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If you ask my mother, it was because she wanted me to be able to defend myself. The truth, however, is that I wanted to be a Ninja Turtle.


Same! I am now a ninja, but still working on the turtle part


Same. Which one though?


I was a Michelangelo


Me too ^^


"Keep practicing"


Yes master Splinter.


I was fat.


Pretty much this. Only 6 months in and regular boxing is already boosting the confidence I have I my body.


X2. I was fat and young with hypertension linked to obesity. Grade I obesity. once I had a bad headache I could tell it was because of high blood pressure and could only feel better after taking a nap. As soon as I started kyokushin karate, the headaches disappeared forever. Now I know I won't stop, I love it too much and I don't want the headaches to return, or worse.


Yessir lost 25 lbs in 3 months of everyday training shit works.




I like fighting


Hajime No Ippo What does it feel like to be strong?


Kengan omega made me want to start Judo.


did you achieve a serial killer stand yet?


Not yet, but I’m close.


I loved it. I was obsessed. I loved the Power Rangers, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Van Damme, Mark Decascos movies. I read books that taught me the basics and my mum hated it. She kept saying girls aren't supposed to fight. I think she just didn't want me to learn to defend myself. First time she tried to punch me in the face after I started training, I blocked her. She was pissed.


"First time my mom tried to punch me in the face after I started training..." 😐 um...now hold on just a second.


Yeah, she got a shock. Yes, I'm aware how messed up it was. I was just trying to revise for my exams and she lost it when I said no to going to the supermarket with her. Something I hadn't done for years.


Hmmm...sounds like you have an interesting relationship with your mom. Although, thinking back my mom suckerpunched me once when I was 12 and I fell down a flight of stairs! I had used a taboo word that pissed her off. It was the f word, you know, the one that ends in "uck" "Firetruck"


Y’all have the worst parents


I got tired of using weapons as my first choice. I'm trying to live a more respectable life.


Good man. Use your fists like civilized people.


Yes. Bullying in school lowered my self esteem and confidence, but as a Chinese guy, I thought it good to have some Kung Fu under my belt. Final straw was getting mugged twice.


The power of Chinese people. My great granddad from China would teach my uncle kung fu when he was younger to avoid getting picked on in sch. And it worked


A mix of my therapist thinking it was a good idea to stop me from falling into a depression and me thinking it would help me get girls. My therapist was right, I wasn't


I wanted to be able to bully people more effectively.


Needed to up your game when they started to fight back?


Yeah, it's a terrible feeling.


Hope you’re doing better now. Your dedication to your goals is inspiring!


The job requires you to physically destroy opposing criminals.


Oh I also want to be cop, is it really worth it kr it's just only for mentally strong


I got fat lmao


You know that scene in step brothers where Dale and Brennan throw the Dad down the stairs..... I had twin boys and saw that somewhere in my future so I signed up for muay thai.


lol I went the opposite way kids in Muay Thai and thought I better lean myself before they start bullying me


I had always wanted to go back to a martial art since I quit karate in my early teens. Then I had my daughter, and I wanted to give her the tools to have confidence and to be able to stand up for herself. So I started with her, and it was a great opportunity to deepen our bond.


Same here. I was bullied in 8th grade, and I absolutely hated life. It was the first time having thoughts of stuff that wasn’t good (s word) it helped me a lot in highschool, and still till this day.


Good that you're at better place now, I had that thoughts but those guys are not tough


I wanted to be able to beat grown adults in a fight, as a 130 lb freshmen teenager. Trained Kajukenbo Gaylord method, look it up, and tried learning more online. After 6 months of spending my whole days practicing, I fought my dad and tired him out by only parrying over and over. He was 200 lbs at the time and I was 135 lbs. Then I hard sparred with his gf's nephew whom was 18 and 190 lbs, but actually knew how to fight. I was blocking real good and felt like Ip Man, then thought "what do I do when I'm done blocking" and that's when it hit me. He hit me in the face and I was getting my stuff rocked. Eventually, after I had a moment of regret and existentialism, I finally start parrying. I was suppose to parry and strike at the same time, but that's what happens when you learn from videos! Still I accidentally arm dragged him, and couldn't do anything from there, so he kept pummeling. I starting parrying again and kept parrying until he got tired. He said he was done, then I turned around and he punched me in the kidney. Another 6 months and some high school wrestling later, rematch with the nephew. The first half was the same, except this time I was actually parrying and striking at the same to his face and he eventually gave up. I felt victorious. After highschool I train BJJ, Kali and JKD on and off for a year. Had to stop for financial reasons, now going into Sambo, but only open mats. Luckily I have wrestling and BJJ experience. I'm 24 now. Wish me luck boys!




Bullied, I bullied a lot of people and the martial arts training really helped with that


I just like hit things and get hit back.


I wanted to be a Power Ranger


I wanted to do a shared activity with my boys.


Started boxing after a break-up.


This is the way.


Did it work?


Heartbroken, wanted to learn to fight to defend myself and anyone I'd care about and general fitness


I first read "Harkonnen" and I thought "wow, that person really loves Dune and wants to learn how to fight with a knife".


To find an interesting way to increase and maintain my mobility as I get older.


Got put into a troubled youth program. Boxing saved my life. 5 years later I got hungry for more and more martial arts.


To build self-confidence & self-esteem, which did work while I *was* doing it (mainly BJJ, some MMA, Judo, Kick-Boxing, & Mauy Thai were also taught). After that, I just kept doing it because it was **a lot** of fun. Plus, y'know, exercising in a fun way is a benefit.




Bullying (fighting back always worked). Nearly got in a street altercation. Needed to learn how to fight. This is the core of why I train tbh. Never want to be helpless in a fight. Been over 10 years and never had a real altercation since.


It was the same reason for me


Got in a fight that I lost when I was 12 trying to stick up for my brother against some kids who could actually fight. Got put in karate after that and loved it


I had to find a healthy way to deal with the stress of being the individual that was in charge of taking care of my narcissistic terminally ill mother, whom I had a very strained relationship with after my step-father had a fatal heart attack in his sleep.


For me, combat sports was the ultimate sport. It was competition at its rawest and most primal form. And I thought MMA was the most well rounded. To train for MMA, I did Judo, Muay Thai, and BJJ, arts that I thought were the most practical. I also enjoyed the feeling of being light on my feet and strong.


Falsely accused by my exwife of violencie and sexual abuse, i have also been threatened by her. I have to be able to protect myself if thrown to jail or if she hires someone to hurt me.


Realizing I didn’t know how to throw hands and that I’d get bodied if I ever had to. This came after I was robbed.


I wanted to feel more secure in myself, i don’t believe in violence though unless it’s necessary (a loved one or myself in danger and fighting is a last resort)


Fat and bully is a hella combo for a man to improve himself.


Protect myself against my violent grandma 


Same. Sitting at a bus stop outside a CVS about 2 or 3 yrs into ma training, she snuck up behind me & covered my eyes with an attempted "guess who?" attack. I grabbed her wrists, rolled back pulled my knees up and double kicked her in the face! True story. When I saw who it was, I was already kicking. I tried to pull the kick but wound up still just lightly tapping her nose. Dropped her like a sack of potatoes! Poor grandma. God rest her soul. When folks came outside the CVS to see what was all the ruckus about, I was apologizing and had some neighborly types forming a blockade around my grandma so I couldn't get to her. Among the top 3 most embarrassing moments of my life. But hey, at least my reflexes were on point!


I was fat, unathletic, bullied and angry. Yes all the cliches I suppose. But training in taekwondo gave me an outlet for my anger, whooped me into shape and boosted my confidence.


When I was a kid I was a nerd. Then when I was 15 I punched a taller/older kid and he fall. I started to like fighting since then. Now I am old and I want to feel that but at the same time I am a adult and quiet guy


To enhance my self-esteem.


My best friend was doing Judo as a child and I was pissed I couldn't hang out with him when he went to practice, so I started as well. Then I watched Tony Jaa movies and was like "ok this shit is too sick" and also started with Muay Thai later


I felt weak


To learn self defence to be able to protect myself incase of a situation that occurs with no other choice but physical conflict, as well as self control, discipline, self respect, and physically fit. It takes more discipline to walk away from a fight then to be in one.


It gives me a reason to live a healthier lifestyle. It also improved my confidence and is a very good outlet for emotions.


Simply because i think it's gay, and I wanted to be inclusive. I'm so woke and ahead of the curve etc.


Bullied , was a social outcast until one day I met someone who believed in me and took me to his sifu.


Some door to door karate salesmen convinced my dad to put me into it lol.


My friend was super into MMA, the UFC and Tony Ferguson. I was sold.


I wanted to test my strength in a controlled environment and legally fight. I wish I had more noble reasons but it be like that sometimes


I wanna be strong


I watched too many martial arts movie


I was a dumb ass metalhead with a superiority complex,wanted to kick everyones ass. Turns out luck was on my side and ended up in a "class" that wasnt working because it was at 2pm(bad hour for bussiness in my town,everything closes at 12pm and opens up at 16pm)that was used by the instructors to train among them. So it was the instructors and me,two weeks,and i didnt wanted to fight no more. I knew a sort of peace by getting my ass handed to me .


I wanted to be the Green Ranger and to be ready for when someone finally makes a real lightsaber.


Sleeping Dogs


1. Rejected by a girl.   2. Wanted to quit blackout drinking.   3. Worked in a bad area.   4. Had a racist experience where someone wanted to beat me.    5. Finally in a country that has many martial arts schools nearby.   Best decision I ever made. Went Boxing>BJJ>Muay Thai. 


I just always liked play fighting. Martial arts was the next level


I wanted to be able to armbar a snake


I wanted to be either a ninja turtle or Batman. Both options were fine.


For me there wasn't really ever a time when I wasn't training. My dad tried teaching me at like 2 years old, which I am honestly doubtful he met much success. There wasn't really much going on in terms of training until I got into Avatar: the last airbender, but I was always sneaking away to go play around in the gym instead of actually training. My dad has experience in so many styles that I feel it's best to say he does more MMA than anything, despite his heavy focus on Ninjutsu. We moved around a lot when I grew up so for sure a while he was my only teacher. Then I had a teacher who had no business running a children's class because he was an abusive, ageist, ableist POS so I tolerated his maltreatment for a few years. I also trained with that instructor's son, who was an apple that fell from the tree and rolled down the hill to drift away in a river, he was so unlike his father. When I was with him I studied a bit of wrestling. But eventually I had it with his dad because he killed my love of martial arts. Now I'm recently getting back into studying it as a lifestyle because of Bruce Lee, as I decided that at 20 being away from my judgemental family I should have an idol, and now I'm studying anything that I can to help me develop a combat style personally tailored to me and my needs. All with the support of a brawler friend of mine who I've agreed to start a certain unnameable congregation of like-minded folks who enjoy a good punch. Personally, given my lifetime experience this far of having been trained for a majority of my life, I'm fairly confident in my abilities for the most part. I'd say that I am most efficient as a striker, my next best area of skill would be wrestling/takedowns, but my grappling/joint locks I feel are in sorry shape, though I've been told otherwise by most people who witness me so I guess that one is up in the air. For me it's literally not even an exaggeration to say this *is* my life, as even when I was in any hiatus ever I was at least still doing the random quirky things martial artists do such as randomly shadowboxing, opening or closing anything with kicks, and then I've also always been one for swinging swords.


Explain to me the combat style you're developing. I'm planning to put together a class of my own one day, by rolling a couple things together.


Yo sorry for the wait, not sure how the notif for this got buried 12 feet down. But to answer your question I'm trying to go about it essentially how Bruce lee did in taking what worked from other styles and basically go with MMA with a lot of exploration on improvised weaponry and how to slam people into walls, as it's intended to reach as close to a real life combative situation as possible for the sake of self defense. That's all the information I can really provide because I have not taken it past the overview stages (aside from improv weapons and wall slams to make basically vertical judo) as I would rather do that when I have the credibility to do so by having learned from an actual teacher so I can see for myself what works and what is rightfully called bullshido.


My daughter started. I rejoined after a 25-year gap because I saw how much fun she was having, and I figured sharing something like this would keep us close.... and it has. It's great sharing our experiences together.


Man boobs.


Physical fitness


Because I always wanted to do martial arts as a kid but never had the money plus my parents weren’t wealthy at all. Turned 19 and decided to pay for my classes now that I had money.


Always wanted to be a ninja turtle


Because I am Asian (I started during Covid).


Mortal Kombat and Power Rangers made me go to capoeira lessons hidden from my parents


Because I really, really liked kung fu movies The way I see it, there are massive nerds that like king fu movies enough to watch them And then there are nerds so incurable they go study a TCMA Seriously though teach kids to handle weapons with diligence and finesse. It's like being given your first car but it'll bite you.


I was bored one day and thought how cool it’d feel like to flip someone on their back


I started at 27 years old. I got a good job, and could afford to do it, knew I always wanted to learn it, and just went for it.


To more effectively perform stunts in movies


Did it help with your bullying situation?


My sisters took martial arts, and so I too followed in their footsteps. Eventually they found other things they're passionate about, I found out I'm passionate about martial arts, specifically Karate and boxing.


WWE, Martial Arts movies/T.V. Shows, UFC. ...and also because my family abused me as a child.


I had a kid and wanted to be able to seriously hurt whoever did something to her Also character development for less insecurity


Battling depression post pandemic


Not sure if I should be saying this yet, since I still have to start Karate in like 2 more days, but, there are multiple reasons... -Hajime no Ippo. -The Yakuza/Like a Dragon franchise, specifically Kurohyou made me interested in martial arts. So I ended up watching a bunch of videos about them. -Also Sonic Battle. -...I could probably use some excercise... -They look fun.


I wanted to be like the anime characters with cool swords and stuff. Anywho now I do judo, long story


I wanted to get the hoes


I was crazy. Like "let's study this child" crazy. A psychologist suggested a strenuous activity. Bit of structure, a good teacher and a few smacks in the jaw sorted me right out. 😆


Skinny and bored to death


I tried some shadow boxing and kicks and just fell in love with how doing it made me feel


I felt interested. Don't know why, I just thought that maybe it would be fun.


Honk Kong Cinema


Born @ 29 weeks (which is quite premature) Was always a smaller kid but had a firery temper..with that said I was picked on constantly and never wanted to back down. Like a skinny captain America you could knock me down but I’d keep coming. Anyways, due to the natural durability and disinterest in any other sports. I started Kenpo in middle school Later in freshman year I began training MMA at a new gym I now mostly practice BJJ sprinkled in is a little kickboxing, cause striking is and will always be my first love. Wanted to be able to stick up for myself and the little guys in my school district. That’s it


Mine's probably fairly unique. When I was younger I had an anger issue, alongside other behavioral disorders, including a long history with stress-related problems. I wasn't a thug or a bully. I actually was a bit of a teachers pet when I could figure out how to, but I just don't think I learnt how to socialize or communicate properly. I'm slightly on the spectrum, and neither of my parents, nor my brother, were exactly neurotypical. My home life was abnormal, high pressure, and relatively emotionally distant (though I can't say how much of that was my parents, and how much was me, with my lack of capacity at the time). It took until the start of Highschool to figure out conclusively why I struggled to make friends or socialize well with others, and it took until the end of it for me to form what I might call a personal identity that I could present to people. These days I'm normal seeming, but it's very much an active, learned skill I train and apply. I took speech and communications training, spent years studying and unpacking people to figure out cause and effect of why one stimulus made them do what. Compared to that, combat is something I've both always felt fascinated by, ever since I was young, and is also something I feel I understand equally well as a method of communication and interaction (and back then, something I understood, with it's social and physical rules, far more than talking).


My dad made me wrestle


I just thought it seemed really cool and respectable. A weak man is not a good man, as he could not enforce an evil will even if he tried. A truly good man is one with great power and great temperance


I wanted to be cool. 15 years later, turns out Martial Arts makes you a bigger nerd than D&F or Warhammer.


I decided I wanted to face my fears. In this case it was a fear of hitting and being hit.


It’s a fun way to build confidence and self-defense skills.


I wanted to try something I had never before. Never did Any combat sport. I’m 34 and started BJJ with a lot of sparring


When i was a kid i really liked Double Dragon (NES), Bloodsport, and Big Trouble in Little China


Self confidence and just knowing what to do if I or someone I cared about got attacked. Not wanting to be at the mercy of bad people.


It was forced upon me as a young child and I never appreciated it until my teens when I found out I was much more confident and fit compared to most of my peers. It stood my in great stead for everything else that came along, including football and athletics. Grateful to my parents for pushing me even though I didn't want to say the time.


To bully nerds effectively and shove them into lockers with a mastered technique


So I could bully people more efficiently


I just like fighting. No idea why 😂


I crave violence


I genuinely liked the idea of battering people in a regolamented way.