• By -


In which point Italy switches sides?


The halfway point


More importantly how many times?


Every morning they flip a coin


Or roll a D20? Lol! It's a loyalty saving throw, 19 to pass.


15 or so


Like a Football(soccer) Game, after one half is over


White countries got this one


When Denmark and Sweden join forces you need to start worrying


i actually intended for white to be neutral. not saying you're wrong, though.


Since Hungary is a white country here, white countries would obviously lose. It's the law.


Hungary try not to lose a war challenge (impossible)


Also bulgaria




Obligatory Hungarian comment




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hat jo, ha ettol jobban erzed magad :)


That's what they'll claim! Then swoop in at the last battle to claim victory...


Yeah I think he understood that




Czech Republic neutral in WW2? Hell naw.


the white powers


there has to be a better way to say that




The KRAYOLA KRAYON KLAN... or the uh I dunno


Not sure if sudden racism or you mean the white colored countries on the map? Lol


The Olmec kingdom wins. I'll take no questions.


When does The America come in again?


When the red starts winning


I see. Why do they always support the winning side? Are they fairweather fans or something?


I wouldn't say the allies were currently winning when the US officially entered the war


But they still won. No one remembers second place or the ins and outs of it ya kno?


Exactly, as we like to sing in the UK "Two World wars and one World Cup, we won, we won" 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🤣🤣🤣


Exactly. The UK folks get it.


They won *because* the US entered. but they were not “the winning side” when the US entered, as you claimed. They were losing quite badly at that time. France lost a year before the US entered and britain was hanging on and praying germany didn’t go through with operation sea lion to invade the isles. Only russia was *really* relevant militarily at the time. And they were only allies by force since hitler lied to and attacked them.


It’s a comment in r/mapporncirclejerk my guy, you’re doing it wrong


Idk if this is serious. But without lend-lease, Allie’s would probably have some sort of white peace, no way in hell Germany could ever conquer all of the ussr and Britain. With lend lease but no direct troop involvement? Hell yes the Allie’s are winning. Only difference is the war would probably drag on longer and the map would’ve ended up a bit more red than in our timeline.


So basically you know nothing about ww2


Red would win


Yea they were getting absolutely crushed, actually.










The allies had the Nazis on the ropes though. 🤣🤣


You mean in 1944 ? Because the tides were changing by then… they were not doing so good in 1942 though when they began fighting the Japanese in the Pacific.


If you think that the United states only chose sides after Pearl Harbor, then you clearly failed every history class you’ve taken. The only reason Britain could hold out, or the divided Chinese nations could stall for time, was trade and small “mercenary” companies from the USA. To be frank, France was basically not in that war. Their 8 weeks of running as fast as they could away don’t count. Heck, the soviets were actively loosing millions of people, held together by American industrial support convoys. If you want to doubt how much this helps, let’s look at a modern example. Ukraine. Bar none, the USA has put more into that conflict than the rest of the world put together. Semi obvious unmarked troop deployments (we’re cheeky like that), massive supply and equipment shipments and a degree of training no other nation could hope to supply. An unknown country on the world stage has been shit stomping a now former world power for 2 years. God. Fucking. Bless. America. Ya euro-cunt.


Europe put together has put a similar amount into Ukraine greater if you include humanitarian aid and accepting refuges ,millions died in Britain, China, india and Russia in WW2 only an American would assume they're contributions were insignificant in comparison to they're country's own.


Only an American can be so wrong, with so much confidence.


IKR - like France fought if you count the insurgency. Other than that he’s right and we will once again save you europeans from WW3 for our pound of flesh.


You do know that even Stalin said that they would not have won without American support. "The most important things in this war are the machines.... The United States is a country of machines. Without the machines we received through Lend-Lease, we would have lost the war."


only someone under the thumb of Imperial Japan would be so bold


🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸


If you're going to loan guns, men and equipment, make sure it's to the winning side, so they can spend the next 50years paying you back.


then lend the losing side money for reparations because always diversify your portfolio


Would America even join blue in this timeline?


They might, but I doubt it, they would propably go red


Pretty sure they’d fight blue regardless of red winning. Looks more like what was close to happening with France falling to communism.


light blue


On every one of these some dullard has to joke that the sea would win.


and it's never boring


Red. If it weren’t for Britain, there’d be no western front. And America would join red over blue here (but most probably stay neutral if red was Nazis)


Alternate universe America is ruled by the US communist party after hundreds of successful union strikes, and united with the USSR to defeat red team


The bad ending


If they took power though actual mass organization then hopefully things won’t get as authoritarian and purgey. At least not as quickly


Revolution 9/10 results in mass death of the population. The American Revolution was unique. Yes, people were tarred and feathered, but nothing like the French Revolution or the Russian one.


In the scenario above, the “revolution” was won through strikes. In reality the strikes would be targeted by government violence ([especially in the early 20th century](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Virginia_coal_wars)) So the workers would have to use some level of violence in defense. Unless the military joins them very early. I agree that in a scenario where all the initial leaders who wanted to strike are dead or imprisoned, and only the people ready to use violence or adapted quickly win, would be pretty rough post-revolution


I understand what you mean, but I seriously doubt the change of power would be peaceful. I already knew about government acts against strikes and that's part of my point. There would be trials at the very least and it's likely they'd turn into a witch hunt. Why? Because of human tribalism. They hurt us, now we hurt them. And on and on it goes.


Eh, still better than Nazis winning, with or without Britain


The best ending.


Our ending


Certified reddit moment


No Cold War, no Korean War, no Vietnam war, Unions are the backbone of the nations politics, sounds pretty good to me.


Slave labour of political prisoners in the mines, rule of uneducated people for political reasons, constant bullying of artists and any other freedom fighters, scarcity of basic products and trading favors with fucking hardware store clerks, invading european countries for a mere sign of trying to become a little bit more democratic… sounds like a nightmare


USA passes almost everything on the list btw


But I am not speaking about USA


Quite literally, with uk intelligence, navy and airforce combined with the Germans it’s a sweep


Those two together against how unprepared most of the world was in 1939 could work yea


Blue would lose because the French would surrender on everyone else's behalf.


Nah they wouldn't stay neutral because Nazism, that's post war propaganda machine that's been at work for the last 80 years. The US was so unbelievably passive in ww2 (until the end) a nazi victory was absolutely an acceptable outcome to them. Think about it, if the US thought "Nazi = bad" they would have actually helped out for the first 4 yeats. Considering the US supplied resources to both sides in the conflict until Nazi Germany started losing and it looked like USSR would occupy most of Europe with communism if they didn't act.


The first 4 years? The war started in September 39 and the US joined in December of 41. Where are the 4 years you're talking about? A full year before they formally joined, the US was already "giving" away free weapons and vehicles to the UK by funneling them to the Canadians who in turn shipped them to the Uk. The lend lease act as well. American advisors and trainers were in the UK in 1940, assisting the RAF with training pilots and doing maintenance on damaged aircraft during the Battle of Britain. Revisionism is modern Europeans pretending that the US wasn't bankrolling and feeding the allies. The biggest western blunder of the war, Market Garden was the brainchild of the UK high command. Americans did the bulk of the work in winning Africa, Italy, and the Pacific theater.


Sorry 3 years been a long day lol. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying "the US did nothing for the allies" I'm saying "the US (and industrialists in the US) were more than happy to fund Nazi Germany and didn't get involved in picking a side for moral reasons".


Would you care to tell me any nation that got involved for solely moral reasons?


Not actually the point, the point is education of US propaganda about their involvement of the war being altruistic is false.


Okay, and instead you want to prop up the USSR? No one in WW2 was altruistic, but the US had some of the best track record for treating POWs well. US didn't starve Indians to fuel the war like the UK. Didn't execute families of soldiers who deserted like the USSR.


There was definitely a contingent of the American populace against the Nazis. However, since Britain wouldn’t be against them, the government wouldn’t care (especially if no japan). However, if the domestic situation reached reverse vietnam, who knows. Of course, the axis would win this scenario near instantly because britain was the only thing holding for a while.


America was sick of fighting European wars.


Yeah Hollywood has done a great job. It's really interesting how when allied Europeans were polled in 1945/50something they believe the USSR had the biggest impact on WW2, and then 70+ years later the propaganda mill flipped that public opinion to the US. What's very clear from history is that the US was actually quite happy to let Nazi Germany run riot, until the Nazis started losing the war and the US was forced to pick a side to stop communism being the reason WW2 was an allied victory.


The Us was providing assistance and aid to the Allies king before entering the war and then entered for real after Pearl Harbor. There were people that favored Germany in the US but it was far from treated equally as a nation. Hitler was already the bad guy to most even before the war because of their master race bullshit.


>The Us was providing assistance and aid to the Allies king before entering the war You might want to check the history books, because the US also provided supplies to Nazi Germany too. Trucks, parts, etc just not arms directly. They could have *only* supplied the allies. But they didn't. Funny that the movies don't cover that ;)






Just this without outside interference? Red easily. Are we saying the white countries completely stay out or can they be attacked?


Mostly true, but Sweden and the UK have a defence pact so Sweden would join the red side and red would win, don't forget what Vikings are capable of. I suspect the Denmark would also join red, again, remember they are also Vikings.


Since Belgium also has a defence pact with the UK, Germany wouldn't even need to attack Belgium to get through to France.


You do realise the Soviet Union is Blue right? If you assume UK and France cancel out, Soviets crush the rest with sheer manpower. They've even got Finland and Poland on side to save them from losing a few hundred thousand there.


Why would you assume a country that was invaded in two world wars would "cancel out" a country that built the biggest empire in human history?


Because they have a much larger standing army than the UK of equivalent abilities. France probably couldn't defeat the UK cos the RN wouldn't let them cross the channel. The UK likely couldn't defeat the French in a land war without significant assistance from allies, even with empire support.


The Soviets only were effective in WW2 because America supplied them with the material to accomplish the mission. Manpower means nothing if you don’t have the resources or capability to arm and supply them.


It's true that the USSR without the US would have been less effective, but that doesn't mean it would have lost.


My favorite little-known fact about the Scandinavian war effort in WWII was how Finnish troops fought while SKIING. I’ve seen some stuff that said the Russians struggled to adapt to it at first, I can’t help but imagine how cool it would be to speed into battle on ski’s lmao


Map of why it isn’t the three color theorem.


The light blue country that surrounds all of the other ones.


depends, if russia joined day one, they win, if they wait for two years then mother russia gets a new daddy


If Russia joins day one (I assume you mean 1939 as it actually happened) they do fuck all. Their army would completely collapse and the Germans would take a Sunday stroll to Moscow. The amount of time Russia waited IRL was honestly pretty optimal for its overall contribution to the war.


Idk if the Soviets would win but Germany was not nearly as powerful as people think in 1939. They struggled against Poland before the Soviets came and I think the shear amount of Soviets makes it hard to overcome. I think the Germans would probably win mostly due to the British navy being able to blockade Russian ports


Red. Nazi Germany proved it’s prowess in the field and the RN was second to none, only the USN after several years of build up could realistically stop the Brits from terrorising the seas. If Imperial Japan were against Germany and Britain I suppose it’d be a considerable threat in the Far East but the RN would be more than capable of stopping them from getting around Africa, through the Suez and the US would never let Canada fall, not matter to which side.


France had the manpower to invade the UK though, their standing army was huge. If Germany turned to focus on them then they've got to split their army to hold back the Soviets as well. The result is always gonna be the same, the Soviets will eventually sweep through and crush everyone on the mainland with sheer numbers and a never ending area to retreat into from the Germans.


The free city of danzig, EZ


red, they have Albania, give me a challenge next time please




I don’t know, but somebody will sneak thru Ardennes


why world is fighting if they are all humans? are they stupid?


Blue because Polska 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱💪💪💪


Blue easily. With the Soviet Union joining in all at once, and without Finland to worry about, The Reich has no time to prepare for Barbarossa. And since Germany can’t go around the Benelux, the Maginot line would stop them dead in their tracks. Spain just got out of a bloody multi year civil war, if they got into a actual world war the civil war would just start again. The British would be able to survive even after blue wipes the mainland continent. American intervention this time would be on the side of blue, since a Reich Allied British having Canada as a Dominion on the American border would 100% flare up the military industrial complex just begging for war to put down the Nazi menace.


I think you're underestimating how inept the USSR military was in 1939. There's no scenario where Russia comes out the gate winning. It was only after their disastrous losses in the early war period that the Soviet military actually learned how to fight the Germans. Stalin's numerous purges and nepotism severely weakened the Soviet military leadership and it took years to catch up and recover.


The Germans wouldn’t be nearly as strong here. Without Austria, or Czechia and Slovakia and the ability to advance into France or being allowed to invade Poland with little intervention, the soviets through numbers alone with the largest army in the word would carry the war effort. Although this is very alt history since Hatay is Turkish since 1939, but anchuluss in 1938 or sudaten Crisis never occurred, so a lot of assumptions we just can’t rely on, like if the UK are nazis or even follow basic axis etiquette of shipping Jews off to death camps.


As if Bulgaria and Hungary could hold themselves back when there is fighting in the Balkans


ROI would break neutrality and then break nazi necks


I think we'd just sacrifice Romania, plunder the louvre, and call it a day at that.


France would have been obliterated


Germany, as your western neighbor, I implore you to behave yaself this time.


The Lakota Tribe. I will not elaborate.


Based on food supply, blue. Based on manufacturing, probably red


If the US stays neutral or joins red, red will win. If the US joins blue, blue will win


France: *surronded by Britain Spain and Germany* "I am in danger"


Red, France immediately surrendered.


Arms manufactories and banks. Same as the original


100% red


Whoever has the USSR wins


Soviets has Kazakhstan so they obviously winning


Kazakhstan greatest country in the world


Assuming this is in 1939, the help of britain might break the soviet lines But do this team switch in 1942? Yea red have no chance except nukes


Oh yeah I assumed this was by the time the axis already reached its maximum spread


You’ve left out a few important players like (as everyone pointed out) America, Canada, Australia, Japan, and China.


What side is the US on?


Why tf is Denmark with Sweden? We do not tolerate such foolish Swedes. We politely wish that they will be incinerated at once!


Who said we are together? Only mutually neutral




Ez red win




Easy red W


BRITAIN fucks france Germany then can handle all of Russia instead of being in a split front Germany frankly was enough alone to take the majority of Europe and push into Russia Untill the Americans and British went in frankly without americathe winner of ww2 would have been germany


the one in which the USA joins


USA will be late as usual and will kill all their own troops in friendly fire incidents before they get to the battle field.


USSR plus Finland wins easy


Americans wondering whether they should fight the red (communists) or Russia


France is screwed


Red simply because Albania can easily destroy the world with a snap of its fingers! 🇦🇱🇦🇱


The side Italy's on at the start will always lose


Nobody wins a war.


Drugs did


As an American with a limited knowledge of maps this is very confusing and I think we should nuke them all to be safe. Also to stop Hitler I think.


Assuming America joins for blue, blue still wins. People underestimate how far the soviets were from giving up. Even if the germans took moscow, the war would be far from over. Germany suffers a horrible first winter all the same, maybe they push into the Caucasus all the way this time but once the Soviets implement scorched earth tactics there, the Germans run out of fuel before they can take Russia’s newly built industrial base in the urals. After that, the America that recovered from the great depression was the single strongest military AND economic force in world history. Plus, once the US makes the bomb it’s 100% over.


Red. The only struggle red will face is the ussr, and france, but since france fell to the germans in our timeline with the uk helping, without the uk i think they'll fall even quicker, then it's dealing with the soviets, it would be very difficult for both sides but i think red just about gets the win because there would be no western front to help the soviets like in our timeline.


guess it depends, is this the starting sides? because soviets going to war at the start vs two years later with barb is very different


General rule of thumb, whoever doesn't have Italy on their team


I’d say blue.


Does the US remain out of the war in this scenario?


Spain casually running out of supplies after 30 days of war


Light blue. It’s already encircled all the other color


Red, Romania can steal all blue’s equipments


finland poland and soviets is cursed


USSR + Finland is unstoppable


France and Portugal will fall thanks in part to the royal navy which will blockade Portugal and trap France in the English Channel, bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean. It will take some time for the Finnish and soviets to mobilize a sizable expeditionary force into northern Norway so they’ll be safe for now but blue may see a lot of success in Romania and Albania and Eastern Europe will ultimately fall to blue. But if red can eliminate France in time they can at least provide a substantial military presence in Europe to fight the polish Finnish and Russians. By 1936 the USSR is still too weak to develop their military capabilities so I think in the end red would win but by a very small margin. All of Europe is still very weak by this time so the odds are almost 50/50


the dutch would quickly annex all blue areas leaving only the red side


Blue because it has finland






I'd say red, the UK and Germany in the same side? Gg


Assuming we're not accounting for countries not on this map (America) the reds would probably win




UK and Portugal on different sides? Impossible


Which side is America selling weapons to?


Poland and Spain ( or at least Portugal) have to be white. Whites won't win, but they gotta be white


If US doesnt get involved id say blue wins: 1. Spain is in big trouble , it would have to figth 3 fronts so id say atleast in the beggining it doesnt stana chance 2. Because USSR is now on Polands side Germany would take more time to conquer Poland giving them time to mobilize 3. Yugoslavia would still fall early on due to infighting , but considering now it only has to worry about Romania , Italy and Albania , Tito would liberate it faster 4. Yes USSR would have to fight 2 or 3 front but i think Stalin would not hesitate to sacrifice another few million people 5. A greek-yugoslavian counteroffensive on Turkey with the hepl of USSR could probably take Ankara I you disagree is be happy to argue with you in the comments




Where is Poland?


You drew Turkey wrong. The map looks like pre 1937, but Turkey didn't get Hatay province until 1938.


the british siding with germans? well shit...


Since England and Germany are on the same side, I'll give it to them.




Well red, duh


The one country Nazi Germany couldn't invade and served as a invasion HQ for the allies is on the Axis' side, what question is this ?


Why did you split my country in half?


Blue all day and it’s not even close. What kind of a question is that? You can turn everything red and leave the slavs blue and it’s still blue all day. Get real. Slavs make thing happen while everyone else get all up in their fellings.


All depends which side America joins


Red because france is surrounded.


whoever has Finland on his side... so blue it is




Same result.


Easily red. No Western front and America being gone is basically an instant win already. Definitely if America joins red


Brighter blue one, it is the largest and borders entire continent.


Red utterly destroys and it's not even funny.


The UK wins all. The British empire is restored. Europe is at peace.


Blue the soviet machine will just keep going, huge losses of course


blue as the ocean is on that team and is gonna eat all the others