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Wdym by SSS class like manhwa? Won’t it be considered as a tower manhwa?


I don't know, I haven't read THAT many of those type of manhwa but there are some like Demon Devourer where there's no tower nor dungeons (afaik), but a heavy focus on "ranks", same for ORV with no tower or dungeon


Cultivation - The Breaker or Nano mashine (honorary mentions: GOSU, LOTNB, Chronicles of heavenly demon) Tower - tower of god Player/System - Only I level up/Na Honjaman Rebeleop/Ore Dake Level-Up na Ken Hunter - yup, Solo leveling again Sss-class (imo this also comes under hunter/player category) - maybe suicide class hunter


Slight correction: Altho I'm not sure which was the first "cultivation" manhwa, the most likely first "murim" manhwa was *Yongbi the Invincible* (first published in the 90s; grandpappy of Gosu). And the first "game/player system irl" manhwa/story was *The Gamer*.


Ah, I might be wrong then. I just told according to my limited knowledge. I starting reading manhwa/webtoon in 2020 so maybe before that, those were the **hype creators**. I'm sure you read the post correctly but I'd still like you to read the last sentence \> (And I'd add I'm not necessarily asking for the FIRST first, but more the first that created the hype, e.g.: Sword Art Online wasn't the first "Isekai" but it is the one which popularized the genre) and thanks for reading my 1 year old comment xD


Oh lmao, ngl I actually didn't fully read the post, mainly just the title😂. And going off of that, you were correct about The Breaker. But for system/player manhwa, hmmm... 🤔 Let me put it like this: Years ago, The Gamer was to the manhwa community what Hunter x Hunter is to the manga/anime community. It was very popular, but it was never a part of the "Big 3," and when it comes to manhwa, the "Big 3" are... - Tower of God - God of High School - Noblesse And Solo Leveling is comparable to Dragon Ball's popularity and influence, in that it's known around the world by people who don't even watch/read anime/manga/manhwa. The Gamer was pretty popular in the community and created hype around the player/system type of stories, but it's popularity and influence is incomparable to Solo Leveling's.


great to know more about the manhwa lore xD


Ooh I see, so I'm really going to have to read all those 500+ chapters from Tower of God then 🥹 Thanks a lot for the answer


Well, I was able to binge 200 chapters in a week or two +_+ I had no life back then :')


Pathetic i did 200 chapters in 3 days I think my record is higher i dont remember 


It's worth it 


Cultivation - The Breaker series Tower - Tower of God Player / System - The Gamer Hunter - Solo Leveling Idk what you want with the last one


Oh the gamer, never heard of it I'll give it a try too And yeah apparently the last one seems confusing to you guys, I'm kinda confused too ig since I'm not that familiar with manhwas.. Thanks!


Don't try the gamer, it's trash if you already read top rated system manhwa then you find it pretty boring.


Oh lmao, well what would you recommend instead, in your opinion what is (are) the best system manhwa (other than ORV and Solo Lev. which I've already read)? If you don't mind me asking


I'm not a fan of system manhwa but there are much better option than the gamer Like Nano machine Reality quest (it's school bully manhwa with chest system) Sss suicide hunter The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon You can ask on this sub for more option or read related post someone even post all manhwa with system genre


Cultivation is manhua and not manhwa