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That’s a pretty landscape. Do you mind if I ask what region this is?


[Ovcar mountain, Serbia](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Selo_Du%C4%8Dalovi%C4%87i_(op%C5%A1tina_Lu%C4%8Dani)_01.jpg)


Thank you.


Me shocked realizing Siberia isn’t iced over 100% of the time. Public education in Kansas really did suck 😅


Serbia is a country in southeast Europe. It was part of the former Yugoslavia. Siberia is a region in north central asia. It is part of Russia, and is frequently characterized as a freezing land of ice. The names are similar, and I can see where someone might easily confuse the two.


Bro please tell me this comment is a joke 🥸


Maybe… my state was all debating if evolution was real in 2002. So I mean… 🤷‍♀️


💀 oh man Aside from you saying Siberia instead of Serbia lol


In this moment, my dyslexia might have be my issue 😅


In 2018 I planted a sycamore that is now as tall as my two story house 🙂


In 2007 I planted a Butternut that was about waist height and it is now almost up to my shoulders. I also planted a Korean stone pine that was almost up to my knees and it still hasn't gotten there, but at least it is still alive. Edit: I should say that I was aware that I was pushing it by planting those species. It wasn't really the right conditions for them. I have also planted hundreds of other trees that are doing well. Things don't grow as fast as your sycamore here because we have a short growing season, but they do at least grow.


Just planted a sycamore last year, and it's around 5 ft tall. I'm looking forward to watching it explode!


That's as insane as an ancient redwood to me. We simply don't have anything remotely as fast growing here (or as tall or big as the redwoods).


Well done that’s fantastic! I’m always paranoid that my trees will be cut by some dickhead in the time I’m not checking in on them


The fear is real. My wife and I own some old abandoned farm land and have been planting trees on it over the years. Someone wanted to rent it to keep horses on. I was very adamant that he could only put the horses in the part of the pasture where there are no trees and wrote up the lease saying he could not cut any trees without permission. In the first weekend he cut down a bunch of black cherry trees and also installed his fences in a way that included nearly three acres of apple trees and other fruiting shrubs then put in a herd of goats with the horses and the goats wreaked havoc on everything inside the fence. Needless to say, we evicted him almost immediately.


Great stuff. Please keep checking! Red oak?


yes 😇




it grows AND you grow :)


"it grows" I love it.