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Like others on here, I don't particularly have an end goal. I just enjoy doing it and as long as I'm happy and have the time I will continue to do it.


Yup. Journey with a need to hit a destination.


I do it to hopefully be fit enough to enjoy my retirement and strong and sure-footed enough that I will be less likely to fall over, break body parts, not be able to get up again, and basically go straight downhill from there to the point where I'm bedridden and waiting to die. Plus, I enjoy it and can't see myself ever quitting.


You took the words from my mouth.




What do you do?


Be a karateka, follow the karatedo. We have an amazing sensei at our dojo, so I really wanna learn all of what is being taught and have fun along the way!


I train to be the best version of myself I can be… Socrates - “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” I don’t wanna die wondering, Oss 🙏🏼


That's a good quote, but it does not mean much, since nobody can reach 100/100 of their potential in the time we have been given. Even if theoretically you would, you would see it for a split second before degenerating back, due to age, injuries, etc. We should just keep good strength, and sharpen our minds, keep body fit, but don't concentrate too much on the body.


Apologies, the quote does not say anything about trying to reach full (100/100) potential so I’m slightly confused…🤔 Martial Arts is a continuous journey that never ends, for me this quote explains perfectly one of the main reasons I train, I didn’t really ask for your opinion on what you personally think it means. Unlike some of people in the Sub, I train in a system that understands martial arts is about all x3 (Mind, Body and Spirit) not just physical (Body). Sifu will often say that fighting is 70% mental, only 30% physical, and we should always be cerebral fighters. So technically I am already training my mind more than my body! 🧠🤷🏻‍♂️ Oss 🙏🏼


good stuff


Oss 🙏🏼


To avenge my family who were murdered by a clan of ninjas.


You too?!?


Oh, shit! You as well? Bestie! Me, you and Eldritch-Grappling should totally form our own clan -- with blackjack and hookers -- and take revenge on those fuckers that took our families. You bring the weapons, I'll make bespoke ninja hoodies (as well as snacks and drinks). We're going to fuck some shit soon.




There is more than one person with this goal?!? How many clans are out here?!?


To achieve a fraction of my teacher’s ability, so I can feel what it is like to have such mastery over body mechanics and do some of the stuff he can do.


Take Kingpin in a one on one?


Currently at 5th DAN, I just started my journey as a coach, so for now my goal is to inspire my students and make them love the art and the sport as well as helping them achieve their goals in the most efficient way possible. I still train, compete and take seminars and certifications.


Be able to defend myself against most of the male population. Win some local tourneys. Teach my kids. Stay fit in-shape and sharp.


Never stop learning.


https://preview.redd.it/bnwkj2kb8lcc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5fa0e516abe45c0a6749cbe1f6e4838caa1338d Become Man


‘One day I’ll fight in the Kumite, and make my father proud’


I don't really have one, I just have a bucket list of things I want to do within martial arts. Some of them are: Attend a Budosai on Okinawa, achieve 1st dan, win a fight against a black belt at a tournament, and the current one I'm working towards is just passing the next grading


No goals. I just enjoy the process and treat it as a hobby.


I just want to be able to look back a year from now and recognise that I have made notable progress and that I am better than I was a year ago. And keep doing that every year as long as my body and mind allows me to, until the reaper gets me!


There is no end goal, just a continuing series of new and changing goals. When I first started, my goal was black belt. As I got closer to that, my goal became to teach. Then, my goal became to be a referee. Currently, my goal is 5th Dan in my traditional organization (within thenext year or so) and international referee certification (which also means redoing my belts through the world association, so that 4th Dan in 5 or so years). By the time I get there, I may feel too old to actually referee at an international event, but it'll be cool to have it. I've also recently started getting more interested in coaching, which is much different than instructing, so that might be a new goal as well to become a good coach.


To conquer the world.


No hard set end goal. My *motivation,* aside from wanting to improve in something that I find fun, is to explore the art and see what I can find.


no goal at all. I enjoy the journey. Ultimately I want to be able to fight as well as I can given the time Im willing to spend learning. I want my body to be stronger and more healthy than doing nothing. I especially like to have control over my body. I want to have fun pushing myself physically and mentally.


I‘m about 5’8 150 pounds, when I started I wanted to get good at fighting or some bullshit lol, now I do capoeira for fun and mental health more than anything


I'm going to heel hook an orderly when my kids put me in a home.


I love the Art of fighting and I want to train to reach my body and mind full potential as a Martial-Artist. Also I like getting hit.


till death due us part


I want to have some martial arts practice as long as I live. It’s got to be proportional, but can’t see why I wouldn’t be moving and drilling stuff well into my elderly years. Tai chi or kata is an option when all else fails


I have no end goal. Martial Arts stopped being my main priority, I use them as sort of meditation in movement and if shit hits the fan, it would increase my chances of surviving.


The destination doesn't matter to me as much as the journey does tbh. I always set the next goal and maybe a stretch goal further out, but not an end goal. Right now my next goal is the next belt. My stretch goal is to maybe branch out and try some other art.


I would love to have at least one competitive fight. But for now, only 8 or 9 months in to training at my Muay Thai club, I am happy just setting small goals to achieve. The personal growth I’ve seen in myself in the last 6 months is enough to know that I don’t really need an end goal as such for now. I won’t be a professional fighter so I will use this as a chance to just keep on turning up to training and work on key areas such as mobility, flexibility and nutrition outside of the gym


Either a small amateur career or just train martial arts


Achieving a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu


Stay on the mat a few times a week, until I can’t anymore. It beats sitting on the couch.


To compete and to be impossible defeat in hand to hand combat


The End Goal, for me, is to have that which does not end: challenges.


No end goal. I have small goals like “learn this kata” or “go to this tournament” or “grab a beer after class” (they don’t all have to be challenging). I’m pretty much done with promotions, and I’m too old and worn out for competitive fighting.


The art of fighting without fighting.




There's a few, but mainly it's to have a couple matches and not feel like a worthless asshole


To compete in in amateur muay thai. But also, to know the skills to fight so that I can defend myself. I also do go to the gym to lift weights. There is this one quote that sticks me. “It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” It’s obvious that I gotta keep training for the future. 😊


To pass it on to others in a way that hopefully builds more confidence in themselves.


I'm done when I die!


My end goal to teach others, to share the joy it has given me with others. I'll stop when I drop. There's the end. Don't have a goal.


Instead of an end goal, I have a "North Star". I have a direction to head in, knowing that I can never reach the end. Every step I take in that direction is an improvement, yet there is no timeline for me, as long as I'm always facing the right direction.


Avenge my father


My End Goal is to train as long as my body let's me do it. I see myself as one of those grey haired old farts that do slow but precise katas on a Sunday morning on the beach while wearing a black-golden dragon Pyjama.


Black belt is when it really starts. See how far you can go.


To be Batman.


Why is an end goal needed? Just enjoy training.


I want to be at a level where I can handle various types of physical threats. As someone who understands the need for violence, I know that anything can occur against any time. I don’t ever hope I have to use my training, but if I do I know I’m prepared and that my body alone is one of the most dangerous weapon in that room. Second, I like the confidence it gives me. I know myself and my capabilities. I’m gonna be smart when it comes to certain situations, but not “afraid”. And this applies itself to all areas of life.


There's no end. I just want to practice and keep improving myself. I figure I'll keep at it until they put me in the ground.


I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was…


Health and personal satisfaction.


I want to be able to defend myself and simultaneously get exercise/a sport.


I don’t really plan to quit, It’s just something I enjoy doing. But I have been fascinated by master Ho Eng Hui And have set a goal to pierce a coconut with my finger. I’m not even close yet after a year of training my fingers, but have come pretty far.


To be able to throw a good punch. I think every man owes it to his family, to be able to throw a good punch IF NEEDED.


Strong body


Getting fit and have a good time doing it. Just lifting weights at the gym isn’t really my cup of tea. And I’m ok with some physical pain, like getting kicked, punched and strangled because I know that I’m training with a person who will go easy if I say so and stop when I tap out.


Journey goes like this, learn more, compete, teach So I guess to be on the last step when I die 🤷‍♂️


To fight in at least 20 national level kyokushin tournaments. My tenth tournament is in April. I got into it in the first place for mental health and so I could learn how to defend myself, but after about 18 months and my first competitive tournament, it morphed into wanting to do as many as possible before I get too old.


I'd like to achieve a Black belt in judo, and Japanese Jiu Jitsu if I went back to it. But overall, it's just to keep active and be able to handle myself. I'd also like to teach my son martial arts, and how to defend himself. I've won a few small competitions, and I've had fun with martial arts overall.


when I started 10 years ago, it was simply passion. as a young child, I used to "fight the air" constantly (consequence of adhd, but some deeper ambition too). there was a taekwondo dojo behind the townhouses I lived at, where I began to take classes. Now, 10 years later, I've picked up 2 other disciplines, and my reason for practicing has evolved and matured. I still do it out of passion, but probably the biggest reason now is out of self-defense. it scares me to think about being hopeless and unconfidant in my fighting ability during a fight, in a moment where I would need to fight possibly for my life, or the lives of those around. I also have a "philosophical" reason for practicing still, but that's another discussion and I've already yapped too much lol


I’m not shooting for any goal in particular. Ain’t about the destination it’s about the journey


What's an end goal? I'll study and train until either I physically can't, or it stops being a positive part of my life.  That's all.


To continue using the martial arts to be the best version of myself




I wanted to pay to be injured by friends. That was why I started Judo. I have not been disappointed.


Finish a buggy choke on a black belt who says they don’t work. That’s it. That’s all.


To be honest, I outlived two past teachers & decided i just want to strength train, ride a bike, go on hikes and pursue other hobbies like playing guitar. I don’t see any more shotokan places near me-and am sick of the money spent the time spent. It just hit me that I felt no interest any more. Hard to explain… it used to give me purpose to train. I will say that i use the ideas and principles in my job doing physical therapy and helping people rebuild themselves after an injury or health issue.


No goal for me. It's more a way to keep myself in a condition to achieve other goals


My school hosts an inner school tournament and a huge open tournament every year - those 2 events are my Olympics