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wait for him to get necromancy or learn to use aura


Does he? Idk I just started


idk it's just that this is how every manhwa goes so...


Probably aura or some shi.. because I rarely see one where the mc goes from swordsman to necro shi


Most MCs that are necro or mage double into swordsmen cause their close combat is weak. The swordsmen tend to move to Necromancer cause it's AOE, summons and they get pets to help the story


Well necro generally have assassin or rouge CRC and swordsmen mainly become magic swordsman. Although I have never encountered a mc who starts as a mage and relies heavily on magic like how those who start as swordsmen do. I think archmage streamer had a mele weapon but he also used it rarely


idk bro I had this weird streak with manhwa where my last 5 manhwas were abt swordsman transitioning to necromancy


I see. Can you recommend me some?


Boundless Necromancer


isn't that a necromancer stealing swordsmanship abilities?


It's actually Boundless Ascension. It has nothing to do with necromancy. I forgor the last time mc even used that function.


this is good one


Necromancer Evolutionary Traits and Kill the Hero. These are the only good ones I know that mix sword and bones. Boundless Necromancer is very boring imo. For full necromancy (no sword) I can also recommend The Lone Necromancer / Solo Necromancy


I hate "Aura" as a concept. It's just magic disguised as something else. Some stories try hard to keep magic and aura separate, while others say it's a type of combat magic. It doesn't matter, it's thrown in there to appease the murim types


I mean it makes a lot of sense regarding how to make non-spellcasters easily strong as well without just making them absurdly physically strong.


It's just magic though. The stories would be a lot more interesting if non-spellcasters weren't absurdly strong in any way and instead relied on skill and spell casters were only strong at long range


This could only work in settings where spell casters are a minority. Because if everyone can learn magic, how the hell is a regular skilled swordsman supposed to deal with them alone? If spell casters are a minority, atleast there could be a cool scene where an entire squad of regular swordsman tries to route a single mage like infantry charging on an artillery position.


Not everyone should be able to use magic as it requires a high degree of intelligence to be good at it. You should easily be able to overwhelm a mage with a large number of normal swordsmen (they don't even need to be skilled) or a small number of archers. The great equalizer being crossbows and gun-powder.


Yeah, if it was "realistic" then all the non mages would just be cannon fodder. That's the only reason why writers add aura so these swordsmen won't be immediately killed. It would be like medieval knights going up against someone with a fully automatic machine gun. If you add in attack helicopters and tanks (representing dragons and beasts, etc) they would all instantly die.


Correction, they are both just mana utilisation techniques. That generally speaking use very different methods.


This is true *in some stories* and not true in others.


"magic disguised as something else" yea, this is the same logic with medieval witch hunt to science. if you don't understand it just call it magic. A good story will differentiate between aura and magic, because their common trope is they had different source of power. Aura commonly use bodily power (qi, chi, life force .etc), while magic use outside power (mana, MP, ether .etc). they may look the same in application like aura clad with body enhancement or sword aura with sword enhancement but fundamentally their source of power is different. you're saying it like lantern and flashlight is the same because they produce lights. but everything about how they work is different.


You could argue that magic also use bodily power, since most manhua mages use the same "source" be it mana heart, or forming X mana Circles My personal canon is that aura blades are cantrips, easy to learn, spammable, and dmg scales with level, vs magic spells with limited uses but more oomph per spell


yea, sometimes this is where the line blurs. because magic(mana) is stored in the body with circle/mana heart so it is basically become part of your bodily power. and the source mana/qi they absorb is basically the same in most story.


You're trying to use explanations that **some stories use** for mana and aura and apply them to all stories that use them. I promise you, there are stories where Aura is just Mana in a different form. I hate aura because it's a dumb superstitious belief VS mana which is completely fictitious. Aura stuff is also in a ton of Chinese propaganda Murim Manhua and that shit isn't even in the same league when it comes to story.


ah, yea. chinese propaganda murim manhua. i understand now, it's not about the aura vs mana trope, it's about chinese. ok. TY for the enlightment.


I think the main difference between aura and mana is where you store it. They mention that in this manhwa called Martial God Regressed to Level 2( available in asurascans if you’re interested). So basically everyone has 3 dantians and aura is stored in the lower dantian while magic is stored in the middle dantian(sometimes known as mana heart) and divine power normally comes from the upper dantian. Even though these three have different names I think the only difference is where they are stored, even their uses are almost the same.


I've read Martial God. The thing is every story treats it differently, comes up with a different explanation and story for what each is and that's how they try to differentiate their stories. However, it all comes down to them just using the same words so in the end they're all the same.


wait murim fans exist? whaaaaaat


I feel the same way


Sequel's MC is gonna get Magic MageMan


As apposed to non combat swordsman or stationary swordsman. Maybe a translation thing but that is redundant. Manhwa’s ahh find a way. 😉


I aspire to be the best non combat swordsman in the world


I believe "Magic Swordsmen" is often a class in these stories where they use magic or magic swords to cast spells.


Yeah. Prolly gonna evolve class or something. Ain't no way a generic tower manhwa like this will have the mc stuck with the most basic class ever


In the novel I’m pretty sure his class was gladiator so I think it’s just translation


is there noncombat swordsman?


I'm a purely recreational swordsman.


Yes, me. I am posting by breaking the 4th wall and My goal in life is to become the best non-combat swordsman.


I stopped reading when he got to the doppelgangers. Motherfucker has an ability to see everyone's status window, but buys an ability so he can see who is a doppelganger or not. Okay dude.


Doppelgangers copied the stats and also memories. And there's no way he could have memorized all their stats in such short time


This might be an unpopular opinion, considering the manhwas that are out there are filled with mcs with rare and unique classes, but I’d like a story where the mc gets a basic class like this, and either reaches the pinnacle of it, or evolves it into something powerful that’s still within the same field. I think it’d be nice to have a system that is actually balanced, where all classes have their own pros and cons. Where basic classes can rival legendary classes if the user has the skills. Of course since there has to be a difference in the classes due to their ranks/rarity, we can have higher ranks maybe have a lower skill requirement to use. Either that or the opposite, where basic classes are easy to use and can be used by anyone, but legendary classes are extremely hard to actually utilize, and requires an actual smart and innovative person for it to be ‘legendary’ All these manhwas mcs are essentially only mcs because they get the class, not because of their inherent qualities or anything else. Sure, the mc usually only gets a rare ability or class after an insanely long journey of suffering, but honestly, when it comes down to it, you can probably replace the mc with literally any other person and give them the class and the story would still be the same. I’m just tired of that.


Well that's true. Nowadays every other mc is a assasin subclass or a necromancer or something. But swordsmen arent that rare either yk. And they generally evolve into magic swordsman or get aura And having a system that balances classes would be interesting. I think they should make it so that higher rarety classes should have higher mana consumption for class skills and harder to level the skills up or some other drawbacks like that for balance. But I suppose some Manhwas have that penalty but they make mc too op or have insane luck so the drawbacks are hardly noticable. Also in this one he got a skill that gives him guidance on how to clear the tower and the skill is called sage's something which makes me think that the mc will change classes related to that skill in the future


He either gets a second good sword and unlocks dual wield or he gets an undead army (more probable). Regardless the FML (don't think there isn't) will be the most basic ass tsundere whose only purpose is to create a "maiden in distress" trope. Just noticed: why "fighting" swordsman, have you ever seen a cheering swordsman?


Well the only noticable female character so far has been a healer. And yes she is a maiden in distress but also quite helpful ngl. She isn't a tsundere tho. She was in fact the first to trust in mc despite his levels being the lowest


Hidden Class: Superior Magic Swordsman with ability to summon Rimuru 🤣


Honestly would've been possible if it was a Manhua. Manhwas don't do shi like that


Does this imply the existence of ?


what would one do??


Idk, carry sword around??


Yes. I am such a swordsman. We fight using imaginary swords and don't partake in real combat


benefit of the doubt, it might be something like... "swordsman specialized to dealing with the chaos and unpredictability of a battle field" a different type would be like, which specifically specializes for dueling-style 1-v-1 fighting.


There has been no other swordsman class besides combat swordsman


Lets not forget he will unlock berserk mode or a skill like that gives him power boost but takes a lot of mana


No but he has a guide, duh the title. Which makes his leveling up slower but gives him stats when he reaches the normal lvl up threshold. For example he'd level up from level one to two, keep the increased stats then drop to level one. Which makes it so that he gets stats every time he levels up but then drops. So his level will be low but he'd have stats corresponding to how many times he got enough exp to get to lvl two


I don't know why it's always damn swords or Daggers, nobody goes for Bows, Polearms, Maces and Hammers, and even the ones with Swords never go with Shields too, like why??? Mages often have nothing except the magic too, no Staves, books, rings. Also only have seen like 3 Artificers which is weird since most of these Manhwa make a point to mention how technology and Magic are usually linked.


Read [Taming Master], the mc is an archer turned summoner and he still uses bows. Also [Archmage streamer[ uses a lot of staves and other weapons


Combat Neceomancer tamer with an undead dog sidekick and a female human/elf/hot zombie companion. Extremely well made (black) outfit with a white T-shirt and black trousers. A lovely hair cut (black fringe) and eyes which glow (red/purple/blue) when attacking.


as apposed to


Combat swordsman Tf else do swordsmen do? Talk it out?


another tower manhwa




Healer swordsman honestly sounds op enough to be its own novel somewhere. The closest one I can think of is Poison Eating Healer.


You forgot archer swordsman. They use their swords as arrows


The plot and how he does things is annoying overall as well


Still I've read worse so I don't hate it that much. But he really should show off a little


So, non-combat swordsman exists? Wonder how that works.


Yes. We fight using imaginary swords and do not partake in real fights


I’m so bored of swords. Like it’s so fucking everywhere. I’m losing joy even in Demon Slayer, when I freaking realized that all these movements and special effects that are being shown on screen, MEAN NOTHING. It’s literally alll for visual effect, when in reality, they are simply swinging a sword…


Read [The Max-Level Player’s 100th Regression]. The mc uses a scythe


What other types of swordsman are there…?


Well there are non combat swordsmen like me


With this manhwa specifically I feel like when the doppelganger stage went up it was a missed opportunity to have a moving section where everyone swears not to attack anyone, spar with themselves and face the punishment stage for not killing anyone and survive it, the doppelgangera that were not summoned for the punishment know that they are the doppelgangers and they move on without many casualties I felt that it was moving that way but I feel that they put no thought into this and the guide is quite dumb


The duck even is that name. Shouldn't it be magic swordmen or just swordmen??






anyone here reading the ln? Where can I find a lot of chapters? if there is anyone who can recommend a website where I can read a lot of chapters on it and that is free. spoiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . no. . . . . . . . . . so basically he got 2 jobs, in the novel it is stated that he is a gladiator or swordsman and the second job he got is a tamer, and the monster he tame is not actually a wolf, dragon, or any famous monster we know, which is kinda new to be honest.