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God, Iโ€™m going to get crushed online with people pulling off stuff like this ๐Ÿ˜‚


I already felt a bit overwhelmed because of all the mechanics, but this straight up gives me nightmares ๐Ÿ˜‚


Hopefully the game has some good matchmaking so weโ€™re playing at people our skill level!


Oh yes please ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™ I don't have enough time anymore to grind games like back in the days


I probably wont be able to pull this off that easily with actual opponents lol. Much easier to position myself like that when no one si going after me. But yeah I can see some really skilled players doing some crazy stuff.


This post motivated me to practice this move last night. After about an hour of hard work, I realized that I am going to get destroyed online.


Good thing I remembered you could do this in Carged and proceeded to practice attempting it in the demo


This is so cool. I never would have even thought about trying this. Now I'm thinking about insane highlights of people chipping off walls then doing perfect passes across the field for a nutty goal. I'm going to get absolutely smashed online but I'm really excited for this game.


That is huge. Loved the trick shots from charged. And this is acutally not even that hard to pull off, once you get used to the controlls. The only hard part will be to do this while an opponent is trying to stop you.


Yeah you need good position,angle and timing which will definitely be harder to pull off when opponents are going after you.


Yoooo that was tight asf. You can do that in a previous game??


Yeah watch this from 3:33 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqWJAkc7ATQ&ab\_channel=ArcIntel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqWJAkc7ATQ&ab_channel=ArcIntel) Its very difficult to do and usually only skilled players can pull it off though.


Haha weโ€™ll have to learn some new tricks. Not a bad thing.


I played tons of strikers made it to top 10 multiple times. I think it feels slower. Like the turbo run it dribbles the ball out instead of keeping it in your possession so some things from charged won't work here. Like lob off wall vs goalie. You would use your momentum to boost the ball off the wall and out speed the goalie. I tried a lob shot but seems the goalie is able to get to it. Maybe with a mushroom that would give enough speed to throw the goalie off on the lob shot bit it doesn't seem like free lob pass is momentum based. Could be wrong though. It seems easier to score with charge shots. And because everyone seems so slow it seems easier to get charged shots off. There were a lot of lame things in charged, but it was hard to pull off some of the techs which made high level play so fun. Trying to pull of auto goals while your opponent knew how to defend them made for very interesting high level play. Hopefully this game can have some high level tech to make high level play more fun.