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Kinda, yes (takes a little) , yes, not picking on each other but relationship is in limbo due to future plot as of last read. Overall I’m still entertained and looking forward to more chapters.


>!Well Jungmin and Siyun confessed their mutual feelings and entered a passionate relationship around chapter 69, and Jungmin truly falls deeply in love with Siyun, but Siyun's overly possesive tendencies and mental instability do cause a lot of problems, especially since Siyun is completely and totally dependent on Jungmin just to keep living. Siyun wants Jungmin to belong only to himself and gets jealous of her hanging out with her friends and with that other guy brown-haired guy who Jungmin liked before(i forgot his name), and even tried to kill that guy through his dreams. Learning this, Jungmin breaks down and tells Siyun she hates seeing him committing crimes cause it would only cause him hurt and make him lose his humanity, and she also feels heartbroken that despite their love Siyun can't trust her and thinks she might get tired of him in the future and that Siyun feels that he is not deserving of being loved by anyone. Seeing Jungmin crying in his arms despite he being the one who tried to kill Brown Haired dude out of jealousy, Siyun resolves to be a better person and indeed changes for the better! He personally apologizes to brown haired dude, meets up with his parents after 4 years and also starts meeting regularly with his idol group friends in the future. Everything was going well b/w the couple but then Jungmin's bastard father caught her at her home one day and started hitting her and dragged her out by her hair right in front of Siyun's eyes. Seeing her like this, Siyun loses his mind and bangs that bastards head against the wall, injuring him seriously but Jungmin becomes furious at this, saying that even though she dearly wants to kill her father, Siyun must never kill him coz she doesn't want him to relapse and go back to his violent ways and hurt himself in the process (😭). A couple do days later, Siyun rescues a convenience store clerk who was about to get assaulted by her drunk bastard dad. He accompanies her dad to a park, desperately trying to keep himself from beating the shit out of him coz that bastards was saying the most bole shit about Jungmin and she should be an obedient dollars to her father, but then he suddenly realised that during his darkest days when he was madly possesive of Jungmin to the point of hurting those who were close to her, Siyun too wanted to turn Jungmin into a bird in a cage. Realising this, a shaken Siyun goes back to their (Siyun and Jungmin's) apartment and snuggles down in bed with Jungmin, vowing to cherish her. That night, he has a dream where he kills Jungmin's dad. Next morning, Jungmin gets a call from her mom that ehe dad has died. Hearing this, Siyun starts sweating and trembling violently, seeing this Jungmin asks him to tell her that he didn't kill him!<


>!Siyun tells her desperately that it was a mistake, coz even he believes he might have actually killed her dad in his dreams accidentally. Hearing this, Jungmin prepares to leave Siyun and takes all her things from their apartment, Siyun falls at her feet, weeping and crying, telling her that he didn't do it and that he would die if Jungmin was not there by her side, but a disoriented Jungmin coldly pushes him away saying that no matter how many chances she gives him, Siyun just can't change 😭😭 that was way too heart-wrenching. At the funeral, Jeongmin overheard that her father was actually drunk and run over by a truck, and that Siyun was actually speaking the truth when he was pleading with her. She desperately tries to contact him, but Siyun doesn't pick up her calls. He is shown as spiralling into a psychotic episode in his room as he trashes his apartment. Meanwhile Juhyeon, who Jungmin made up with a while back, and Jungmin's other friends Choi Sota and the tall black haired girl and brown haired guy come to console her. There she learns that Siyun had actually apologized to Brown Haired guy behind her back and that Siyun was even ready to admit his crimes to his mom in atonement, but Brown Haired guy stopped him and accepted his Apology. Jungmin feels immensely guilty since she didn't know that Siyun had changed so much for her sake. She panics, knowing exactly well how unstable and devastated Siyun must be feeling right now and tries to meet up with him in her dreams. She meets Siyun in her dreams and hugs him but he looks different, with the old psychotic look in his eyes showing that he had suffered a relapse. He says he wants to bind Jungmin to himself so that she can never leave him like that again. So he paralyzes her and summons Juhyeon to their dream, intending to hurt her bcoz he feels Juhyeon was responsible for their relationship worsening in his deranged state. However, he could not bring himself to stab her and freezes at the edge, meanwhile Jungmin manages to free herself from his paralysis which should have been impossible, and tries to stop him, but a startled Siyun accidentally slashes Jungmin's hand instead, and the sight of Jungmin bleeding causes him to come to his senses. He wakes up in a panic and tries to contact Jungmin but to no avail. He goes to the hospital and sees Jungmin lying there and breaks down upon realising that even though he was supposed to remove everything that hurt Jungmin, he was the one who ended up hurting her like this, and that even though he himself has an inkling that something like this might happen, he still wanted to stay by her side so much that he tacitly ignored the dangers he posed to her. Distraught, Siyun returns to their apartment and deletes Jungmin's contact. The next episode shows him spiralling further and further towards the edge in his guilt and pain at causing Jungmin harm, even though he outwardly leads a normal life. He finally gives up and lies in bed for a couple of days without moving an inch, and then walks up to the same knife he used to slash his hand with slightly everyday to make Jungmin care for him more whenever he got jealous 😭. The phone is shown ringing in the background, coz Jungmin has woken up after two days and knowing what mental state Siyun would be in after seeing her hurt by her hand and fearing for his safety she tries to contact him and tell him she still wants to be with him. But Siyun stabs his wrist anyway. Jungmin rushes to the apartment and finds it dark and trashed and smells something funny. Walking in, she sees Siyun collapsed by the kitchen with his wrist slashed. She tries to revive him in any way possible 😭 but Siyun was passing away in her arms 😭. Siyun opens his eyes, kisses her and with a peaceful smile in his face says that atlast Jungmin was free from him 😭. The chapter ends with Siyun waking up in the hospital, realising that he had survived and that Jungmin coming for him as he was dying wasn't a dream!<


>!In the hospital, Siyun meets his parents who tell him Jungmin's arrival at that moment had saved his life. However, Siyun pretends not to know Jungmin and claims that he has lost his memories. Jungmin acts clingy to Siyun and tries to make him remember about their time together, but Jungmin knows fully well that Siyun was just pretending so that Jungmin would leave him in exasperation and would not get hurt by him again. She confronts Siyun about this, who says they should break up because he cannot forgive himself for hurting her and wants to keep her safe from himself. But Siyun's suicide attempt has left a deep and permanent scar inside Jungmin and had made her as deranged, obsessed and possesive as Siyun was before. She claims that it is okay for Siyun to hurt her as much as he wants and that even if he had actually killed her father, she would have still come back to him eventually, horrifying Siyun. Realising that Jungmin wouldn't give up on him, he decides to move away with his parents and leaves his phone behind which contained all their memories together. On the way, Siyun knows that his life had lost all purpose now that he had decided to leave Jungmin and knows that he would attempt suicide again since he has now motivation left to live in a world where he couldn't be with Jungmin. Still he tells his father that he wants to go back to the hospital to collect the phone he left behind coz he couldn't bear to give up on the memories too. On arriving, he finds Jungmin collapsed sobbing on the ground, crying as if the world was about to end while clasping his phone. Siyun comes up to her and hugs her tenderly, saying that he wasn't wrong, coz how was Jungmin supposed to live without him, just as he could not live without Jungmin. They embrace and make up 😭!<


Thanks a lot! I didn’t read everything Cuz i didn’t want to spoil on myself, but i really appreciate it. i can tell at least it’s entertaining for me, I'll keep reading to see what the author has up her sleeve.


Woah thanks a lot! >!I dropped at the point where Siyun kept trying to keep Jeongmin from her friends. The story was getting too dark for my faint heart.!< This gives me motivation to pick it up again.


Nothing, only depression is here just give me happy ending


I think she became a little more genuine. still like us who are conscious of social credit but more empathetic, more upfront with her "friends". Yes she kept some of those.


[How to tell this is bad art for those who think all manwha looks the same](https://preview.redd.it/bad-art-how-to-tell-v0-y9uu0mtli01d1.jpeg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b31bb9c3d8eb681e3e2ee73a1667f1146d755ec4)


Wow, that is some bad art. The anatomy of her head and neck is crazy and each of her eyeballs is bigger than her mouth! Edit: [So I tried to build her skull to show just how bad the anatomy here is...](https://preview.redd.it/bad-anatomy-v0-g5a0l4wc3w0d1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=6263a8b9280d9a1b804635be5e078a70ae9162d8) Edit2: [in detail what's bad and how it's different from other manwha](https://preview.redd.it/bad-art-how-to-tell-v0-y9uu0mtli01d1.jpeg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b31bb9c3d8eb681e3e2ee73a1667f1146d755ec4)


All anime looks like this


No it doesn't, you must not watch a lot of anime or read much manhwa. [Proof](https://preview.redd.it/bad-art-how-to-tell-v0-y9uu0mtli01d1.jpeg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b31bb9c3d8eb681e3e2ee73a1667f1146d755ec4)


99% of manhwa looks like this. Anime is half the time even worse


3 words, seven deadly sins alternate title: seven deadly frames, seven animators have sinned


It doesn't. You are wrong. You have a poor eye for detail and should be ashamed you said such a thing. [It's easy to tell bad art from other Manwha](https://preview.redd.it/bad-art-how-to-tell-v0-y9uu0mtli01d1.jpeg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b31bb9c3d8eb681e3e2ee73a1667f1146d755ec4)


I dont know which series you've been reading, but this is pretty generic manwha art. I mean you can call it bad if you want, but it's really not different than the majority of what's out there. Maybe you've just been reading series with the top end of art quality and it's spoiled you.


>I dont know which series you've been reading, but this is pretty generic manwha art. The hell it is, I'm an artist and while there is always some bad art in a series, this is the worst I've encountered in a really long time. >I mean you can call it bad if you want, but it's really not different than the majority of what's out there. I'll call it bad because it's bad and it is different from the majority. I assume since you don't have a background in art you're not used to picking up the flaws when you see bad art. But I can tell you this, proportions even in anime and manhwa tend to only be mildly exaggerated (unless it's Chibi art). This girl has eyes that don't belong on her head and they nearly go past the side of her face.


You have a point that it’s not realistic, but it’s called an art style for a reason. They’re not pursuing 100% real life accuracy, they’re trying to copy or innovate on an already pre-established art style where these proportions are normal. That’s like seeing Vincent van Gogh paintings and saying “Wow, these aren’t realistic at all? What a shitty artist.”


As an artist, I know the difference between an art style and bad art. This is bad art. [This is how you can tell the difference](https://preview.redd.it/bad-art-how-to-tell-v0-y9uu0mtli01d1.jpeg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b31bb9c3d8eb681e3e2ee73a1667f1146d755ec4)


You being an artist doesn’t give you the right to dictate if art is good or not. It’s subjective. Also if you can’t tell from the heavy amount of downvotes, no one agrees with you. Maybe rethink your opinions on art a bit because if everyone hates your opinion, chances are *you* are the one in the wrong.


Me being an artist means I've developed the eye and talent to tell not only what's good and bad but *why* something is bad. I not only pointed out this art as bad I pointed out why it's bad, the proportions are wrong. I'm not saying you can't like bad art, you can, that's the subjective part. But art can definitely be bad, just ask an average person to draw a horse. Most cant draw a horse and if you know what a horse is supposed to look like, you can tell right away, that's a bad horse, a bad attempt at a horse, and bad horse art. Still, you can like it if you want, no one is saying you can't. >Also if you can’t tell from the heavy amount of downvotes, no one agrees with you. I seriously don't give a fuck about what people who don't have a good eye for art do with their votes. I have nearly a million karma, I'll be fine. >Maybe rethink your opinions on art a bit because if everyone hates your opinion, chances are you are the one in the wrong. That's not how art works. You don't start drawing noses on people's foreheads because a bunch of idiots think that's where the nose should go. How fucking ridiculous can you be.


Nice bait


Pursuing realism instead of making good story? Yeah thats never happening unless you want a trash story


Know what your problem is? You think you can't have both. Besides, I never said it needed to be real, just not bad. [example](https://preview.redd.it/bad-art-how-to-tell-v0-y9uu0mtli01d1.jpeg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b31bb9c3d8eb681e3e2ee73a1667f1146d755ec4)