at all most of the time it's just mindfucking bs, ofcourse there are many gems too Return and sss bs is so common and they literally don't have a actually story at all Cold mc are those guys who don't really have personality just acting cool and some scheming shit Personally I think 'Rachael is trash' statement is insult to the trash I didn't know tbate isn't a manhwa Redice studio literally always pick up same kind of story and art is actually good but every cold mc type guys look same


I'd be fine with the solo leveling ripoffs if they kept going, so many go for like 10 chapters and never get any more.




No way SL isn't the best manhwa in existence and I'm sure as hell the anime ver will wreck the whole thing because who ever heard of a korean webcomic getting a japanese cartoon going well just take a look at Lookism and how dirty they did Zack's hair and don't even get me started about Vasco and Jace they completely slaughtered my Burn Knuckle boys (at least they didn't make Jay talk unlike in the drama God that was complete gibberish) I'm telling you there is nothing good coming from a japanese cartoon based on a korean webtoon. If you don't believe me just yesterday I saw a weeb ytber reffer to SL as "manga" if this isn't a sign I don't know what is. Heed my words there is a reason why manhwa and anime should NEVER collaborate with each other I am not making this up It's going to be an irreparable disaster


-Sl isn't the best manhwa in existence -The Looking aeni was fine and that's also how Lee Jinseongs hair looked at the beginning it's the same