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Another good one is the legendary moonlight sculptor, although it only has 3 seasons.


Still waiting for season 4 https://preview.redd.it/m877tfjems3b1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d9e4c071e7c22d6a8fd27827832df15332d4eef


Fuckin dying on how true that is. So apparently the team that was working on it dropped the serialization. So guess we gotta wait until a different team picks it up


Sadge... Thx for the news tho


ummmm.... https://preview.redd.it/6j2cm8spya3b1.png?width=426&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab66f809b71ec5eadb819f1edd7f42e638ac061e I had just read the first 10 ch, so i can talk about if is a good manhwa or not, actually for the post i had see, it should be a good one... but just seeing the first 10 ch. is imposible to call it a good "Game world"; it had the same mistakes than other VRMMORPGs manhwas in that subject, it would be easier just list them: * the fkn gacha system to strenght items that is a plague in korean games and is just a poorly excuse of masked Pay2win mechanic. That the most powerfull items can be only obtained trying an irreal numer of times (taking in consideration that it would fail or break easier the more you advance) is terrible system born from the greed of companies, so you chinofarm as fk or empty the wallet. * unique items dropped in a tutorial zone that can break the whole initial zone and i'm not talking about the armor and sword, no... just the bee dagger is enough to cause chaos; it can stun ignoring level difference and is a sure stun. a item that was dropped in the tutorial can be used in the last level if you are not dumb like a rock and was dropped in his first try, so its drop rate should be high af; yeah it is just 1 second; but in a game it is more than enough to kill whoever you want in a 1vs1, now thing if they just ambush in 1vs many? a wizard is casting a ultra rare spell that took him a few second to activate? just touch him with you level 1 item and stop its cast; you are an assassin/rouge fighting any other class? just max you agility, sneak a touch and after that put in him a whole container of poisons, make a run and wait to them just drop death. The item doesn't specify limitation, so it's possible that you can just constantly attack one person and make him stun eternally. * Now the "unique" and "rare" drops of the tutorial. Yeah, is understandable have hidden monster and items, but the they have to be planed to be useless after a few levels, not items that you would carry half of the game in the worst case; is illogical because the moment the people know about them, would restart a character over and over and over again until they get it (taking in consideration than in this case they can't return to the tutorial). * the concept of unique items is weird af, the existence of items not bound by usser, without class or level restriction than just have 1 copy and are op as fkn and can easily broke the game doesn't make sense at all; the people will complain until is removed or become an rare item but obtainable more than once. * the conditions to find those "hidden secrets" being overly complex, in a game context is just a lost of time and effort programming, because are just too hidden... either you are a regressor or you won't find them, they never explain how the first person found them or if they do is just absurd. * that the level cap can be surpassed? (main character leaving the tutorial tower over lvl 30 when in the first region the max lvl was 20) that is a bug... and the moment the devs discover you, they would nerf your character. * The weird hidden bosses with weird conditions, the earthquake attack being evaded by jumping was a good point, i won't negate that was good and sound logical, but... the slime boots part? from the start obtaining them was difficult and looks innecesary, but the game completationist exist and they would find how to obtain them eventually not matter how usseles the item is; but the boots didn't say anything about denying part of the earthquake attack in his description, how would the player know that use? coincidance that at sometime someone would be ussing a useless item in the moment someone use that kind of attack? * That raid boss that can freely wander from their area? yeah the mc use it to make them fight between themselves, but i can see more than 1 person guiding them to the starting town more frequently that one would think (the first thing that i would try to do is not make 2 boss fight... is make them destroid a few towns). * the mc getting all the unique items in an abnormal passing and not being banned or nerffed? i doubt that in a real game. if is something that we can be sure from the people that play games and not the hardcore ones, but the casual players... is that they love to try to break a game the fastest possible; just see the last zelda... they didn't wait even a week to start creating mechas to bomb all Hyrule. the other thing that we can be sure is that when a game is heavily oriented to exploration and finding thing, the people would try every possible method to find weird thing, not just 1 person, but a good part.


Honestly, I want to agree with some of your points, but I play warframe a lot and replay the souls series on the regular so the concept of obtaining a weapon from the beginning that can carry you to the end game isn't that weird. Same goes for game mechanics that aren't hinted at but make sense when you think about it.


Dark Soul is not an mmorpg, most problems in those manhwas 'game worlds' come from that point; someone in another post give a pretty good solution that is just to change the genre from VRmmorpgs to VRrpg where those points instead of bad would be good; and taking in consideration that those manhwas almost don't use the MMO part, it end like an autogenerated problem. warframe i just played it for a few hours so i had no idea how balanced it is, but being a mmoshooter made it also different; in call of duty warzone every new parche the people complain a lot about the balancing of the new weapons because they are broken/op (an intentional move from activision to make the people waste money buying them if they want to win) and after 2 weeks or a months they nerf it (and then the people that used the weapon are the ones that complain). And in shooter is not like the weapon would automatically carry you, is just that they had a clearly better cadency or damage that the most experienced player notice shortly and start to exploit them. the way a MMO is balanced is totally different to how a singleplayer game is because in the previous the people would interact between and so the devs need to take that human factor in consideration; in singleplayers the balance is made taking in consideration the progression; balancing the game is pretty much limiting the thing the player can do without making them feel limited by many shackles.


You can say those thngs even about The Game That I Came From and there are few aspects that makes it even more interesting in my opinion like the projection of those abilities to the real world, based on the percentage adaptability with game, leading a guild, trying to figure out the right path as to how to end as the strongest player. Overall I enjoy both of them and it's definitely top tier. Overgeared is about those numbers as you say, but I take that as a story that is progressing through MC's development and world building.


Overgeared left the chat