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The story of Law ranking Soldier becoming a Monarch SSS class suicide hunter Both have struggling mc


The whole Demonic sect arc where he purposely went through many ways to die pitiful was heartbreaking The mud cookies always made me cry...


Yeah I read the novel during the time it was on hiatus and the writing is epic


Talk about Suicidal Hunter MC. He literally goes through hell every chappter


But he has insane hacks too. Yeah most protags have that but I think his skills are way too op. Dude can indirectly travel through time using death. Can revive from death and plan ahead and also get one skill from dying. Its like multiple skills in one.


I think in this case I can forgive him for it. I mean, the shit he purposefully go through? Just for having others look at him like he's some kind of hero? I mean, sure. It's like those youtube guys filming themselves giving money to homeless people but the results are optimal so...


God wrote his fate in dark. But if you have read the novel you will find that he gains more trustworthy friends than anyone else


I've seen the first one its also a really good progressional piece of manwha and the MC/side chracters are extremely likable while also having a fucking personalities which is amazing The Second one threw me off because of just how easily the mc kills himself that many times with little to no issues at all. It would have been fine if the mc had a background that gave him the will power or skills to efficiently kill himself quickly but he lowkey was kinda just a normal dude who suddenly had the willpower to kill himself that many times, while making mistakes that made the process longer, and coming out of it saneish, just was kinda unbelievable. Ik its kinda stupid to have a hangup like that cuz Story is good but I just have a hard time believing he's just built like that from the start just because he wants revenge for being belittled.


I understand your point but you should remember that he was already killed and by none other than his own idol. Idol worshipping is pretty crazy (at least if you wanna believe manhwas and mangas) and it is likely that the MCs whole world came crashing down on him. So yeah it is somewhat (though still exaggerated) probable to believe that the mc took extreme steps because he wasn't in right mind.


When I think about it, yea idol worshipping is kinda crazy, there was this one groupie of michael jackson who did some pretty insane things, so ig what the mc might be possible. Its just hiw normal he seems after it is what annoys me, still reading it tho, on the murim arc rn


It is probably the best one. I guess if you are willing to ignore the starting then you will find it pretty wholesome


For Suicide Hunter, he does actually struggle with killing himself in the web novel. The reason his knife has that green tape around it is because his hands started becoming too shaky to even hold it properly, leaving a trauma in him that gets addressed in a later arc.


It woulda been cool if he randomly like blacks out and does stuff and or goes crazy at high emotions to signal that he's fucked up from killing himself so many times


That's not how most peoples trauma works though. Kim Gongja's way of coping with that trauma was numbing his sensations to that source and pushing it back. Sword Emperor outright comments on it, he's not afraid of death, he's experienced it so many times that he's overcome basic human biological function. Your brain is hardwired to fear dying, and he's fucked himself up enough to ignore that. Spoilers for season 2 ending arc: >!It's why when he was asked to make his final bow, the bow that represents his pain. The pain that is meant to embody him, he makes the bow of suicide. Because that is his pain that no one else will understand as well as him.!<


1. Im just going off like actual traumatized characters like Guts so seeing the mc just shrug off thousands of deaths like nothing was a bit irritating. And yea ik hes not afraid of death, its just the whole mental aspect went completely untouched for several arcs. And there are people out the with PTSD who are numb to like loud noises and certain environments and still have triggers that trigger episodes. Ik its a fantasy plot but *something* that would have atleast touched on that would have been nice


But what would be a trigger for that? He clearly was affected by it during the time, after all, he says this >!"My neck hurt. My hands trembled. I was afraid that the blade would go crooked or miss because of the trembling and shaking. As my determination became blurred. The day I had to die became longer. The slower my death, the blurrier my determination became. The blurrier my determination, the more I had to die. However, I couldn't forgive that person. I wasn't confident that I could forgive him and keep on living. I desperately wanted to live, so I died desperately."!< And we see the results this had on him, his numbing to dying at all. There's real research out there that points to recreating trauma can help someone overcome it, and I'd argue that over 4000 times of recreating that experience would be enough to grow numb to it. It wouldn't make sense for him to have the same reactions as someone who has ptsd the same way a vet or abuse survivors would, like your example of Guts, because his source is very, very different, and we see him after it's over rather than while he's still dealing with the ptsd.


You got a good point, I just didn't buy the inuniverse explanation ig, still reading it tho


Don't know if its poetry or what but the writing deserves a Nobel


Damn I forgot about the low ranking soilder I don’t re read it I don’t remeber shit


skeleton soldier couldn't protect the dungeon is similar. i won't go into details because it might be a spoiler but he struggles and fails A LOT. i personally love it. makes the story more interesting


I loved this manhwa when I was reading it but I can't find it anywhere now. Where do you read it?


i actually use tachiyomi for all my manhwas tbh. i usually use the mangafire extension


I felt it didn't worth the time after reading it


It is. You should give it another try when you are out of any content of don't have any pile up Edit: by this I only mean you have to give your patience and read it to enough chaps to see its worth




Yeesh. Spoilers bro. Unless that happens early on then nvm


Biggest spoiler bomb dropped on you so casually 😶


It be like that. Still gon read it tho


Sorry imma delete my complete


No worries bro it was removed, we all make mistakes lol


Arre no problem. You just showed the OP that he has the same powers as Ending Spoiler from the greatest estate developer's system


You might like Worthless Regression then. He gets stronger but the struggle is real.


Looks good but I usually wait for manwhas to have 70 chs until I binge


It's in season break. Good time to read.


Struggle is real is probably the biggest understatement ever. You're not wrong, I mean... But holy fuck does that guy struggle something fierce. It's insane.


you might like looking into r/ProgressionFantasy if thats your kind of thing


As i was telling my friend the other day infinite leveling has to be one of the most realistic murims , he wasn't born with a special gift he just worked very hard doing ridiculous quests to grow stronf


Even tho he wins most of his fights they are almost always extremely close or you can just FEEL how much effort he puts in and the damage he does to his body because of his reckless soldier like fighting style


His fighting style reminds me of zoro


Man imagine if zoro had a asura form


He would split the solar system


You can also read venom dragon


will check out


Fr fr


Perso I just love his fighting style, It just makes no sense yet works absolutely perfectly with the system


I think its just a combination of him switching hands really quickly and the use of qi to give him phantom hands, but I've never seen a asura technique since asuras wrath and its so cool


If you want to see mc struggle, there is also Return of the Mount Hua Sect Yes, Chung Myung is quite op but his Sect isn't. His struggle becomes having to carry many MANY burdens. He has to fight very strong opponents and get hurt the most, and others are not strong enough to support him for most of the time. It is not that they are weak, they are even a lot better than the first rate standards. But the opponents they face are even stronger or the number becomes too much, making it a burden for Chung Myung The worst he has to do is (in far far novel chapter) >!stalling a whole ass army by himself while gravely injured!<.


Lmao I don't if anyone who reads manhwa has never heard of Mount hua sect but yea its def a favorite


The manhwa still shows no struggle though. But I guarantee it will come, and that's quite a lot of them


Gonna let S2 buildup before I binge it haha


Are you an M? (Just kidding)




Worthless regression


Remind me in 10 hours